[1] | Ashcroft, I.A., Gorwade, C.V., Alghamdi, A.S., Silberschmidt, V.V., Song, M. Thermo-mechanical investigation of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene for high strain-rate applications.(2014) Key Engineering Materials, 577-578, pp. 493-496. |
[2] | Alghamdi, A.S., Ashcroft, I.A., Song, M. Mechanical characterisation of novel polyethylene nanocomposites by nanoindentation.(2013) WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 77, pp. 89-100. |
[3] | Abyaneh, M.H., Wildman, R.D., Ashcroft, I.A., Ruiz, P.D. A hybrid approach to determining cornea mechanical properties in vivo using a combination of nano-indentation and inverse finite element analysis. (2013) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 27, pp. 239-248. |
[4] | Alghamdi, A.S., Ashcroft, I.A., Song, M., Cai, D. Nanoparticle type effects on heat generation during the plastic deformation of polyethylene nanocomposites. (2013) Polymer Testing, 32 (8), pp. 1502-1510. |
[5] | Khokhar, Z.R., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V. Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Effect of Material Randomness on the Damage Behaviour of CFRP Laminates with Stochastic Cohesive-Zone Elements. (2013) Applied Composite Materials, pp. 1-19. Article in Press. |
[6] | Alghamdi, A.S., Ashcroft, I.A., Song, M., Cai, D. Morphology and strain rate effects on heat generation during the plastic deformation of polyethylene/carbon black nanocomposites. (2013) Polymer Testing, 32 (6), pp. 1105-1113. Cited 1 time. |
[7] | Abdi, M., Wildman, R., Ashcroft, I. Evolutionary topology optimization using the extended finite element method and isolines. (2013) Engineering Optimization, . Article in Press. |
[8] | Baumers, M., Tuck, C., Wildman, R., Ashcroft, I., Rosamond, E., Hague, R. Transparency Built-in: Energy Consumption and Cost Estimation for Additive Manufacturing Baumers et al. Energy and Cost Estimation for Additive Manufacturing. (2013) Journal of Industrial Ecology, 17 (3), pp. 418-431. |
[9] | Aremu, A., Ashcroft, I., Wildman, R., Hague, R., Tuck, C., Brackett, D. The effects of bidirectional evolutionary structural optimization parameters on an industrial designed component for additive manufacture. (2013) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 227 (6), pp. 794-807. |
[10] | Hernandez, C., Maranon, A., Ashcroft, I.A., Casas-Rodriguez, J.P. A computational determination of the Cowper-Symonds parameters from a single Taylor test. (2013) Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37 (7), pp. 4698-4708. |
[11] | Rashtchi, S., Ruiz, P.D., Wildman, R., Ashcroft, I. Measurement of moisture content in photovoltaic panel encapsulants using spectroscopic optical coherence tomography: A feasibility study. (2012) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8472, art. no. 84720O. |
[12] | Hernandez, C., Maranon, A., Ashcroft, I.A., Casas-Rodriguez, J.P. Inverse methods for the mechanical characterization of materials at high strain rates. (2012) EPJ Web of Conferences, 26, art. no. 04022. |
[13] | Liu, X., Wildman, R.D., Ashcroft, I.A., Elmahdy, A.E., Ruiz, P.D. Modelling the mechanical response of urushi lacquer subject to a change in relative humidity. (2012) Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 468 (2147), pp. 3533-3551. |
[14] | Gorwade, C.V., Alghamdi, A.S., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V., Song, M.Finite element analysis of the high strain rate testing of polymeric materials. (2012) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 382 (1), art. no. 012043. |
[15] | Abdi, M., Ashcroft, I., Wildman, R. X-FEM based topological optimization method. (2012) SIMULTECH 2012 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, pp. 466-471. |
[16] | Tsigkourakos, G., Silberschmidt, V.V., Ashcroft, I.A.Damage analysis of CFRP under impact fatigue. (2012) Shock and Vibration, 19 (4), pp. 573-584. |
[17] | Liu, X., Wildman, R.D., Ashcroft, I.A. Experimental investigation and numerical modelling of the effect of the environment on the mechanical properties of polyurethane lacquer films. (2012) Journal of Materials Science, 47 (13), pp. 5222-5231. |
[18] | Altaf, K., Ashcroft, I.A., Saleh, N., Hague, R. Environmental aging of epoxy based stereolithography parts: Part 1 - Moisture transport.(2012) Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 41 (3), pp. 120-128. |
[19] | Ashcroft, I.A., Altaf, K., Saleh, N., Hague, R. Environmental aging of epoxy based stereolithography: Part 2 - Effect of absorbed moisture on mechanical properties. (2012) Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 41 (3), pp. 129-136. |
[20] | Ashcroft, I.A., Khokar, Z.R., Silberschmidt, V.V. Modelling the effect of microstructural randomness on the mechanical response of composite laminates through the application of stochastic cohesive zone elements. (2012) Computational Materials Science, 52 (1), pp. 95-100. |
[21] | Altaf, K., Ashcroft, I.A., Hague, R. Modelling the effect of moisture on the depth sensing indentation response of a stereolithography polymer. (2012) Computational Materials Science, 52 (1), pp. 112-117. |
[22] | Altaf, K., Ashcroft, I.A., Hague, R. Investigation of the effect of relative humidity on polymers by depth sensing indentation. (2011) Journal of Materials Science, 46 (23), pp. 7551-7557. |
[23] | Tsigkourakos, G., Ullah, H., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V. Damage in fibre-reinforced composite laminates subjected to dynamic loading. (2011) ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials, 4 p. |
[24] | Khoramishad, H., Crocombe, A.D., Katnam, K.B., Ashcroft, I.A. Fatigue damage modelling of adhesively bonded joints under variable amplitude loading using a cohesive zone model. (2011) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78 (18), pp. 3212-3225. |
[25] | Hernandez, C., Maranon, A., Ashcroft, I.A., Casas-Rodriguez, J.P. Quasi-static and dynamic characterization of oil-based modeling clay and numerical simulation of drop-impact test. (2011) ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011, 8, pp. 147-152. |
[26] | Mubashar, A., Ashcroft, I.A., Critchlow, G.W., Crocombe, A.D. Strength prediction of adhesive joints after cyclic moisture conditioning using a cohesive zone model. (2011) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78 (16), pp. 2746-2760. |
[27] | Katnam, K.B., Crocombe, A.D., Sugiman, H., Khoramishad, H., Ashcroft, I.A.Static and fatigue failures of adhesively bonded laminate joints in moist environments. (2011) International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 20 (8), pp. 1217-1226. |
[28] | Gorwade, C., Hughes, F., Cai, D., Ashcroft, I., Silberschmidt, V., Swallowe, G., Song, M., Shaw, S. Analysis of the high strain-rate behaviour of polyethylene based nanocomposites. (2011) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 70, pp. 237-242. |
[29] | Hernandez, C., Maranon, A., Ashcroft, I.A., Casas-Rodriguez, J.P. An inverse problem for the characterization of dynamic material model parameters from a single SHPB test. (2011) Procedia Engineering, 10, pp. 1603-1608. |
[30] | Mubashar, A., Ashcroft, I.A., Critchlow, G.W., Crocombe, A.D. A method of predicting the stresses in adhesive joints after cyclic moisture conditioning.(2011) Journal of Adhesion, 87 (9), pp. 926-950. |
[31] | Tsigkourakos, G., Silberschmidt, V.V., Ashcroft, I.A. Damage assessment in CFRP laminates exposed to impact fatigue loading. (2011) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 305 (1), art. no. 012047, . |
[32] | Liu, X., Elmahdy, A.E., Wildman, R.D., Ashcroft, I.A., Ruiz, P.D. Experimental investigation and material modelling of fresh and UV aged Japanese lacquer (Urushi). (2011) Progress in Organic Coatings, 70 (4), pp. 160-169. |
[33] | Katnam, K.B., Crocombe, A.D., Khoramishad, H., Ashcroft, I.A. The static failure of adhesively bonded metal laminate structures: A cohesive zone approach. (2011) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 25 (10), pp. 1131-1157. |
[34] | Wahab, M.M.A., Hilmy, I., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D. Damage parameters of adhesive joints with general triaxiality part I: Finite element analysis.(2011) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 25 (9), pp. 903-923. |
[35] | Wahab, M.M.A., Hilmy, I., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D. Damage parameters of adhesive joints with general triaxiality, part 2: Scarf joint analysis. (2011) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 25 (9), pp. 927-947. |
[36] | Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V., Echard, B., Rodriguez, J.P.C. Crack propagation in a toughened epoxy adhesive under repeated impacts. (2011) Shock and Vibration, 18 (1-2), pp. 157-170. |
[37] | Holtam, C.M., Baxter, D.P., Ashcroft, I.A., Thomson, R.C. A survey of fitness-for-service trends in industry. (2011) Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 133 (1), art. no. 014001, . |
[38] | Ruiz, P.D., Jumbo, F., Huntley, J.M., Ashcroft, I.A., Swallowe, G.M. Experimental and numerical investigation of strain distributions within the adhesive layer in bonded joints. (2011) Strain, 47 (1), pp. 88-104. |
[39] | Khokhar, Z.R., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V. Interaction of matrix cracking and delamination in cross-ply laminates: Simulations with stochastic cohesive zone elements. (2011) Applied Composite Materials, 18 (1), pp. 3-16. |
[40] | Ashcroft, I.A., Casas-Rodriguez, J.P., Silberschmidt, V.V. Fatigue crack growth in adhesively bonded joints with intermittent impacts. (2011) Key Engineering Materials, 452-453, pp. 5-8. |
[41] | Ashcroft, I.A., Shenoy, V., Critchlow, G.W., Crocombe, A.D. A comparison of the prediction of fatigue damage and crack growth in adhesively bonded joints using fracture mechanics and damage mechanics progressive damage methods.(2010) Journal of Adhesion, 86 (12), pp. 1203-1230. |
[42] | Hernandez, C., Maranon, A., Ashcroft, I.A., Casas-Rodriguez, J.P. An inverse problem for the mechanical characterization of steels from the Taylor test.(2010) ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 9, pp. 501-506. |
[43] | Katnam, K.B., Sargent, J.P., Crocombe, A.D., Khoramishad, H., Ashcroft, I.A. Characterisation of moisture-dependent cohesive zone properties for adhesively bonded joints. (2010) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 77 (16), pp. 3105-3119. |
[44] | Jumbo, F.S., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D., Abdel Wahab, M.M. Thermal residual stress analysis of epoxy bi-material laminates and bonded joints. (2010) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 30 (7), pp. 523-538. |
[45] | Khoramishad, H., Crocombe, A.D., Katnam, K.B., Ashcroft, I.A. A generalised damage model for constant amplitude fatigue loading of adhesively bonded joints. (2010) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 30 (6), pp. 513-521. |
[46] | Shenoy, V., Ashcroft, I.A., Critchlow, G.W., Crocombe, A.D. Unified methodology for the prediction of the fatigue behaviour of adhesively bonded joints. (2010) International Journal of Fatigue, 32 (8), pp. 1278-1288. |
[47] | Khoramishad, H., Crocombe, A.D., Katnam, K.B., Ashcroft, I.A. Predicting fatigue damage in adhesively bonded joints using a cohesive zone model. (2010) International Journal of Fatigue, 32 (7), pp. 1146-1158. |
[48] | Holtam, C.M., Baxter, D.P., Ashcroft, I.A., Thomson, R.C. An investigation into fatigue crack growth test methods in sour environment. (2010) International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 20 (2), pp. 103-109. |
[49] | Shenoy, V., Ashcroft, I.A., Critchlow, G.W., Crocombe, A.D. Fracture mechanics and damage mechanics based fatigue lifetime prediction of adhesively bonded joints subjected to variable amplitude fatigue. (2010) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 77 (7), pp. 1073-1090. |
[50] | Ashcroft, I.A., Casas-Rodriguez, J.P., Silberschmidt, V.V. A model to predict the anomalous fatigue crack growth behaviour seen in mixed mechanism fracture. (2010) Journal of Adhesion, 86 (5-6), pp. 522-538. |
[51] | Katnam, K.B., Crocombe, A.D., Khoramishad, H., Ashcroft, I.A. Load ratio effect on the fatigue behaviour of adhesively bonded joints: An enhanced damage model. (2010) Journal of Adhesion, 86 (3), pp. 257-272. |
[52] | Wahab, M.M.A., Hilmy, I., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D. Evaluation of fatigue damage in adhesive bonding: Part 2: Single lap joint. (2010) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 24 (2), pp. 325-345. |
[53] | Wahab, M.M.A., Hilmy, I., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D. Evaluation of fatigue damage in adhesive bonding: Part 1: Bulk adhesive. (2010) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 24 (2), pp. 305-324. |
[54] | Holtam, C.M., Baxter, D.P., Ashcroft, I.A., Thomson, R.C. Effect of crack depth on fatigue crack growth rates for a C-Mn pipeline steel in a sour environment. (2010) International Journal of Fatigue, 32 (2), pp. 288-296. |
[55] | Brackett, D.J., Ashcroft, I.A., Hague, R.J.M. Multi-physics optimisation of 'brass' instruments-a new method to include structural and acoustical interactions. (2010) Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 40 (1-6), pp. 611-624. |
[56] | Khokhar, Z.R., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V. Modelling the effect of microstructural randomness on the fracture of composite laminates with stochastic cohesive zone elements. (2010) Key Engineering Materials, 417-418, pp. 13-16. |
[57] | Graner Solana, A., Crocombe, A.D., Ashcroft, I.A. Fatigue life and backface strain predictions in adhesively bonded joints. (2010) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 30 (1), pp. 36-42. |
[58] | Holtam, C.M., Baxter, D.P., Ashcroft, I.A., Thomson, R.C. An investigation into fatigue crack growth test methods in a sour environment. (2009) Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, pp. 373-380. |
[59] | Mubashar, A., Ashcroft, I.A., Critchlow, G.W., Crocombe, A.D. Moisture absorption-desorption effects in adhesive joints. (2009) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 29 (8), pp. 751-760. |
[60] | Khokhar, Z.R., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V. Interaction of matrix cracking and delamination in cross-plylaminates: Simulations with stochastic cohesive zone elements.(2009) ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials. |
[61] | Mubashar, A., Ashcroft, I.A., Critchlow, G.W., Crocombe, A.D. Modelling cyclic moisture uptake in an epoxy adhesive. (2009) Journal of Adhesion, 85 (10), pp. 711-735. |
[62] | Khokhar, Z.R., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V. Simulations of delamination in CFRP laminates: Effect of microstructural randomness. (2009) Computational Materials Science, 46 (3), pp. 607-613. |
[63] | Shenoy, V., Ashcroft, I.A., Critchlow, G.W., Crocombe, A.D., Abdel Wahab, M.M. An evaluation of strength wearout models for the lifetime prediction of adhesive joints subjected to variable amplitude fatigue. (2009) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 29 (6), pp. 639-649. |
[64] | Holtam, C.M., Baxter, D.P., Thomson, R.C., Ashcroft, I.A. Influence of fatigue loading on the engineering critical assessment of steel catenary risers in sour deepwater oil and gas developments. (2009) Key Engineering Materials, 413-414, pp. 313-325. |
[65] | Khokhar, Z.R., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V. Development of delamination in cross-ply laminates: Effect of microstructure. (2009) Key Engineering Materials, 413-414, pp. 229-236. |
[66] | Holtam, C.M., Baxter, D.P., Ashcroft, I.A., Thomson, R.C. The behavior of shallow cracks in a pipeline steel operating in a sour environment. (2009) Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 131 (3), pp. 1-9. |
[67] | Shenoy, V., Ashcroft, I.A., Critchlow, G.W., Crocombe, A.D., Abdel Wahab, M.M. An investigation into the crack initiation and propagation behaviour of bonded single-lap joints using backface strain. (2009) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 29 (4), pp. 361-371. |
[68] | Shenoy, V., Ashcroft, I.A., Critchlow, G.W., Crocombe, A.D., Abdel Wahab, M.M. Strength wearout of adhesively bonded joints under constant amplitude fatigue. (2009) International Journal of Fatigue, 31 (5), pp. 820-830. |
[69] | Ashcroft, I.A., Comyn, J., Tellwright, S. Adhesives for automotive windscreen replacement: Kinetics of cure and bond strength. (2009) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 29 (2), pp. 155-166. |
[70] | Silberschmidt, V.V., Casas-Rodriguez, J.P., Ashcroft, I.A. Impact fatigue of adhesive joints. (2009) Key Engineering Materials, 399, pp. 71-78. |
[71] | Holtam, C.M., Baxter, D.P., Ashcroft, I.A., Thomson, R.C. The behaviour of shallow cracks in a pipeline steel operating in a sour environment. (2008) Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, 5, pp. 57-66. |
[72] | Holtam, C.M., Baxter, D.P., Ashcroft, I.A., Thomson, R.C. A survey of Fitness-for-Service trends in industry. (2008) American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, 1, pp. 741-751. |
[73] | Crocombe, A.D., Ashcroft, I.A., Wahab, M.M.A. Environmental degradation. (2008) Modeling of Adhesively Bonded Joints, pp. 225-241. |
[74] | Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D. Modelling fatigue in adhesively bonded joints. (2008) Modeling of Adhesively Bonded Joints, pp. 183-223. |
[75] | Crocombe, A.D., Ashcroft, I.A. Simple lap joint geometry. (2008) Modeling of Adhesively Bonded Joints, pp. 3-23. |
[76] | Hilmy, I., Wahab, M.M.A., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D. A finite element analysis of scarf joint for controlling the triaxiality function in adhesive bonding. (2008) Key Engineering Materials, 385-387, pp. 17-20. |
[77] | Ashcroft, I.A., Casas-Rodriguez, J.P., Silberschmidt, V.V. Mixed-mode crack growth in bonded composite joints under standard and impact-fatigue loading. (2008) Journal of Materials Science, 43 (20), pp. 6704-6713. |
[78] | Casas-Rodriguez, J.P., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V. Damage in adhesively bonded CFRP joints: Sinusoidal and impact-fatigue. (2008) Composites Science and Technology, 68 (13), pp. 2663-2670. |
[79] | Silberschmidt, V.V., Casas-Rodriguez, J.P., Ashcroft, I.A. Impact fatigue in adhesive joints. (2008) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 222 (10), pp. 1981-1994. |
[80] | Casas-Rodriguez, J.P., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V. Delamination in adhesively bonded CFRP joints: Standard fatigue, impact-fatigue and intermittent impact. (2008) Composites Science and Technology, 68 (12), pp. 2401-2409. |
[81] | Hua, Y., Crocombe, A.D., Wahab, M.A., Ashcroft, I.A. Continuum damage modelling of environmental degradation in joints bonded with EA9321 epoxy adhesive. (2008) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 28 (6), pp. 302-313. |
[82] | Casas-Rodriguez, J.P., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V. Damage evolution in adhesive joints subjected to impact fatigue. (2007) Journal of Sound and Vibration, 308 (3-5), pp. 467-478. |
[83] | Jumbo, F., Ruiz, P.D., Yu, Y., Swallowe, G.M., Ashcroft, I.A., Huntley, J.M. Experimental and numerical investigation of mechanical and thermal residual strains in adhesively bonded joints. (2007) Strain, 43 (4), pp. 319-331. |
[84] | Vora, R.J., Ashcroft, I.A., Hague, R. Investigation of stereolithography material by depth sensing indentation and differential scanning calorimetry. (2007) Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 36 (2), pp. 68-76. |
[85] | Solana, A.G., Crocombe, A.D., Wahab, M.M.A., Ashcroft, I.A. Fatigue initiation in adhesively-bonded single-lap joints. (2007) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 21 (14), pp. 1343-1357. |
[86] | Liljedahl, C.D.M., Crocombe, A.D., Wahab, M.A., Ashcroft, I.A. Modelling the environmental degradation of adhesively bonded aluminium and composite joints using a CZM approach. (2007) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 27 (6), pp. 505-518. |
[87] | Hilmy, I., Abdel Wahab, M.M., Crocombe, A.D., Ashcroft, I.A., Solana, A.G. Effect of triaxiality on damage parameters in adhesive. (2007) Key Engineering Materials, 348-349, pp. 37-40. |
[88] | Ali, A.M., Abdel Wahab, M.M., Crocombe, A.D., Ashcroft, I.A. Damage assessment of adhesively bonded FRP Beams using modal parameters. (2007) Key Engineering Materials, 347, pp. 525-530. |
[89] | Casas-Rodriguez, J.P., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V. Effect of impact-fatigue on damage in adhesive joints. (2007) Key Engineering Materials, 347, pp. 653-658. |
[90] | Hua, Y., Crocombe, A.D., Wahab, M.A., Ashcroft, I.A. Continuum damage modelling of environmental degradation in joints bonded with E32 epoxy adhesive. (2007) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 21 (2), pp. 179-195. |
[91] | Casas-Rodriguez, J.P., Ashcroft, I.A., Silberschmidt, V.V. Propagation of delamination zones in bonded joints. (2007) Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: Physics, Mathematics, 56 (2), pp. 170-176. |
[92] | Ruiz, P.D., Jumbo, F., Seaton, A., Huntley, J.M., Ashcroft, I.A., Swallowe, G.M. Numerical and experimental investigation of three-dimensional strains in adhesively bonded joints.(2006) Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 41 (8), pp. 583-596. |
[93] | Ashcroft, I.A., Hughes, D.J., Shaw, S.J. Adhesive bonding of fibre reinforced polymer composite materials. (2006) Assembly Automation, 20 (2), pp. 150-161. |
[94] | Hilmy, I., Wahab, M.M.A., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D. Measuring of damage parameters in adhesive bonding. (2006) Key Engineering Materials, 324-325 I, pp. 275-278. |
[95] | Liljedahl, C.D.M., Crocombe, A.D., Wahab, M.A., Ashcroft, I.A. Modelling the environmental degradation of the interface in adhesively bonded joints using a cohesive zone approach. (2006) Journal of Adhesion, 82 (11), pp. 1061-1089. |
[96] | Yu, Y., Ashcroft, I.A., Swallowe, G. An experimental investigation of residual stresses in an epoxy-steel laminate. (2006) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 26 (7), pp. 511-519. |
[97] | Liljedahl, C.D.M., Crocombe, A.D., Wahab, M.A., Ashcroft, I.A. Damage modelling of adhesively bonded joints. (2006) International Journal of Fracture, 141 (1-2), pp. 147-161. |
[98] | Crocombe, A.D., Hua, Y.X., Loh, W.K., Wahab, M.A., Ashcroft, I.A. Predicting the residual strength for environmentally degraded adhesive lap joints. (2006) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 26 (5), pp. 325-336. |
[99] | Hua, Y., Crocombe, A.D., Wahab, M.A., Ashcroft, I.A. Modelling environmental degradation in EA9321-bonded joints using a progressive damage failure model. (2006) Journal of Adhesion, 82 (2), pp. 135-160. |
[100] | Liljedahl, C.D.M., Crocombe, A.D., Wahab, M.A., Ashcroft, I.A. The effect of residual strains on the progressive damage modelling of environmentally degraded adhesive joints. (2005) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 19 (7), pp. 525-547. |
[101] | Loh, W.K., Crocombe, A.D., Wahab, M.M.A., Ashcroft, I.A. Modelling anomalous moisture uptake, swelling and thermal characteristics of a rubber toughened epoxy adhesive. (2005) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 25 (1), pp. 1-12. |
[102] | Zheng, S., Ashcroft, I.A. A depth sensing indentation study of the hardness and modulus of adhesive. (2005) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 25 (1), pp. 67-76. |
[103] | Primartomo, A., Williams, K., Ashcroft, I.A. Laser transformation hardening using customised laser beam intensity profiles. (2004) PICALO 2004 - 1st Pacific International Conference on Applications of Laser and Optics, Conference Proceedings, pp. 29-34. |
[104] | Ashcroft, I.A. A simple model to predict crack growth in bonded joints and laminates under variable-amplitude fatigue. (2004) Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 39 (6), pp. 707-716. |
[105] | Erpolat, S., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D., Abdel-Wahab, M.M. A study of adhesively bonded joints subjected to constant and variable amplitude fatigue. (2004) International Journal of Fatigue, 26 (11), pp. 1189-1196. |
[106] | Erpolat, S., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D., Abdel-Wahab, M.M. Fatigue crack growth acceleration due to intermittent overstressing in adhesively bonded CFRP joints. (2004) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 35 (10), pp. 1175-1183. |
[107] | Erpolat, S., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D., Wahab, M.A. On the analytical determination of strain energy release rate in bonded DCB joints. (2004) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 71 (9-10), pp. 1393-1401. |
[108] | Abdel Wahab, M.M., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D. A comparison of failure prediction methods for an adhesively bonded composite beam. (2004) Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 39 (2), pp. 173-185. |
[109] | Abdel Wahab, M.M., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D., Smith, P.A. Finite element prediction of fatigue crack propagation lifetime in composite bonded joints. (2004) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 35 (2), pp. 213-222. |
[110] | Abdel Wahab, M.M., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D., Smith, P.A.Fatigue crack propagation in adhesively bonded joints.(2003) Key Engineering Materials, 251-252, pp. 229-233. |
[111] | Al-Ghamdi, A.H., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D., Abdel-Wahab, M.M. Crack growth in adhesively bonded joints subjected to variable frequency fatigue loading. (2003) Journal of Adhesion, 79 (12), pp. 1161-1182. |
[112] | Loh, W.K., Crocombe, A.D., Abdel Wahab, M.M., Ashcroft, I.A. Modelling interfacial degradation using interfacial rupture elements. (2003) Journal of Adhesion, 79 (12), pp. 1135-1160. |
[113] | Abdel Wahab, M.M., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D., Joussot, L. Lifetime prediction for fatigue damage in bonded joints. (2003) Key Engineering Materials, 245-346, pp. 43-50. |
[114] | Ashcroft, I.A., Erpolat, S., Tyrer, J. Damage assessment in bonded composite joints. (2003) Key Engineering Materials, 245-346, pp. 501-508. |
[115] | Ashcroft, I.A., Abdel Wahab, M.M., Crocombe, A.D. Predicting degradation in bonded composite joints using a semi-coupled finite-element method.(2003) Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 10 (3), pp. 227-248. |
[116] | Crocombe, A.D., Ong, C.Y., Chan, C.M., Abdel Wahab, M.M., Ashcroft, I.A. Investigating fatigue damage evolution in adhesively bonded structures using backface strain measurement. (2002) Journal of Adhesion, 78 (9), pp. 745-776. |
[117] | Loh, W.K., Crocombe, A.D., Wahab, M.M.A., Watts, J.F., Ashcroft, I.A. The effect of moisture on the failure locus and fracture energy of an epoxy-steel interface. (2002) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 16 (11), pp. 1407-1429. |
[118] | Loh, W.K., Crocombe, A.D., Abdel Wahab, M.M., Ashcroft, I.A. Environmental degradation of the interfacial fracture energy in an adhesively bonded joint. (2002) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 69 (18), pp. 2113-2128. |
[119] | Abdel Wahab, M.M., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D., Smith, P.A. Numerical prediction of fatigue crack propagation lifetime in adhesively bonded structures. (2002) International Journal of Fatigue, 24 (6), pp. 705-709. |
[120] | Ashcroft, I.A., Shaw, S.J. Mode I fracture of epoxy bonded composite joints 2. Fatigue loading. (2002) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 22 (2), pp. 151-167. |
[121] | Wahab, M.M.A., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D., Shaw, S.J. Diffusion of moisture in adhesively bonded joints. (2001) Journal of Adhesion, 77 (1), pp. 43-80. |
[122] | Wahab, M.M.A., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D., Crocombe, A.D. Prediction of fatigue thresholds in adhesively bonded joints using damage mechanics and fracture mechanics. (2001) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 15 (7), pp. 763-781. |
[123] | Ashcroft, I.A., Digby, R.P., Shaw, S.J. A comparison of laboratory-conditioned and naturally-weathered bonded joints. (2001) Journal of Adhesion, 75 (2), pp. 175-201. |
[124] | Ashcroft, I.A., Hughes, D.J., Shaw, S.J., Wahab, M.A., Crocombe, A. Effect of temperature on the quasi-static strength and fatigue resistance of bonded composite double lap joints. (2001) Journal of Adhesion, 75 (1), pp. 61-88. |
[125] | Wahab, M.M.A., Ashcroft, I.A., Crocombe, A.D., Hughes, D.J., Shaw, S.J. Effect of environment on the fatigue of bonded composite joints. Part 2: Fatigue threshold prediction. (2001) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 32 (1), pp. 59-69. |
[126] | Ashcroft, I.A., Wahab, M.M.A., Crocombe, A.D., Hughes, D.J., Shaw, S.J. Effect of environment on the fatigue of bonded composite joints. Part 1: Testing and fractography. (2001) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 32 (1), pp. 45-58. |
[127] | Ashcroft, I.A., Hughes, D.J., Shaw, S.J. Mode I fracture of epoxy bonded composite joints: 1. Quasi-static loading. (2001) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 21 (2), pp. 87-89. |
[128] | Ashcroft, I.A., Spinks, G.M. A method of monitoring water absorption in polymers using a depth sensing indentation system. (1996) Journal of Materials Research, 11 (2), pp. 529-536. |
[129] | Jamting, A., Ben-Nissan, B., Ashcroft, I., Swain, M.V., Bell, J.M. Studies of ultra micro indented multi layered sol-gel zirconia films. (1995) Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 356, pp. 711-716. |
[130] | Ashcroft, I.A., Derby, B. Characterization of glass-ceramic to metal bonds.(1994) Journal of Materials Science, 29 (17), pp. 4436-4446. |
[131] | Ashcroft, I.A., Derby, B. Adhesion testing of glass-ceramic thick films on metal substrates. (1993) Journal of Materials Science, 28 (11), pp. 2989-2998. |