[1] | Myoclonus secondary to albuterol (Salbutamol) instillation. FE. Micheli, M Cersósimo; M Scorticati; M Velex, S González. Neurology. 54: 20223, 2000. |
[2] | Movement disorders secondary to adulterated medication. C Cosentino; L Torres, M Scorticati, FE. Micheli. Neurology 2000; 55: 598599. |
[3] | Amantadina en el tratamiento de las diskineisias inducidas por LDopa. Cersósimo M, Scorticati M, Micheli FE. Medicina, 2000, 60: 3215. |
[4] | Mioclonías asociadas a Síndrome Doloroso Regional Complejo Tipo I. R Peru Neurol 7: 3942. 2001 |
[5] | Epidural lipomatosis secondary to indinavir in an HIVPositive Patient. Cersosimo MG, Lasala B, Folgar S, Micheli FE. Clin Neuropharmacol; 25: 514, 2002. |
[6] | Neuroprotection in Parkinson's Disease; a Commentary. Neurotoxicity Research, 2002, 4: 141145. |
[7] | Beneficial Effects of Botulinum Toxin Type A for Patients With Painful Tic Convulsif. Micheli FE, Scorticati M, Raina G. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 25: 260262. 2002 |
[8] | Clusterlike headache associated to a foreign body in the maxillary sinus. Scorticati M, Raina G, Micheli FE. Neurology. 59: 643644. August 27th 2002 Highlights. |
[9] | Development of Parkinson's disease in patients with blepharospasm. Micheli FE, Scorticati M, Folgar S, Gatto E. The Movement Disordes Society's 7th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders. Miami, Florida, Movement Disorders. S282, 2002. |
[10] | Neuronal GP activity in patients with generalized dystonia. Merello M, Micheli FE, Cerquetti D, Antico J, Cammarota A, Tenca E. The Movement Disordes Society's 7th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders. Miami, Florida, Movement Disorders, S294, 2002. |
[11] | Topiramate in vascular hemichorea. Micheli FE, Gatto E, Gorga M, Uribe Roca M, Folgar S. The Movement Disordes Society's 7th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders. Miami, Florida, Movement Disorders, S325. 2002. |
[12] | Quetiapine and Essential Tremor. Micheli FE, Cersósimo M, Raina G, Gatto E. Clin Neuroph 2002, 25: 3033 |
[13] | Isolated weakness of index finger due to small cortical infarction. Uribe C, Gatto E, Micheli FE. Neur 59: 20102012, 2002 |
[14] | Unusual phenotypic expression of the DYT1mutation. Gatto E, Fernández M, Micheli FE. Park & Rel Dis, 9: 2779, 2003. |
[15] | Parkinsonism as a Manifestation of Multiple Sclerosis. Folgar S, Gatto E, Raina G, Micheli FE. Movement Disorders 18: 108113, 2003. |
[16] | Trichinosis as an Unusual Cause of Respiratory Failure of Neuromuscular Origin: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Irrazábal C, Captevila A, Gnocchi C, Micheli FE, Paes A, Jorge M. Clin Pulm Med 2003; 10: 235. |
[17] | Low doses of topiramate are effective in essential tremor. Gatto E, Uribe Roca M, Raina G, Micheli FE. Clinical Neuropharmacology. 2003 26: 294296. |
[18] | Arm Chorea secondary to unruptured giant aneurysm. Barreiro de Madariaga L M, Sian J E, Casas Parera I, Micheli FE. Movement Disorders. 18: 1397 1399, 2003. |
[19] | Efficacy and safety of levodopa with entacapone in Parkinson's disease patients suboptimally controlled with levodopa alone, in daily clinical practice: an international, multicentre, openlabel study. Study Coordinators: O Gershanik, M Emreb, G Bernhardc, Dirk Sauerc, F Micheli (study investigator). Prog in Neurology Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 27, 963-971, 2003. |
[20] | Botulinum Toxin in a case of hemimasticatory spasm with severe worsening during pregnancy. Cersósimo MG, Bertoti A, Uribe Roca C, Micheli FE. Clinical Neuropharmacology. Vol 27,1: 68, 2004. |
[21] | Vascular hemichorea and topiramate. Gatto EM, Uribe C, Gorga M, Micheli FE. Mov Dis 2004; 19, 7: 8368. |
[22] | Development of Parkinson's disease in patients with blepharospasm. Micheli FE, Scorticati MC, Folgar S, Gatto E. Movement Disorders Vol 19, 9:10691072, 2004. |
[23] | Cannabis sativa and dystonia secondary to Wilson's disease. Uribe C, Micheli FE, Viotti R. Mov Dis 2005; 20: 113115. |
[24] | Rasagiline as an adjunct to levodopa in patients with Parkinson's disease and motor fluctuations (LARGO, Lasting effect in Adjunct therapy with Rasagiline Given Once daily, study): a randomised, doubleblind, parallelgroup trial. O Rascol, D J Brooks, E Melamed, et al. Lancet 2005; 365: 947-54. |
[25] | Camptocormia in Parkinson's disease. Beneficial effects of pallidal DBS. Federico Micheli MD, María Graciela Cersósimo MD, Fabian Piedimonte MD. Journal of Neurosurgery. 2005; 103: 10813. |
[26] | Ziprasidone And Psychosis In Parkinson's Disease. Federico Micheli, Nora Taubenslag, Emilia Gatto, María Clara Scorticati. Clinical Neuropharmacology2005; 28, 5: 254. |
[27] | Persistent limb dystonia in an HIV positive patient with cerebral toxoplasmosis. Carlos Zuñiga, Jacobo Lester, Sergio Diaz, María Clara Scorticati, Federico Micheli. J of Neurol Scis 22, 4, 2005. |
[28] | Quantitative study of salivary secretion in Parkinson's disease. Tumilasci OR, Cersosimo MG, Belforte J, Micheli FE, Benarroch E, Pazo J. Mov Dis. 2006, 21: 6607. |
[29] | Hereditary spastic paraplegia associated with dopa responsive parkinsonism. F Micheli; C Zúñiga Ramírez; MG Cersósimo. Mov Disorders 2006; 21: 7167. |
[30] | Movement Disorders in Latinoamérica. Troiano A, Micheli, F, Alarcón F, Teive H. P & RD 2006, 12: 12538. |
[31] | Treatment of Primary Progressive Freezing of Gait With High Doses of Selegiline. Zúñiga C, Lester J, Cersósimo MA, Díaz S, Micheli FE. Clin Neuroph 2006; 29:2021. |
[32] | Reply: Vascular hemichorea/hemiballism and topiramate. Gatto EM, Roca C, Raina G, Gorja M, Folgar S, Micheli FE. Mov Disord. 2006; 21: 582. |
[33] | The ParkinsonControl study: A 1year randomized, doubleblind trial comparing piribedil (150 mg/day) with bromocriptine (25 mg/day) in early combination with levodopa in Parkinson's disease. CastroCaldas A, Delwaide P, Jost W, et al. Mov Dis 2006; 21: 5009. |
[34] | Calidad de Vida en la Enfermedad de Parkinson. C Pecci, ML Alén Greco, N Falcón Villamayor, F Micheli. Acta Psiquiát Psicol Am Lat. 2006, 52: 2634. |
[35] | Esclerosis Lateral Amiotráfica Secundaria a Infección por VIH. C Zúñiga Ramírez, JM Mansubara, J Lester Nosnik, S Pedro Díaz, G Beatriz Raina, F Micheli. Rev Ecuat. Neurología, 2006, 15: 4750. |
[36] | Juego patológico relacionado con el uso de pramipexol en la Enfermedad de Parkinson. Lester J, Gonzalez Alemán G, Zúñiga C, Díaz S, Raina G, Micheli FE. Rev Neurol Española 2006 43: 316319. |
[37] | Diffuse Intracraneal Calcinosis (Fahr's Disease). J Lester; C Zúñiga, S Díaz, C Rugilo, F Micheli. Archives of Neurology 2006; 63: 18067. |
[38] | Orthostatic hypotension as an early finding in Parkinson's disease. Comment. F Micheli. Focus on Parkinson's Disease, 2006, 18: 1315. |
[39] | Esclerosis lateral amiotrófica secundaria a infección por VIH. Reporte de Casos Clínicos. C Zúñiga, J Matsubara, J Lester, S Díaz, G Raina, F Micheli. Rev Ecuat Neurol. 2006; 15, (1). |
[40] | Trade Names in Publications. Letter. F Micheli. Mov. Disorders 2007; 22: 14950. |
[41] | Holmes Tremor Secondary to Brainstem Hemorrhage Responsive to Levodopa: Report of Two Cases. G Raina; M Velez, M Fernandez Pardal, F Micheli. Clin Neuropharm 2007. 30: 95100. |
[42] | Bilateral STNDBS fails to improve nonmotor fluctuations in a PD patient. Cersosimo MG, Piedimonte F, Raina GB, Micheli FE. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2007; 13: 5378. |
[43] | A pilot study on the impact of body composition on bone and mineral metabolism in Parkinson's disease. Fernandez M, Parisi M, Diaz S, Mastaglia S, Deferrari J, Seijo M, Bagur A, Micheli FE, Oliveri B. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2007; 13: 3558. |
[44] | Letter: Doparesponsive dystonic camptocormia. F Micheli, M Fernandez. Neurol 2007, 68: 1543. |
[45] | Antiglutamatergic drugs in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Cersosimo M, Micheli FE. Handbook Clin. Neurol. 2007; 84: 12736. |
[46] | Posterior Spinal Cord Stimulation In A Case Of Painful Legs And Moving Toes. G Raina; F Piedimonte; F Micheli. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2007; 85: 307309. |
[47] | Enfermedad celíaca. Alteraciones neurológicas y enteropatía asociada a linfoma de células T. J Lester, G Raina, S Díaz, C Zúñiga, F Micheli. Rev Ecuat de Neurología 2007. 13 (3): 216218. |
[48] | Hiccup secondary to dopamine agonists in Parkinson's disease. Lester J, Raina G, Uribe C, Micheli FE. Mov Dis 2007; 22.11: 16678. |
[49] | Neuroacanthocytosis and carbamazepine responsive paroxysmal dyskinesias.Tschopp L, Raina G, Salazar Z, Micheli FE. Park. & Relat Disord. 2008; 14: 4402. |
[50] | Botulinum toxin: treatment of selfmutilation in patients with LeschNyhan syndrome. Gutierrez, C, Pellene A, Micheli FE. Clin Neuropharm 2008; 31: 1803. |
[51] | Pallidal surgery for the treatment of primary generalized dystonia: Longterm followup. Cersosimo MG, Raina GB, Piedimonte F, Antico J, Graff P, Micheli FE. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2008; 110: 14550. |
[52] | Crosscultural Validation of the Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's DiseasePsychosocial Questionnaire (SCOPAPS) in Four Latin American Countries. ViruésOrtega J, CarodArtal FJ, SerranoDueñas M, RuizGaleano G, MezaRojas G, Velázquez C, Micheli FE, MartínezMartín P. Value in Health. 2008. |
[53] | Beneficial effects of botulinum toxin type A in trigeminal neuralgia. Zúñiga C, Díaz S, Piedimonte F, Micheli FE. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2008; 66 (3A): 5003. |
[54] | Pisa syndrome and Parkinsonism secondary to valproic acid in Huntington's disease. Z Salazar, L Tschopp; C Calandra; F Micheli. Movement Disorders. 2008; 23: 24301. |
[55] | Remission of concomitant HenochSchöenlein purpura and Sydenham chorea after intravenous corticosteroids. Zuniga C, Diaz S, Farina A, Micheli FE. Neurol India. 2009; 57: 557. |
[56] | The clinical impression of severity index for Parkinson's disease: international validation study. MartínezMartín P, RodríguezBlázquez C, Forjaz MJ, de Pedro J; SpanishAmerican Longitudinal PD Patient Study. Mov Dis 2009; 24: 2117 |
[57] | Botulinum toxin in painful tardive dyskinesia. L Tschopp; Z Salazar; F Micheli. Clin Neuroph 32: 1656. |
[58] | Micro lesion effect of the globus pallidus internus and outcome with deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson disease and dystonia. Cersosimo M, Micheli FE, et al. Mov Dis 2009; 24: 1488-1493. |
[59] | Hyposialorrhea as an early manifestation of Parkinson disease. G. Cersósimo, F Micheli. Autonomic Neuroscience 2009. 5; 150 (12): 1501. |
[60] | Cognitive Disturbances in Primary Blepharospasm. Gonzalez Aleman G; De Erausquin G, Micheli FE. Movement Disorders 2009.24:21122120. |
[61] | Crosscultural evaluation of the modified Parkinson Psychosis Rating Scale across disease stages. Javier ViruésOrtega, Carmen RodríguezBlázquez, Federico Micheli, Francisco Javier CarodArtal, MD, Marcos SerranoDueñas, Pablo MartínezMartín. Mov Disord. 2010; 25 (10): 13918. |
[62] | Tratamiento de los trastornos no motores en la enfermedad de Parkinson. Micheli FE. R Neurol 2010; 50: S37. |
[63] | Enfermedad de Parkinson: ¿una sola enfermedad o varias agrupadas en un síndrome? Micheli FE. Rev Neurol 2010; 50 (Supl 1): S78. |
[64] | Impulse Control Disorder (ICD) and Piribedil: Report of five cases. L Tschopp, Z Salazar, M Gomez Botello, C Uribe, F Micheli. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2010; 33 (1):113. |
[65] | Alphasynuclein immunoreactivity in minor salivary gland biopsies of Parkinson's disease patients. Cersósimo MG, Perandones C, Micheli FE, Raina GB, Beron AM, Nasswetter G, Radrizzani M, Benarroch EE. Mov Disord. 2010 Sep 10. [Epub ahead of print] |