International Journal of Ecosystem

The International Journal of Ecosystem (IJE) is a peer-reviewed journal publishes papers from original research in all areas of ecosystem structure and function as impacted by the changes in climate and land and water use and management practices in a given environment. In the aforementioned context the characterization of ecosystem structural components as community of plants, animals and smaller organisms that live, feed, reproduce and how they interact with each other in the same area or environment, their interdependency are essential for the improved understanding of the functioning of the structural components. The modifications in the structural components as impacted by human imposed changes and/or linked to climate changes are poorly understood and/or are not recorded after rigorous review. In aforementioned context the IJE provides a forum for discussion in the modifications in ecosystem structural components and the associated functions around the world, particularly from developing countries, aimed at the sustainable use of natural resources. Critical review articles are also welcome.

ICV 2015: 75.75; ICV 2016: 82.70
Editor-in-chief: Velu Rasiah
p-ISSN: 2165-8889
e-ISSN: 2165-8919


The International Journal of Ecosystem (IJE) is a peer-reviewed journal publishes papers from original research in all areas of ecosystem structure and function as impacted by the changes in climate and land and water use and management practices in a given environment. In the aforementioned context the characterization of ecosystem structural components as community of plants, animals and smaller organisms that live, feed, reproduce and how they interact with each other in the same area or environment, their interdependency are essential for the improved understanding of the functioning of the structural components. The modifications in the structural components as impacted by human imposed changes and/or linked to climate changes are poorly understood and/or are not recorded after rigorous review. In aforementioned context the IJE provides a forum for discussion in the modifications in ecosystem structural components and the associated functions around the world, particularly from developing countries, aimed at the sustainable use of natural resources. Critical review articles are also welcome.
Subject areas suitable for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields:
  Aquatic Ecosystem
  Biogeochemical Cycle
  Business Ecosystem
  Coral Reef
  Desert Earth Science
  Ecological Economics
  Ecological Yield
  Ecosystem Diversity
  Ecosystem Ecology
  Ecosystem Engineer
  Ecosystem Management
  Ecosystem Model
  Ecosystem Services
  Ecosystem Valuation
  Food Chain
  Global Warming
  Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
  Human Ecosystem
  Invasive Species
  Landscape Ecology
  Large Marine Ecosystem
  Littoral Zone
  Marine Ecosystem
  Natural Environment
  Natural Landscape
  Natural Resource
  Pond Ecosystem
  Riparian zone
  Software Ecosystem
  Subsurface Lithoautotrophic Microbial Ecosystem
  Sustainable Development
  Urban Ecosystem