Workplace Burnout
Submission deadline: 05/30/2017
Scope and purposes
Purposes of this special edition are - • Publish evidence-based information.
- • Dispensing of clinical experience.
- • Publish innovative and topical research that addresses Workplace burnout.
- • Address Workplace burnout, strategies to prevent and manage at organizational level in different regions from all over the world.
Scopes of this special edition are limited to – Stress in the workplace is becoming a concern in the worldwide, where employees are overloaded with the multiple tasks, insecurity in the job, poor job satisfaction and lack of autonomy to do the work. Workplace stress effects not only work outcome but also deteriorates health, quality of life, and reduce organizational profit. There are many ways to eliminate or reduce workplace stress. It is the employee, who needs to identify the sign of feeling of stressed and burn-out before it gets worse (e.g. absenteeism, change in profession, etc). Similarly, employers have to be aware about their employee’s stress and take preventive strategies and create a healthy environment.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Stress at workplace • Determinants of workplace stress • Effects of workplace stress on employee and employer • Job satisfaction and workplace stress • Measurement of workplace stress • Preventive strategies for workplace stress • Quality of life of employees • Quality of workout come and workplace stress • Holistic approaches to reduce and mange workplace stress • Healthy work environment
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
Deadline for
Notification of final decision:
Estimated Publication:
09/01/2017 (Tentative)
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by < 05/30/2017> at Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
Rakesh SharmaCollege of Nursing, All India Institute of Medical Sciences-Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Manuscript submission deadline
Clinical Dermatology
Submission deadline: 05/01/2015
Scope and purposes
Clinical dermatology is developing on a fast track in the field of medicine. New innovations, disease mechanisms and therapeutics are being discovered targeting better diagnosis and management of patient. In this issue we will highlight major advances in cutaneous disorders including psoriasis and its management, eczemas and biologics.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Psoriasis in adults • Psoriasis in children • Psoriasis management • Biologics • Eczemas and its management • Lichen planus
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
Deadline for
Notification of final decision:
Estimated Publication:
08/01/2015 (Tentative)
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by <05/01/2015> at Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
Iqbal A. BukhariProfessor and Consultant Dermatologist, Dermatology Department, College of Medicine, University of Dammam and King Fahd Hospital of the University, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Manuscript submission deadline
Submission deadline: 11/30/2014
Scope and purposes
Gerontology is the discipline that studies, in a systemic manner, the process of aging through two points of view: the way aging affects the person and the way that aging changes society (Ruiz, 2012). Furthermore, gerontologists consider two different “kinds” of aging, or two lenses trough, which the concept of aging are viewed: population aging and individual aging. Population aging describes the overall number of persons born in a specific period of time. While, individual aging, describes the life expectancy that nowadays is substantially greater (Cutler, 2014). It is important to recognize that the aging of the population shouldn’t be consider as something negative but as a positive consequence of the medical, technological advances and cultural changes, which have diminished the mortality and increased life expectancy. Additionally, the decrease in rates of fecundity and birthrate, explains the increase in this population sector. This is why as the demands of medical, assistance and sociocultural services increases; this would imply a more healthy and active aging (Pi?a, 2012). However, older individuals typically experience impairments in physical functioning and increasing incidence of chronic health problems. Although some decline with age is inevitable, considerable evidence indicates that physically active older individuals maintain healthy functioning than do sedentary peers (Garatachea, Molinero, Martínez-García, Jiménez-Jiménez, González-Gallego & Márquez, 2009). Nevertheless, even in the United States, the number of health professionals and service providers with training in gerontology and geriatrics is insufficient. A reality that may be due to the notion that the aging process should be medicalized and the existing belief that the health systems was developed to treat acute episodes rather than chronic conditions and eldercare which has tended toward hospitalization and residential-based care (Perkinson, 2013). The purpose of this volume is to provide the professional community with the necessary knowledge and understanding regarding the elderly population and their current problems and solutions. Also, we want to encourage researchers in gerontology to provide their most recent elderly investigations with the intent of providing better quality of life to this population.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Elderly problems: An epidemiological approach • Psychological well-being in the aged • Psychopathologies and treatment: new visions • Health Social determinants: The elderly • Alzheimer: new perspectives and novel treatments • Recreational Activities • Minority Elderly: Program interventions
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
Deadline for
Notification of final decision:
Estimated Publication:
04/30/2015 (Tentative)
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by <11/30/2014> at Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
José Rodríguez-GómezCarlos Albizu University & University of Puerto Rico
Manuscript submission deadline