[1] | Ning, W. (2011). Empirical Likelihood Ratio Test for a Mean Change Point Model with a Linear Trend Followed by an Abrupt Change. Accepted. Journal of Applied Statistics. |
[2] | Yan, C.J., Zhang, S.G. and Ning, W. (2011). Estimation of the Improper Linear Regression Models with Complex-valued Data. Accepted. Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. |
[3] | Ning, W. and Zhao, L. (2010). A Moment-based Test for the Mixture Distributions With Small Sample Sizes and Its Application. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics. 33(1), 23-39. |
[4] | Zhang, S.G., Liao, Y. and Ning, W. (2010). Asymptotic Properties of Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimates in Generalized Linear Models. Accepted. Communication in Statistics{Theory and Methods. |
[5] | Ning, W., Gao, Y. C, and Dudewicz, E. J. Chapter 8: Fitting Mixture Distributions Using A Mixture of Generalized Lambda Distributions with Computer Code. Book chapter of Handbook of Fitting Statistical Distributions with R (Ed. by Duedewicz, E.J. and Karian, Z.A.) Publishing date: October 1, 2010. |
[6] | Ning, W., Gupta, A. K., (2009) Change Point Analysis For Generalized Lambda Distributions. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation. 38, 1789-1802. |
[7] | Ning, W., Zhang, S. G. and Yu, C. (2009). A Moment-Based Test for the Homogeneity in Mixture Natural Exponential Family with Quadratic Variance Functions. Statistics and Probability Letters. 79(6), 828-834. |
[8] | Ning, W., Gupta, A. K., Yu., C. and Zhang, S. G., (2009). A Moment-Based Test for Homogeneity in Finite Mixture Models. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 38, 1371-1382. |
[9] | Ning, W., Gao, Y. C, and Dudewicz, E. J., (2008). Fitting Mixture Distributions Using Generalized Lambda Distributions and Comparisons with Normal Mixtures. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Science. Vol. 28, NOS. 1&2, 81-99. |
[10] | Ning, W. and Kim, H. J., (2008). Residual Pattern Based Test for Interaction in Two-way ANOVA. Biometrical Journal, 50(3), 431-445. |
[11] | Ning, W., (2008). Detecting an Unconditionally Identifiable Pattern in Two-way ANOVA. Advances and Applications in Statistics. Vol. 9(2), 247-260. |
[12] | Ning, W., (2007). A Moment-based Test of Genetic Linkage Under Heterogeneity. JP Journal of Biostatistics, Vol. 1, (3) 267-281. |