[1] | Jeffrey T. Somers, John W. Melvin, Ala Tabiei, Charles Lawrence, Robert Ploutz-Snyder, Bradley Granderson, Alan Feiveson, Michael Gernhardt, John Patalak, “Development of Head Injury Assessment Reference Values Based on NASA Injury Modeling”, STAPP Journal, Vol 55, November 2011. |
[2] | Ala Tabiei and Subramani Sockalingam, “Multi-physics Coupled Fluid/Thermal/Structural Simulation for Hypersonic Reentry Vehicles”, ASCE J. of Aerospace Engineering, posted ahead of print 12 August 2011. |
[3] | Ala Tabiei and Gaurav Nilakantan, ”Dry woven fabric material model with elastic crimped fibers for ballistic impact simulations”. IJ Vehicle Structures & Systems, Vol 3, issue 2, pp 74-79, 2011. |
[4] | Ala Tabiei, Mostafiz R. Chowdhury, N. Aquelet, M. Souli, “Transient Response of a Projectile in Gun Launch Simulation Using Lagrangian and ALE Methods”, IJ Multi Physics, pp 151-173, Volume 4, Number 2 / July 2010 |
[5] | Tabiei, Yi, and Palazotto, “A Constitutive Viscoplastic Temperature Dependent Material Model For Explicit Finite Element Simulation”, Volume 43 No. 1 of the Far East Journal of Applied mathematics, pp. 65-79, 2010. |
[6] | Subramani Sockalingam and Ala Tabiei , “Fluid/Thermal/Chemical Non-equilibrium Simulation of Hypersonic Reentry Vehicles”, IJ of Multi-physics, Vol 3, No 3, pp 293-306, 2009. |
[7] | Lawrence, Charles; Littell, Justin D.; Fasanella, Edwin L.; Tabiei, Ala, “Orion Crew Member Injury Predictions during Land and Water Landings”, J. of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 3, July 2009. |
[8] | S Babu Aminjikarai and Ala Tabiei, “Propagating Crack Procedure for Dynamic Fracture of Brick Finite Elements for Explicit Time Integration”., Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol 32, NO. 4, PP. 357-377, 2009. |
[9] | G. Nilakantan and A. Tabiei, “Computational Assessment of Occupant Injury Caused by Mine Blasts Underneath Infantry Vehicles”, IJ Vehicle Structures & Systems, Vol 1, No 1-3, pp 50-58, 2009. |
[10] | Ala Tabiei and Gaurav Nilakantan, Tube Axial Crush For Reduction of Acceleration Induced from Mine Blasts under Infantry Vehicles, IJ Impact Engineering, Vol. 36, pp. 729-736, 2009. |
[11] | Ala Tabiei and S Babu Aminjikarai, “A Strain-Rate Dependent Micro-mechanical Model with Progressive Post-Failure Behavior for Predicting Impact response of Unidirectional Composite Laminates”, Composite Structures, Vol. 88 Issue 1, p65-82, March 2009. |
[12] | Tabiei, A. and Nilakaltan, G., “Ballistic Impact of Dry Woven Fabric Composites; A Review”, Applied Mechanics Review, January 2008, Vol. 61 Issue 1, p10801. |
[13] | Sung-Cheon Han and Ala Tabiei, "Geometrically nonlinear analysis of laminated composite thin shells using the modified first-order shear deformable element based Lagrangian shell element", Composite Structures, Vol. 82, No. 3, 2007. |
[14] | Aminjikarai SB, Tabiei, A, “Automated Dynamic Fracture Procedure for Explicit Time Integration Brick Finite Elements”, IJ Multi-Physics, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2007. |
[15] | Tabiei, A. and Ivanov I, “Micro-mechanical strain-rate dependent viscoplastic model with damage for impact simulations of woven fabric composites”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Volume 14, Issue 5 June 2007 , pages 365 - 377 |
[16] | Aminjikarai SB, Tabiei, A, “A STRAIN-RATE DEPENDENT 3-D MICROMECHANICAL MODEL FOR FINITE ELEMENT SIMULATIONS OF PLAIN WEAVE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES”, Composite Structures, Vol. 81, Issue: 3, December, 2007. pp. 407-418 |
[17] | Romil Tanov and Ala Tabiei, “Adding Transverse Normal Stress Treatment To First and Higher Order Shear Deformable Elements For Layered Shells”, Composite Structures, Vol. 76, pp. 338-344, December 2006. |
[18] | Tabiei A, Yi WT, and R. Goldberg, “Nonlinear Strain Rate Dependent Micro-Mechanical Composite Material Model for Finite Element Impact Simulation”, IJ of Nonlinear Mechanics, Vol. 40, No. 7, pp 957-970, 2005. |
[19] | Ivanov I. and Tabiei A.,” Loosely Woven Fabric Model With Viscoelastic Crimped Fibers for Ballistic Impact Simulations”, IJ of Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 57, November, 2004. |
[20] | Tabiei A, Ivanov I, ”Materially & Geometrically Nonlinear Woven Composite Micro-mechanical Model with Failure for Finite Element Simulations”, IJ of Nonlinear Mechanics, Vol. 39, pp 175-188, 2004. |
[21] | Tabiei, A. and Wu J., “DEVELOPMENT OF THE DYNA3D SIMULATION CODE WITH AUTOMATED FRACTURE PROCEDURE FOR 3-D BRICK ELEMENTS”, Int. J. of Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol 57, No. 13. 2003. |
[22] | Tabiei A, Ivanov I, ”Fiber Reorientation in Laminated and Woven Composites for Finite Element Simulations”, J THERMOPLAST COMPOS, Sep 2003; 16: 457 - 474. |
[23] | Tabiei A, Song G, Jiang Y, “Strength simulation of woven fabric composite materials with material nonlinearity using micromechanics based model”, J THERMOPLAST COMPOS 16: (1) 5-20 JAN 2003. |
[24] | Ivanov I, Tabiei A, “Collapsible shell finite element for composite materials”, FINITE ELEM ANAL DES 39: (4) 343-354 FEB 2003. |
[25] | Ala Tabiei and Romil Tanov, “SANDWICH SHELL FINITE ELEMENT FOR DYNAMIC EXPLICIT ANALYSIS, Int. J. of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 54: (5) 763-787 JUN 20 2002. |
[26] | Tabiei A, Yi WT, “Comparative study of predictive methods for woven fabric composite elastic properties”, COMPOS STRUCT 58: (1) 149-164 OCT 2002. |
[27] | Tabiei A, Ivanov I,” Computational micro-mechanical model of flexible woven fabric for finite element impact simulation”, INT J NUMER METH ENG 53: (6) 1259-1276, FEB 28, 2002. |
[28] | Ivanov I, Tabiei A, “Flexible woven fabric micromechanical material model with fiber reorientation”, MECH ADV MATL STRUCT 9: (1) 37-51 JAN 1 2002. |
[29] | Ivanov I, Tabiei A,” Three-dimensional computational micro-mechanical model for woven fabric composites”, COMPOS STRUCT 54: (4) 489-496 DEC 2001. |
[30] | Romil Tanov and Ala Tabiei, “COMPUTATIONALLY EFFICIENT MICROMECHANICAL WOVEN FABRIC COMPOSITE CONSTITUTIVE MODELS”, J. of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 553-560, July 2001. |
[31] | Tabiei, A. and Chen, Q., “Micromechanics Composite Material Model for Crashworthiness Applications”, J. of Thermoplastics Composites, 14: (4) pp. 264-289 JUL 2001. |
[32] | Ala Tabiei and Jin Wu, “THREE DIMENSIONAL NONLINEAR ORTHOTROPIC FINITE ELEMENT MATERIAL MODLE FOR WOOD”, Composite Structures, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 143-149, 2000. |
[33] | Romil R. Tanov and Ala Tabiei, “FINITE ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF A NEW SANDWICH HOMOGENIZATION PROCEDURE”, Composite Structures, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 49-58, 2000. |
[35] | Ala Tabiei and Romil Tanov “A NONLINEAR HIGHER ORDER SHEAR DEFORMATION SHELL ELEMENT FOR DYNAMIC EXPLICIT ANALYSIS: PART II. VERIFICATION EXAMPLES”, Finite Elements In Analysis & Design, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 39-50, 2000. |
[36] | A. Tabiei, Y. Jiang, W. Yi, “A Novel Micromechanics-Based Plain Weave Fabric Composite Constitutive Model With Material Nonlinear Behavior”, AIAA J, Vol. 38, No. 5, May 2000. |
[37] | Tabiei, A., and J. Wu, “Validated Crash Simulation of the Most Common Guardrail System in the USA”, Int. J. of Crashworthiness, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 153-168, 2000. |
[38] | Romil Tanov and Ala Tabiei, “A Simple Correction to The First Order Shear Deformation Shell Finite Element Formulation”, Finite Elements In Analysis & Design, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 189-197, May 2000. |
[39] | Ala Tabiei and Jianmin Sun, “Analytical Simulation of Strength Size Effect in Composite Materials, Composites Engineering-Part B, vol. 31, pp. 133-139, 2000. |
[40] | Tabiei, A., and J. Wu, “Roadmap For Crashworthiness Finite Element Simulation Of Roadside Safety Structures”, Int. J. Finite Element in Analysis and Design, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 145-157, 2000. |
[41] | Yiwei Jiang, Ala Tabiei, and George J. Simitses, “A Novel Micromechanics-Based Plain Weave Fabric Composite Constitutive Equations for Local/Global Analysis”, Composite Science and Technology, Vol. 60, No. 9, pp. 1825-1833, 2000. |
[42] | Tanov, R. and Tabiei, A., “A Note on Finite Element Implementation of Sandwich Shell Homogenization”, Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 467–473, May 2000. |
[43] | Ala Tabiei and Jianmin Sun, “Statistical Aspects of Strength Size Effect of Laminated Composite Materials”, Composite Structures, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 209-216, 1999. |
[44] | Tabiei, A., Tanov, R., and GJ. Simitses, “Numerical Simulation of Cylindrical Laminated Shells Under Impulsive Lateral Pressure”, AIAA J. Vol. 37, number 5, pp. 629-633, 1999. |
[45] | Tanov, R., Tabiei, A., and GJ. Simitses, “Effect of Static Preloading on The Dynamic Buckling of Laminated Cylinders Under Sudden Pressure”, Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 195-206, 1999. |
[46] | Tabiei, A., and Jiang, Y., “Woven Fabric Composite Material Model With Material Nonlinearity For the Finite Element Simulation”, Int. J. of Solids and Structures, Vol. 36, No. 18, pp. 2757-2771, 1999. |
[47] | Tabiei, A., Svenson, A., Hargrave, M., and Bank, L., “Impact performance of pultruded beams for highway safety applications'', Composite Structures, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 231-237, 1998. |
[48] | Tabiei, A., and Jiang, Y., “Stability of Laminated Cylindrical Shells with Material Nonlinear Effect”, Int. J. of Nonlinear Mechanics, Vol. 33, No 3, pp. 407-415, 1998. |
[49] | Tabiei, A., Jiang, Y., and Simitses, G. J., “Compressive Behavior of Moderately Thick Plates With Progressive Damage”, Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures, Vol. 4, pp. 281-295, 1997. |
[50] | Tabiei, A., Sun, J., and Simitses. G., J., ”On The Scaling Laws of Cylindrical Shells Under Lateral Pressure”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 35, No. 10, pp. 1669-1671, 1997. |
[51] | Tabiei, A., "Dyna3d Finite Element Simulation Of A Guard Rail Impact", Civil Engineering Practice, No. 2, Fall/Winter, pp. 39-48, 1997. |
[52] | Tabiei, A., Simitses, G. J., ''Imperfection Sensitivity of Shear Deformable Moderately Thick, Composite Shells'', Computers and Structures, Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 165-174, 1997. |
[53] | Tabiei, A., and Simitses, G. J., ''Torsional Instability of Moderately Thick Composite Cylindrical Shells, by Various Shell Theories'', AIAA Journal, Vol. 35, No. 7, pp. 1243-1246, 1997. |
[54] | Huyan, X., Simitses, G. J., and Tabiei, A., “Nonlinear Analysis of Imperfect Metallic and Lminated Cylindres Under Bending Loads”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 11, pp. 2406-2413, 1996. |
[55] | Tabiei, A., Svenson, A., and Hargrave, M.,"Impact Behavior of Pultruded Composite Box-Beams", Composites Structures, Vol. 36, issue 1-2, pp. 155-160, 1996. |
[56] | Tabiei, A., ''Buckling of Moderately Thick, Composite Shells Under Destabilizing Loads'', Journal of Thermoplastics Composite Materials, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 365-374, 1995. |
[57] | Anastasiadis, J. S., Tabiei, A., Simitses, G. J., ''Instability of Moderately Thick, Laminated Cylindrical Shells Under Combined Axial Compression and Pressure'', Composites Structures, Vol. 27, pp. 367-378, 1994. |
[58] | Tabiei, A., Simitses, G. J., ''Buckling of Moderately Thick, Laminated Cylindrical Shells Under Torsion'', AIAA Journal, Vol. 32, No. 3 pp. 639-647, 1994. |
[59] | Simitses, G. J., Tabiei, A., Anastasiadis, J. S., ''Buckling of Moderately Thick, Laminated Cylindrical Shells Under Lateral Pressure'', Composites Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 409-417, 1993. |