International Journal of Statistics and Applications

International Journal of Statistics and Applications is a fully refereed international journal, which publishes original research papers and survey articles in all areas of statistics and applications. It is a broad based journal covering all branches of statistical sciences and their applications in medical, agricultural, econometric, physical or social sciences and industry, commerce and government and other scientific disciplines.

Yukun Yao

Mr, Propriatery Trading Firm, New York, USA, USA

Research Areas

Mathematics and statistics, including combinatorics, discrete math, probablity, machine learning, and their applications in finance and economics


2015/9 - 2020/5Ph.D. in MathematicsRutgers University-New Brunswick
2010/9 - 2015/7B.S. in PhysicsPeking University


2022/4 - Auros US LLC, New York, NY, USA
2020/7 - 2022/4Goldman Sachs, New York, NY, USA

Academic Achievement

We discuss, and make partial progress on, the peaceable queens problem, the protagonist of OEIS sequence A250000. Symbolically, we prove that Jubin's construction of two pentagons is at least a local optimum. Numerically, we find the exact numerical optimums for some specific configurations. Our method can be easily applied to more complicated configurations with more parameters.
We illustrate the experimental, empirical, approach to mathematics (that contrary to popular belief, is often rigorous), by using parking functions and their "area" statistic, as a case study. Our methods are purely finitistic and elementary, taking full advantage, of course, of our beloved silicon servants.
Using nonlinear difference equations, combined with symbolic computations, we make a detailed study of the running times of numerous variants of the celebrated Quicksort algorithms, where we consider the variants of single-pivot and multi-pivot Quicksort algorithms as discrete probability problems. With nonlinear difference equations, recurrence relations and experimental mathematics techniques, explicit expressions for expectations, variances and even higher moments of their numbers of comparisons and swaps can be obtained. For some variants, Monte Carlo experiments are performed, the numerical results are demonstrated and the scaled limiting distribution is also discussed.
n this methodological article on experimental-yet-rigorous enumerative combinatorics, we use two instructive case studies, to show that often, just like Alexander the Great before us, the simple, "cheating" solution to a hard problem is the best. So before you spend days (and possibly years) trying to answer a mathematical question by analyzing and trying to 'understand' its structure, let your computer generate enough data, and then let it guess the answer. Often its guess can be proved by a quick 'hand-waving' (yet fully rigorous) 'meta-argument'. Since our purpose is to illustrate a methodology, we include many details, as well as Maple source-code.


American Mathematical Society
Sigma Xi

Publications: Journals

[1]  An Experimental Mathematics Approach to the Area Statistic of Parking Functions in the Mathematical Intelligencer
[2]  Numerical and Symbolic Studies of the Peaceable Queens Problem in Experimental Mathemtics
[3]  Using nonlinear difference equations to study Quicksort algorithms in Journal of Difference Equations and Applications

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]   Untying the Gordian Knot via Experimental Mathematics in Algorithmic Combinatorics: Enumerative Combinatorics, Special Functions and Computer Algebra