[1] | Naitik Panjwani, Anupriya Naik, Michael E.A. Warwick, Geoffrey Hyett and Russell Binions. The Preparation of Titanium Dioxide Gas Sensors by the Electric Field Assisted Aerosol CVD Reaction of Titanium Isopropoxide in Toluene. Chemical Vapor Deposition 18, (2012), 102-106. |
[2] | Darryl Hill, Russell Binions. Breath Analysis for Medical Diagnosis. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 5, (2012), 401-439. |
[3] | Thanasak Sathitwitayakul, Maxim V. Kuznetsov, Ivan P. Parkin and Russell Binions*. The gas sensing properties of some complex metal oxides prepared by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. Materials Letters 75 (2012) 36-38. |
[4] | S. Elouali, L.G. Bloor, R. Binions*, I.P. Parkin, C.J. Carmalt, J.A. Darr. Gas Sensing with Nano-Indium Oxides Prepared via Continuous Hydrothermal Flow Synthesis. Langmuir 28 (2012) 1879-1885. |
[5] | L.M. Cavanagh, P. Smith, R Binions*. BaSnO3 Thick Film as a Carbon Dioxide Sensor. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 159 (2012) J67-J71. |
[6] | Pragna Kiri, Michael E.A. Warwick, Ian Ridley, Russell Binions*. Fluorine doped vanadium dioxide thin films for smart windows. Thin Solid Films 520 (2011) 1363-1366. |
[7] | Priya Varsani, Ayo Afonja, David E. Williams, Ivan P. Parkin, Russell Binions*. Zeolite-modified WO3 gas sensors – Enhanced detection of NO2. Sensors and Actuators B 160 (2011) 475– 482. |
[8] | Michael E.A. Warwick, Charles W. Dunnill. Josie Goodall, Jawwad A. Darr, Russell Binions*. Hybrid chemical vapour and nanoceramic aerosol assisted deposition for multifunctional nanocomposite thin films. Thin Solid Films, 2011, 519(18), 5942-5948. |
[9] | R. Binions*, A. Afonja, S. Dungey, D.E. Lewis, I.P. Parkin, D.E. Williams. Discrimination Effects in Zeolite Modified Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2011, 11(5), 1145-1151. |
[10] | Jared Crane, Michael Warwick, Richard Smith, Neza Furlan and Russell Binions*. The application of electric fields to aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition reactions. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, (2011), 158(2), D62 - D67. |
[11] | Manfredi Saeli, Clara Piccirillo, Ivan P Parkin, Russell Binions* and Ian Ridley. Optimisation of Thermochromic Thin Films on Glass; Design of Intelligent Windows. Advances in Science and Technology (2010), 75, 79-90. |
[12] | Michael E.A. Warwick, Charles W. Dunnill, Russell Binions*. Multifunctional Nanocomposite Thin Films by Aerosol Assisted CVD. Chemical Vapor Deposition (2010), 16 (7-9), 220-224. |
[13] | Pragna Kiri, Geoff Hyett, Russell Binions*. Solid state thermochromic materials. Advanced Materials Letters (2010), 1(2), 86-105. |
[14] | Yunier Garcia-Basabe, Inocente Rodriguez-Iznaga, Louis-Charles de Menorval, Philip Llewellyn, Guillaume Maurin, Dewi W. Lewis, Russell Binions, Miguel Autie and A. Rabdel Ruiz-Salvador*. Step-wise dealumination of natural clinoptilolite: Structural and physicochemical characterization. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, (2010), 135 (1-3), 187-196. |
[15] | Manfredi Saeli, Clara Piccirillo, Ivan P. Parkin, Russell Binions* and Ian Ridley. Energy Modelling Studies of Thermochromic Glazing. Energy and Buildings, (2010), 42, 1666-1673. |
[16] | George F. Fine, Leon M. Cavanagh, Ayo Afonja, Russell Binions*. Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor Gas Sensors in Environmental Monitoring. Sensors (2010), 10(6) 5468-5502. |
[17] | Sapna Shrestha Kanu and Russell Binions* . Thin films for solar control applications . Proceedings of the Royal Society A, (2010), 466, 211319-44. |
[18] | Manfredi Saeli, Clara Piccirillo, Ivan P. Parkin, Ian Ridley and Russell Binions* . Nano-composite thermochromic thin films and their application in energy-efficient glazing. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, (2010). 94 (2), 141-151. |
[19] | Manfredi Saeli, Russell Binions*, Clara Piccirillo, Geoffrey Hyett and Ivan P. Parkin. Templated growth of smart nanocomposite thin films: Hybrid aerosol assisted and atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition of vanadyl acetylacetonate, auric acid and tetraoctyl ammonium bromide. Polyhedron, (2009), 28(11), 2233-2239 . |
[20] | Manfredi Saeli, Russell Binions*, Clara Piccirillo, Ivan P. Parkin. Templated growth of smart coatings: Hybrid chemical vapour deposition of vanadyl acetylacetonate with tetraoctyl amomonium bromide. Applied Surface Science, (2009), 255, 7291. |
[21] | Christopher S. Blackman, C. Piccirillo, R. Binions*, Ivan P. Parkin. Atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition of thermochromic tungsten doped vanadium dioxide thin films for use on architectural glazing. Thin Solid Films, (2009), 517, 4565-4570. |
[22] | Russell Binions*, Helen Davies, Ayo Afonja, Sheena Dungey,Dewi Lewis, David E. Williams, Ivan P. Parkin. Zeolite-Modified Discriminating Gas Sensors. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, (2009), 156 (3), J46-J51. |
[23] | Sheena Dungey, Ayo Afonja, Dewi W. Lewis*, Russell Binions, Ivan P. Parkin, Themis Paraskeva, David E. Williams . Zeolite-Based Discriminating Gas Sensors. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, (2008), 174(1), 549-554. |
[24] | R. Binions, C.S. Blackman, T.D. Manning, C. Piccirillo, I.P. Parkin*. Thermochromic Coatings for Intelligent Architectural Glazing. Journal of Nano Research, (2008), 2, 1-20. |
[25] | H.M. Pinto, J. Correia*, R. Binions, C.Piccirillo, I.P. Parkin, V. Teixeira. Determination of the Optical Constants of VO2 and Nb-doped VO2 Thin Films. Materials Science Forum, (2008), 587-588, 640-644. |
[26] | R.Binions, I.P. Parkin*, C. Piccirillo, C.J. Carmalt, R. G. Palgrave. Hybrid Aerosol Assisted and Atmospheric Pressure CVD of Gold-Doped Vanadium Dioxide. Chemical Vapor Deposition, (2008), 1-2, 33-39. |
[27] | C. Piccirillo, R. Binions, I.P. Parkin*. Synthesis and characterisation of W-doped VO2 by Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition. Thin Solid Films, (2008), 516 (8), 1992-1997. |
[28] | S. Basharat, C. J. Carmalt*, I.P. Parkin, R. Binions, R.G. Palgrave . Gallium oxide thin films from the AACVD of [Ga[NMe2)3]2 and donor functionalised alcohols. Dalton Transactions - (2008), 591. |
[29] | R. Binions, C. Piccirillo, G. Hyett, I.P. Parkin*. Doped and un-doped vanadium dioxide thin films prepared by atmospheric pressure and aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition from vanadyl acetylacetonate and tungsten hexachloride: a thickness and micro-structural study. Journal of Materials Chemistry (2007), 17, 4652-4660. |
[30] | G. Hyett, R. Binions, I.P. Parkin*. The effect of film thickness on the suitability of titanium oxy-nitride films as heat mirrors - formed by atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition of TiCl4 and NH3. Chemical Vapour Deposition, (2007), 13, 675-679. |
[31] | C. Piccirillo, R. Binions, I.P. Parkin*. Nb-doped VO2 thin films prepared by aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition. European Journal Of Inorganic Chemistry (2007), 25, 4050-4055. |
[32] | R. Binions, C. Piccirillo, I.P. Parkin*. Tungsten doped vanadium dioxide thin films prepared by atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition from vanadyl acetylacetonate and tungsten hexachloride. Surface and Coatings Technology (2007), 201, 9369-9372. |
[33] | C. Piccirillo, R. Binions, I.P. Parkin*. Synthesis and functional properties of vanadium oxides. V2O3, VO2, and V2O5 deposited on glass by aerosol-assisted CVD. Chemical Vapour Deposition (2007), 13(4), 145-151. |
[34] | S. Ashraf, R. Binions*, C. Blackman, I.P. Parkin. The APCVD of Tungsten oxide thin films from reaction of WCl6 with ethanol and results on their gas-sensing properties. Polyhedron, (2007), 26, 1493-1498. |
[35] | R. Binions, I.P. Parkin*. A Comparison of the gas sensing properties of solid state metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors produced by atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition and screen printing. Measurement Science and Technology, 2007, 18, 190-200. |
[36] | R. Binions*, C.J.Carmalt, I.P. Parkin. Antimony oxide thin films and gas sensors from the chemical vapour deposition reaction of antimony pentachloride and ethyl acetate. Polyhedron, 2006, 25, 3032 - 3038. |
[37] | R. Binions, C.J.Carmalt, I.P. Parkin*. Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition of Sodium Fluoride Thin Films. Thin Solid Films, 2004, 469-470, 416 - 419. |
[38] | R. Binions, C.J.Carmalt, I.P. Parkin*. Gallium Oxide Thin Films from the Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapour Deposition Reaction of Gallium Trichloride and Methanol. Chemistry of Materials, 2004, 16(12), 2489 - 2493. |
[39] | L. Apostolico, M.F. Mahon, K.C. Molloy*, R. Binions, C.S. Blackman, C.J. Carmalt, I.P. Parkin. The reaction of GeCl4 with primary and secondary phosphines. Dalton Transactions, 2004, 470 - 475. |
[40] | R. Binions, C.J.Carmalt, I.P. Parkin*. Germanium phosphide coatings from the atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition of GeX4 (X = Cl or Br) and PCychexH2. Polyhedron, 2003, 22, 1683 - 1688. |
[41] | R. Binions, C.S. Blackman, C.J. Carmalt, I.P. Parkin*, S.A. O'Neill, K.C. Molloy, L. Apostolico. Tin phosphide coatings from the atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition of SnX4 (X = Cl or Br) and PRxH3-x (R = Cyc(hex) or phenyl). Polyhedron, 2002, 21(19), 1943 - 1947. |