[1] | Shrivastava VK and Singh SK (1982) : Differntial effects of cadmium chlopride on scrotal and cryptorchid testis of the laboratory mouse. The Indian Jour. of Zootomy, Vol. XXIII (2): 71-75. |
[2] | Shrivastava VK and Tripathi G (1983): Effect of female sex steroid on uterine and vaginal weight of the mouse Mus musculus. The Indian Jour. of Zootomy, Vol. XXIV (3): 145-151. |
[3] | Shrivastava VK and A.G. Sathyaneshan (1986): Effect of antiandrogen on the hypothalamic gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) and glutamate contents of the Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti(Wroughton). Exp. Clinc. Endocrinol., 87 (3): 349-352. |
[4] | Shrivastava VK, S.R. Katti and A.G. Sathyaneshan (1987): Effect of lead nitrate on thyroid function of the Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti(Wroughton). Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 38: 981-984. |
[5] | Shrivastava VK and A. G. Sathyaneshan (1988) : Effect of cadmium chloride on thyroid activity of the female Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti(Wroughton). Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 40: 268-272. |
[6] | Shrivastava VK and A. G. Sathyaneshan (1988) : Cadmium chloride induced changes in the hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine noradrenaline and dopamine levels in the Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti (Wroughton). Toxicology Letters, 41 : 93-96. |
[7] | Shrivastava VK, P. Manickam and A. G. Sathyaneshan (1989) : Effect of flutamide (FLU) on the hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine noradrenaline (NA) and dopamine (DA) contents in the female Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti(Wroughton). Neuroendocrine Letters. 11, (4): 221-226. |
[8] | Shrivastava VK (1989) : Seasonal variation in hypothalamic monoamine oxidase (MAO) in female the Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennant (Wroughton). Indian Jour. of Zootomy. (Accepted). |
[9] | Shrivastava VK and A. G. Sathyaneshan (1989) : Effect of cadmium chloride on the ovarian histology, catecholamine and hydroxytryptamine levels in the Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti (Wroughton). Naturalia, (Brasil) Vol. 15. 11-19, 1990. |
[10] | Shrivastava VK (1990) : Antiandrogen induced change in hypothalamic monoamine oxidase in Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti(Wroughton). Indian Jour. of Zootomy. (Accepted in). |
[11] | Shrivastava, V. K.(1991) : Cadmium chloride induced changes in the adrenal of the female Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti(Wroughton). Accepted in Environmental Geochemistry in Health. |
[12] | Shrivastava VK and Shereen Khan (1992) : Mercuric chloride induced changes in adrenal gland of female mouse, Mus musculus. Naturalia, Sao Paulo, 17: 43-50. |
[13] | Shrivastava VK, A. Shrivastava, Shailendra and C.V. David (1993). Methyl amine induced changes in testis of rat, Rattus rattus. Accepted in Int. J. Toxicol. Occup. Environ. Health. (India). |
[14] | Shrivastava VK (1993) : Cyproteron acetate induced changes in the hypothalamic monoamine oxidase activity,5-hydroxytryptamine noradrenaline and dopamine levels in the female Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti (Wroughton). "Neuroendocrinology Letters ", Vol.15.(5) : 397-406. |
[15] | Shrivastava VK and S. Bhagwat (1995): methyl amine induced changes in ovary of mice, Mus musculus (P). Chem. Environ. Res. 4(1&2): 135-139. |
[16] | Shrivastava, V. K., C.V. David, Navneeta Khare and Neeta Khare (1996). Cobalt chloride induced histopathological changes in thyroid gland of mice, Mus musculus. Pollution Reserch, 15 (3). 307-309. |
[17] | Shrivastava VK, Sanjay M. and Shrivastava, V. K., (1996): Carbaryl induced changes in hypothalamine gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) and glutamate contents in male mice Mus musculus. Bulletin of Association of Zoologists, 3 (2): 44-46. |
[18] | Shrivastava VK, Navneeta Khare, Sanjay M. Shrivastava and R. Shrivastava (1998): Interaction of Cobalt chloride and testosterone, alone or in combination on male reproductive organs of mice, Mus musculus. J. Exp. Zool. India, Vol. 1(2), 95-102. |
[19] | David C.V. and Shrivastava VK (1998): Biochemical and histopathological changes in the liver of Mus musculus with special reference to mercury and lead.Communicated in "Bulletin of Association of Zoologists", Baramati. |
[20] | Shrivastava, S.M. and Shrivastava VK (1998): Toxicological effect of carbaryl on testicular morphology, gonadotrophin, alkaline and acid phosphatase, total lipid and testosterone levels in Mus musculus. Pollution Research, 17(3), 215-218. |
[21] | Shrivastava VK, David C.V. and Vijayvergey Priti (1999): Combined effects of lead and ethanol on thyroid gland of Mus musculus (P). J. Exp. Zool. India,Vol, 2 (1),67-70. |
[22] | Shrivastava VK, and David, C.V. (1999): Histopathological changes in testis of albino mice after chronically treated with heavy metals. J. Exp. Zool. India. |
[23] | Shrivastava VK and. Shrivastava, S.M (2000): Histopathological studies in pituitary of carbaryl treated male Mus musculus. J. natcon 12 (1). |
[24] | David,C.V. and Shrivastava VK (2000): Cadmium chloride, Lead nitrate and mercuric chloride induced changes in hypothalamic gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate levels in the mice Mus musculus (P). Pollution Research, 19 (2) 311-314. |
[25] | Shrivastava S,M,. and Shrivastava VK (2000): carbaryl induced changes in the TSH and PBI and thyroid activity of Mus musculus. J. Exp. Zool, India, 39 (1)55-58. |
[26] | Varughese Lallu and Shrivastava VK (2000): Conservation: Its importance and management with special reference to Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve. Proc. Of national seminar on Biodiversity Conservation and Management. 24-27 November, 58-62. |
[27] | Tiwari Abha and Shrivastava VK (2001): Acetaminophen poisoning induced ezymological and biochemical changes in liver and kidney of male mice Mus musculus. Biochem. Cell Arch, Vol (1 & 2), 71-76. |
[28] | Shrivastava VK,R. Shrivastava & Arun Raghuwanshi (2001): Changes in the biogenic amines in total brain of Mus musculus after methyl mercury exposure. Biochem. Cell. Arch., Vol 1, Oct 2001 |
[29] | Tiwari Abha and Shrivastava VK (2002) Acetaminophen induced histopathological changes in the adrenal of male mus musculus and the use of methionine as an antidote. J.Exp. Zool. India. Vol. 5 (1) 25-31 |
[30] | Tiwari Abha and Shrivastava VK,Varughese Lallu and Shrivastava R. ((2004): Acetaminophen poisoning induced histological changes in testis and use of methionine as antidote in male mice Mus musculus. J. Exp. Zool. India. Vol. 7 (2) 295-300. |
[31] | M. Parveen, Shrivastava VK, MS Qureshi, and Santosh Kumar(2005): Effect of garlic on spleen enzymes depleted by the chronic in-vivo toxicity of sevin in Mus musculus. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 6 (4):571-572 |
[32] | Shobha Sinha and Shrivastava VK (2005): Dichlorovos induced changes in protein content, GOT, GPT, ACP, and ALP enzyme activities in liver and kidney of male Mus musculus (P).Poll. Res. Vol 24(1):153-156. |
[33] | Khan Asma And Shrivastava VK (2005): Antitoxic and bioenhancing role of Kamdhenu Ark (cow urine distilate) on fertility rate of male mice Mus musculus affected by cadmium chloride toxicity. International Journal Of Cow Science,Vol. 1(2):43-46 |
[34] | Gautam Varsha and Shrivastava VK(2006): Dichlorvos induced changes in enzyme activities in testies and adrenal glands of male Mus musculus (P). Journal Of Biosciences.Vol 1 (2): 24-25. |
[35] | Varughese Lallu and Shrivastava VK(2006): The occurrence and daily activity pattern of indian gaint squrrel Ratufa indica in two riverine forest fragment of Pachmari Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh. Journal Of Applied Bioscience Vol. 32(1): 87-92. |
[36] | Khan A, Panwar P and Shrivastava VK(2006): Cytological effect of heavy metal HgCl2 and urea on root meristem of Allium cepa. Polution Research. Vol. 25 (4): 39-42. |
[37] | Murmu S, Khan A, Shrivastava VK and Wanganeo A (2006): Histopathological effects of pyrethrin in liver and kidney of fresh water fish Clarias batrachus. Ind. Jour. of Applied life Sciences, Vol. 2 |
[38] | Kapil K. Soni and Shrivastava VK(2006): Sodium fluoride induced histopathological changes in adrenal gland of male Mus musculus. National Journal of Life Sciences. Vol.3(3)267-270. |
[39] | Khan A, Murmu S and Shrivastava VK(2007): Priventive role of Kamdhenu Ark (Cow Urine Distlate) against cadmium toxicity on enzyme activities in liver of male mice Mus musculus (P). Indian Jour. Of Applied Life Sciences,Vol. 2(1&2):87-90. |
[40] | Murmu S and Shrivastava VK(2007): Pyrethrin induced changes in enzymological activities (GOT, GPT, ACP and ALP) in liver and kidney of fresh water fish Clarias batrachus.Biospectra.Vol.2 (1): 89-93. |
[41] | Verma S, Shrivastava R, Prasad PK and Shrivastava VK(2007): Parthenium hysterophorus induced changes in biogenic amines (5-hydroxytryptamine, noradrenaline and dopamine) level in total brain of male Mus musculus. Phytotherapy Research,UK.Vol.21: 183-185 |
[42] | Khan Asma and Shrivastava VK(2007): Antagonastic effect of Kamdhenu ark (Cow Urine Distillate) and bioenhancing role with zinc in liver of male Mus musculus. International Journal Of Cow Science. Vol.2(1) : 14-18. |
[43] | Verma S, Shrivastava R, Prasad PK and Shrivastava VK(2007): Effect of Parthenium hysterophorus on thyroid gland of male Mus musculus. Pollution Reseach.Vol. 26 (3): 513-516. |
[44] | Alka Verma, Alok Verma and Shrivastava VK(2007): Hypoglycemic plant used by the tribes of Hoshangabad district in M.P. Indian Biotech. Journal.Vol.1(1): 16-17. |
[45] | Kapil K. Soni and Shrivastava VK(2007): Sodium fluoride induced histopathological changes in thyroid gland of male Mus musculus. Biochem. Cell Arch. Vol. 7(2). |
[46] | Khan Asma and Shrivastava VK (2007): Protective and bioenhancing effect Of Kamdhenu ark (Cow Urine Distillate) against cadmium toxicity in thyroid gland of male Mus musculus. Journal of Applied Bioscience.Vol.33 (2): 93-96. |
[47] | Ganaie Javid Ahmad and Shrivastava VK (2008): The effect of active immunization with Gonadotropin releasing hormone conjugate (GnRH-BSA) Gonadosomatic indices (GSI), and sperm parameters in mice. Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine. Vol. 6 (3): 119-123. |
[48] | Ganaie Javid Ahmad and Shrivastava VK (2008): Sodium dichromate induced histopathological and histochemical alterations in testis of male Rattus rattus. (Accepted). |
[49] | Ganaie Javid Ahmad and Shrivastava VK (2008): Hexavalent chromium alters some haematological parameters in mice, Mus musculus. (Accepted in Journal of Association of Zoologists) |
[50] | Gawande Manohar Rao and Shrivastava VK (2009): Carbendazim induced histopathological changes in testis and epididymis and some enzyme activities (ACP, ALP) in testis of male Rattus rattus. Journal of Experimental Zoology,Vol.12(1),153-156 |
[51] | Durgesh Nandini Dharsay and Shrivastava VK (2010): Autecology of the hover fly Allograpta obliqua (Diptera: Syrphidae) at Shahpura Lake (Chuna Bhatti), Bhopal, M.P. Biospectra.Vol.5(1): 01-04. |
[52] | Durgesh Nandini Dharsay and Shrivastava VK (2010): Insect diversity at shoreline of Shahpura Lake (Chuna Bhatti) in Bhopal,India. Journal of Experimental Zoology.Vol:13(1) Journal of Experimental Zoology.Vol:13(1). 209-213.. |
[53] | Ganaie Javid Ahmad and Shrivastava VK (2010): Effect of gonadotropin releasing hormone conjugate (GnRH-BSA conjugate) and bioenhancing role of kamdhenu ark on estrous cycle, serum estradiol and progesterone levels in female Mus musculus. Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine. Vol. 8(2): 70-74. |
[54] | Durgesh Nandini, Arun Raghuwanshi and Shrivastava VK (2010):A study of butterfly fauna of Bhopal city and its surrounding area. Journal of Experimental Zoology.Vol:13(2) 555-563. |
[55] | Murmu sarita, Gawande Manohar Rao and Shrivastava Vinoy K. (2010) Bisphenol-A induced changes in enzymes activities (GOT,GPT,ACP and ALP) in liver and kidney of fresh water fish Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham). Trends In Biosciences 3(2): 137-139. |
[56] | Gautam Varsha, Ganaie Javid Ahmad and Shrivastava Vinoy K. (2010): Protective role of vitamin-C against lindane induced testicular toxicity in male Mus musculus. (Communicated in " International Journal of Bioscience and Technology") |
[57] | Shrivastava Renu, Gawande Manohar Rao, Raghuwanshi Arun and Shrivastava Vinoy K. (2010): Methyl mercury induced changes in the biogenic amines in total Brain of Mus musculus.Accepted in "Journal of Biogenic Amines. |
[58] | Durgesh Nandni, Arun Raghuwanshi and Vinoy Kumar Shrivastava (2011): Autoecology of the common Mormon butterfly, Papilio polytes (lepidoptera: Rhopalocera: Papilionidae): Journal of Entomology Research, 35 (2) 1-4. |
[59] | Manohar R Gawande, Navara Murali, and Vinoy K Shrivastava* (2010) : Carbendazim induced histopathological changes and enzyme activities in liver and kidney of Rattus rattus. International Journal of Biological Technology, 2(1): ISSN: 0976-4313 |
[60] | Javid Ahmad Ganaie, Varsha Gautam and Vinoy K. Shrivastava. (2011) : Effects of Kamdhenu Ark and Active Immunization by Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Conjugate (GnRH-BSA) on Gonadosomatic Indices (GSI) and Sperm Parameters in Male Mus musculus.J Reprod Infertility, Volume 12, Issue 1, Jan/March 2011 |
[61] | Murmu sarita and Shrivastava Vinoy K. (2011) Protective action of an Anti-oxidant (vitamin-c) against Bisphenol-toxicity in Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.). Turkish Journal Of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 11: 25-29. |
[62] | Deepika Mathur, R.C. Agrawal and Vinoy K. Shrivastava (2011) : Phytochemical screening and determination of antioxidant potential of fruits extracts of Withania coagulants. Recent Research in Science and Technology, 3(11) : 26-29. |
[63] | Javid Ahmad Ganaie, Varsha Gautam and Vinoy K. Shrivastava. (2011): Biochemical Impairement after sodium dichromate treatment in the liver and kidney of male mice Mus musculus (P)" Pollution Research, issue No. (4) |
[64] | Neha Jain, Raghuwanshi Arun K. and Shrivastava Vinoy K. (2011) The effect of acetylsalicylic acid on hematological and biochemical parameters in female albino rats. International Journal of Applied Biology And Pharmaceutical Technology, 2(3)July-Sept. |
[65] | Khan A, Murmu S, Chauhan R and Shrivastava VK(2007): Ayurveda and cow urine therapy-The Most Powerful Holistic Therapy. Indian Biotech. Journal.Vol.1 (1): 18-20. |
[66] | Shrivastava V.K., Ranjana Kudesia and L. Varughese (2001): Impacts of malathion on biogenic amines and hypophysial hormones in female Mus musculus. Chapter 26. In: Current Topics in Environmental Sciences, 273-295, Ed. G. Tripathi & G.C. Pandey, ABD Publishers, INDIA. |
[67] | Shrivastava, V. K., (1996) : Comparative effects of non steroidal (Flutamide) and steroidal (Cyproterone acetate) antiandrogen on the hypothalamine monoamine oxidase serotonine, noradrenaline and dopamine levels of female Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti (Wroughton).Advances in Human and Animal Reproduction. Chapter 11. |