[1] | Sedlak,P.-Blaha,P.-Brabec,M.-Vignerova,J.-Janousek,S.-Riedlova,J.-Stribrna,L. (2011): Monitoring the growth dynamics of somatic traits based on semi-longitudinal study. HOMO-J. Comp. Hum. Biol. 62, 144-158 |
[2] | Hrbacek,J.-Urban,M.-Hamsikova,E.-Yachezy,R.-Eis,V.-Brabec,M.-Heracek,J. (2011): Serum antibodies against genitourinary ifectious agents in prostate cancer and benign prostate hyperplasia patients: a case-control study. BMC Cancer 11:53, doi:10.1186/1471-2407-11-53 |
[3] | Komlos,J.-Brabec,M. (2011): The Trend of BMI Values of US Adults by Centiles, birth cohorts 1882-1986 Economics & Human Biology. doi:10.1016/j.ehb.2011.03.005 |
[4] | Černá,M.-Bencko,V.-Brabec,M.-Šmíd,J.-Krsková,A.-Jech,L. (accepted): Exposure assessment of breast-fed infants in the Czech Republic to indicator PCBs and selected chlorinated pesticides: Area-related differences. Chemosphere 78 (2010): 160-168. |
[5] | Brabec,M.-Jílek,K. (2010): Simplified Radon Entry Rate Estimation Methodology from Tracer and Radon Concentrations Based on Functional Data Analysis Approach, Horizons in World Physics. Volume 270, Editor: Albert Reimer, Nova Science Publisher's, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, ISBN: 978-1-61728-995-8 |
[6] | Komlos,J.-Brabec,M. (2010): The trend of mean BMI values of US adults, birth cohorts 1882-1986 indicates that the obesity epidemic beran earlier than hitherto thourght. American Journal of Human Biology, 22, 631-638 |
[7] | Brabec, M. (2010): Statistical state-space modeling via Kalman filtration. In: Kalman filtering, J.M. Gomez (editor). Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-61761-462-0 |
[8] | Brabec, M.-Malý,M.-Pelikán,E.-Konár,O. (2010): Statistical model of segment-specific relationship between natural gas consumption and temperature in daily and hourly resolution. In: Natural gas. Sciyo. ISBN 978-953-307-112-1 (www.sciyo.com) |
[9] | Pelikán, Emil-Eben, Kryštof-Juruš, Pavel-Resler, Jaroslav-Brabec, Marek Modelování a předpověď výroby elektrické energie z fotovoltaických farem: problémy, řešení, vize. Energetické scénáře a modelování simulace, dynamické modelování, optimalizace procesů. Praha : EGÚ, 2010. S. 1-14. |
[10] | Thomas,J.-Jílek,K.-Brabec,M. (2010): Inversion of the Jacobi-Porstendorfer model for the radon progeny. Nukleonika, 55 (4): 433-437 |
[11] | Brabec,M.-Konár,O.-Malý,M.-Pelikán,E.-Vondráček,J. (2009): A statistical model for natural gas standardized load profiles. JRSS C-Applied Statistics. 58, 1, 123-139 |
[12] | Pekár,S.-Brabec,M. (2009): Moderní analýza biologických dat (zobecněné lineární modely v prostředí R), Scientia. Praha. 978-80-86960-44-9 |
[13] | Vančura,V.-Wichterle,D.-Brabec,M.-Bytešník,J.-Lefflerová,K.-Kautzner,J. (2009): The relationship between right ventricular pacing voltage and QRS complex duration. Physiological Measurement, 30, 517-527 |
[14] | Brabec,M.-Komlos,J. (2009): Spatial convergence in height in east-central Europe, 1890-1910. Journal of Income Distribution, volume 18, number 1, March 2009, 90-112 |
[15] | Brabec,M.-Jílek,K. (2009): Dynamical model for indoor radon concentration monitoring. Environmetrics. 20:718-729 |
[16] | Kovář,R.-Brabec,M.-Víta,R.-Bocek,R. (2009): Spring migration distances of some Central European amphibian species. Amphibia-Reptilia, volume 30, number 3, 367-378 |
[17] | Brabec,M.-Konár,O.-Malý,M.-Pelikán,E. (2009): Statistical calibration of the natural gas conumption model. WSEAS Transactions on Systems. 8, 902-912 |
[18] | Pelikán,E.-Brabec,M.-Malý,M.-Konár,O.-Vondráček,J. (2009): Zkušenosti se statistickým modelováním spotřeby zemního plynu. Robust 2008, sborník prací 15. letní školy JČMF. JČMF Praha 2009, 315-342, ISBN 978-80-7015-004-7 |
[19] | Brabec,M.-Malý,M.-Pelikán,E.-Konár,O. (2009): Statistical calibration of the natural gas consumption model. WSEAS transactions on systems. ISSN: 1109-2777, Issue 7, volume 8, July 2009 (http://www.worldses.org/journals/systems/systems-2009.htm) |
[20] | Vignerová,J.-Paulová,M.-Brabec,M, et al. (2008): Longterm changes in BMI growth charts pattern for Czech children and adolescents, Conference Information: 16th European Congress on Obesity, MAY 14-17, 2008 Geneva, Switzerland, International journal of obesity, Vol. 32 , S188-S188 (Supplement: Suppl. 1) |
[21] | Klusáčková P., Lebedová J., Kačer P., Kuzma M., Brabec M., Pelclová D., Fenclová Z., Navrátil T. (2008): Leukotrienes and 8-isoprostane in exhaled breath condensate in bronchoprovocation tests with occupational allergens. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 78, 281-292 |
[22] | Jílek,K.-Thomas,J.-Brabec,M. (2008): QA programme for radon and its short-lived progeny measuring instruments in NRPI Prague. Radiation Protection Dosimetry; doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncn113 |
[23] | Vondráček,J.-Pelikán,E.-Konár,O.-Čermáková,J.-Eben,K.-Malý,M.-Brabec,M. (2008): A statistical model for the estimation of natural gas consumption. Applied Energy. Vol 85/5, 362-370 |
[24] | Brabec,M.-Konár,O.-Pelikán,E.-Malý,M.(2008): A nonlinear mixed effects model for prediction of natural gas consumption by individual customers. International Journal of Forecasting. 24, 659-678 |