Special Issue Guidelines

All Special issues feature specifically aimed and targeted topics of interest contributed by authors responding to a particular Call for Papers or by invitation, edited by guest editor(s). We encourage you to submit proposals for creating special issues in areas that are of interest to the Journal.

The following general guidelines may help you in preparing and editing the special issue and you can also check our current call for papers for special issues.

Please complete your proposal (see the template) and send it to the Assistant Editor
(editorialboard.sapub@gmail.com, editorialboard2.sapub@gmail.com).

For a proposal for a special issue to be properly considered, it must contain the following information:
• Proposed title for the special issue.
• Description of the topic area to be focused upon and justification
• Estimated number of papers to accept to the special issue
• Tentative time-table for the special issue
• Name, contact, position, affiliation, and biography of the Guest Editor(s)

If a proposal is accepted, the guest editor will be responsible for:
1. Advertise Special Issue broadly in the community.
2. Develop the issue by soliciting contributions from persons who are doing important work in the chosen topic, which means the Editors are responsible for the invitation, collection and selection of the manuscripts for the Special Issue.
3. Conduct the whole review process of all submitted papers.
4. Interact with authors according time lines and make sure that all reviews are submitted such that the Special Issue’s time lines can be met.
5. The Guest Editor must liaise closely and regularly with the assistant editor to finalize the Call for Papers and all deadlines and scheduling issues associated with the production of the special issue.
6. When the review process is finalized the Guest Editors should prepare a 2-3 page introduction to the Special Issue.
Remarks/suggestions from the Assistant:
1. To ensure the success of the Special Issue, each Special Issue of the Journal should contain more than 4 papers and an Editorial Preface. Each paper should be no less than 4 pages. The maximum length of a Special Issue is one issue of the Journal.
2. Each paper must be reviewed by at least two international specialists (three in case of doubt) and revised in accordance with their comments. If major revision is asked for by one of the referees the paper must be reviewed again by at least one referee. The referees are the choice of the Editor.
3. Editors should appoint a panel of referees to help them in their task, bearing in mind the comment above concerning papers authored by Editors.

Special issue proposals should be submitted to the assistant editors
(editorialboard.sapub@gmail.com, editorialboard2.sapub@gmail.com).


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