American Journal of Systems Science

American Journal of System Science is a journal which publishes the field of science that studies the nature of complex systems in nature, society, and science. It aims to develop scientific foundations, which are applicable in a variety of areas, such as engineering, biology, medicine and social sciences. The journal is dedicated to publishing high quality original and innovative papers on theories, methodologies, and applications of systems science and complexity science, as well as insightful survey papers.

Editor-in-chief: Melio Sáenz
p-ISSN: 2332-8452
e-ISSN: 2332-8460


Latest Issue: Volume 7, Number 1 (2020)
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Volume 7, Number 1, 2020

  • Articles
A Systems Thinking Perspective on Abiogenesis
Jamie P. Monat
pp. 1-16
DOI: 10.5923/j.ajss.20200701.01   3461 Views  1866 Downloads
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