American Journal of Sociological Research

American Journal of Sociological Research is a peer-reviewed journal which gets an international referee board, mainly embodied from each individually expert professional on the social research fields. The journal contributes to all of the social sciences. It welcomes articles on all aspects of developments that contribute to the improvement of social science knowledge.

ICV 2015: 76.36; ICV 2016: 85.20
Editor-in-chief: Didem Akyol Altun
p-ISSN: 2166-5443
e-ISSN: 2166-5451


  • Articles
Witches' Camps in Northern Ghana: Are They Safe for the Inmates? – A Qualitative Study on the Psycho-Social Conditions of Alleged Witches in Some Witches' Camps in Northern Ghana
Thomas Bavo Azongo, Adadow Yidana, Alhassan Musah
pp. 29-36
DOI: 10.5923/j.sociology.20201002.01   4077 Views  1163 Downloads
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