[1] | M. M. Shokrieh, R. Mosalmani, M. J. Omidi, “A Nonlinear Constitutive Model of Epoxy Filled with Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes,” International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology – ICNN2012. |
[2] | M. M. Shokrieh, Z. Shokrieh, S. M. Hashemianzadeh, “International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Technology”, in Persian, ICMEAT 2012, Isfahan, 2012. |
[3] | M. M. Shokrieh, A. Zeinodini, “A new model to determine the mode I strain energy release rate of laminated composites by considering voids,” ISME, Shiraz University, 2012. |
[4] | M. M. Shokrieh, M. Esmkhani, “Fatigue life prediction of nano-particles/epoxy composites based on normalized stiffness degradation model and micromechanical approach,” 1st international conference on nanostructures and nanomaterials: science and applications, Masjed Soleiman, 2012. |
[5] | M. M. Shokrieh, H. R. Shahverdi, F. Vahedi, M. Esmkhani, “Mechanical and electrical properties improvement of epoxy polymer composites with vapor grown carbon nanofibers, 1st international conference on nanostructures and nanomaterials: science and applications, Masjed Soleiman, 2012. |
[6] | M. M. Shokrieh, H. Shahverdi, F. Vahedi, M. Esmkhani, “Highly crystalline graphite nano platelet/epoxy nanocomposites; Mechanical and Electrical properties”, The International Conference on Experimental Mechanics and Dynamics (X-Mech 2012), Tehran, Iran. |
[7] | M. M. Shokrieh and S. Akbari R., “Effect of Post-Cure Time on Residual Stress Distribution in Carbon/Epoxy Laminated Composites”, The International Conference on Experimental Mechanics and Dynamics (X-Mech 2012), Tehran, Iran. |
[8] | M. M. Shokrieh, S. Akbari R., A. Daneshvar, “Slitting Measurement of Residual Stresses in Laminated Composites Using Pulse Method”, The International Conference on Experimental Mechanics and Dynamics (X-Mech 2012), Tehran, Iran. |
[9] | M. R. M. Aliha, H. Heidari-Rarani, M. Shokrieh, M. R. Ayatollahi, “Determination of Fracture Toughness and Indirect Tensile Strength for a Polymer Concrete (PC) Material using an Experimental Method”, The International Conference on Experimental Mechanics and Dynamics (X-Mech 2012), Tehran, Iran. |
[10] | M. M. Shokrieh, A. Zeinodini, S. Soveiti, “Effects of crack neighbor fiber angle on the mode I strain energy release rate of // laminated composites,” National Conference in Simulation of Mechanical Systems, Ahvaz Azad University, 2012. |
[11] | M. M. Shokrieh, A. R. Ghanei Mohammadi, “Finite Element Modeling of Thermal Residual Stresses in Fiber reinforced Laminated Composites,” National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz Azad University, 2012. |
[12] | M. Zakeri, M. Shayanmeher, H. Mahdavi, M. M. Shokrieh, An investigation on the structure of CNT on its mechanical behavior under various loading conditions,” The 11th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, In Persian, Tehran, 2012. |
[13] | M. M. Shokrieh, S. Akbari R., and A. Daneshvar, “Measurement of residual stresses in laminated carbon/epoxy composites using incremental hole drilling method,” The 11th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, In Persian, Tehran, 2012. |
[14] | M. M. Shokrieh, A. Zeinodini, “An investigation on the effect of the near crack fiber angles on mode I strain energy release rate of glass /epoxy composites with 0/ layup,” The second national symposium on mechanical engineering, Islamic Azad university, Shiraz, 2012. |
[15] | M. M. Shokrieh, M. Esmkhani, H. Shahverdi, F. Vahedi, “Effect of organic solvents on the mechanical properties of graphene/epoxy Nanocomposites,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS4), 12-14 March, 2012, Kish Island, I.R. Iran. |
[16] | M. M. Shokrieh, A. Daneshvar , “Effect of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on thermal expansion of unidirectional lamina and macro-residual stress in laminated composites,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS4), 12-14 March, 2012, Kish Island, I.R. Iran. |
[17] | F. Vahedi, H. Shahverdi, M. M. Shokrieh, “Effect of fabrication methods on mechanical properties of graphene/epoxy nanocomposites,” International conference on Ultra-fine Grained and Nano Structured Materials Tehran, 2011. |
[18] | M. M. Shokrieh, A. Saeedi, M. Chitsazzadeh, "Effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the mechanical properties of glass/polyester nanocomposites, International conference on Ultra-fine Grained and Nano Structured Materials, Tehran, 2011. |
[19] | M. M. Shokrieh, M. Akbari, “Incremental Slitting Determination of Residual Stress in Rolled Aluminium Plate Using Strip Loads and Series Expansion Approaches ,” 3rd International and 12th National Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, ICME2011, Tehran. |
[20] | M. M. Shokrieh, M. Safarabadi, “An Investigation on the Effects of the Micromechanical Residula sStresses on the Residual Stress field due in Curing of Laminated Composites,” 3rd International and 12th National Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, ICME2011, in Persian, Tehran. |
[21] | M. M. Shokrieh, A. R. Ghanei Mohammadi, “Effect of Fiber Volume Fraction on Residual Thermal Stresses Generated Due to Curing Process of Fiber-reinforced Composites3rd International and 12th National Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, ICME2011, in Persian, Tehran. |
[22] | M. M. Shokrieh, M. R. Hosseinkhani," Nano-composite coating for corrosion protection of fiber reinforced plastics in acidic media,” 15th Iranian Chemistry Congress, Hamedan, 2011. |
[23] | M. M. Shokrieh, M. Elahi, “Evaluation of two micromechanical models in prediction of Yong modulus of a polymer concrete,” 5th Joint Conference of Iranian Metallurgical Engineers Society and Iranian Foundry Men’s Society, Isfahan, in Persian, 2011. |
[24] | M. M. Shokrieh, H. R. Rajabpour S., M. Heidari R., “Finite Element Modeling of Model I delamination in Laminated Composites using Timoshenko Beam Element with deformation degrees of Freedom,” National Mechanical Engineering Conference, Energy and Optimization, Marvdasht Islamic Azad University, In Persian, 2011. |
[25] | M. M. Shokrieh, M. Heidari Rarani, “Design and manufacturing of Water distillation slab using polymer concrete,” The 1st International Conference on Non-osmosis Concretes, In Persian, Rasht, 2011. |
[26] | M. M. Shokrieh, S. M. Mahdavi, “A Theoretical Model for Considering the Effects of Interphase Region on Load Transfer in Reinforced Polymer with Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube”, The first seminar on the technology development of oil, gas and petrochemical industries,” in Persian, Ahvaz, Iran, 2011. |
[27] | Majid Tehrani Dehkordi, Hooshang Nosraty, Mahmood Mehrdad Shokrieh and Giangiacomo Minak, “The Effects of Hybridization on the Tensile and Compressive Properties of Basalt/Nylon Intraply Woven Fabric Composites,” The 11th Asian Textile Conference, Korea, 2011. |
[28] | Majid Tehrani Dehkordi, Hooshang Nosraty and Mahmood Mehrdad Shokrieh, “Prediction of Tensile Behaviour of Hybrid-Woven Fabrics at Initial Extension,” The 11th Asian Textile Conference, Korea, 2011. |
[29] | Majid Tehrani Dehkordi, Hooshang Nosraty and Mahmood Mehrdad Shokrieh, “Prediction of the amount of Damage in Hybrid Basalt and Nylon Composites under Impact using Residual Buckling Strength Model,” 8th National Conference on Textile Engineering- October 2011- Yazd, Iran. |
[30] | M. M. Shokrieh, A. Saeedi, “Mechanical Properties of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Polyester Nanocomposites,” 2nd Conference on Application of Nanotechnology in Science, Engineering and Medicine (NTC2011). |
[31] | M. A. Torabizadeh, M. M. Shokrieh, A. Fereidoon, “Comparison of mechanical properties of unidirectional composite predicted from analytical models and experimental evaluation at different temperatures,” 19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2011, 10-12 May, 2011, The University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran. |
[32] | M. M. Shokrieh, H. R. Rajabpour S., M. Heidari R., “Experimental Determination of Mode-I Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Laminated Composites made of Unidirectional Plies,” 19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2011, 10-12 May, 2011, The University of Birjand, Birjand, In Persian, Iran. |
[33] | M. M. Shokrieh, M. Elahi, “Comparison of Mori-Tanaka and Double Inclusion Methods in Estimation of Stiffness Properties of a Composite Material made of Micro–Mica plates and Epoxy Resin,” 19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2011, 10-12 May, 2011, The University of Birjand, Birjand, In Persian, Iran. |
[34] | M. M. Shokrieh, S. M. Mahdavi, “Equivalent Fiber Model for Calculation of Stiffness of a CNT/Epoxy Composite using Micromechanics Method,” 19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2011, 10-12 May, 2011, The University of Birjand, Birjand, In Persian, Iran. |
[35] | M. M. Shokrieh, S. Akbari, “Simulated Slitting method for Determination Of Residual Stresses in Isotropic Materials,” 19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2011, 10-12 May, 2011, The University of Birjand, Birjand, In Persian, Iran. |
[36] | M. M. Shokrieh, S. M. A. Alvani, “Three Dimensional Temperature Distribution in Woven Fabric Laminated Composites Exposed to Fire,” Forth Common Conference of Iranian Metallurgical Engineers Society and Iranian Scientific Casting Association, In Persian, Tehran, 2010. |
[37] | M. M. Shokrieh, S. M. A. Alvani, “Three Dimensional Modeling of Buckling Load of Woven Fabric Composite Plates Exposed to Fire,” IAUMECH2011, National Conference on New Technologies in Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz, 2011. |
[38] | M. M. Shokrieh, H. R. Rajabpour, “Effects of Interlaminar deviated Micro-cracks around Crack Front on Delamination of Laminated Composites,” IAUMECH2011, National Conference on New Technologies in Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz, In Persian, 2011. |
[39] | M. M. Shokrieh, M. Salamat Talab, “Theoretical and Finite Element Analysis on Initiation and Propagation of Model I Delamination on Double Cantilever Beam using Cohesive Area Model,” IAUMECH2011, National Conference on New Technologies in Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz, 2011. |
[40] | M. M. Shokrieh, S. M. A. Alvani, “Calculation of Buckling Load for Woven Fabric Laminated Composites Exposed to Fire,” The 10th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, In Persian, Tehran, 2011. |
[41] | M. M. Shokrieh, H. R. Rajabpour S., M. Heidari R., “Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Multidirectional DCB Specimen in Mode I, using Equivalent Lay-up Method,” The 10th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, In Persian, Tehran, 2011. |
[42] | M. A. Torabizadeh, M. M. Shokrieh, A. Fereidoon, “Damage in GFRPs due to Low Velocity Impact at Low Temperatures,” The 10th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, In Persian, Tehran, 2011. |
[43] | M. M. Shokrieh, A. R. Kefayati, M. Chitsazzadeh, “Investigation of mechanical properties of clay/epoxy nanocomposites,” The 2nd International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication & Application (CCFA-2), Kish Island-Iran, December, 27-30, 2010. |
[44] | Mahmood M. Shokrieh, Ashkan M. Aghdami, “A Novel Model for Simulation of Glass/Polyester Pultrusion Process,” The 2nd International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication & Application (CCFA-2), Kish Island-Iran, December, 27-30, 2010. |
[45] | M. M. Shokrieh and R. Rafiee, “Development of a Full Range Multi-scale Model to Obtain Elastic Properties of CNT/Polymer Composites,” The 2nd International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication & Application (CCFA-2), Kish Island-Iran, December, 27-30, 2010. |
[46] | M. R. Ayatollahi, M. M. Shokrieh, S. Shadlou, A.R. Kefayati, M. Chitsazzadeh, “Fabrication of Epoxy/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Nanoclay Nanocomposites: Investigation of Fracture Toughness,” The 2nd International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication & Application (CCFA-2), Kish Island-Iran, December, 27-30, 2010. |
[47] | Mahmood M. Shokrieh, Mohsen Ghajar, “A simple model for simulation of mode I strain energy release rate of a rectangular laminated composite,” The 2nd International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication & Application (CCFA-2), Kish Island-Iran, December, 27-30, 2010. |
[48] | M. R. Ayatollahi, S. Shadlou, M.M. Shokrieh, “The effect of multi-walled carbon nanotube dimensions on mechanical properties of epoxy-based nanocomposites,” The 2nd International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication & Application (CCFA-2), Kish Island-Iran, December 27-30, 2010. |
[49] | M. R. Ayatollahi, S. Shadlou, M. M. Shokrieh, “The correlation between fracture surfaces and fracture behavior of Epoxy/MWNT nanocomposites,” 3rd International Congress on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Shiraz, 2010. |
[50] | M. M. Shokrieh, A. R. Kefayati, M. Chitsazzadeh, “Investigation of the fracture properties of Epoxy/Clay nanocomposite and its polymer concrete,” 3rd International Congress on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Shiraz, 2010. |
[51] | M. Chitsazzadeh, H. Shahverdi1, M. M. Shokrieh, “Investigation of the ultrasonic dispersion of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTS) in vinyl ester polymer,” 3rd International Congress on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICNN2010, Shiraz. |
[52] | Shokrieh, M. M., Rahimi, S., Heidari, R. M., “Numerical Calculation of Interlaminar Fracture for Multidirectional Double Cantilever Beam, using properties of Unidirectional ply,” Third National Symposium in Mechanical Engineering, In Persian, Khomeinishahr, 2010. |
[53] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Torabizadeh A., and Fereidoon, A., “Tensile Response of GFRPs at Low Temperature using Progressive Damage Modeling,” International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sept. 28-30, 2010. |
[54] | Chitsazzadeh, M., Shahverdi, H. and Shokrieh, M. M., “Fabrication of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Vinyl Ester Nanocomposites: Dispersion and Stabilization,” Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids: Mass Transfer, Heat Transfer and Microstructure and Properties, DSL-2010, 05-07 July, 2010, Paris – France. |
[55] | Chitsazzadeh, M., Shahverdi, H. and Shokrieh, M. M., “An Investigation on the effects of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes and Nanosilver on Electrical Conductivity of Vinyl ester Resin,” 7th Nanotechnology Iranian Students Conference, In Persian, 2010. |
[56] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Karamnejad, A., “Transient Response of Strain Rate Dependent Composite Plate Using Finite Difference Method,” International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, 12-18 Nov. 2010, Canada. |
[57] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Ghanei Mohammadi,A . R., “Investigation of Residual Thermal Stresses in Fiber Reinforced Composites Incorporating Inhomogeneous Interphase Region,” International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, 12-18 Nov. 2010, Canada. |
[58] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Ghanei Mohammadi, A. R., “Finite Element Modeling of Residual Thermal Stresses in Fiber- Reinforced Composites Using Different Representative Volume Element,” World Congress on Engineering, WCE-2010, London, 2010. |
[59] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Torabizadeh A., “An Investigation on Damage of Quasi-Isotropic laminated Composites under Static Tensile Loading in Low Temperature,” 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, In Persian, 11-13 May, Sharif University, Iran, 2010. |
[60] | Shokrieh M. M. Heidari-Rarani, M. and Ayatollahi, M. R., “A New Model for Determining the Mode-I Fracture Toughness of DCB Specimen using Timoshenko Beam on Two-Parameters Elastic Foundation,” 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, In Persian, 11-13 May, Sharif University, Iran, 2010. |
[61] | Shokrieh, M. M. Taherkhani Ramezanpour, F., “Effects of Machining Parameters on and the lay-up Configuration on Delamination Phenomenon of Drilling Process of Polymer Composites,” In Persian, 11th Iranian Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Tabriz, Iran, 2010. |
[62] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Ghanei Mohammadi, A. R., “Introduction of A New Finite Element Model to Investigate the Residual Thermal Stresses in Fiber-Reinforced Composites,” The 9th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference Feb. 8-10/2010, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch. |
[63] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Parsaee, A., “Investigation of Representative Volume Element in Micro-Buckling,” The 9th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference Feb. 8-10, 2010, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch. |
[64] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Parsaee, A., “Calculation of In-Plane Mechanical Properties of AS4/301-6 Carbon/Epoxy Composites” The 9th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference Feb. 8-10, 2010, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch. |
[65] | Tehrani Dehkordi, M., Shokrieh, M. M., Nosraty, H. Minak, G. “The Effects of Hybridization on the Impact Properties of Basalt/Nylon Intraply Woven Fabric Composites,” The 1st International and the 7th National Conference on Textile Engineering -October 2009- Rasht, Iran. |
[66] | Tehrani Dehkordi, M., Shokrieh, M. M., Nosraty, H. Minak, G. “Compressive Residual Strength of Intraply Basalt/Nylon Hybrid Composite Laminates Subjected to Low-Velocity,” Proceedings of the 10th Asian Textile Conference ~ATC-10 ~ September 7-9, 2009 Ueda, Japan. |
[67] | Tehrani Dehkordi, M, Gelli, D., Minak, G., Nosraty, H., Shokrieh, M. M., “The low velocity impact response of intraply basalt/nylon hybrid composites,” ETDCM9- 9th Seminar on Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials, 30 September-2 October 2009 –DTG University of Padova– Vicenza (Italy). |
[68] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Elhamian, S. M. "There Dimensional Analysis of Behavior of Carbon-Carbon Composites under Shear Force at 1000 K Temperature,” Student Conference in Mechanical Engineering, Mashhad Azad University, 2010. |
[69] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Elhamian, S. M. "There Dimensional Damage Analysis of Carbon-Carbon Composites due to Increasing Thermal Stresses,” Student Conference in Mechanical Engineering, Mashhad Azad University, 2010. |
[70] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Memar, M. "Aging of Basalt/Epoxy Composites under SCC,” the 4th International Conference of the Institute of Materials Systems "IMS/4," entitled as: Applications of Traditional and High Performance Materials in Harsh Environments, Sharja, AUS March 24-25, 2010. |
[71] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Rafiee, R. "Load Transfer Efficiency in CNT/Epoxy: A Parametric Study on the Effect of CNT Length and Non-bonded Interphase,” Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Nanostructures (NS2010), March 10-12, 2010, Kish Island, Iran. |
[72] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Rafiee, R. "Determination of Stochastic properties of CNT/Epoxy Composites,” The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Valencia, Spain from 14-17 September 2010. |
[73] | Shokrieh, M. M. Taherkhani Ramezanpour, F., “Investigation of Machining Parameters and stacking sequence on Delamination of Polymer Composites,” 10th Iranian Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, ICME 2010, March 1st - 3rd, 2010, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology. |
[74] | Shokrieh, M. M. Ghanei Mohammadi, A. R. “Investigation of Thermal Residual Stresses Due to Curing Process of Fiber-Reinforced Composites by Finite Element Analysis,” 10th Iranian Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, ICME 2010, March 1st - 3rd, 2010, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology. |
[75] | Shokrieh, M. M. Mahmood Aghdami, A. “Simulation of Thermoset Resin Curing using Finite Element Method,” 10th Iranian Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, ICME 2010, March 1st - 3rd, 2010, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, in Persian. |
[76] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Parsaee, A., "Simulation of Compressive Behavior of Glass/Epoxy Composites via Microbuckling,” The 2nd National Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Najafabad, 2009, in Persian. |
[77] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Parsaee, A., "Investigation of Representative Volume Element in Microbuckling,” The 2nd National Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Najafabad, 2009, in Persian. |
[78] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Nouri, A., "Investigation on Damage of Composite Plates in Post Buckling Region using Progressive Damage Model,” The 2nd National Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Najafabad, 2009, in Persian. |
[79] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Nouri, A., “The investigation of damage effect in the buckling load of laminated composite plates,” The 2nd National Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Najafabad, 2009, in Persian. |
[80] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Elhamian, S. M., “Study of stress distribution and mechanical properties on 3-D orthogonal carbon-carbon composites,” The 2nd National Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Najafabad, 2009, in Persian. |
[81] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Elhamian, S. M., “Analysis of 3-D laminated carbon-carbon composite behavior against increasing external shear load in different temperatures,” The 2nd National Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Nagjafabad, 2009, in Persian. |
[82] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Mosalmani, R., “A Novel Model of Hydrodynamic Friction in SMC Compression Molding Considering Thermal Effects,” 9th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, 17-21 Oct. 2009. |
[83] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Askari, A., “Structural Similitude for Composite Plates in Impact Loading,” 9th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, 17-21 Oct. 2009. |
[84] | Ayatollahi, M. R., Shadlou, A., and Shokrieh, M. M., “Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Mechancial Behvior of Single-Walled Carbon Nano-Tubes,” 9th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, 17-21 Oct. 2009. |
[85] | Shokrieh, M. M. and A. M. Aghdami, “Simulation of Curing Process of a Polymer Resin with a Finite Element Method,” 9th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran, 17-21 October 2009. |
[86] | Shokrieh, M. M. and A. Askari, “Structural Similitude for Composite Plates in Impact Loading,” 9th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran, 17-21 October 2009. |
[87] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Rafiee, R. "on the Non-linear Tensile Behavior of an Embedded Carbon Nanotube in Polymer Matrix with Non-bonded Interphase Region," ICCST15, FEUP, Porto, 2009. |
[88] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Rafiee, R. "Calculation of Young’s Moduli of Graphene Sheets and Carbon Nanotubes using Analytical Solution and Numerical Simulation," ICTAM, 2009. |
[89] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Omidi, M. J., "Development of a strain-rate dependent progressive damage model for crash analysis of composite laminate," 9th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behavior of Materials under Dynamic Loading, DYMAT 2009, Brussels – Belgium, 7 - 11 September 2009. |
[90] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Safari, S., "Minimization of Warpage in Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites," Ninth Conference of Manufacturing and Production Engineering, Birjand University, 2009. |
[91] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Parsaee, A., "Modeling of Damage of Carbon Fibers," Ninth Conference of Manufacturing and Production Engineering, Birjand University, 2009. |
[92] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Omidi, M. J., "Experimental Studies on the Effects of Strain rate on the Compressive Properties of Glass/Epoxy Composites," in Persian, Eight International Conference of Iran Aerospace Society, Isfahan, 2009. |
[93] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Torabizadeh A., "Progressive failure analysis of composite plates", Eight International Conference of Iran Aerospace Society, Isfahan, 2009. |
[94] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Kashizadeh E., "Influence of Thermal Cycles on Mechanical Strength of a Polymer Concrete," Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials, Processing and Characterization, India, 2008. |
[95] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Saadat A. P., "Mechanical Properties of Date Palm Leaf (DPL) Fiber Polyolefin Composites," International Conference on Composite Material Nano Structure, IC2MS08, Malaysia, 2008. |
[96] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Memar, M., "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Basalt/Epoxy Composite under Bending Loading and In Acidic Medium," 1st International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication, and Application (CCFA-1), December 15-18, 2008, Kish-Iran. |
[97] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Nouri, A. R., "Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Laminated Composite Shells," 1st International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication, and Application (CCFA-1), December 15-18, 2008, Kish-Iran. |
[98] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Mosalmani, R., "Different Types of Friction Forces between Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) Charge and Cavity Surface of Mold in Compression Molding," 1st International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication, and Application (CCFA-1), December 15-18, 2008, Kish-Iran. |
[99] | Yazdchi K., Salehi M., Shokrieh M. M., " Three Dimensional Finite Element Modeling of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes," 1st International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication, and Application (CCFA-1), December 15-18, 2008, Kish-Iran. |
[100] | Shokrieh, M. M. and Rezaee Azariani, A., "Commercialization of Research Ideas," First International Conference in Zeolite,"' Amirkabir University, 2008. |
[101] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Memar, M., "Investigation and Comparison of Flexural Properties of Basalt/Epoxy and Glass/Epoxy Composites," 16th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2008. Kerman, Iran. |
[102] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Niakan, S., "A New Model for Calculation of Elasticity Modulus of Nano-Composites reinforced with Carbon Nano-Tubes," 16th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2008. |
[103] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Nouri, A., " Geometrically nonlinear analysis of laminated composite shells element and investigation into the post buckling response of composite shells," 16th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2008. |
[104] | Shokrieh, M. M., "Situation of Composites Technology in Iran," Keynote Speech, International Conference on Composite Material Nano Structure, IC2MS08, Malaysia, 2008. |
[105] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Mosalmani R., "Predicting molding forces during compression molding of sheet molding compound (SMC) by a thermal dependent viscous transversely isotropic model," Seventh International Conference on Composite Science and Technology (ICCST/7), January 20 – 22, 2009, Sharjah. |
[106] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Omidi M. J., "Tensile Response of Glass-fiber Reinforced Polymeric Composites under Different Strain Rates," Seventh International Conference on Composite Science and Technology (ICCST/7), January 20 – 22, 2009, Sharjah. |
[107] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Attar, P., "A New Method for Modeling of Initiation and Propagation of Delamination between [0/θo] Layers of Laminated Composites" Seventh International Conference on Composite Science and Technology (ICCST/7), January 20 – 22, 2009, Sharjah. |
[108] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Atashipour, S. R., "Resin Propagation in Fiber Preform in Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding Process," ICCES 08 International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Hawaii, 2008, USA. |
[109] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Atashipour, S. R., "A review on Resin Transfer Molding for Manufacturing of Polymer Composites," National Conference of Manufacturing and Production Engineering, Isfahan, Azad University of Najafabad, 2007. |
[110] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Atashipour, S. R., "Analysis of Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding," 2nd Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering, Dec. 10- 13, 2007, IUST, Tehran, Iran. |
[111] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Atashipour, S. R., "The Effect of Injection Pipe on Constant Pressure Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding Process," 2nd Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering, Dec. 10- 13, 2007, IUST, Tehran, Iran. |
[112] | Shokrieh M. M. and Heidari-Rarani, M., "Reinforcement of Concrete Slabs with FRP Pultruded Grating (Analytical and Finite Element Solutions)," The 5-th Moscow International Conference, Theory and Practice of Technologies of Manufacturing, Composite Materials and New Metal Alloys Products, (TMCMM), Moscow, Russia, April, 24-27, 2007. |
[113] | Fakhar N., and Shokrieh, M. M., "A New Procedure for Dynamic Calibration of Drop Weight Impact Tester," 2nd Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering, Dec. 10- 13, 2007, IUST, Tehran, Iran. |
[114] | Shokrieh, M. M., "World of Composites," Keynote Lecture, The 7th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Feb. 19- 21, 2008. |
[115] | Shokrieh, M. M., Askari, H., and Abdolrahim, N., "Buckling and Post-Buckling of Composite Plates using Progressive Damage Modeling," The 7th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Feb. 19- 21, 2008. |
[116] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Atashipour, S. R., "Flow of Resin in Fiber Preform in Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding using Semi-Flexible mold," The 7th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Feb. 19- 21, 2008. |
[117] | K. Yazdchi, M. Salehi and M. M. Shokrieh, “Finite Element Modeling of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,” 16th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2008, Kerman, Iran. |
[118] | K. Yazdchi, M. Salehi and M. M. Shokrieh, “Effect of Wall thickness on the Mechanical properties of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes,” 17th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2008, Tehran, Iran. |
[119] | K. Yazdchi, M. Salehi and M. M. Shokrieh, “Influence of Van der Waals interaction on the Mechanical properties of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes,” 16th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2008, Kerman, Iran. |
[120] | K. Yazdchi, M. Salehi and M. M. Shokrieh, “An analytical approach to determination of Young's modulus of wavy carbon nanotubes,” 16th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2008, Kerman, Iran. |
[121] | K. Yazdchi, M. Salehi and M. M. Shokrieh, “Influence of Van der Waals interaction on the Mechanical properties of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes with Introducing Effective Wall thickness,” 13th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2008, Stockholm, Sweden. |
[122] | K. Yazdchi, M. Salehi and M. M. Shokrieh, “Analytical and numerical techniques to predict interfacial stresses of carbon nanotube/polymer composites,” MCM Conference, 2008, Riga, Latvia. |
[123] | K. Yazdchi, M. Salehi and M. M. Shokrieh, “Mechanical Properties of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,” 17th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2008, Tehran, Iran. |
[124] | K. Yazdchi, M. Salehi and M. M. Shokrieh, “Non-dimensional Analysis of Interfacial Stresses of Wavy CNT/Polymer Composites Using a New RVE,” 17th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2008, Tehran, Iran. |
[125] | K. Yazdchi, M. Salehi and M.M. Shokrieh, “Fiber Pull-out modeling of Wavy CNT/polymer composites, International Conference on MEMS and Nanotechnology,” (ICMN '08), 13-15th May 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
[126] | Akhbari, M., Rashidi, A., Shokrieh, M. M., Nosraty, H., and Jeddi, A., “A Study on Mechanical Behavior of Woven Fabric Composites under Impact and Buckling,” Sixth National conference of Iran Textile Engineering, Isfahan, Iran, 2007. |
[127] | Akhbari, M., Shokrieh, M. M., Nosraty, H., Zebarjadnejad, S. M. H., and Rashidi, A., “A Study on Buckling Behavior of Composite Sheets Reinforced by Hybrid Woven Fabrics,” The 9th Asian Textile Conference, June 28-30, 2007, Taiwan. |
[128] | Akhbari, M., Nosraty, H., Shokrieh, M. M., Jeddi, A. and Mohammadian, M., “The Comparison between Impact Resistance of Woven fabric Composites and Cross-Ply Unidirectional Composites,” The 9th Asian Textile Conference, June 28-30, 2007, Taiwan. |
[129] | Shokrieh, M. M., Heidari Rarani, M., and Tavakoli, N. “Main Challenges in Production Development of Compressed Natural Gas Vessels in Iran,” 1st CNG Composite Cylinder Symposium, May 26, 2007. |
[130] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Hamid R. Abdolvand, "Finite Element Analysis of Polymer Composites under Fire," The 2nd Conference on Fire Protection of Buildings, Feb. 20-21, 2007, in Persian, Tehran, Iran. |
[131] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Hamid R. Abdolvand, "Determination of Fire Effects on Polymer Composites by Considering Changes in Thermal Properties," 15 Annual International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, 15-17 May, 2007, Amirkabir University, in Persian. |
[132] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Vahid Nasir, "Modeling of Static and Vibration Behavior of Composite Gratings"," 15 Annual International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, 15-17 May, 2007, Amirkabir University, in Persian. |
[133] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Mehdi Esmaeili "Impact Analysis of a Composite Guardrail," International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, ICSCS'07, Manchester, UK, 30 July to 1 August 2007. |
[134] | Shokrieh, M. M., H. Toozandehjani and M. Jamal Omidi, "Fiber Orientation and Cross Section Effects of Composite Tubes under Axial Dynamic Loading on Energy Absorption," the Sixth International Conference on Composite Science and Technology (ICCST/6), 2007. |
[135] | S. E. Sonbolestan and M. M. Shokrieh, "Nano-Clay/Polymer Composites Characterization by Analytical models ", First International Congress on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Faculty of Engineering , University of Tehran, December 2006 |
[136] | S. E. Sonbolestan and M. M. Shokrieh, "Influence of micro-structural parameters on the mechanical properties of a polymer/clay nanocomposite," First International Congress on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, December 2006. |
[137] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Taheri- Behrooz F., "A phenomenological Model to study the Fatigue Behavior of Unidirectional Composites," 9th International Fatigue Congress, 14-19 May 2006, Atlanta, USA. |
[138] | Shokrieh, M. M., and GH. Javadpour "Penetration Analysis of a Projectile in a Ceramic Composite Armor," International Conference on Composite Materials and Nano-Structures (IC2MS-06), Malaysia, 2006. |
[139] | Shokrieh, M. M., and M. Fakhar "Response of Composite Sandwich Panels under Low Velocity Impact with Circularly Clamped Boundary Conditions" International Conference on Composite Materials and Nano-Structures (IC2MS-06), Malaysia, 2006. |
[140] | Shokrieh, M. M., and A. Rezaee Azariani, “Experimental Studies on the Effects of Fire Retardant Additives on Polymeric Composites,” The Tenth National Congress on Iranian Chemical Engineering, in Persian, pp/ 5736-5745, 2005. |
[141] | Shokrieh, M. M., and S. E. Sonbolestan, “Simulation of Mechanical Properties of Clay/Polymer Nano Composites,” 14 Annual International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, 16-18 May, 2006, Esfahan, in Persian. |
[142] | Shokrieh, M. M., and A. R. Ghasemi, “Determining of Interlaminar Stresses for Isotropic and Orthotropic Materials with Central Hole Drilling Method ,” 14 Annual International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, 16-18 May, 2006, Esfahan, in Persian. |
[143] | Shokrieh, M. M., and M. Fakhar, “Effects of Low Velocity Impact on Sandwich Laminated Composites,” 14 Annual International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, 16-18 May, 2006, Esfahan, in Persian. |
[144] | Shokrieh, M. M., and A. Heidari, “Design of Composite Space Structures,” 14 Annual International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, 16-18 May, 2006, Esfahan, in Persian. |
[145] | M. M. Shokrieh, F. Taheri- Behrooz and R. Moslemian, “Repairing Corroded Gas Transmission Pipelines Using Composite Materials,” Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering (TICME2005), December 12-15, 2005, Tehran, Iran. |
[146] | Shokrieh, M. M., H. Nosrati and M. Akhbari, “Tensile Strength Studies of Woven Fabric Polyester/ Polyester Composites,” The 8th Asian Textile Conference, Textile and Modern Sciences, p. 94, Tehran, Iran, May 9-11, 2005. |
[147] | Shokrieh, M. M., and R. Rafiee, “Extraction of Mechanical Properties of Multidirectional Composites using Classical Lamination Theory”, the Fifth Canadian-International Composites Conference in Vancouver, BC, 2005, Canada. |
[148] | Shokrieh, M. M., and M. Rahmat, “Composite Material Reinforcement of Concrete Sleepers under 3-point Bending Conditions,” the IV-th Moscow International Conference, Theory and Practice of technologies of Manufacturing Composite Materials and New Metal Alloys Products (TM, April 26-29, pp. 586-595, 2005. |
[149] | Shokrieh, M. M., and F. Taheri B. and R. Moslemian, “Reinforcement of Corroded Gas Pipes using Composite Materials,” in Persian, 13th annual (international) conference on Mechanical Engineering in Isfahan, Iran, P. 308, 2005. |
[150] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Ghasemi, A. R., “Calibration Factors Determination for Central Hole Drilling Method to Measure Residual Stresses in Isotropic and Orthotropic Materials,” In Persian, 13th annual (international) conference on Mechanical Engineering in Isfahan, Iran, P. 56, 2005. |
[151] | Shokrieh, M. M., and R. Rafiee, “Stochastic fatigue Analysis of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Composite Blade,” Fifth International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, American University of Sharjah, 1-3 February, 2005, pp. 197-202. |
[152] | Shokrieh, M. M., and A. Najafi, “Damping Characterization of Polymer Matrix Composites Based on Micromechanics Approach, Theory and Experiment,” Fifth International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, American University of Sharjah, 1-3 February, 2005, pp. 209-214. |
[153] | Najafi A., Shokrieh, M. M., Ghannadpour, S. A. M. and Mohammadi B., “The effect of Circular/Elliptical Cutouts on the Buckling Behavior of Laminated Composites Plates,” Fifth International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, American University of Sharjah, 1-3 February, 2005, pp. 71-76. |
[154] | Mohammadi, B., Ghannadpour, S. A. M., Shokrieh, M. M., and A. Najafi, “The Post Buckling analysis of Laminated Composites Containing Circular/Elliptical Holes,” Fifth International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, American University of Sharjah, 1-3 February, 2005, pp. 335-340. |
[155] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Mohammad R. Sareban, “A Method for Internal reinforcement of Concrete with Composite Materials Waste,” Conference on Application of FRP Composites in Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures, pp. 19-29, May 4, 2004, In Persian. |
[156] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Rafiee, R., “Life Prediction of a Composite Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade,” Annual International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, in Persian, pp. 240, 2004. |
[157] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Kamali Shahri, S. M., “Residual stresses in Thermoset Polymer Composites” The Second International Conference on Structural Engineering Mechanics and Computation, 5-7 July 2004, Cape Town,. South Africa, p. 47. |
[158] | Shokrieh, M. M., and A. Rezaee Azariani, “Effect of Flame on the Fiber Reinforced Polymers,” Proceedings of Fire Protections of Buildings, Building and Housing Research Center, Tehran, Iran, pp. 55-66, 2004, In Persian. |
[159] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Jamal Omidi, M., “Reinforcement of Aluminum Cracked Plates Using Carbon/Epoxy Composites,” Second International and Fifth National Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2004, in Persian. |
[160] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Kamali Shahri, S. M., “Study of Classical Method in Determination of Residual stresses in Composite Materials” Aero 2003, The Fourth Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, pp. 382-391, 2003, In Persian. |
[161] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Ali Babaee S., “Design and Manufacturing of Hybrid Composite Belt for a Weaving Machine,” In Persian, Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of Manufacturing and Production Engineering, 2003. |
[162] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Chahardehi A. E., “Reinforcement of Spherical Vessels using Composite Materials,” Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of Manufacturing and Production Engineering, 2003, In Persian. |
[163] | Shokrieh M. M., Taheri Behrooz, F, and Fadaee Arasi, M., “Measurement of Hygro-thermal Properties of Aramid/Epoxy Composite for Cylindrical Specimens and evaluation of Feek Equation,” Proceedings of the 11 th Annual Conference (International) of Mechanical Engineering,” Iran, Mashhad, pp. 1281-1286, 2003, In Persian. |
[164] | Shokrieh M. M., and Seidi, A., “Design of Skid of Bell 214 Helicopter Using Composites,” Proceedings of the 11 th Annual Conference (International) of Mechanical Engineering,” Iran, Mashhad, pp. 1264-1270, 2003, In Persian. |
[165] | Shokrieh M. M., and Zakeri, M., “Evaluation of Fatigue Life of Composite Materials using Progressive Damage Modeling and Stiffness Reduction,” Proceedings of the 11 th Annual Conference (International) of Mechanical Engineering,” Iran, Mashhad, pp. 1256-1263, 2003, In Persian. |
[166] | Shokrieh M. M., and Paryab, N., “Repair and Reinforcement of Gas Pipes using Composite Materials,” Proceedings of the 11 th Annual Conference (International) of Mechanical Engineering,” Iran, Mashhad, pp. 45-52, 2003, In Persian. |
[167] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Hasani, A., “Shear Buckling of Composite Drive Shafts under Torsion,” The Sixth International Conference on Flow Process in Composite Materials (FPCM-6), Auckland, New Zealand, 15-17 July, 2002. |
[168] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Mahmoudi, J., “Shear Creep in Composite Materials,” Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Vol. 4, pp. 2321-2328, May 25-27, 2002, in Persian. |
[169] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Ghasemi, A., “Aerodynamic Design and Static Analysis of a Composite Wind Turbine Blade” Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Vol. 4, pp. 2335-2342, in Persian, May 25-27, 2002. |
[170] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Mousavi Malevajerdi S. A., “Study of Bending Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams, Strengthened with Glass/Epoxy and Glass /Polyester Composites,” The 1st Conference & Retrofitting of Structures, in Persian, May 2002. |
[171] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Mozafari, M., “Residual Compressive Strength of Composite Plates under Impact Loading,” Third Canadian International Composites Conference, 21-24 Aug. 2001, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. |
[172] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Rafiee, R., “Structural Design of Composite Transmission Poles,” International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2001), Singapore, 1-6 July 2001. |
[173] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Rafiee, R., “Design and Analysis of a Composite Transmission Pole,” In Persian, Proceedings of 5th International & 9th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference, Iran, Rasht, Vol. 1, pp. 77-84, 2001. |
[174] | Shokrieh, M. M., Seyed A. Mousavi Malevajerdi, “Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Composite Laminates,” International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Hong Kong, 12-14 Dec. 2001. |
[175] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Seyed A. Mousavi Malevajerdi, “Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Composite Plates,” In Persian, Concrete and Development First International Conference, pp. 235-251, April-May, 2001. |
[176] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Bohlool, A., “Effects of Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional Plies on Stress Analysis of Composite Structures,” ACCM-2000, Second Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, 18-20 Aug. 2000, Korea, Kyongju, pp.535-542. |
[177] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Haghiri, K., “Effective Parameters on Optimum Design of Composite Pressure Vessels,” ECCM9, Composites - From Fundamentals to Exploitation, The Premier Composites Conference in Europe, 4-7 June 2000, Brighton, England. |
[178] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Mohamadi-Rad H., “The Effect of Internal Liner on Mechanical Behavior of Composite Pressure Vessels,” Proceedings of ICCM-12, 12th International Conference on Composite Materials, France, 1999. |
[179] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Sadrabadi, B. B., “Design of a Composite Telescopic Mast,” First Seminar on Design, Manufacturing, Installation and Protection of Radio and Television Masts, IRIB of Islamic Republic of Iran, pp. 1-6, 1999. |
[180] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Taheri Behrooz, F., “Wing Instability of a Full Composite Aircraft,” Third International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, Sampe-2000, Moscow, Russia, pp. 730-743, 2000. |
[181] | Shokrieh, M. M., Maghsoudi, M., and S. M. Tajali Bakhsh, “ A Study on Adhesive Joints of Laminated Composites,” Sixth Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference and Third International Mechanical Engineering Conference of the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, 18-20 May 1998, In Persian. |
[182] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Lessard, L. B., “Residual Fatigue Life Simulation of Laminated Composites,” International Conference on Advanced Composites 98, Egypt, 1998, pp. 79-86. |
[183] | Shokrieh, M. M., “Fatigue Damage Modeling of Mechanical Joints Made of Composite Materials,” Aviation 2000, International Symposium, Zhukovsky, Moscow, Russia, August 19-24, 1997, pp. 343-351. |
[184] | Shokrieh, M. M., Lessard, L. B., and C. Poon, “Three-Dimensional Progressive Failure Analysis of Pin/Bolt Loaded Composite Laminates,” AGARD Symposium, Meeting on Bolted/Bonded Joints in Polymer Composites Florence, Italy, pp. 7-1 - 7-10, 1996. |
[185] | Shokrieh, M. M, and Lessard, L. B., “Progressive Fatigue Modeling of Laminated Composite Pinned/Bolted Connections,” Proceedings of ICCM-11, 11th International Conference on Composite Materials, Australia, Vol. II: Fatigue, Fracture and Ceramic Matrix Composites, pp. II-156- II-166, 1996. |
[186] | Lessard, L. B., and Shokrieh, M. M., “Overview of Failure in Composite Materials,” Applied Mechanics in Americas, Vol. III, pp. 255-260., Edited by L. A. Godoy, S. R. Idelsohn, and P. A. A. Laura, and D. T. Mook, AAM, and AMCA, Santa Fe, Argentina, 1995, pp. 255-260. |
[187] | Shokrieh, M. M., Eilers, O. P., and Lessard, L. B., “Determination of interlaminar Shear Strength of Graphite/Epoxy Composite Materials in Static and Fatigue Loading,” Proceedings of ICCM-10, 10th International Conference on Composite Materials, Whistler, B. C., Canada, 1995, pp. IV-81 -- IV-88. |
[188] | Milette J. F., Shokrieh M. M. and Lessard L. B., “Static and Fatigue Behaviour of Unidirectional Composites in Compression,” Proceedings of ICCM-10, 10th International Conference on Composite Materials, Whistler, B. C., Canada, 1995, pp. I-617 -- I-624. |
[189] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Lessard, L. B., “Residual Strength and Fatigue Life of Unidirectional Composite Plies under Multiaxial Fatigue Loading,” SAMPE, Atlanta, 1994, pp. 303-314. |
[190] | Shokrieh, M. M., and Lessard, L. B., “Fatigue Behaviour of Composite Pinned / Bolted Joints - New Modeling Approach,” Cancom 93, Ottawa, Canada, (1993), pp. 871-877. |
[191] | Lessard, L. B., Shokrieh, M. M., and Esbensen, J. H., “Analysis of Stress Singularities in Laminated Composite Pinned/Bolted Joints,” 38th SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, May 10-13, (1993), Anaheim, California, pp. 53-60. |
[192] | Lessard, L. B., Shokrieh, M. M., and Schmit, A. S., “Three Dimensional Stress Analysis of Composite Plates With or Without Stress Concentrations,” 9th International Conference on Composite Materials, 12-16 July, (1993) Madrid, Spain, pp. 243-250. |
[193] | Lessard, L. B., and Shokrieh, M. M., “Failure of Laminated Composite Materials,” International Conference on Engineering Applications of Mechanics, Tehran, Iran, (1992), pp. 475-483. |
[194] | Lessard, L. B., and Shokrieh, M. M., “Pinned Joint Failure Mechanisms, Part I - Two Dimensional Modeling,” First Canadian International Composites Conference and Exhibition, CANCOM 91, Montreal, Canada, (1991), pp. 15D1-15D8. |