
Education is a freely accessible, full-text, peer-reviewed, international journal that seeks out clear and significant contributions that further debate on educational issues. Education is interpreted in a wide manner and includes human development, learning, school education, formal and informal education, vocational education, industry training and lifelong learning. Articles are published from teachers, administrators, professors, graduate students, policy-makers, and education specialists.

ICV 2015: 76.80; ICV 2016: 85.20
Editor-in-chief: Michela Maschietto
p-ISSN: 2162-9463
e-ISSN: 2162-8467


Michela MaschiettoUniversità di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Editorial Board
Peter WilliamsUniversity of Hull, UK
Tommy TottenUniversity of Delaware, USA
Hua AiGeorgia Tech, USA
Diana DaySouthern Cross University, Australia
Maria Francisca CarneiroUniversidade Federal Do Parná, Brazil
Michael MahanGordon College, A Member of The University System of Georgia, USA
Catalina Sau Man NSUnivercity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Tali HeimanOpen University of Israel, Department of Education and Psychology, Israel
Thomas HanssonBlekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Tina ByromNottingham Trent University, UK
Ann BradleyAzusa Pacific University-School of Education, USA
Paul Hernandez-MartinezLoughborough University, UK
Waseem JerjesDepartment of Surgery, UK
Mojgan AfshariFaculty of Education, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Deborah SheldonTemple University, USA
Rafet Firat SipalHacettepe University, Turkey
Megan RussellNew College Swindon, UK
lokanath mishraVivekcollege of education, India
Muhammad SarwarUniversity of Sargodha, Pakistan
Anna DolgovaFaculty of Humanities, Belarus
Jesús ANZANOUniversity of Zaragoza, Spain
Boshra ArnoutKing Khalid University- Faculty of Education- Department of Psychology; Zagazig University- Faculty of Arts - Department of Psychology, Egypt