[1] | P. Vannucci: Simplified optimal design of a Tension Leg Platform (TLP). Structural Optimization, v. 12, pp. 265- 268, 1996. |
[2] | P. Vannucci, B. Cochelin, N. Damil & M. Potier-Ferry: An asymptotic-numerical method to compute bifurcating branches. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, v. 41, pp. 1365-1389, 1998. |
[3] | P. Vannucci, G. Verchery: A special class of uncoupled and quasi-homogeneous laminates. Composites Science and Technology, v. 61, pp. 1465-1473, 2001. |
[4] | A. Vincenti, G. Verchery & P. Vannucci: Anisotropy and symmetries for elastic properties of laminates reinforced by balanced fabrics. Composites Part A, v. 32, pp. 1525-1532, 2001. |
[5] | P. Vannucci, G. Verchery: Stiffness design of laminates using the polar method. International Journal of Solids and Structures, v. 38, pp. 9281-9294, 2001. |
[6] | P. Vannucci: On bending-tension coupling of laminates. Journal of Elasticity, v. 64, pp. 13-28, 2001. |
[7] | P. Vannucci, G. Verchery : A new method for generating fully isotropic laminates. Composite Structures, v. 58, pp. 75-82, 2002. |
[8] | E. Valot, P. Vannucci & G. Verchery: Complete in-plane elastic characterization under tensile tests of angle-ply laminates composed of polymer-matrix layers. Poly- mers and Polymer Composites, v. 10, n.7. pp. 483-492, 2002. |
[9] | P. Vannucci : A special planar orthotropic material. Journal of Elasticity, v. 67, pp. 81-96, 2002. |
[10] | A. Vincenti, P. Vannucci & G. Verchery: Inuence of orientation errors on quasihomogeneity of composite laminates. Composites Science and Technology, v. 63, pp. 739-749, 2003. |
[11] | E. Valot, P. Vannucci & G. Verchery: A linear theory for laminates composed of coupled layers. Composite Structures, v. 60, pp. 413-429, 2003. |
[12] | E. Valot, P. Vannucci: Some exact solutions for fully orthotropic laminates. Com-posite Structures, v. 69, pp. 157-166, 2005. |
[13] | P. Vannucci: Plane anisotropy by the polar method. Meccanica, v. 40, pp. 437-454, 2005. |
[14] | P. Vannucci: Designing the elastic properties of laminates as an optimization problem:a unified approach based on polar tensor invariants. International Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, v. 31, pp. 378-387, 2006. |
[15] | P. Vannucci, J. Pouget: Laminates with given piezoelectric expansion coefficients. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, v. 13, pp. 419-427, 2006. |
[16] | P. Vannucci, A. Vincenti: The design of laminates with given thermal/hygral expansion coefficients: a general approach based upon the polar-genetic method. Composite Structures, v. 79, pp. 454-466, 2007. |
[17] | P. Vannucci: The polar analysis of a third order piezoelectricity-like plane tensor. International Journal of Solids and Structures, v. 44, pp. 7803-7815, 2007. |
[18] | P. Vannucci: Inuence of invariant material parameters on the exural optimal design of thin anisotropic laminates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, v. 51, pp. 192-203, 2009. |
[19] | P. Vannucci : ALE-PSO : an adaptive swarm algorithm to solve design problems of laminates. Algorithms, v. 2, pp. 710-734, 2009. |
[20] | P. Vannucci, R. Barsotti, S. Bennati: Exact optimal exural design of laminates. Composite Structures, v. 90, pp. 337-345, 2009. |
[21] | P. Vannucci: On special anisotropy of paper. Journal of Elasticity, v. 99, pp. 75-83, 2010. Review of the paper on Mathematical Reviews |
[22] | P. Vannucci, G. Verchery: Anisotropy of plane complex bodies. International Journal of Solids and Structures, v. 47, pp. 1154-1166, 2010. |
[23] | A. Vincenti, M. R. Ahmadian & P. Vannucci: BIANCA: a genetic algorithm to solve hard combinatorial optimisation problems in engineering. Journal of Global Optimization, v. 48, pp. 399-421, 2010. |
[24] | M. R. Ahmadian, A. Vincenti & P. Vannucci: A general strategy for the optimal design of composite laminates by the polar-genetic method. Materials & Design, v. 32, pp. 2317-2327, 2011. |
[25] | P. Vannucci: A new general approach for optimising the performances of smart laminates. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, v. 18, pp. 558-568, 2011. |
[26] | G. Giunta, A. Catapano, S. Belouettar, P. Vannucci & E. Carrera: Failure analysis of composite plates subjected to localized loadings via a unified formulation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, v. 138, pp. 458-467, 2012. |
[27] | A. Vincenti, P. Vannucci, M. R. Ahmadian: Optimization of laminated composites by using genetic algorithm and the polar description of plane anisotropy. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2012 (in press). |
[28] | P. Vannucci: Strange laminates. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2012 (in press). |
[29] | A. Catapano, B. Desmorat & P. Vannucci: Invariant formulation of phenomenological failure criteria for orthotropic sheets and optimisation of their strength. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2012 (in press). |
[30] | M. Montemurro, H. Nasser, Y. Koutsawa, S. Belouettar, A. Vincenti & P. Vannucci: Identification of electromechanical properties of piezoelectric structures through evolutionary optimisation techniques. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2012 (in press). |
[31] | M. Montemurro, A Vincenti & P. Vannucci: A two-level procedure for the global optimum design of composite modular structures - Application to the design of an aircraft wing. Part 1: theoretical formulation. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2012 (in press). Invited paper. |
[32] | M. Montemurro, A Vincenti & P. Vannucci: A two-level procedure for the global optimum design of composite modular structures - Application to the design of an aircraft wing. Part 2: numerical aspects and examples. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2012 (in press). Invited paper. |
[33] | M. Montemurro, Y. Koutsawa, S. Belouettar, A. Vincenti & P. Vannucci: Design of damping properties of hybrid laminates through a global optimization strategy. Composite Structures, 2012 (in press). |
[34] | M. Montemurro, A. Vincenti & P. Vannucci: Design of elastic properties of laminates with minimum number of plies. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2012 (in press). |