New approaches and alternatives to improve Public Health
Submission deadline: 10/15/2017
Scope and purposes
Concern for effective therapies and procedures to improve patients' quality of life and adherence to the treatment has led some pharmaceutical companies and governments to invest in educational programs. Since in the literature there are still few studies related to preventive and therapeutic education (mainly private ones), it is imperative that the overall care of this individual be performed. Studies have shown that the quality of life of these patients can be modified through their attitude, responses and action, of the professionals involved, care givers and health policies, so that they have the possibility to develop abilities, skills and choices. Pharmaceutical industries and University Hospitals are trying to innovate in this area, using health professionals who specialize in the orientation of each disease and its treatment. The education programs are developed based on methodologies, techniques of approach and the concept of humanized care, with a simple, clear, objective and accessible language. This way, health instructors enables the patient to the correct use of the prescribed medicines, which may reduce their adverse effects and increase their effectiveness, creating adherence to the treatment and better quality of life.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Health Programs/ Educational Programs • Health Instructors • Alternatives to Public Health • Patient Counseling • Multi-professional activities in Public Health
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
Deadline for
Notification of final decision:
Estimated Publication:
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by <10/15/2017> at Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
Amanda Henriques CavalheiroSpecialist Pharmacist (Pharmacology and Drug Interactions – UNINTER, Brazil); Health Instructor (AzimuteMed®, Brazil); Pharmacy teacher (Cebrac®, Brazil), Biochemistry-pharmacist (USP, Brazil)
Manuscript submission deadline
Food Processing and Food Contaminants
Submission deadline: 08/01/2017
Scope and purposes
Most local foods being processed in developing countries are still being carried out using traditional method. This is because the local processor owns the knowledge but lack basic scientific knowledge of improving the microbial and chemical quality of the processed food. The purpose of this journal is to publish papers that focus on identification of points of different food contaminants along the processing chain, developing a traceability system for monitoring different food contaminants, innovative methods for improving traditional methods of food processing and the possible impact of food contaminants on food quality and human health.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Enhancing the physical and chemical quality of locally processed food • Postharvest and processing practices • Biomarkers for monitoring and detecting food contaminants • Toxicity of food additives • Quantitative and qualitative assessments of food contaminants • Innovative methods of food processing • Environmental food contaminants • Improving food regulatory laws
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
Deadline for
Notification of final decision:
Estimated Publication:
November 2017 (Tentative)
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by <08/01/2017> at Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
Dr. Esiegbuya Daniel OfeoritseNigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research, Plant Pathology Division, Nigeria
Manuscript submission deadline
Food and Cancer Prevention
Submission deadline: 05/15/2017
Scope and purposes
Cancer is one of the leading diseases of morbidity and mortality worldwide, which was responsible for 8.8 million death in 2015. The number of new cancer cases is expected to rise by about 70% over the next 2 decades. Huge amount of funding and resources have been applied to cancer study and congress of the United States passed the 21st Century Cures Act in December 2016 authorizing $1.8 billion in funding for the Cancer Moonshot over 7 years, which is a key project to accelerate cancer research. It is estimated that approximately one third of the cancer cases in the United States are preventable through healthy dietary and lifestyle patterns. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help reduce the risk of many cancers, which might be mainly due to their rich sources of bioactive components. What is more, studies show that many specific diets, such as Mediterranean diet, are related with lower cancer rate and longevity. Dietary supplements, such as carotenoids, vitamin D, anthocyanin, green tea extracts and flavonoids have been demonstrated their roles in cancer prevention. However, controversial result also show that certain nutrient has different functions in different populations: use of beta-carotene is beneficial for non-smoker people for preventing lung cancer; but use of beta-carotene has been associated with an increased risk of lung cancer in people who smoke or who have been exposed to asbestos. In addition, food metabolites have shown differences in quantities and varieties among clinical subjects during dietary interventions, which can have a significant influence on the ability of foods to impact cancer risk. In the era of personalized medicine and next generation sequencing, personalized diet is also essential for cancer research and public health. To discover the power of cancer prevention from the food in different populations, we are excited to announce the topic of this special issue: Food and Cancer prevention.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Evaluation of whole food or certain food extracts on cancer prevention • Evaluation of dietary supplements on cancer prevention • Evaluation of certain diet on cancer prevention and recurrence.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
Deadline for
Notification of final decision:
Estimated Publication:
07/01/2017 (Tentative)
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by <05/15/2017> at, Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
Liye SuoBaylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX United States
Junnan GuClongen Laboratories, Gaithersburg, MD United States
Manuscript submission deadline
Postpartum Nutrition
Submission deadline: 01/31/2015
Scope and purposes
After giving birth, optimal nutrition is required to ensure optimal health status of the mother as well as the baby. However, for certain countries, mainly in the East, majority of the postpartum mothers practice certain food beliefs which may have relationships with ethnicity, religious and region. Some mothers avoid and consume certain foods which may differ to the other mothers. These food beliefs are believed to have significant effects on the wellbeing of the mother and the baby. For the extreme mothers, the food beliefs may produce negative effects. What are the food beliefs among the Eastern mothers? Are they good or bad for health? Which foods will give the best outcome to the mothers and the babies? Which foods have to be avoided postpartum to avoid certain conditions? These questions always need to be answered to avoid confusion among the postpartum mothers to practice.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Postpartum Optimal Nutrition • Postpartum Food Beliefs
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
Deadline for
Notification of final decision:
Estimated Publication:
05/31/2015 (Tentative)
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by <01/31/2015> at Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
Aryati AhmadUniversiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia
Manuscript submission deadline
Food Chemistry and Analysis, Fats and oils
Submission deadline: March15, 2014
Scope and purposes
This topic (Food chemistry and analysis) include the analysis of food structure. The quality and quantity analysis of new food and processed food may be important issue and is interesting area for researches. Investigation chemical analysis is the purpose of this topic. Fats and oils is a good topic for this special issue. Various oils used for cooking or frying food. Searching for new oils and measure the changes of oils in frying process is interested. Also during frying the food, many interactions such as oxidation and hydrolysis are happened and many compounds such as free fatty acid, cyclic and dimeric triacylglycerols and many oxidation products will generate. These compounds may have negative nutritional effects so the investigation the levels of these oxidation compounds is interested for many researchers.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Food chemistry and Analysis: Quality analysis, quantity analysis, nutrition effect, additive, vitamin, antioxidant, physic chemical analysis. • Fats and Oils: Analysis, Oxidation, analysis of new oil, frying and heating, Sterols, photooxiation.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
March15, 2014
Deadline for
May 30, 2014
Notification of final decision:
June 15, 2014
Estimated Publication:
July, 2014 (Tentative)
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by March15, 2014 at Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
Elham TabeeSwedish Agricultural University, Uppsala Sweden
Manuscript submission deadline
March15, 2014