[1] | Slobodian P, Lengálová A., Sáha P., Volume and enthalpy relaxation in a-PMMA after temperature up-jumps, J Therm Anal Calorim 71 (2003) 387-393. |
[2] | Slobodian P., Říha P., Lengálová A., Hadač J., Sáha P., Kubát J., Enthalpy and volume relaxation of PMMA, PC, and a-Se: evaluation of aging bulk moduli, J Non-Cryst Solids 344 (2004) 148-157. |
[3] | Slobodian P., Lengálová A., Sáha P., Volume Relaxation Rate in a-PMMA and a-PMMA/PEO Amorphous Blends, Polym J 36 (2004) 176-181. |
[4] | Hadač J., Slobodian P., Sáha P., Volume and Enthalpy Relaxation Response After Combined Temperature History in Polycarbonate, J Therm Anal Calorim 80 (2005) 181-185. |
[5] | Slobodian P., Říha P., Rychwalski R.W., Emri I., Sáha P., Kubát J., The relation between relaxed enthalpy and volume during physical aging of amorphous polymers and selenium, Eur Polym J 42 (2006) 2824-2837. |
[6] | Slobodian P., Vernel J., Pelíšek V., Sáha P., Říha P., Emri I., Rychwalski R.W., Kubát J., Aging bulk modulus obtained from enthalpy and volume relaxations of a-PMMA and its blends with PEO, Mech Time-Depend Mat 10 (2006) 1-15. |
[7] | Hadač J., Slobodian P., Říha P., Sáha P., Rychwalski R.W., Emri I., Kubát J., Effect of cooling rate on enthalpy and volume relaxation of polystyrene, J Non-Cryst Solids 353 (2007) 2681-2691. |
[8] | Hadač J., Slobodian P., Sáha P.,Volume relaxation in amorphous and semicrystalline PET, J Mater Sci 42 (2007) 3724-3731. |
[9] | Slobodian P., Lengálová A., Šlouf M., Sáha P., Poly(methyl methacrylate)/Multi-wall carbon Nanotubes Composites Prepared by Solvent Cast Technique: Composites Electrical Percolation Threshold, J Reinf Plast Comp 26 (2007) 1705-1712. |
[10] | Říha P., Hadač J., Slobodian P., Sáha P., Rychwalski R.W., Kubát J., Effect of aging time on the volumetric and enthalpic glass transition of a-PMMA upon heating, Polymer, 48 (2007) 7356-7363. |
[11] | Slobodian P., Rigid amorphous fraction in poly(ethylene terephthalate) determined by dilatometry, J Therm Anal Calorim 94 (2008) 545-551. |
[12] | Slobodian P., Zatloukal M., Sáha P., Evaluation of the structure (or nonlinearity) parameter x by peak-shift method from volumetric heating data of PET, J Phys Chem Solids 69 (2008) 975–980. |
[13] | Svoboda P, Svobodova D, Slobodian P.,, et al., Phase separation and phase dissolution in poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) blend, EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL (45) 8 2434-2442 (2009). |
[14] | Svoboda P, Svobodova D, Slobodian P.,et al., Transmission electron microscopy study of phase morphology in polypropylene/ethylene-octene copolymer blends, EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL (45) 5 1485-1492 (2009). |
[15] | Svoboda P, Svobodova D, Slobodian P., et al., Crystallization kinetics of polypropylene/ethylene-octene copolymer blends, POLYMER TESTING (28) 2 215-222 (2009). |
[16] | Kimmer D., Slobodian P., Petras D, Saha P., et al.Polyurethane/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanowebs Prepared by an Electrospinning Process, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 111(6) 2711-2714 (2009). |
[17] | Slobodian P., Lengalova A., Zatloukal M., Saha., et al.,Isobaric heating of polystyrene and evaluation of the Narayanaswamy parameter x from volume recovery data, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 355(2) 2 91-95 (2009). |
[18] | Slobodian P., Pavlinek V., Lengalova A., Saha., Polystyrene/multi-wall carbon nanotube composites prepared by suspension polymerization and their electrorheological behavior, CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS (9)1 184-188 (2009). |
[19] | Olejnik R, Liu P.B., Slobodian P., et al. Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Based Polymer Composites Through Rheology, AIP Conference Proceedings, JUL 28-29, 2009 Zlin, CZECH REPUBLIC. |
[20] | Kimmer D, Zatloukal M, Petras D, et al. Investigation of Polyurethane Electrospinning Process Efficiency, AIP Conference Proceedings, JUL 28-29, 2009 Zlin, CZECH REPUBLIC. |
[21] | Slobodian P., Kralova D., Lengalova A., Novotny R., Saha P., Adaptation of Polystyrene/Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube Composite Properties In Respect of its Thermal Stability, POLYMER COMPOSITES 31(3) 452-458 (2010). |
[22] | Slobodian P., Riha P., Lengalova A., Saha P., Compressive stress-electrical conductivity characteristics of multiwall carbon nanotube networks. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 46 Issue: 9 Pages: 3186-3190 DOI: 10.1007/s10853-010-5202-0 Published: MAY 2011. |
[23] | P. SLOBODIAN, P. RIHA, A. LENGALOVA, Kimmer, R. OLEJNIK, P. SAHA. Effect of compressive strain on electric resistance of multi-wall carbon nanotube network. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL NANOSCIENCE Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Pages: 294-304 Article Number: PII 937194903 DOI: 10.1080/17458080.2010.506522 Published: 2011. |
[24] | P. Slobodian, P. Riha, A. Lengalova, P. Svoboda, P. Saha, Multi-wall carbon nanotube networks as potential resistive gas sensors for organic vapor detection, CARBON Volume: 49 Issue: 7 Pages: 2499-2507 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2011.02.020 Published: JUN 2011 |
[25] | Petr Slobodian, Pavel Riha, Robert Olejnik, and Petr Saha, Electromechanical properties of carbon nanotube network under compression, Measurement Science and Technology, 22, (2011). |
[26] | Petr Slobodian, and Petr Saha, Stress-strain hysteresis of a carbon nanotube network as polymer nanocomposite filler under cyclic deformation, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1375 , pp. 224-225. ISSN: 0094-243X. |
[27] | David Petras, Petr Slobodian, Vladimír Pavlínek, Petr Sáha, The effect of PVAc solution viscosity on diameter of PVAc nanofibres prepared by technology of electrospinning, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1375 , pp. 312-319. ISSN: 0094-243X. |
[28] | Slobodian P., Riha P., Olejnik R., Electromechanical sensors based on carbon nanotube networks and their polymer composites. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 83 LNEE, 2011, Pages 233-251. ISSN: 18761100 |
[29] | R. Olejnik, P. Slobodian, P. Riha, M. Machovsky. Increased sensitivity of multi-walled carbon nanotube network by PMMA functionalization to vapors with affine polarity, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, accepted 10.10.2011. |
[30] | Robert Olejnik, Petr Slobodian and Petr Saha, Multi-wall Carbon Nanotube Network Sensing Element for Organic Vapor Detection, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A1 (2012), Formerly part of Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, ISSN 1934-8959. |
[31] | Robert Olejnik, Petr Slobodian, Pavel Říha and Petr Saha, Selectivity of multi-wall carbon nanotube network sensoric units to ethanol vapors achieved by carbon nanotube oxidation, Journal of Materials Science Research, Vol. 1, No. 1; January 2012. |
[32] | Robert Olejnik, Petr Slobodian and Petr Saha, Sensing Element Made of Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube Network for Organic Vapor Detection, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 495, pp 9-12, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.495.9. |
[33] | Daniel Matejik, Robert Olejnik, Petr Slobodian, Petr Saha, Improved Selectivity of Oxidized Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Network for Detection of Ethanol Vapors, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 495, pp 9-12, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.495.83 |
[34] | R. Olejnik, P. Slobodian, P. Riha, and P. Saha, "An Electrically Conductive and Organic Solvent Vapors Detecting Composite Composed of an Entangled Network of Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in Polystyrene," Journal of Nanomaterials, vol. 2012, Article ID 365062, 7 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/365062. |
[35] | P. Slobodian, P. Riha, and P. Saha, A highly-deformable composite composed of an entangled network of electrically-conductive carbon-nanotubes embedded in elastic polyuretane, Volume 50, Issue 10, August 2012, Pages 3446–3453. |