International Journal of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Social Science

International Journal of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Social Science is a peer reviewed journal edited by “JAMSS Editors” and hosted under the Scientific & Academic Publishing. The journal publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of social science studies. The journal is published in both printed and online versions. Language of the research and review articles is Turkish (including an English title, author/ affiliation information and abstract) and English. The online version is freely accessible and downloadable.


Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Social Science

Assistant Professor, UNIVERSIDADE DE AVEIRO, Portugal

Research Areas




Academic Achievement

Extensive experience in diversified areas of Education and Philosophy: Ethics in Psychology; Health; Philosophical ethics; applied ethics (Education, Psychology; Health; Environmental; Animal ethics and cognition; Multi/interculturalism); Ethics in research in Education; History and Philosophy of Education; Education and Values (Philosophy); Violence and Bullying in Education; Democracy and Social Philosophy and Politics and Education.
Editorial Experience: editorial member, guest editor, academic member and peer reviewer of several national and international journals and books in the specialty. Founder of an international magazine.
PEER REVIEWER AND EDITORIAL MEMBER AND IN CHIEF OF SEVERAL SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL JOURNALS SINCE 2002 UP TO TODAY. Specialization Keywords: Philosophy; Ethics; Ethics in educational research and social sciences research; Ethics and Psychology; Ethics and Science; Ethics and Health Sciences; Ethics in Education; Philosophy of Education; Democracy and Education; Values Education; Philosophy and animal ethics; Violence and Bullying in Education; Citizenship Education; the philosophical problem of Consciousness; Consciousness, free will and moral responsability.


Research Units (Full member): Research centres of Education (CIDTFF- University of Aveiro); Contemporary Philosophy (Centre for Mind, Language and Action Group of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Porto). Currently, I’m a full member of the Research Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Aveiro.

Publications: Journals

[1]  1.Pedro, A. Axiology and Ethics, morals, values: confusions and ambiguities around a common concept. Kriterion vol. 55 No. 130, pp. 1-14, Belo Horizonte 2014 Dec.
[2]  2.Pedro, A. (2014). Ethics as conatus of Espinosa, Notebooks of Espinosa, Sao Paulo, n. 29, p. 26-36.
[3]  3.Pedro, A. (2013). A question of responsibility (environmental ethics). Educere et Educare; Vol. 8, At 15 (2013): Dossier of Education field; 223-238.
[4]  4. Pedro, A. & Pires, l. (2013). Measurement of the value tolerance vs. Discrimination among university students in Portugal. Est. Endorsement. Educ., São Paulo, v. 24, n. 56, p. 186-219, Sept./dez. 2013
[5]  5.Pedro, A. (2013). Ethics, morals, axiology and values: confusions and ambiguities around a common concept. Kriterion Magazine. Federal University of Minas Gerais. Faculty of philosophy and Humanities.
[6]  6.Pedro, A. (2012). School Violence and Violence in School - a proposal for a Teacher Training Curriculum. The Journal of Education. Vol.2, No.4, July 2012, Pp. 73-83. p-ISSN: 2162-9463 e-ISSN: 2162-8467, doi: 10.5923/ Available at:
[7]  7.Pedro, A. (2012). Ethics and quality of life: the right of the elderly to die with dignity and its educational implications. Revista Nuances: estudos sobre Educação. Vol.22, Nº 23, Pp.171-186. ISSN (impresso): 1413-9855. ISSN (Eletrônico): 2236-0441.
[8]  8.Pedro, A. (2012). -Ethics and free will. Magazine Nuances: studies on Education. Vol.23, Nº 24, ISSN (impresso): 1413-9855. ISSN (Eletrônico): 2236-0441. Pp. 79-92. Available at:
[9]  9.Pedro, A. (2011). The question of reason and responsibility and the problem of irrationality in moral action. Foundation-research journal in philosophy. Ed. research group in contemporary philosophy of the course of Philosophy at the Federal University of Ouro Preto (Brazil) (UFOP). ISSN: 2177-6563. Available at::
[10]  10. Pedro, A. (Coord.), (2024). (In)temporal Geographies: Memory, Identities and Cultures. Ed. Humus, Aveiro.

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  1.Pedro, A. (2022). Animal ethics: anthropomorphism, skepticism and animal morality. Porto Alegre, RS: Editora Fi. (Animal ethics: anthropomorphism, skepticism and animal morality
[2]  2. Pedro, A. (2022). Ethics in research in education: contributions of philosophy to (a) the ethical training of researchers in education. Porto Alegre, RS: Editora Fi. (Ethics in research in education: contributions of philosophy to the ethical training of researchers in education.)
[3]  3. Pedro, A. (2015). Ethics and Education. Minerva. Aveiro. 619pp. ISBN: 978-989-20-604
[4]  4. Pedro, A. (2015). Representations, Identities and Practices of Teachers' Teachers. Minerva. Aveiro. 131 pp. ISBN: 978-989-20-6041-5
[5]  5. Pedro, A. (2013). The importance of the mind and the communication factor in the structuring of reality. A rehearsal from Gregory Bateson's perspective. Minerva. Aveiro. 257 pp. ISBN: 978-989-20-4007-3
[6]  6. Pardal, L., Gonçalves, M., Martins, A., Neto-Mendes, A. & Pedro, A. (2011). Teaching work: representations and construction of professional identity. University of Aveiro. Aveiro ISBN:978-989-97-392-4-6
[7]  7. Pedro, A. (2002). Paths of education in values in Portugal - influences and perspectives. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. FCT. Lisbon. 330pp. ISBN: 972-31- 0949-2
[8]  8. Pedro, A.; Peter, H. (coord). (2002). Violence at school. Train to intervene, intervene to prevent. Eds Project NOVA RES. Collection of nonviolence. University of Aveiro. Aveiro. 3rd VOLS. ISBN: 972-789-075-X
[9]  9. Tavares, J; Pereira, A.; Pedro, A.; Sá, H. (org.) (1999). Investigate and Train in Education. Ed. FCG. IIE. FCT. Lisbon. 1st Vol. 223-238. ISBN: 972-96834-6-8
[10]  10. Tavares, J.; Brandão, A; Sousa, L.; Pedro, A; Portugal, G.; Pereira, A. (eds). (1996). The child and adolescent with special educational difficulties. What school for their autonomy and integration? University of Aveiro. Aveiro. ISBN: 9728021151
[11]  11. Pedro, A. (Coord.). (2024). Geografias (in)temporais: identidade, memória e cultura. V. N. Famalicão: Eds. Húmus. ISBN: 978-989-9213-33-3.
[12]  12. Pardal, L., Gonçalves, M., Martins, A., Neto-Mendes, A. & Pedro, A. (Eds). (2011). Trabalho docente: representações e construção de identidade profissional. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro. ISBN: 978-989-97-392-4-6.
[13]  13. Pedro, A., Martins A. & Fernandes C. (Coords.) (2007). Congresso Educação e Democracia. Representações Sociais, Práticas Educativas e Cidadania . Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro. [publicação em CD-ROM – ISBN: 978-972-789-240-2].
[14]  14. Pedro, A. & Pedro, H. (Coords.). (2002). A violência na escola. Formar para intervir, intervir para prevenir. Aveiro: Eds. Projecto NOVASRES, Universidade de Aveiro. Coleção Artífices da Não Violência. ISBN: 972-789-075-X .
[15]  15. Pedro, A. & Pedro, H. (2002). A violência na escola. Formar para intervir, intervir para prevenir. Aveiro. Projecto NOVAS RES. ISBN:972-789-075-X
[16]  16. Pedro, A. (2002). Olhares plurais da (não)violência. Aveiro. Projecto NOVAS RES. ISBN:972-789-077-6
[17]  17. Pedro, A. (2002). A violência na escola. A voz das crianças. Aveiro. Projecto NOVAS RES. ISBN:972-789-076-8
[18]  18. Pedro, A. (2022). Ética animal: antropomorfismo, ceticismo e moralidade animal. Porto Alegre, RS: Editora Fi. ISBN: 978-65-5917-395-2.
[19]  19. Pedro, A. (2022). Ética na investigação em educação: contributos da filosofia para (um)a formação ética dos investigadores em educação. Porto Alegre, RS: Editora Fi. ISBN: 978-65-5917-396-9.
[20]  20. Pedro, A. (2015). Ética e Educação. Aveiro: Editorial Minerva. ISBN: 978-989-20-6042-2.
[21]  21. Pedro, A. (2013). A importância da mente e o fator comunicacional na estruturação da realidade. Um ensaio na perspetiva de Gregory Bateson. 22. Aveiro: Editorial Minerva. ISBN: 978-989-20-4007-3.
[22]  22. Pedro, A. (2002). Percursos da educação em valores em Portugal – influências e estratégias. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, FCT. ISBN: 972-31-0949-2.