Smart Micro-Gasifier Stove: Performance Optimization Using Embedded Systems with IOT Integration
Tina Nkhoma, Daliso Banda
Science and Technology, 2024, 14(2), pp. 22-30
DOI: 10.5923/j.scit.20241402.02
Open Access
The traditional methods of cooking in many developing countries heavily rely on solid fuels such as wood, charcoal, and agricultural residues, leading to deforestation, indoor air pollution, and adverse health effects. Gasification, a technology that converts solid biomass into clean-burning gas, ...
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Evolution of Treatment for Giant Cell Tumor of Tubular Bones
Gafur-Akhunov M. A., Pulatova D. Sh., Abdikarimov Kh. G., Tadjibayev A. A., Kasimov U. K., Egamberdiev S. K., Tursinov I. T., Nasirov S. K.
American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 2024, 14(11), pp. 2854-2865
DOI: 10.5923/j.ajmms.20241411.39
Open Access
An analysis of the effectiveness of treating giant cell tumors of tubular bones was conducted in 462 patients who were treated in oncology clinics of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2010 to 2022. Of the 462 patients, 254 (54.9%) were men and 208 (45.1%) were women. In most cases, the tumor occurred ...
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Molecular Genetic Identification of Cucurbit Aphid-Borne Yellows Virus
B. Q. Abdikarimov, Z. N. Qodirova, T. X. Maxmudov
International Journal of Virology and Molecular Biology, 2024, 13(6), pp. 91-94
DOI: 10.5923/j.ijvmb.20241306.03
Open Access
The article examines the symptoms of luteovirus infection in chickpea fields cultivated in various ecological regions and analyzes the prevalence of the disease using the TBIA method. Additionally, the cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus, belonging to the Polerovirus genus, was identified as being ...
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Impact of Scalability in Computer Architecture
Pradeep Jain
American Journal of Computer Architecture, 2024, 11(5), pp. 66-74
DOI: 10.5923/j.ajca.20241105.03
Open Access
Whenever a software architect designs an application, then he/she needs to first and foremost understand and plan for functional requirements of the software. But nonfunctional requirements like Scalability, availability or security hold the same importance without which software application will ...
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