International Journal of Networks and Communications

International Journal of Networks and Communications is a peer-reviewed, international, open access journal that publishes original research and review articles in all areas of computer networks and communications. It is an international, archival journal providing a publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to those involved in the computer communications networking area.

ICV 2015: 75.08; ICV 2016: 85.70
Editor-in-chief: Vasim Babu M
p-ISSN: 2168-4936
e-ISSN: 2168-4944


Vasim Babu MKPR Institute of Engineering & Technology, Avinashi Road, Arasur, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Editorial Board
T T SreekumarDepartment of Communications & New Media, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Sherif KhattabComputer Science Dept., Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Egypt
Hung-Peng LeeFortune Institute of Technology, Taiwan
Hari OmDeemed Univeristy, India
Haitham TahaDepartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering/University of Technology/Baghdad, Iraq
Yi GuUniversity of Tenessee at Martin, USA
Suksant Sae LorCloud and Security Lab, Hewlett-Packard Labs, UK
Ram YadavaElectronics and Communication Engg. Dept.Galgotias College of Engg and Technology01, K.P-II, Gr. Noida, India
Ghasem MirjalilyYazd University, Iran
Mazdak ZamaniSchool of Arts and Sciences, Felician University, USA
Santosh Kumar NandaEastern Academy of Science and Technology, EAST, India
SALIM BITAMComputer Science Department, Mohamed Khider University of Biskra, Algeria
Manoj ShuklaHarcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur, India
Hamidah IbrahimUniversiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia