American Journal of Polymer Science

American Journal of Polymer Science has provided a continuous forum for the dissemination of thoroughly peer-reviewed, fundamental, international research into the preparation and properties of macromolecules. The journal is selective in accepting contributions on the basis of merit and originality. Preference is given to contributions that offer new or more comprehensive concepts, interpretations, experimental approaches, and results.

ICV 2015: 76.75
Editor-in-chief: Gheorghe Ilia
p-ISSN: 2163-1344
e-ISSN: 2163-1352


  • Articles
Preparation and Characterization of Polyisocyanurate Modified Polyimide Foam
Ganiyu K. Latinwo, Samuel E. Agarry, Bukola K. Olopade, Vincent E. Efeovbokhan, Jimoh O. Hamed
pp. 23-28
DOI: 10.5923/j.ajps.20180802.01   5992 Views  2354 Downloads
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