International Journal of Composite Materials

The International Journal of Composite Materials is a bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal. The journal covers all scientific and technological aspects of composite materials and their structures, including physical, chemical, artificial, mechanical, and other properties of Composite Materials as well as microscopic to macroscopic behavior studied both experimentally and theoretically.

ICV 2015: 75.41; ICV 2016: 88.50 h5-index: 9, h5-median: 11
(Based on Google Scholar Metrics(June 2017))

p-ISSN: 2166-479X
e-ISSN: 2166-4919


Subject areas suitable for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields:
  Characterization and Evaluation of Materials
  Polymer Science
  Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  Mechanical Aspects of Composite Materials
  Numerical Methods and Optimal Design of Structures
  Materials Engineering
  Applied Composite Materials