International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy

The International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy ((IJIRE)) is an international interdisciplinary open access blind peer-reviewed refereed journal and is part of the International Inspiration Economy Project which includes publications of success stories, research, perspective, case studies outcomes and scientific studies in the areas of future coming economies with more focus on Inspiration Economy and Resilience Economy. This newly developed international journal (IJIRE) aims to cater more for the needs of those who want to contribute diverse papers in relevant to Inspiration, Inspiration Economy, Inspiration Engineering, Inspiration Psychology, Resilience & Co-existence Economies, Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation and Change Management Initiatives that influence the world or the specific communities Socio-Economies and any similar related research that would contribute to creating an inspiration driven economy directly or indirectly.

Editor-in-chief: Mohamed Buheji
p-ISSN: 2639-7307
e-ISSN: 2639-7323


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Review of the Challenges of Scientific Research in the Arab World and Its Influence on Inspiration Driven Economy
Dunya Ahmed, Jamal Albuarki
pp. 28-34
DOI: 10.5923/j.ijire.20170101.04  7508 Views  4494 Downloads
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Forward: The Pandemic Calls for More Colours Economies
Mohamed Buheji, Dunya Ahmed
pp. 1-3
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Psychology of Quality of Life and Its Relation to Psychology
Aissaoui Moudjahid, Baida Abdarrazak
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Role of African Women in Development and Economic Life: Reality and Challenges
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The Reconstruction of Family Identity through Food Consumption- The Case of Displaced Syrian Women in Jordan
Noor Jayousi
pp. 25-34
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Reality of Innovation Indicators in Algeria During the Period (2011-2015): An Analytical Study Using the Global Competitiveness Reports (GCR's)
Dr. Aboubaker Khoualed
pp. 16-24
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The Impact of Information Asymmetry on the Bank Financing of SMEs in Algeria: An Econometric Study
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Exploring the Implementation of Government Work Program towards Bahrain Economic Vision 2030 with Respect to Strategic and Project Management (A Retrospective Study for the Period 2011-2014)
Hanan Khairy
pp. 14-27
DOI: 10.5923/j.ijire.20170101.03  3234 Views  1473 Downloads
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‘Pure As’: Clean, Green and Covid-free! Environmental Issues Associated with the Notion of ‘Self-sufficiency’ and Sustainability in Post-pandemic New Zealand
Christine (Noor) Elizabeth Coutts
pp. 66-79
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Contribution of Income to the Improvement of Subjective Well-being in the Rural World in Algeria (Case of the Province of Mascara)
Elagag Mustapha, Berrefes Imene
pp. 80-86
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