International Journal of Plant Research

International Journal of Plant Research publishes the best original research papers in all key areas of modern plant biology from the world's leading laboratories, International Journal of Plant Research provides a dynamic forum for this ever growing international research community. It is an international publication that gathers and disseminates fundamental knowledge in all areas of plant sciences.

ICV 2015: 76.89; ICV 2016: 81.70
p-ISSN: 2163-2596
e-ISSN: 2163-260X


  • Articles
Setaria Faberi Seed Heteroblasty Blueprints Seedling Recruitment: II. Seed Behavior in the Soil
K. Jovaag, J. Dekker, B. Atchison
pp. 1-10
DOI: 10.5923/j.plant.20110101.01   6598 Views  2532 Downloads
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Phytochemical Analysis and In Vitro Evaluation of Antifungal Activity of Five Invasive Plant Species against Macrophomina Phaseolina (Tassi) Goid
S. Rashmi, H. G. Rajkumar
pp. 11-15
DOI: 10.5923/j.plant.20110101.02   13288 Views  6853 Downloads
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Molecular Analysis of a Copper- and Zinc-Containing Superoxide Dismutase Gene Isolated From the Latex of Euphorbia Characias: Another Piece in the Molecular Puzzle of Euphorbiaceae Latex Proteins
E. Atzori, A. Rescigno, A. Padiglia
pp. 16-24
DOI: 10.5923/j.plant.20110101.03   6683 Views  3400 Downloads
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Study on Seasonal Variation on the Content of Cucurbitacin of Various Vegetative Parts of Trichosanthes cucumerina L. var. cucumerina
N. K. Devendra, E. G. Attard, D. Raghunandan, Y. N. Seetharam
pp. 25-28
DOI: 10.5923/j.plant.20110101.04   10053 Views  5119 Downloads
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Phytochemical Screening and Biological Activity of Calotropis Procera (Ait). R. Br. (Asclepiadaceae) Against Selected Bacteria and Anopheles stephansi Larvae
Hiren Doshi, Hitesh Satodiya, Mukund Chandra Thakur, Farzin Parabia, Arif Khan
pp. 29-33
DOI: 10.5923/j.plant.20110101.05   13036 Views  5121 Downloads
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