[1] | Abramovich, H. and Singer, J., "Correlation between vibrations and buckling of cylindrical shells under external pressure and combined loading", Israel J. of Technology, Vol.16, Nos.1-2, pp.34-44, 1978. |
[2] | Singer, J. and Abramovich, H., "Vibration correlation techniques for definition of practical boundary conditions in stiffened shells" AIAA J., Vol.17, No.7, pp.762- 769, July 1979. |
[3] | Abramovich, H., Singer, J. and Yaffe, R., "Initial imperfection measurements of stiffened shells and buckling predictions", Israel J. of Technology, Vol.17, pp.324-338, 1979. |
[4] | Rosen, A. and Abramovich, H., "Galerkin method as a tool to investigate the planar and non-planar behavior of curved beams", Computers and Structures, Vol.18, No.1, pp.165-174, 1984. |
[5] | Rosen, A. and Abramovich, H., "Investigation of the structural behavior of the blades of a Darrieus wind turbine", J. of Sound and Vibration, Vol.100 (4), pp.493-509, 1985. |
[6] | Weller, T., Abramovich, H. and Singer, J., "Application of non-destructive vibration correlation techniques to the buckling of spot-welded and riveted stringer-stiffened shells", Zeitschrift fur Flugwissenschaften und Welttraumforschung, Vol.10, No.3, pp.183-189, 1986. |
[7] | Abramovich, H. and Elishakoff, I., "Application of the Krein's method for determination of natural frequencies of periodically supported beam based on simplified Bresse-Timoshenko equations", Acta Mechanica, Vol.66, pp.39-59, 1987. |
[8] | Abramovich, H., Yaffe, R. and Singer, J., "Evaluation of stiffened shell characteristics from imperfection measurements", J. of Strain Analysis, Vol.22, No.1, pp.17-23, 1987. |
[9] | Abramovich, H., Weller, T. and Singer, J., "Effect of sequence of combined loading on buckling of stiffened shells", Experimental Mechanics, Vol.28, No.1, pp. 1-13, March 1988. |
[10] | Abramovich, H. and Rosen, A., "A model of the aeroelastic behavior of Darrieus wind turbine blades", Wind Engineering, Vol.12, No.3, pp. 149-163, 1988. |
[11] | Weller, T., Abramovich, H. and Yaffe, R.," Dynamic buckling of beams and plates subjected to axial impact", Computers and Structures, Vol. 32, No. 3/4, pp. 835-851, 1989. |
[12] | Abramovich, H., Weller, T. and Yaffe, R., "Application of a modified Donnell technique for the determination of critical loads of imperfect plates", Computers and Structures, Vol.37, No.4, pp.463-469, 1990. |
[13] | Abramovich, H. and Elishakoff, I., "Influence of shear deformation and rotary inertia on vibration frequencies via Love's equations", J. of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 137, No.3, pp.516-522, 1990. |
[14] | Abramovich, H., and Elishakoff, I., "Bolotin's dynamic edge effect method incorporating shear deformation and rotary inertia”, J. of Sound and Vibration, Vol.136, No.2, pp.355-359, 1990. |
[15] | Abramovich, H. and Hamburger, O., "Vibration of a cantilever Timoshenko beam with a tip mass ", J. of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 148, No. 1, pp. 162-170, 1991. |
[16] | Somers, M., Weller, T. and Abramovich, H., "Influence of predetermined delaminations on buckling and postbuckling behavior of composite sandwich beams", Composite Structures, Vol.17, pp.295-329, 1991. |
[17] | Abramovich, H., "Shear deformation and rotary inertia effects of vibrating composite beams", Composite Structures, Vol. 20, pp. 165-173, 1991. |
[18] | Shaviv, G., Weller, T., Felsteiner, J., Rosner, B., Livio, M., Lupu, N., Gertner, I.., Abramovich, H., Markevich, N. and Niv, N., "The proposed Israeli X-ray satellite", Lecture Notes in Physics, 385, pp. 311-319,1991. |
[19] | Elishakoff, I. and Abramovich, H., "Note on dynamic response of large space structures", J. of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 156, No.1, pp. 178-184, 1992. |
[20] | Abramovich, H., "Natural frequencies of Timoshenko beams under compressive axial loads", J. of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 157, No.1, pp. 183-189,1992. |
[21] | Abramovich, H. and Hamburger, O., "Vibration of a uniform cantilever Timoshenko beam with translational and rotational springs and with a tip mass", J. of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 154, No. 1, pp. 67-80, 1992. |
[22] | Somers, M., Weller, T. and Abramovich, H., "Buckling and postbuckling behavior of delaminated sandwich beams", Composite Structures, Vol. 22, pp. 211-232, 1992. |
[23] | Abramovich, H., "A note on experimental investigation on a vibrating Timoshenko cantilever beam", J. of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 160, No.1, pp. 167-171, 1993. |
[24] | Abramovich, H., "Free vibrations of gravity loaded composite beams", Composite Structures, Vol. 23, No.1, pp. 17-26, 1993. |
[25] | Abramovich, H. and Livshits, A., "Dynamic behavior of cross-ply laminated beams with piezoelectric layers", Composite Structures, Vol. 25, No.1-4, pp. 371- 379, 1993. |
[26] | Abramovich, H., "Thermal buckling of cross-ply composite laminates using a first-order shear deformation theory", Composites Structures, Vol. 28, pp. 201- 213. 1994. |
[27] | Abramovich, H. and Livshits, A., "Free vibrations of non-symmetric cross-ply laminated composite beams", J. of Sound and Vibration, 176(5), pp. 597-612, 1994. |
[28] | Abramovich, H., Eisenberger, M. and Shulepov, O., "Vibrations of multi-span non-symmetric composite beams", Composite Engineering, 5(4),pp. 397-404, 1995. |
[29] | Miller, S. E., Abramovich, H. and Oshman, Y., "Active distributed vibration control of anisotropic piezoelectric laminated plates", J. of Sound and Vibration, 183(5), pp. 797-817, 1995. |
[30] | Singer, J. and Abramovich, H., "The development of shell imperfection measurement techniques", Thin Walled Structures, 23, pp. 379-398, 1995. |
[31] | Eisenberger M., Abramovich, H. and Shulepov, O., "Dynamic stiffness analysis of laminated beams using a first order shear deformation theory", Composite Structures, 31, pp. 263-271, 1995. |
[32] | Abramovich, H. and Grunwald, A., "Stability of axially impacted composite plates", Composite Structures, 32(1-4), pp.151-158, 1995. |
[33] | Miller, S. E. and Abramovich, H., "A self-sensing piezolaminated actuator model for shells using a first order shear deformation theory", J. of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 624-638, 1995. |
[34] | Pletner, B. and Abramovich, H., "Adaptive suspensions of vehicles using piezoelectric sensors", J. of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 744-756, Nov. 1995. |
[35] | Abramovich, H., Eisenberger M., and Shulepov, O., "Vibrations and buckling of cross-ply non-symmetric laminated composite beams", AIAA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 1064-1069, May 1996. |
[36] | Miller, S. E., Oshman, Y. and Abramovich, H., "Modal control of piezolaminated anisotropic rectangular plates: Part 1 - Modal transducer theory”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 9, pp.1868-1875, September 1996. |
[37] | Miller, S. E., Oshman, Y. and Abramovich, H., “Modal control of piezolaminated anisotropic rectangular plates: Part 2- Control theory”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 9, pp.1876-1884, September 1996. |
[38] | Cohen, K., Weller, T., Levitas, J. and Abramovich, H., "An adaptive fuzzy algorithm for model-independent active vibration damping of flexible beam-like structures", J. of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 7, No. 2, 168- 175, March 1996. |
[39] | Pletner, B. and Abramovich, H., “A consistent methodology for the modeling of piezolaminated shells” AIAA Journal, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp.1316-1326, August 1997. |
[40] | Miller, S.E., Abramovich, H. and Oshman, Y., “Selective modal transducers for anisotropic rectangular plates: Experimental validation”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 35, No.10, pp.1621-1629, October 1997. |
[41] | Cohen, K., Weller, T., Levitas, J. and Abramovich, H., "Model-independent vibration control of flexible beam-like structures using a fuzzy based adaptation strategy", J. of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 220- 231, March 1997. |
[42] | Pletner, B., Idan, M., Abramovich, H. and Weller, T., “Balanced control of structure-radiated sound”, J. of Wave-Material Interaction, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 76- 94, April 1997. |
[43] | Abramovich, H. and Pletner, B., “Actuation and sensing of piezolaminated sandwich type structures”, Composite Structures, Vol. 38, pp. 17-27, Oct. 1997. |
[44] | Eisenberger, M. and Abramovich, H., “Shape control of non-symmetric piezolaminated composite beams”, Composite Structures, Vol. 38, pp. 565-571, Oct. 1997. |
[45] | Abramovich, H. and Meyer-Piening, H.-R.,”Induced vibrations of piezolaminated elastic beams”, Composite Structures, Vol. 43, pp.47-55, 1998. |
[46] | Abramovich, H., “Deflection control of laminated composite beams with piezoceramic layers- closed form solutions”, Composite Structures, Vol. 43, pp.217-231, 1998. |
[47] | Miller, S. E., Oshman, Y. and Abramovich, H., "Selective modal transducers for piezolaminated anisotropic shells", in J. of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol.22, No. 3, pp.455-466, May-June, 1999. |
[48] | Abramovich, H. and Meyer-Piening, H.-R.,”Actuation and sensing of soft core sandwich plates with a built-in adaptive layer”, J. of Sandwich Structures & Materials, Vol.3, No.1, pp.75-86, January 2001. |
[49] | Miller, S. E., Oshman, Y. and Abramovich, H., "A selective modal control theory for piezolaminated anisotropic shells", J. of Guidance, Control and, Dynamics, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp.844-852, July-August, 2001. |
[50] | Abramovich, H., Singer, J. and Weller, T., “The influence of repeated buckling on the geometrical imperfections of stiffened cylindrical shell under combined loading”, in Int. J. of Non-Linear Mechanics, 37(2002), pp.577-588, 2002. |
[51] | Waisman, H. and Abramovich, H., “Active Stiffening of Laminated Composite Beams Using Piezoelectric Actuators”, Composite Structures, Vol. 58, Issue 1, pp. 109-120, Oct. 2002. |
[52] | Waisman, H. and Abramovich, H., “Variation of Natural Frequencies of Beams Using the Active Stiffening Effect”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 33, Issue 6, pp. 415-424, Sept. 2002. |
[53] | Yocum, M. and Abramovich, H., “Static Behavior of Piezoelectric Actuated beams”, Computers & Structures, Vol. 80, Issue 23, pp.1797-1808, Sept. 2002. |
[54] | Abramovich, H. and Livshits, A., “Flexural vibrations of piezolaminated slender beams: A balanced model”, Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 8, Issue 8; pp. 1105-1121, Nov 2002. |
[55] | Yaffe, R. and Abramovich, H., “Dynamic buckling of cylindrical stringer stiffened shells”, Computers & Structures, 81 (2003) 1031-1039. Invited paper in honor of 60th birthday of Prof. Bathe (MIT, Editor of Computers & Structures),2003. |
[56] | Yocum, M., Abramovich, H., Grunwald, A. and Mall, S., “Fully reversed electromechanical fatigue behavior of composite laminate with embedded piezoelectric actuator/sensor”, Smart Materials and Structures, 12 (2003), 1-9, 2003. |
[57] | Abramovich, H., “Piezoelectric actuation for smart sandwich structures- Closed form solutions”, J. of Sandwich Structures & Materials, Vol. 5 (2003), Issue 4, pp 377-350, 2003. |
[58] | Rikards, R., Abramovich, H., Green, T., Auzins, J., Chate, A. and Zimmermann, R., “Identification of elastic properties of composite laminates”, in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp.335-352,Oct-Dec. 2003. |
[59] | Rikards, R., Abramovich, H., Auzins, J., Korjakins, A., Ozolinsh, O., Kalnins ,K., and Green, T., "Surrogate models for optimum design of stiffened composite shells" Composite Structures, Vol .63, Issue 2, pp.243-251, Feb. 2004. |
[60] | Edery-Azulay, L. and Abramovich, H., “Piezoelectric actuation and sensing mechanisms-closed form solutions”, Composite Structures, Vol .64, Issues 3-4, pp. 443-453, June 2004. |
[61] | Elka, E., Elata, D. and Abramovich, H., "The electromechanical response of multi- layered piezoelectric structures", J. of Microelectromechanical Systems, A Joint IEEE/ASME Publication on Microstructures, Microactuators, Microsensors and Microsystems, Vol. 13, No.2 , pp. 332-341, April 2004. |
[62] | Waisman, H. and Abramovich, H., “Open loop flutter analysis of composite UAV model considering the active stiffening effect”, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 40 Issue 11, pp.1283-1295, July 2004. |
[63] | Abramovich, H., Weller, T and Yeen-Ping Siow, "Dynamics Response of a High Aspect Ratio Wing Equipped With PZT Patches-A Theoretical and Experimental Study", J. of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures, Vol. 16, No. 11/12, pp. 919-923 ,November/December 2005. |
[64] | Rikards, R., Abramovich, H., Kalnins, K. and Auzins, J., "Surrogate modeling in optimization of stiffened composite shells", Composite Structures, Vol .73, Issue 2, pp. 244-251, May 2006. |
[65] | Gal, E. Levy, R. Abramovich, H. and Pevsner, P. “Buckling analysis of composite panels”, Composite Structures, Vol .73, Issue 2, pp. 179-185, May 2006. |
[66] | Edery-Azulay, L. and Abramovich, H., “Augmented damping of a piezocomposite beam using extension and shear piezoceramic transducers”, in Composite B, 37 (2006), pp.320-327, 2006. |
[67] | Edery-Azulay, L. and Abramovich, H., “Active damping of piezo-composite beams”, in Composite Structures, Vol .74, Issue 4, pp. 458-466, August 2006. |
[68] | Rovenski, V. and Abramovich, H., “Behavior of Piezoelectric Beams under Axially Non-Uniform Distributed Loading”, J. Elasticity Vol. 88, No.3 pp. 223- 253, September, 2007. |
[69] | Edery-Azulay, L. and Abramovich, H., “A reliable plain solution for rectangular plates with piezoceramic patches” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 18, pp. 419-433, May 2007. |
[70] | Rovenski, V., Harash, E. and Abramovich, H., “Saint Venant's problem for homogeneous piezoelastic beams“, J. of Applied Mechanics, ASME, Issue 6, November 2007. |
[71] | Fridman, Y. and Abramovich, H., "Enhanced structural behavior of flexible laminated composite beams", Composite Structures 82, pp.140-154,Jan. 2008. |
[72] | Pevzner, P., Abramovich, H. and Weller, T., "Calculation of the Collapse Load of an Axially Compressed Laminated Composite Stringer Stiffed Curved Panelan Engineering Approach", Composite Structures 83 ,341–353, 2008. |
[73] | Edery-Azulay, L. and Abramovich, H., “Integrity of Piezo-Composite Beams Under High Cyclic Electro-Mechanical Loads- Experimental Results” ,Smart Materials & Structures, 16, pp. 1226-1238, 2007. |
[74] | Edery-Azulay, L. and Abramovich, H., “Piezolaminated Plates-Highly Accurate Solutions Based on the Extended Kantorovich Method”, Composite Structures 84 , Issue 3, pp. 241-247, July 2008. |
[75] | Abramovich, H., Weller, T. and Bisagni, C., "Buckling Behavior of Composite Laminated Stiffened Panels Under Combined Shear and Axial Compression", J. of Aircraft, Vol.45, No. 2, pp. 402-413 , March-April 2008. |
[76] | Abramovich, H. and Zarutskii, V. A., "Stability and Vibrations of Non-closed Circular Cylindrical Shells Reinforced with Discrete Longitudinal Ribs", International Applied Mechanics, Vol. 44, No.1, 2008, pp. 16-22, Translated from Prikladnaya Mekhanica, Vol. 44, No.1 , pp.20-27, January 2008. |
[77] | Rovenski, V. and Abramovich, H., “Saint Venant's Problem for Compound Piezoelastic Beams“, J. of Elasticity, 96:105-127, April 2009. |
[78] | Abramovich, H. and Zarutskii, V. A., "General Solution of the Equilibrium Equations for Open Circular Cylindrical Shells Reinforced with Discrete Longitudinal Ribs", International Applied Mechanics, Vol. 45, No.6, 2009, pp. 643-653, Translated from Prikladnaya Mekhanica, Vol. 45, No.6 , pp.80-91, June 2009. |
[79] | Nir, A. and Abramovich, H., "Design, Analysis and Testing of a Smart Fin", in Composite Structures, 92, pp. 863-872, 2010. |
[80] | Abramovich, H., Burgard, M., Edery-Azulay, L.,Evans, K. E., Hoffmeister, M., Miller, W., Scarpa, F., Smith, C. W. and Tee, K. F., "Smart Tetrachiral and Hexachiral Honeycomb: Sensing and Impact Detection", Composites Science and Technology, 70, pp.1072-1079, 2010 . |
[81] | Abramovich, H. and Weller, T., "Buckling and Postbuckling Behavior of Laminated Composite Stringer Stiffened Curved Panels under Axial Compression- Experiments and Design Guidelines", in Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures (JoMMS), Vol.4,No. 7-8, pp.1187-1207, 2010. |
[82] | Lauterbach , S, Orifici , A.C., Wagner , W., Balzani , C., Abramovich, H. and Thomson, R., "Damage Sensitivity of Axially Loaded Stringer-Stiffened Curved CFRP Panels", Composites Science and Technology,Vol. 70(2), pp.240-248,2010. |
[83] | Abramovich, H. and Zarutskii, V. A., "Propagation of Harmonic Waves Along Open Circular Cylindrical Shells Reinforced with a Quasi-Regular Set of Discrete Longitudinal Ribs", International Applied Mechanics, Vol. 45, No.9, 2009, pp. 1000-1006, Translated from Prikladnaya Mekhanica, Vol. 45, No.9 , pp.98- 106, May, 2008. |
[84] | Abramovich, H. and Zarutskii, V. A., "Influence of Discretely Arranged Longitudinal Ribs on the Stability and Vibrations of Open Circular Cylindrical Shells", International Applied Mechanics, Vol. 45, No.11, 2009, pp. 1214-1220, Translated from Prikladnaya Mekhanica, Vol. 45, No.11 , pp.80- 89, November, 2009. |
[85] | Zarutskii, V. A. and Abramovich, H., "Stability and Vibrations of Cylindrical Shells Discretely Reinforced with Rings", International Applied Mechanics, Vol. 46, No.1, 2010, pp. 46-53, Translated from Prikladnaya Mekhanica, Vol. 46, No.1 , pp.56-65, January 2010. |
[86] | Abramovich, H. and Weller, T., “Repeated Buckling and Postbucking Behavior of Laminated Stringer Stiffened Composite Panels with and without Damage” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD), Vol.10, No.4, Oct.2010, pp.807-825. |
[87] | Abramovich, H.," A New Insight on Vibrations and Buckling of a Cantilevered Beam under a Constant Piezoelectric Actuation", Composite Structures, 93 (2011), pp. 1054–1057. |
[88] | Abramovich, H. and Less, H., “Dynamic Buckling of a Laminated Composite Stringer-Stiffened Cylindrical Panel”, in Composite Part B (2011), doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2011.11.070. |