International Journal of Clinical Psychiatry

International Journal of Psychiatry publishes original research articles on psychiatry. The journal aims to provide a communication platform for psychiatrists and doctors working on psychiatry discuss issues on the subject. Also the journal provides related solutions for difficulties they encounter in their research and work.

ICV 2015: 73.51; ICV 2016: 85.40
p-ISSN: 2332-8355
e-ISSN: 2332-8371


Current Issue  

Volume 9, Number 1, 2022
  • Articles
Correlation of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) and Anxiety Levels After Covid-19 Vaccination
Kristanty Randa Arung, Tjandra Manukbua, Triapermatasari Buntugayang, Indra Zachreini
pp. 1-6
DOI: 10.5923/j.ijcp.20220901.01  823 Views  489 Downloads
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