Journal of Safety Engineering

Journal of Safety engineering is a refereed journal focusing on both the theoretical and practical aspects of safety in engineering. Papers are sought in the theoretical domain as well as in such practical fields as industry and laboratory research. It is intended to bridge the gap between the theoretical experts and practitioners in the academic, scientific, government, and business communities.

ICV 2015: 76.18; ICV 2016: 81.70
Editor-in-chief: Kumar Neeraj Jha
p-ISSN: 2325-0003
e-ISSN: 2325-0011


Journal of Safety Engineering

Latest Issue: Volume 12, Number 1 (2023)
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  • Articles
Safety Improvement on Indian Highways
Chenchu Murali Krishna, Amarjit Singh, Kumar Neeraj Jha
pp. 1-12
DOI: 10.5923/   1209 Views  528 Downloads
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