[1] | Esmaeel R.A , and F. Taheri. Delamination detection in laminated composite beams using the empirical mode decomposition energy damage index. Composite Structures, 94(5): 1515–1523, 2012. |
[2] | Mehrzadi M. and F. Taheri. The influence of negative and positive stress ratios on crack growth rate in AM60B magnesium alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A 545: 68– 77, 2012 |
[3] | Iranpour M. and F. Taheri. On the Effect of Stress Intensity Factor in Evaluating the Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Aluminum Alloy under the Influence of Compressive Stress Cycles. International Journal of Fatigue 43: 1– 11. 2012. |
[4] | Eslami S., Taheri-Behrooz F., and F. Taheri Long-term hygrothermal response of perforated GFRP plates with/without application of constant external loading, To appear in Polymer Composites, 2012 |
[5] | Razi, P., R.A. Esmaeel and F. Taheri. Application of a Robust Vibration-based Non-destructive Method for Detection of Fatigue Cracks in Structures. Smart Materials and Structures, 20(11), 2011 |
[6] | Taheri-Behrooz F., R.A. Esmaeel and F. Taheri. Response of perforated composite tubes subjected to axial compressive loading. Thin-Walled Structures 50 (2012) 174–181. |
[7] | Arjomandi, K. and F. Taheri. Bending Capacity of Sandwich Pipes. Bending Capacity of Sandwich Pipes. Ocean Engineering. Ocean Engineering 48: 17–31, 2011. |
[8] | Esmaeel R.A , J. Briand and F. Taheri. Computational Simulation and Experimental Verification of a New Vibration-Based Structural Health Monitoring Approach Using Piezoelectric Sensors, J. of Structural Health Monitoring, 11(2): 237-250, 2012. |
[9] | Arjomandi, K. and F. Taheri The Influence of Intra_layer Adhesion Configuration on the Pressure Capacity and Optimized Configuration of Sandwich Pipes. Ocean Engineering. Ocean Engineering 38 1869–1882, 2011. |
[10] | Nur-Hossain Md. and F. Taheri. Influence of Elevated Temperature and Stress Ratio on the Fatigue Response of AM60B Magnesium Alloy. J. of Materials Engineering and Performance: 1-10, 2011. |
[11] | Nourpanah N. and F. Taheri. Ductile crack growth & constraint in pipelines subject to combined loadings. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 78(9): 2010-2028, 2011. |
[12] | Arjomandi, K. and F. Taheri. Stability and post-buckling response of sandwich pipes under hydrostatic external pressure, Pressure Vessel and Piping Journal. 88(4): 138-148, 2011. |
[13] | Nourpanah N. and F. A Comprehensive Parametric Finite Element Study on the Development of Strain Concentration in Concrete Coated Offshore Pipelines. ASME-PVT. In press, 2011. |
[14] | Esmaeel R. A and F. Taheri. Influence of Adherend’s Delamination on the Response of Single Lap and Socket Tubular Adhesively Bonded Joints Subjected to Torsion. Composite Structures, 93(7): 1765-1774, 2011. |
[15] | Taheri-Behrooz F., F. Taheri and R. Hosseinzadeh. Characterization of a Shape Memory Alloy Hybrid Composite Plate subject to Static Loading. Materials and Design, 32(5):2923-2933, May 2011. |
[16] | Shouman A. and F. Taheri. Compressive Strain Limits of Composite Repaired Pipelines under Combined Loading States. Composite Structures, 93(6):1538-1548, 2011. |
[17] | Yahyaei M. and F. Taheri , Creep response of Glued-laminated Beam Reinforced with Pre-stressed Sublaminated Composite. Construction and Building Materials, 25 (5): 2495-2506, May 2011. |
[18] | Nur-Hossain Md. and F. Taheri. Fatigue and Fracture Characterization of Hpdc AM60B Magnesium Alloy at Cold Temperature. J. of Materials Engineering and Performance: 1-6, 2011. |
[19] | Nourpanah N. and F. Taheri. A Numerical Study on the Crack Tip Constraint of Pipelines Subject to Extreme Plastic Bending. Engineering Fracture Mechanics Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78(6):1201-1217, 2011. |
[20] | Arjomandi, K. and F. Taheri. A New look at the External Pressure Capacity of Sandwich Pipes. Marine Structures, 24(1): 23-42, Jan 2011. |
[21] | Bian L-C, and F. Taheri. A proposed maximum ratio criterion applied to mixed mode fatigue crack propagation. Materials and Design, 32(4): 2066-2072, April 2011. |
[22] | Nourpanah N. and F. Taheri. Effect of Lüders Plateau on Fracture Response and Toughness of Pipelines Subject to Extreme Plastic Bending. ASME, PVT Journal, 133(5), 2011 2011. |
[23] | Arjomandi, K. and F. Taheri. Elastic Buckling Capacity of Bonded and Unbounded Sandwich Pipes Under External Hydrostatic Pressure. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 5(3): 391-408, 2010. |
[24] | Yahyaei M. and F. Taheri , Experimental and Computational Investigations into Creep Response of AFRP-reinforced Timber Beams Composite Structures. Composite Structures, 93(2): 616-628, 2011. |
[25] | Al-Showaiter, F. Taheri and S.P. Kenny, Parametric Study on the Effect of Girth Weld Induced Imperfections on the Local Buckling Response of Pipelines. ASME Journal of PVT, in press, July 2010. |
[26] | Nourpanah N. and F. Taheri. Development of a Reference Strain Approach for Assessment of Fracture Response of Reeled Pipelines. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 77: 2337–2353, 2010. |
[27] | Rezaei D. and F. Taheri , Damage identification in beams using empirical mode decomposition. Structural Health Monitoring, 10(3):261-274; 2011. |
[28] | Rezaei D. and F. Taheri , Health Monitoring of Pipeline Girth Weld Using Empirical Mode Decomposition. Smart Materials and Structures, 19(5), 2010. |
[29] | Esmaeel R. A and F. Taheri. Interlaminar Stresses at the Delamination Fronts in Tubular Adhesive Joints with Delaminated Composite Adherends, J. of Adhesion Science and Technology, 25(1-3): 109-129, Jan. 2011. |
[30] | Rezaei D. and F. Taheri , A Novel Application of Laser Doppler Vibrometer in a Health Monitoring System, Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 5(2): 289-304, 2010. |
[31] | Abolghasem H., F. Taheri and N. Cheraghi, Application of the Empirical Mode Decomposition for Determining the Critical Load Buckling of Fiber-reinforced Hybrid Columns. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 38 (4): 418-439, July 2010. |
[32] | Nourpanah N. and F. Taheri. A Design Equation for Strain Concentration Factor in Concrete Coated X65 Pipelines. Marine Structures, 22(4): 758-769, October 2009. Rated as one of the top 25 hottest article of 2009. |
[33] | Esmaeel R. A and F. Taheri. Stress Analysis of Tubular Adhesive Joints with Delaminated Adherend. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 23 (13-14): 1827-1844, 2009. |
[34] | Hosseinzadeh R. and F. Taheri. Non-Linear Investigation of Overlap Length Effect on Torsional Capacity of Tubular Adhesively Bonded Joints, Composite Structures, 91(2): 186-195, November 2009. |
[35] | Hosseinzadeh R., K. Shahin and F. Taheri. On The Influence of Bond Length on Static Capacity and Fatigue Life of Adhesively Bonded Joints with Composite Adherends Subject To Torsion Loading. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 40( 3-4): 165-185, 2011. |
[36] | Naghipour, M., M. Mehrzadi, F. Taheri, G. Zou, A polynomial correction function for HPB method of damping of glulam beams reinforced with GRP, Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 35, 2009. |
[37] | Shahin K. and F. Taheri. Deformations in Adhesively Bonded Joints on Elastic Foundations, Composite Structures, 90 (2): 130-140, September 2009. |
[38] | Rezaei D. and F. Taheri , Experimental Validation of A Novel Structural Damage Detection Method Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition. Smart Materials and Structures, 18(4), 2009. |
[39] | Cheraghi N. and F. Taheri. A Novel Approach for Detection of Damage in Adhesively Bonded Joints in Plastic Pipes Using Piezoelectric Sensors. Int. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, 3(1), Jan-June 2009. |
[40] | Bian L-C, and F. Taheri. Analytical Modeling of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metals Coupled with Elasto- Plastic Deformation (Letters), International Journal of Fracture, 153, (2): 161-168, 2008. |
[41] | Shahin K and F Taheri, Fracture behaviour of adhesively bonded joints in sandwich composite beams. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 23(10-11): 1531-1546, July 1, 2009. |
[42] | Lu You, Farid Taheri, Michael Gharghouri and Haipeng Han, Numerical Study of the Casting Features on the Fracture and Debonding of Mg17Al12 in AM60B Mg Alloy under High Cycle Fatigue Condition. Materials and Design, 30(6): 1994-2005, 2009. |
[43] | Shahin K. and F. Taheri. The Strain Energy Release Rates in Adhesively Bonded Balanced and Unbalanced Specimens and Lap Joints. Int. J. of Solids and Structures, 45(25-26): 6284-6300. 2008. |
[44] | Bian L. and Farid Taheri, Fatigue fracture criteria and microstructures of magnesium alloy plates. Materials Science and Engineering A 487, 2008:74–85 |
[45] | F. Taheri , M. Nagaraj and P. Khosravi, Response of Glue-Laminated Columns Reinforced with Fiberreinforced Plastics Sheets and its and Viability, Composite Structures, 88(3): 481-490, 2009. |
[46] | Lu, Y., F. Taheri , M. A. Gharghouri and H. P. Han. Experimental and Numerical Study of the Effects of Porosity on Fatigue Crack Initiation of HPDC Magnesium AM60B Alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 470(1- 2): 202-213, 2009. |
[47] | Lu, Y., M.A. Gharghouri, and F. Taheri , Monotonic and Cyclic Plasticity Response of magnesium alloy - Part I: Experimental response of a high pressure die cast AM60B. Strain, 47,1:e15-e24, 2011. |
[48] | Lu, Y., M.A. Gharghouri, and F. Taheri , Monotonic and Cyclic Plasticity Response of magnesium alloy - Part II: Computational simulation and implementation of a hardening model. Strain, 47,1:e25-e33, 2011. |
[49] | Al-Showaiter. A., F. Taheri and S.P. Kenny. Parametric Study on the Effect of Weld Misalignment on the Local Buckling Response of Pipelines, Accepted for publication Journal of Pipeline Integrity, Feb 2008. |
[50] | Iranpour M., F. Taheri and J.K. Vandiver, Structural Life Assessment of Oil and Gas Risers under Vortexinduced Vibration, Marine Structures 21: 353-373, 2008. Rated as one of the top 25 hottest article of 2008. |
[51] | Lu, Y., M.A. Gharghouri, and F. Taheri , Effect of texture on Acoustic Emission produced by slip and twinning in AZ31B magnesium alloy - Part II: Clustering and Neural Network Analysis, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 23(3): 211-228, 2008. |
[52] | Lu, Y., M.A. Gharghouri, and F. Taheri , Effect of texture on Acoustic Emission produced by slip and twinning in AZ31B magnesium alloy - part I: experimental results, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 23(2) : 141-161, 2008. |
[53] | Bian L.C., F. Taheri and Y. Lu. Analytical and Experimental Evaluations of The Influence Of Fracture Surface Roughness, Its Sliding Actions and The Associated Plasticity on Fatigue Crack Propagation. International Journal of Plasticity, 24(2): 302-326. February, 2008. |
[54] | Lu Y., F. Taheri and M.A. Gharghouri, Study of Fatigue Crack Incubation and Propagation Mechanisms In A HPDC AM60B Magnesium Alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 466: 214–227, 2008. |
[55] | Cheng J, H. Han and F. Taheri. An Adaptive Enhancement of Dynamic Buckling of A Laminated Composite Beam Under Axial Impact By Surface Bonded Piezoelectric Patches. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v 197, n 33-40, Jun 1, 2008: 2680-2691 |
[56] | Han H., F. Taheri , N. Pegg and Y. Lu. Crushing Behaviour and Energy Absorption Efficiency of Hybrid Pultruded and Braided Tubes. Composite Structures, 80(2): 253-264, 2007. |
[57] | Shahin K., G. Kember and F. Taheri. , An Asymptotic Solution For Evaluation of Stresses In Balanced And Unbalanced Adhesively Bonded Joints, J. of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, (2): 88-103, 2008. |
[58] | Yuen B.K., F. Taheri and M. Gharghouri. Experimental Investigation into the Fatigue o Welded Stiffened 350wt Steel Plates Using Neutron Diffraction Method, Strain, 46(6): 526-537, 2010. |
[59] | Hosseinzadeh R., K. Shahin and F. Taheri. A simple approach for characterizing the performance of metallic tubular adhesively-bonded joints under torsion loading. J. of Adhesion Science and Technology, 21(16): p 1613-1631, Nov, 2007. |
[60] | Yuen B., F. Taheri and M. Gharghouri, Fatigue Life Prediction of Welded Stiffened 350WT Steel Plates, Journal of Marine Structures, 19(4), October, 2006: 241-270. |
[61] | Han, H., F. Taheri and N. Pegg. Quasi-static and Dynamic Crushing Behaviors of Aluminum and Steel Tubes with a Cutout, Journal of Thin-walled Structures, 45(3), March, 2007: 283-300. |
[62] | Fatemi, A., S. Kenny, N. Cheraghi and F. Taheri. Parametric study on the local buckling response of pipelines under combined loading conditions. Journal of Pipeline Integrity, 5(4), 2006, pp.197-212. |
[63] | Iranpour M. and F. Taheri. A Study on Crack Front Shape and the Correlation between the Stress Intensity Factors of a Pipe Subject to Bending and a Plate Subject to Tension, Journal of Marine Structures, 19(4), October, 2006: 193-216. |
[64] | Han H., F. Taheri , N. Pegg. Local buckling mitigation and stress analysis of shape memory alloy hybrid composite plate with and without a cutout, Smart Materials and Structures, 16(3): 589-604, 2007. Note: The above paper was selected for inclusion in a special collection of journal articles, chosen by the Editors based on the substantial advances or significant breakthroughs; a high degree of novelty & significant impact on future research. |
[65] | Kumar, S. and F. Taheri. Neuro-Fuzzy Approaches for Pipeline Condition Assessment, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 22:1, 35 – 60. |
[66] | Bian L-C, and F. Taheri. Investigation of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Line Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 130(1): 011405-1-8, 2008 |
[67] | Cheng J. Q, X. Wu, G. Li, S.S. Pang and F. Taheri. Design and Analysis of Smart Composite Pipe Joint System Integrated with Piezoelectric Layers Under Bending. Int. J. of Solids and Structures, 44(1), Jan 2007: 298-319. |
[68] | Cheng J. Q, X. Wu, G. Li, S.S. Pang and F. Taheri. Analysis of an adhesively bonded single-strap joint integrated with shape memory alloy (SMA) reinforced layers. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44 (10), 15 May 2007: 3557-3574. |
[69] | Cheraghi N. M.J. Riley and F. Taheri. Application of Hilbert-Huang Transform for Evaluation of Vibration Characteristics of Plastic Pipes Using Piezoelectric Sensors, J. of Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 25(6), April 2007: 653-675. |
[70] | Shahin K. and F. Taheri. Analysis of Deformations and Stresses in Balanced and unbalanced Adhesively Bonded Single-Strap Joints, J. of Composite Structures, 81(4): 511-524, December, 2007. |
[71] | Cheraghi N. and F. Taheri. Application of the Empirical Mode Decomposition for System Identification and Structural Health Monitoring. Int. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, 2(1), 2008: 61-72. |
[72] | Cheng J. Q, X. Wu, G. Li, F. Taheri and S.S. Pang. Design and Analysis of A Smart Adhesive Single-Strap Joint System Integrated With the Piezoelectrics Reinforced Composite Layers. Composites Science and Technology, 67 (6), May, 2007: 1264-1274. |
[73] | Han H.P., F. Taheri, N. Pegg, and Y. Lu. A Numerical Study on The Axial Crushing Characteristics of Hybrid of Pultruded Tubes and Braiders Overwrap, Composite Structures, 80(2) September, 2007: 253-264. |
[74] | Cheraghi N. and F. Taheri. A Damage Index for Structural Health Monitoring Based On The Empirical Mode Decomposition, Accepted for publication in the J. of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2(1), 2007: 43- 62. |
[75] | Hosseinzadeh H., N. Cheraghi and F. Taheri. An Engineering Approach for Design and Analysis of Metallic Pipe Joints under Torsion by Finite Element Method, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 41(6), 2006: 443-452. |
[76] | Cheng J. Q, X. Wu, G. Li, F. Taheri and S.S. Pang. Development of A Smart Composite Pipe Joint Integrated With Piezoelectric Layers Under Tensile Loading, Int. J. of Solids and Structures, 44(10), May 15, 2007: 3570-3585. |
[77] | Cheng J. Q, F. Taheri and H. Han, Strength Improvement of A Smart Adhesive Bonded Joint System By Partially Integrated Piezoelectric Patches, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 20 (6), 2006: 503-518. |
[78] | Han, H. JQ. Cheng, F. Taheri and N. Pegg. Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Response of Aluminum Cylinders with a Cutout Subject to Axial Compression , Accepted for publication in the J. of Thin-walled Structures, Thin-Walled Structures, 44, 2006: 254-270. |
[79] | Zhang Z. and F. Taheri. Numerical and Experimental Investigation Into Dynamic Delamination Propagation of Axially Impacted Laminated Composite Beams. Journal of Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 13(3), 2006: 157-175. |
[80] | Yuen B.K, F. Taheri. Proposed Modifications to The Wheeler Retardation Model For Multiple Overloading Fatigue Life Prediction, Accepted for publication in the Int. J. of Fatigue, 28(12), Sep 21, 2006:1803-1819. |
[81] | Rushton PA and F. Taheri. Fatigue Response And Characterization of 350wt Steel Under Semi-Random Loading, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 129(3), August, 2007: 525-534. |
[82] | Cheng J. Q and F. Taheri. A Novel Smart Adhesively Bonded Joint System , Accepted for publication in the Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 14, 2005: 971-981. |
[83] | Shahin K., G. P. Zou and F. Taheri. Shape Memory Alloy Wire Reinforced Composites for Structure Damage Repairs. Journal of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 12(6) November-December 2005: 425 – 435. |
[84] | Zou GP and F. Taheri. Stress Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Sandwich Pipe Joints Subjected To Torsional Loading. Int. J. of Solids and Structures, 43(20), October, 2006: 5953-5968. |
[85] | F. Taheri , M. Nagaraj And N. Cheraghi, FRP-Reinforced Glulaminated Columns. FRP-International, 2(3), August, 2005: 10-12. |
[86] | Cheraghi N., G. P. Zou and F. Taheri. Piezoelectric-Based Pipeline Damage Assessment Using Fourier and Wavelet Analyses, International Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 20, 2005: 369- 382. |
[87] | Cheng J. Q and F. Taheri. A Smart Single-Lap Adhesive Joint Integrated with Partially Distributed Piezoelectric Patches, Int. Journal of Solids and Structures, 43(5), 2005: 1079-1092. |
[88] | Han, H K. K, Ang, Q. Wang and F. Taheri. Buckling Enhancement of Epoxy Columns Using Embedded Shape Memory Alloy Spring Actuators. J. of Composite Structures, Composite Structures 72, Issue 2 , February 2006: 200-211. |
[89] | Taheri F., G.P. Zou and M. Naghipour, Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Energy Absorption Response of FRP Strengthened Glulam Beams Under Impact, In press in Forest Products Journal, Forest Products Journal, 55(4), April, 2005: 62-70. |
[90] | Naghipour M., GP. Zou and F. Taheri. Evaluation of Vibration Damping of GRP reinforced Glulam Composite Beams. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering Mechanics, 131 (7), July 2005: 1044-1051. |
[91] | Dunbar T.E., N. Pegg, F. Taheri. L. Jiang, A Computational Investigation of the Effects of Localized Corrosion on Plates and Stiffened Panels. Journal of Marine Structures, 17, 2004: 385–402 |
[92] | Yuen B. K. C. and F. Taheri. Proposed Modification To The Zheng And Hirt Fatigue Model, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ASM International, 12(2) April 2004: 226-231. |
[93] | Zou G. P., K. Shahin and F. Taheri , An Analytical Solution for Analysis of Symmetric Composite Adhesively Bonded Joints, Composite Structures, V 65 (3-4), September, 2004: 499-510. |
[94] | Yuen B. K. C. and F. Taheri. The Effects of Loading Frequency, Tensile Overload and Compressive Underload On The Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviour In Polymethyl Methacrylate, Polymer Testing, 23 (5), August, 2004: 491-500. |
[95] | Zou G.P., N. Cheraghi and F. Taheri. Fluid-Induced Vibration of Composite Natural Gas Pipelines, International Journal of Solids and Structures 42(3-4), 2005: 1253-1268. |
[96] | Taheri F. and G.P. Zou, Treatment of Unsymmetric Adhesively Bonded Composite Sandwich Panels-To- Flange Joints. International Journal of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 11 (2), April 2004: 175- 196. |
[97] | Rushton, PA. and F. Taheri. Prediction of Variable Amplitude Crack Growth in 350WT Steel Using a Modified Wheeler Approach”, Marine Structures, 16, Issue 7 , September-October 2003: 517-539. |
[98] | Zou G.P., M. Naghipour and F. Taheri. A Nondestructive Method for Evaluating Natural Frequency of Glued- Laminated Beams Reinforced with GRP. Journal of Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 19, 1-2, 2003: 53-65. |
[99] | Zhang Z. and F. Taheri. Dynamic damage initiation of composite beams subjected to axial impact, International Journal of Composite Science and Technology, 64, 2004: 719–728. |
[100] | Zhang Z. and F. Taheri. Dynamic pulse-buckling behavior of quasi-ductile’ carbon/epoxy and E-glass/epoxy laminated composite beams. Journal of Composite Structures, 64(3-4), June, 2004: 269-274. |
[101] | Taheri F. and Hassan M. A Rationale Procedure For Production of Cost-Effective Hybrid Composite Masts, Journal of Journal of Composites Technology and Research, 25(2), April, 2003: 108-120. |
[102] | Zhang, Z. and F. Taheri. Dynamic Pulsebuckling and Postbuckling of Composite Laminated Beam Using Higher Order Shear Deformation Theory, Composites, Part B, 34(4), June 2003: 391-398. |
[103] | Zhang, Z. and F. Taheri. Theoretical and Numerical Studies on Dynamic Pulse Buckling of a FRP Composite Laminated Beams Subject to an Axial Impact. J. of Composite Structures, 56(3), 2002: 269-277. |
[104] | Taheri F., D. Trask and N. Pegg. Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Fatigue Characteristics of 350WT Steel Under Constant and Variable Amplitude Loadings. Journal of Marine Structures, 16(1), 2003: 69-91. |
[105] | Rushton, P.A. , F. Taheri and D.C. Stredulinsky, Threshold and variable amplitude crack growth behavior in 350 WT steel, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME PVP, 441, 2002: 81-89. |
[106] | Kenny S.P. , Pegg, N. and Taheri F. Finite Element Investigations on the Dynamic Plastic Buckling of a Slender Beam Subject to Axial Impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 27(2), 2002: 179-195. |
[107] | Taheri F., Shahin, K and Widiarsa. On The Parameters Influencing The Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened With FRP Plates, Composite Structures. 58(2), 2002: 217-227. |
[108] | Kenny S.P. , F. Taheri and N. Pegg. Experimental Investigations on the Dynamic Plastic Buckling of a Slender Beam Subject to Axial Impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 27(1), 2001: 1-17. |
[109] | Taheri F., and Moradi S., Application of DQM As An Effective Simulation Tool For Buckling Response of Delaminated Composite Plates, Journal of Composite Structures, 51(4), April 2001: 541-547. |
[110] | Kenny S.P., N. Pegg, and F. Taheri. Dynamic Elastic Buckling of a Slender Beam Subject to an Axial Impulse, Journal of Finite Element Design and Analysis, 35(3), 2000: 227-245. |
[111] | Taheri F., and S. Moradi A Robust Methodology for the Simulation of Postbuckling Response of Composite Plates, Journal of Computational Mechanics, 26, 3, September 2000: 295-302. |
[112] | Moradi S., and F., Taheri. Delamination Buckling Analysis of General Laminated Composite Plates by Differential Quadrature Method. Journal of Composites (Part B), 30, 1999: 503-511. |
[113] | Moradi S., and F., Taheri. Postbuckling analysis of delaminated composite beams by differential quadrature method, Journal: Composite Structures, 46(1), 1999: 33-39. |
[114] | Jalali S.J., and F. Taheri. A New Test Method for Measuring the Longitudinal and Shear Moduli of Fiber- Reinforced Composites, Journal of Composite Materials, 33(23), 1999: 2134-2160. |
[115] | Moradi S. and F. Taheri. Application of Differential Quadrature Method to the Delamination Buckling of Composite Plates, Computers and Structures, 70, 1999: 615-623. |
[116] | Moradi S. and F. Taheri. A New Method for Delamination Buckling Analysis of Composite Panels with Shear Deformation, the AIAA Journal, 36(10), October, 1998: 1869-1874. |
[117] | Jalali J. and F. Taheri. An Analytical Solution for Cross-Ply Laminated Plates Under Cylindrical Bending Based on Through-The-Thickness Inextensibility; Part I- Statics, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 35(14), May 1998: 1559-1574. |
[118] | Jalali J. and F. Taheri. An Analytical Solution for Cross-Ply Laminated Plates Under Cylindrical Bending Based on Through-The-Thickness Inextensibility; Part II- Vibration, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 35(14), May 1998: 1575-1587. |
[119] | Taheri F. and M. Salame, A Comparative Study of the Behaviour of Ferrocement Beams Reinforced with Two and Three-dimensional Welded Meshes: Impact Characteristics, International Journal of Ferrocement, 27 (4), October 1997: 291- 311. |
[120] | Taheri F., A Comparative Study of the Behaviour of Ferrocement Beams Reinforced with Two and Threedimensional Welded Meshes - Flexural and Compressive Behaviour, International Journal of Ferrocement, 27(2), April 1997. |
[121] | Taheri F., Effect of Whisker Inclusion in Improving the Strength and Ductility of Composite/Metal Bonded Joints, ASTM Journal of Composites Technology and Research, 19(2), 1997: 82-88. |
[122] | Taheri F., G.P. Zhu and A. Morceau, Simulation of Processing and Residual Stresses in a Ceramic Composite, I-Methodology and Experimental Details-Part I, Interceram. 46(3), 1997: 168-173. |
[123] | Taheri F., G.P. Zhu and A. Morceau, Simulation of Processing and Residual Stresses in a Ceramic Composite-I Methodology and Experimental Details-Part II, Interceram. 46(4), 1997: 238- 242. |
[124] | Taheri F. and G.P. Zhu, Simulation of Processing and Residual Stresses in a Ceramic Composite- II Finite Element Simulation and Validation-Part I, Interceram. 46(5), 1997: 20- 23. |
[125] | Taheri F. and G.P. Zhu, Simulation of Processing and Residual Stresses in a Ceramic Composite- II Finite Element Simulation and Validation-Part II, Interceram. 46(6), 1997: 435-438. |
[126] | Taheri F., Applications of Finite Element Techniques in Advanced Ceramics, Journal of the Canadian Ceramic Society, 65(1), Feb. 1996: 71-82. |
[127] | Taheri F. and Zhu G.P., A Simple Novel Technique for Evaluation of Viscoelastic Properties of Ceramic Composites, J. Applied Composite Materials, 3, 1996: 3-13. |
[128] | Moreau A. and F. Taheri, Elastic moduli measurements of SiC reinforced alumina at high temperatures using laser-ultrasonics. Materials Science Forum, v 210-213, n pt 1, 1996: 235-242 |
[129] | Nespoli, O.G., F. Taheri. and G. Tynes, Design, Analysis and Fabrication of An Advanced Composite Tubular T-Joint Metal Matrix Composites, 4, 1993: 120-128. |
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