[1] | Gross, D., Heimer, S. and Hohe, J.: Dynamic crack growth in viscoplastic materials, Nonlinear Analysis of Fracture (Willis, J.R. ed.) – Proc. IUTAM-Symp. Nonl. Anal. Frac. (Cambridge, September 03-07, 1995), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1996, 221-230. |
[2] | Hohe, J. and Gross, D.: Analysis of ductile crack growth by means of a damage yield strip model, Localised Damage IV (Nisitani, H., Aliabadi, M.H., Nishida, S.I. and Cartwright, D.J. eds.) – Proc. Localised Damage 96 (Fukuoka, June 03-05, 1996), Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton 1996, 457-464. |
[3] | Feucht, M., Baaser, H., Hohe, J. and Gross, D.: Numerical modelling of crack growth in ductile damaging materials, Proc. 11th Europ. Conf. Frac. (Petit, J. ed.), (Poitiers, 1996), 923-928. |
[4] | Baaser, H., Hohe, J. and Gross, D.: Ductile crack growth analysis using the Gurson damage model, Problems of Environmental and Damage Mechanics (Kosinski, W., de Boer, R., Gross, D. eds.) – Proc. SolMec’96 (Mierki, September 09-14, 1996), IPPT PAN, Warszawa 1997, 139-147. |
[5] | Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: On the effective elasticity tensor of cellular materials obtained by anenergetic homogenization procedure, GAMMJahrestagung 1999 (Metz, April 12-16, 1999), Z. Ang.Math. Mech. 80 (2000) S 381-S 382. |
[6] | Hohe, J. und Becker, W.: ElastischeEffektiveigenschaftenkommerzieller Sandwich-Kerne – einevergleichendeAnalyse, Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde (Schulte, K., Kainer, K.U.eds.) – TagungVerbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde (Hamburg, October 05-07, 1999), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 1999, 24-29. |
[7] | Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: Homogenization of cellular sandwich cores considering core face sheetconstraints, GAMMJahrestagung 2000 (Göttingen, April 02-07, 2000), Z. Ang. Math. Mech. 81(2001) S 299-S 300. |
[8] | Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: On the influence of core face sheet constraints on the effective elasticitytensor of cellular sandwich cores, Sandwich Construction 5 (Meyer-Piening, H.R. and Zenkert, D.eds.) – Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Sandwich Construction (Zürich, September 05-07, 2000), EMAS Publishing,Solihull 2000, 201-210. |
[9] | Hohe, J., Goswami, S. and Becker, W.: Stress singularities in honeycomb cores for structuralsandwich panels, GAMMJahrestagung 2001 (Zürich, February 12-15, 2001), Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.1 (2002) 169-170. |
[10] | Becker, W., Hohe, J. and Goswami, S.: Stress singularities within the cellular core of a sandwichplate, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Frac. (Honolulu, HI, December 02-06, 2001), CD-ROM. |
[11] | Hohe, J. and Librescu, L.: A nonlinear sandwich shell theory accounting for transverse corecompressibility, GAMMJahrestagung 2002 (Augsburg, March 22-25, 2002), Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.2 (2003) 158-159. |
[12] | Müller, A., Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: A closed-form analysis of material and geometry effects onstress singularities at unsymmetricbimaterial notches, GAMMJahrestagung 2002 (Augsburg,March 22-25, 2002), Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 2 (2003) 210-211. |
[13] | Hohe, J. and Librescu, L.: A comprehensive nonlinear model for sandwich-shells with anisotropicfaces and compressible core, AIAA-paper 2002-1245, Proc. 43rdAIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASCStructures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conf. (Denver, CO, April 22-25, 2002), CD-ROM. |
[14] | Müller, A., Hohe, J., Becker, W., Stolten, D. and de Haart, L.G.J.: Structural stress and sensitivityanalysis revealing optimization potential of SOFC-stacks, Proc. 5th European Solid OxideFuel Cell Forum (Huijsmans, J. ed.), (Luzern, July01-05, 2002), 791-798. |
[15] | Müller, A., Hohe, J., Becker, W., Stolten, D, de Haart, L.G.J. and Steinbrech, R.: Simulationand modelling: Discovering the potential for structural optimization of fuel cell stacks, Fuel CellSystems (Stolten, D. and Emonts, B. eds.) – Proc. World Renewable Energy Congr. VII (Köln,June 29-July 05, 2002), 163-168. |
[16] | Hohe, J. and Librescu, L.: On the effect of transverse core compressibility on the buckling ofgeometrically imperfect sandwich shells, Theory of Plates and Shells – Critical Review and NewApplications (Kienzler, R., Altenbach, H. and Ott, I. eds.) – Proc. EUROMECH Coll. 444(Bremen, September 22-25, 2002), Springer Verlag, Berlin 2004, 61-68. |
[17] | Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: Computational micromechanics: Effective stress-strain relations formicroheterogeneous elastic solids, Int.Workshop on Computational Mechanics and Optimization(Kharagpur, October 04-10, 2002), CD-ROM. |
[18] | Hohe, J. and Librescu, L.: Higher order composite and sandwich shell theories, Int. Workshopon Computational Mechanics and Optimization (Kharagpur, October 04-10, 2002), CD-ROM. |
[19] | Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: Effective stress analysis of elastomeric foams in the finite strain regime,Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Applied Mechanics and Materials (Adali, S., Morozov, V.E. and Verijenko,V.E. eds.), (Durban, January 21-23, 2003), 297-302. |
[20] | Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: Geometrically nonlinear homogenization analysis of hyperelastic solidfoams, GAMMJahrestagung 2003 (AbanoTherme, March 24-28, 2003), Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 3(2003) 178-179. |
[21] | Hohe, J. and Librescu, L.: A higher-order geometrically nonlinear sandwich shell theory accountingfor transverse compressibility of the core, Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Sandwich Structures (Vinson,J.R. ed.), (Fort Lauderdale, FL, March 31-April 02, 2003), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 2003, 796-805. |
[22] | Hohe, J. and Librescu, L.: Core and face sheet anisotropy in deformation and buckling of sandwichpanels, AIAA-paper 2003-1928, Proc. 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures,Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conf. (Norfolk, VA, April 07-10, 2003), CD-ROM. |
[23] | Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: Finite strain analysis of hyperelastic solid foams, 9th Int. Conf. MechanicalBehavior of Materials (Genf, May 25-29, 2003), CD-ROM. |
[24] | Mittelstedt, C., Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: Analysis of thermal stresses at free corners of layeredplates, Thermal Stresses ’03 (Librescu, L. and Marzocca, P. eds.), Proc. 5th Int. Conf. ThermalStresses (Blacksburg, VA, June 08-11, 2003), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,Blacksburg, VA, 2003, MA-9-1-1-MA-9-1-4. |
[25] | Müller, A., Hohe, J., Goswami, S. and Becker, W.: Thermal effects on fracture initiation atbimaterial notches, Thermal Stresses ’03 (Librescu, L. and Marzocca, P. eds.), Proc. 5th Int.Conf. Thermal Stresses (Blacksburg, VA, June 08-11, 2003), Virginia Polytechnic Institute andState University, Blacksburg, VA, 2003, MA-7-4-1-MA-7-4-4. |
[26] | Librescu, L., Oh, S.Y. and Hohe, J.: Dynamic response of anisotropic sandwich panels to explosiveblast loading, Proc. 18th Conf. American Society for Composites (Gainesville, FL, October 20-22, 2003). |
[27] | Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: On the effect of cell irregularity on the effective behavior of solidfoams, GAMMJahrestagung 2004 (Dresden, March 22-26, 2004), Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 4 (2004)260-261. |
[28] | Demiray, S., Becker, W. and Hohe, J.: Comparison of hyperelastic 2-D and 3-D model foamsat large deformations, GAMMJahrestagung 2004 (Dresden, March 22-26, 2004), Proc. Appl. Math.Mech. 4 (2004) 246-247. |
[29] | Müller, A., Goswami, S., Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: On the assessment of cracks within theinterface of thin layers on a substrate, GAMMJahrestagung 2004 (Dresden, March 22.-26, 2004),Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 4 (2004) 288-289. |
[30] | Goswami, S., Müller, A., Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: On the determination of crack initiation directionsunder mixed mode loading, GAMMJahrestagung 2004 (Dresden, March 22-26, 2004), Proc.Appl. Math. Mech. 4 (2004) 280-281. |
[31] | Müller, A., Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: On crack assessment at bimaterial interfaces, Proc. 21rstInt. Congr. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Warszawa, August 16-20, 2004), CD-ROM. |
[32] | Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: Probabilistic homogenization of hyperelastic solid foams, Proc. 21rstInt. Congr. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Warszawa, August 16-20, 2004), CD-ROM. |
[33] | Demiray, S., Ohrndorf, A., Becker, W., Hohe, J., Krupp, U. and Christ, H.J.: Micromecanicalmodeling and experimental chracterization of the deformation behaviour of open-cell metal foams,Cellular Metals and Polymers (Singer, R.F., Körner, C. and Altstädt, V. eds.), Proc. Symp.Cellular Metals and Polymers (Fürth, October 12-14, 2004). |
[34] | Hohe, J., Hebel, J. and Siegele, D.: Two parameter approaches in the probabilistic failure assessmentof ferritic steels, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Fracture (Torino, March 20-25, 2005), CD-ROM. |
[35] | Müller, A., Hohe and Becker, W.: On the evaluation of interfacial crack initiation by means offinite fracture mechanics, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Fracture (Torino, March 20-25, 2005), CD-ROM. |
[36] | Hohe, J. and Librescu, L.: Transient dynamic response of sandwich shells with transverselycompressible core, GAMMJahrestagung 2005 (Luxembourg, March 29-April 01, 2005). Proc. Appl.Math. Mech. 5 (2005) 235-236. |
[37] | Hohe, J., Librescu, L. and Oh, S.Y.: Global buckling and face wrinkling response of sandwich panelsunder transient loads, AIAA-paper 2005-2100, Proc. 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASCStructures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conf. (Austin, TX, April 18-21, 2005), CD-ROM. |
[38] | Siegele, D., Hohe, J. and Friedmann, V.: Master curve analysis of a German RPV steel consideringlocal constraint, Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (Beijing,August 07-12, 2005), CD-ROM. |
[39] | Hohe, J.: Stochastic homogenization of polymeric foams, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Sandwich Structures(Thomsen, O.T., Bozhevolnaya, E. and Lyckegaard, A., eds.) (Aalborg, August 29-31, 2005), 925-934. |
[40] | Hohe, J., Librescu, L. and Oh, S.Y.: Effect of transverse core compressibility on dynamic bucklingof sandwich structures, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Sandwich Structures (Thomsen, O.T., Bozhevolnaya,E. and Lyckegaard, A., eds.) (Aalborg, August 29-31, 2005), 527-536. |
[41] | Demiray, S., Becker, W. and Hohe, J.: A triangular finite element for sandwich plates accountingfor transverse core compressibility, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Sandwich Structures (Thomsen, O.T.,Bozhevolnaya, E. and Lyckegaard, A., eds.) (Aalborg, August 29-31, 2005), 301-310. |
[42] | Librescu, L., Oh, S.Y. and Hohe, J.: Dynamic response of anisotropic sandwich panels to underwaterand in-air explosions, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Sandwich Structures (Thomsen, O.T., Bozhevolnaya,E. and Lyckegaard, A., eds.) (Aalborg, August 29.-31, 2005), 97-106. |
[43] | Krupp, U., Ohrndorf, A., Guillén, T., Christ, H.J., Demiray, S., Becker, W. and Hohe, J.:Isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue behavior of open-cell metal sponges, Proc. 4th Int.Conf. Porous Metals and Metal Foaming Technology (Kyoto, September 21-23, 2005). |
[44] | Hohe, J., Wenck, J. and Siegele, D.: Assessment of the role of micro defect nucleation in probabilisticmodeling of cleavage fracture, Local Approach to Fracture (Besson, J., Moinereau,D. and Steglich, D., eds.), Proc. 9th Europ. Mechanics of Materials Conf. (Moret-sur-Loing,May 09-12, 2006), École des Mines de Paris, Paris 2006, 21-26. |
[45] | Siegele, D., Friedmann, V. and Hohe, J.: Investigations on damage evolution and cleavage basedon combined experimental and numerical methods, Local Approach to Fracture (Besson, J.,Moinereau, D. and Steglich, D., eds.), Proc. 9th Europ. Mechanics of Materials Conf. (Moretsur-Loing, May 09-12, 2006), École des Mines de Paris, Paris 2006, 27-32. |
[46] | Guillen, T., Ohrndorf, A., Krupp, U., Christ, H.J., Demiray, S., Hohe, J. and Becker, W.: Thermomechanicalfatigue of open-cell aluminium sponge, Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materialsand Structures (Gdoutos, E.E., ed.), Proc. 16th Europ. Conf. Fracture (Alexandroupolis,July 03-06, 2006), Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2006, CD-ROM. |
[47] | Hohe, J., Friedmann, V. and Siegele, D.: On the local conditions for cleavage initiation in ferriticsteels, Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures (Gdoutos, E.E., ed.), Proc.16th Europ. Conf. Fracture (Alexandroupolis, July 03-06, 2006), Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2006, CD-ROM. |
[48] | Demiray, S., Becker, W. and Hohe, J.: Analysis of hardening effects of open-celled model foams bynumerical homogenization, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Computational Structures Technolgy (Topping,B.H.V., Montero, G. and Montenegro, R., eds.) (Las Palmas, September 12.-15, 2006), Civil-Comp Press,Kippen 2006, CD-ROM. |
[49] | Hardenacke, V. and Hohe, J.: Local stochastic analysis of the effective material response ofdisordered two-dimensional model foams, GAMMJahrestagung 2007 (Zürich, July 16-20, 2007),Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7 (2007) 4080001-4080002. |
[50] | Hohe, J. and Hardenacke, V.: Numerical analysis of uncertainties in the effective material behaviourof disordered structural foams, GAMMJahrestagung 2007 (Zürich, July 16-20, 2007), Proc.Appl. Math. Mech. 7 (2007) 4080013-4080014. |
[51] | Siegele, D., Hohe, J. and Nagel, G.: On the correlation of crack resistance curves on uppershelf energy for German RPV steels, Proc. 2007 ASME Conf. Pressure Vessels and Piping (SanAntonio, TX, July 22-26, 2007), CD-ROM. |
[52] | Hohe, J., Brand, M. and Siegele, D.: Fracture analysis of cladded components considering residualstresses, GAMMJahrestagung 2008 (Bremen, March 31-April 04, 2008), Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 8(2008) 10209-10210. |
[53] | Hohe, J. and Hardenacke, V.: Probabilistic homogenization analysis of solid foams accountingfor disorder effects, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Sandwich Structures (Ferreira, A., ed.), (Porto, May 06-08, 2008), 1057-1068. |
[54] | Hohe, J., Brand, M. and Siegele, D.: Experimental and numerical investigation of sub-clad andsurface cracks in cladded components, ASME paper PVP2008-61327, Proc. 2008 ASME PressureVessels and Piping Conf. (Chicago, IL, July 27-31, 2008), CD-ROM. |
[55] | Hohe, J., Brand, M. and Siegele, D.: Behavior of cracks in cladded components under considerationof residual stresses, Proc. 17th Europ. Conf. Fracture (Brno,September 02-05, 2008), CD-ROM. |
[56] | Hohe, J., Hardenacke, V., Luckow, S. and Siegele, D.: An enhanced model for probabilistic cleavagefracture assessment considering local constraint effects, Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Fracture (Ottawa,ON, July 12-17, 2009), CD-ROM. |
[57] | Hohe, J., Hardenacke, V. and Siegele, D.: Constraint corrected cleavage fracture assessmentbased on tests of standard and small scale cruciform specimens, ASME paper PVP2009-77299,Proc. 2009 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conf. (Praha, July 26-30, 2009), CD-ROM. |
[58] | Hohe, J., Brand, M., Varfolomeev, I. and Siegele, D.: Numerical analysis of residual stress fieldsin welded components, ASME paper PVP2009-77243, Proc. 2009 ASME Pressure Vessels andPiping Conf. (Praha, July 26-30, 2009), CD-ROM. |
[59] | Hohe, J.: Load and frequency interaction in dynamic buckling of soft-core sandwich plates andshells, GAMMJahrestagung 2010 (Karlsruhe, March 22-26, 2010), Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 10(2010) 165-166. |
[60] | Hardenacke, V., Hohe, J., Luckow, S. and Siegele, D.: An enhanced model for probabilistic cleavagefracture assessment considering local constraint effects, GAMMJahrestagung 2010 (Karlsruhe,March 22-26, 2010), Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 10 (2010) 115-116. |
[61] | Hohe, J., Hardenacke, V. and Beckmann, C.: Numerical homogenization analysis of disordereffects in the effective thermo-mechanical response of structural foams and porous solids, 4thEurop. Conf. Computational Mechanics (Paris, May 16-21, 2010), CD-ROM. |
[62] | Hohe, J.: Load frequency interaction effects in the dynamic buckling of foam core sandwichstructures, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Sandwich Structures (Pasadena, CA, June 14-16, 2010), CD-ROM. |
[63] | Hohe, J., Hardenacke, V., Fascio, V., Girard, Y., Lehmhus, D., Stöbener, K., Pattofatto, S.,Zeng, H., Zhao, H., Fiori, F. and Rustichelli, F.: Design of graded cellular sandwich cores formulti functional aerospace application, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Sandwich Structures (Pasadena, CA,June 14-16, 2010), CD-ROM. |
[64] | Hohe, J., Beckmann, C. and Hardenacke, V.: Strategies for numerical prediction of the uncertaintyin the material response of foams, Extended Abstracts – 1st Int. Conf. Materials for Energy(Karlsruhe, July 04-08, 2010), DECHEMAe.V., Frankfurt/M. 2010, B 960-962. |
[65] | Hohe, J. and Gumbsch, P.: On the potential of tungsten-vanadium composites for high temperatureapplication in nuclear fusion, Extended Abstracts – 1st Int. Conf. Materials for Energy(Karlsruhe, July 04-08, 2010), DECHEMAe.V., Frankfurt/M. 2010, A 218-220. |
[66] | Siegele, D., Varfolomeev, I., Hohe, J., Hardenacke, V. and Nagel, G.: Integrity assessment of aGerman PWRRPV considering loss of constraint, ASME paper PVP2010-25615, Proc. 2010ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conf. (Bellevue, WA, July 18-22, 2010), CD-ROM. |
[67] | Hardenacke, V., Hohe, J., Friedmann, V. and Siegele, D.: Enhancement of local approach modelsfor the assessment of cleavage fracture based on micromechanical investigations, Proc. 18thEurop. Conf. Fracture (Dresden, August 30-September 03, 2010), CD-ROM. |
[68] | Siegele, D., Varfolomeyev, I., Hohe, J., Hardenacke, V. and Nagel, G.: Brittle failure assessmentof RPV considering loss of constraint from transient LOCA conditions, Proc. Int. Symp. Fontevraud7 (Avignon, September 26-30, 2010), CD-ROM. |
[69] | Hohe, J., Beckmann, C., Reinfried, M. and Luthardt, F.: Numerical prediction of the macroscopicmaterial response for the design of solid foams with structural hierarchy, Proc. Int. conf. CellularMaterials (Stephani, G., Hipke, T., Scheffler, M. and Adler, J., eds.) (Dresden, October 27-29, 2010),Fraunhofer-InstitutfürFertigungstechnik und AngewandteMaterialforschungIFAM, Dresden2010, 353-358. |
[70] | Siegele, D., Hohe, J. and Hardenacke, V.: On the effect of load history on brittle failure of ferriticmaterials, Proc. 17th Int. Symp. Plasticity and its current Applications (Puerto Vallarta, January 03-08, 2011). |
[71] | Hohe, J., Beckmann, C., Reinfried, M. and Luthardt, F.: NumerischeBestimmung der makroskopischenEigenschaftenhybriderSchäume, Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde (Wielage,B., ed.), 18. Symp. Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde (Chemnitz, March 30-April 01, 2011),TU Chemnitz 2011, 543-548. |
[72] | Beckmann, C. und Hohe, J: StochastischeAnalyse des effektivenMaterialverhaltens von ungeordnetenSchäumen, Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde (Wielage, B., ed.), 18. Symp.Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde (Chemnitz, March 30-April 01, 2011), TU Chemnitz 2011,537-542. |
[73] | Hohe, J. and Beckmann, C.: Probabilistic homogenization of solid foams, GAMMJahrestagung2011 (Graz, April 18-21, 2011), Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 11 (2011) 527-528. |