[1] | Ali Akbari, M., Liaghat, G., and Sabouri, H., 2012, "A simple analytical model to simulate oblique ballistic impact onto fabric," Applied Mechanics and Materials, 110-116, pp. 3453-3458. |
[2] | Zamani, E., and Liaghat, G. H., 2011, "Explosive welding of stainless steel-carbon steel coaxial pipes," Journal of Materials Science, pp. 1-11. |
[3] | Seifoori, S., and Liaghat, G. H., 2011, "A semianalytical and numerical study of penetration and perforation of an ogive-nose projectile into concrete targets under normal impact," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 225(8), pp. 1782-1797. |
[4] | Niknejad, A., Liaghat, G. H., Moslemi Naeini, H., and Behravesh, A. H., 2011, "Theoretical and experimental studies of the instantaneous folding force of the polyurethane foam-filled square honeycombs," Materials and Design, 32(1), pp. 69-75. |
[5] | Sabouri, H. Ahmadi, H. ang Liaghat, G. H. , 2011, " Ballistic Impact Perforation into GLARE Targets: Experiment, Numerical Modelling and Investigation of Aluminium Stacking Sequence," International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, 3(1), pp. 178-183. |
[6] | Mamivand, M., and Liaghat, G. H., 2011, "Answer to the letter to the editor by N. Cristescu "comments on a model for ballistic impact on multi-layer fabric targets by M. Mamivand and G.H. Liaghat"," International Journal of Impact Engineering, 38(5), p. 418. |
[7] | Sabouri, H., and Liaghat, G. H., 2010, "Comments on the article: "Ballistic impact of GLAREā¢ fiber-metal laminates", by Michelle S. Hoo Fatt, Chunfu Lin, Duane M. Revilock Jr., Dale A. Hopkins [Composite Structures 61 (2003) 73-88]," Composite Structures, 92(2), pp. 600-601. |
[8] | Radmehr, D., Liaghat, G. H., Felli, S., and Naderi, D., 2010, "Analytical solution for penetration of deformable blunt projectiles into the metallic targets," Mechanika, 82(2), pp. 5-13. |
[9] | Pirali, P., Liaghat, G. H., and Ahmadi, M. T., 2010, "Viscoplasticity coupled with nonlocalized damage for incompatibilities due to strain softening," Mechanika, 86(6), pp. 17-23. |
[10] | Niknejad, A., Liaghat, G. H., Naeini, H. M., and Behravesh, A. H., 2010, "Experimental and theoretical investigation of the first fold creation in thin walled columns," Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 23(4), pp. 353-360. |
[11] | Niknejad, A., Liaghat, G. H., Moslemi Naeini, H., and Behravesh, A. H., 2010, "A theoretical formula for predicting the instantaneous folding force of the first fold in a single cell hexagonal honeycomb under axial loading," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(11), pp. 2308-2315. |
[12] | Mamivand, M., and Liaghat, G. H., 2010, "A model for ballistic impact on multi-layer fabric targets," International Journal of Impact Engineering, 37(7), pp. 806-812. |
[13] | Liaghat, G. H., Nia, A. A., Daghyani, H. R., and Sadighi, M., 2010,"Ballistic limit evaluation for impact of cylindrical projectiles on honeycomb panels," ThinWalled Structures, 48(1), pp. 55-61. |
[14] | Pol, M. H., Bidi, A., Hoseini, A. V., and Liaghat, G. H., 2009, "Analysis of normal penetration of ogive - Nose projectiles into thin metallic plates," Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 38, pp. 239-242. |
[15] | Dariani, B. M., Liaghat, G. H., and Gerdooei, M., 2009, "Experimental investigation of sheet metal formability under various strain rates," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 223(6), pp. 703-712. |
[16] | Mohammadi, A. H. M., Liaghat, G. H., and Khodarahmi, H., 2008, "The oblique penetration and perforation of a rigid projectile into a thick metallic target: Analytical model," International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22(9-11), pp. 1297-1304. |
[17] | "Gollo, M. H., Naeini, H. M., Liaghat, G. H., Torkamany, M. J., Jelvani, S., and Panahizade, V., 2008, ""An experimental study of sheet metal bending by pulsed Nd: YAG laser with DOE method,"" International Journal of Material Forming, 1(SUPPL. 1), pp. 137-140." |
[18] | Azodi, H. D., Moslemi Naeini, H., Parsa, M. H., and Liaghat, G. H., 2008, "Analysis of rupture instability in the hydromechanical deep drawing of cylindrical cups," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 39(7-8), pp. 734-743. |
[19] | Ghaderi, S. H., Naeini, H. M., and Hossein Liaghat, G., 2007, "Numerical analysis of plastic deformation of a circular sheet metal subjected to transverse impact loading," International Journal of Impact Engineering, 34(4), pp. 668-680. |
[20] | Moslemi Naeini, H., Liaghat, G. H., Mahshid, R., Sajedinejad, A., Vahedi, K., and Ahmadimehr, B., 2006, "Analysis of deformation behaviour of the large diameter pipe by U-O bending process," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 177(1-3), pp. 179-182. |
[21] | Khoda-Rahmi, H., Fallahi, A., and Liaghat, G. H., 2006, "Incremental deformation and penetration analysis of deformable projectile into semi-infinite target," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43(3-4), pp. 569-582. |
[22] | Liaghat, G. H., Moslemi Naeini, H., and Felli, S., 2005, "The mechanics of normal and oblique penetration of conical projectiles into multi layer metallic targets," Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B: Engineering, 29(2), pp. 241-251. |
[23] | Liaghat, G. H., Naeini, H. M., and Felli, S., 2004, "A new penetration model of blunt projectiles into metallic targets and a comparison to the results of LS-DYNA modeling," Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology), 15(57 B), pp. 53-70. |
[24] | Liaghat, G., Naeini, H. M., and Felli, S., 2004, "Penetration analysis of deformable projectiles into metallic targets by considering plastic stress waves theory," Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology), 15(57 B), pp. 84-100. |
[25] | Zamani, J., Liaghat, G., Sadighi, M., and Daghyani, H., 2003, "Introducing a new folding mechanism determining crushing strength of honeycomb," Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology), 14(55 B), pp. 734-754. |
[26] | Liaghat, G. H., Daghyani, H. R., Sadighi, M., and Alavinia, A., 2003, "Ballistic limit calculation for aluminum honeycomb panels under impact of rigid cylindrical projectiles," Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology), 14(55 B), pp. 790-801. |
[27] | Liaghat, G. H., and Alavinia, A., 2003, "A comment on the axial crush of metallic honeycombs by Wu and Jiang," International Journal of Impact Engineering, 28(10), pp. 1143-1146. |
[28] | Liaghat, G., Javabvar, D., Darvize, A., and Abdullah, A., 2003, "Analytical, experimental and numerical study of hoop strain profile and required charge mass during cone explosive forming," Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology), 14(55 B), pp. 765-779. |
[29] | Liaghat, G., Darvizeh, A., Abdullah, A., and Javabvar, D., 2002, "Analysis of cone forming explosive of and a comparison of experimental, FEM and analytical results," Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology), 13(50), pp. 250-264. |
[30] | Moslemi Naeini, H., Liaghat, G., Kiuchi, M., and Goodarzi, M., 2001, "A numerical simulation for deep drawing process," Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology), 12(48), pp. 377-386. |
[31] | Khoda-Rahmi, H., Fallahi Arezodar, A., and Liaghat, G. H., 2001, "An extension to Diskshit & Sundararajan model for penetration analysis of deforming projectiles," Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology), 12(47), pp. 280-287. |
[32] | Chitkara, N. R., and Liaghat, G. H., 2001, "Working pressure, deformation modes and fracture in open-piercing of cylindrical disks made of compacted sintered aluminium powder," International Journal of Advanced ManufacturingTechnology, 17(12), pp. 889-909. |
[33] | Liaghat, G. H., and Malekzadeh, A., 1999, "Modification to the mathematical model of perforation by Dikshit and Sundararajan," International Journal of Impact Engineering, 22(5), pp. 543-550. |
[34] | Liaghat, G. H., and Malekzadeh, A., 1995, "A comment on the penetration theory by dikshit and sundararjan," International Journal of Impact Engineering, 16(4),pp. 691-693. |