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[2] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A. and Luna del Castillo, J.D. (2005). Comparing the likelihood ratios for two binary diagnostic tests in the presence of partial verification. Biometrical Journal 47, 442-457. |
[3] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A. and Luna del Castillo, J.D. (2006). Comparing two binary diagnostic tests in the presence of verification bias. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 50: 1551-1564. |
[4] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A. and Luna del Castillo, J.D. (2007). Risk of error and the kappa coefficient of a binary diagnostic test in the presence of partial verification. Journal of Applied Statistics 34, 887-898. |
[5] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A. and Luna del Castillo, J.D. (2007). Comparison of the likelihood ratios of two binary diagnostic tests in paired designs. Statistics in Medicine 26, 4179-4201. |
[6] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A. and Luna del Castillo, J.D. (2007). The effect of verification bias in the naïve estimators of accuracy of a binary diagnostic test. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 36, 959-972. |
[7] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A. and Luna del Castillo, J.D. (2008). The effect of verification bias on the comparison of predictive values of two binary diagnostic tests. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 138, 950-963. |
[8] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A. and Luna del Castillo, J.D. (2008). EM algorithm for comparing two binary diagnostic tests when not all the patients are verified. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 78, 19-35. |
[9] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A. and Luna del Castillo, J.D. (2009). Determining sample size to evaluate and compare the accuracy of binary diagnostic tests in the presence of partial disease verification. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Special issue "Computational Statistics within Clinical Research", 53, 742-755. |
[10] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A., Luna del Castillo, J.D. and Femia Marzo, P. (2009). Computational methods for comparing two binary diagnostic tests in the presence of partial verification of the disease. Computational Statistics, 24, 695-718. |
[11] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A., Luna del Castillo, J.D. and Montero Alonso, M.A. (2009). Confidence intervals of weighted kappa coefficient of a binary diagnostic test. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 38, 1562-1578. |
[12] | Castilla, A., Zamora, S., Gonzalvo, M.C., Luna del Castillo, J.D., Roldán Nofuentes, J.A., Clavero, A., Björndahl, L., Martínez, L. (2009) Sperm chromatin structure assay and classical semen parameters: systematic review. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 20, 114-124. |
[13] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A., Luna del Castillo, J.D., Marín Jiménez, A.E. (2010). Comparison of the accuracy of multiple binary tests in the presence of partial disease verification. Journal of Statistical Planning and inference 140, 2504-2519. |
[14] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A. and Luna del Castillo, J.D. (2010). Comparison of weighted kappa coefficients of multiple binary diagnostic tests done on the same subjects. Statistics in Medicine 29, 2149-2165. |
[15] | Luts, J., Roldán Nofuentes, J.A., Luna del Castillo, J.D., and Van Huffel, S. (2011). Asymptotic hypothesis test to compare likelihood ratios of multiple diagnostic tests in unpaired designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141, 3578-3594. |
[16] | Roldán Nofuentes, J.A., Luna del Castillo, J.D. and Montero Alonso, M.A. (2011). Global hypothesis test to simultaneously compare the predictive values of two binary diagnostic tests. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. In press, doi: 10.1016/j.csda.2011.06.003. |
[17] | Zamora S., Clavero A., Gonzalvo M.C., Luna Del Castillo J.D., Roldán Nofuentes J.A., Mozas J. and Castilla J.A. (2011). PGS-FISH in reproductive medicine and perspective directions for improvement: a systematic review. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. In press, DOI 10.1007/s10815-011-9578-9. |