[1] | F. Bobaru and W. Hu, “The meaning, selection, and use of the Peridynamic horizon and its relation to crack branching in brittle materials” International Journal of Fracture, in print, DOI: 10.1007/s10704-012-9725-z (2012). |
[2] | W. Hu, YD. Ha, F. Bobaru, and S.A. Silling, “The formulation and computation of the nonlocal J-integral in bond-based Peridynamics”, International Journal of Fracture, in print (2012). |
[3] | W. Hu, YD. Ha, and F. Bobaru, “Peridynamic model for dynamic fracture in unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 217–220: 247–261 (2012). |
[4] | F. Bobaru and M. Duangpanya, “A Peridynamic Formulation for Transient Heat Conduction in Bodies with Evolving Discontinuities”, Journal of Computational Physics, 231(7): 2764-2785 (2012). |
[5] | YD. Ha and F. Bobaru, “Characteristics of dynamic brittle fracture captured with peridynamics”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78: 1156–1168 (2011). |
[6] | F. Bobaru and YD. Ha, “Adaptive refinement and multiscale modeling in 2D Peridynamics”, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 9(6): 635-659 (2011). |
[7] | F. Bobaru, “Peridynamics and Multiscale Modeling” Editorial in Special Issue on “Advances in Peridynamics”, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 9(6): vii-ix (2011). |
[8] | W. Hu, YD. Ha, and F. Bobaru. “Modeling Dynamic Fracture and Damage in Fiber-Reinforced Composites with Peridynamics”, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 9(6): 707–726 (2011). |
[9] | A.L. Collins, J.W. Addiss, S.M. Walley, K. Promratana, F. Bobaru, W.G. Proud, D.M. Williamson, “The effect of rod nose shape on the internal flow fields during the ballistic penetration of sand”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 38(12): 951-963 (2011). |
[10] | F. Bobaru and M. Duangpanya, “The peridynamic formulation for transient heat conduction,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53(19-20): 4047-4059 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2010.05.024. |
[11] | YD. Ha and F. Bobaru, “Studies of dynamic crack propagation and crack branching with peridynamics,” International Journal of Fracture, 162(1-2): 229-244 (2010). doi:10.1007/s10704-010-9442-4 |
[12] | S. A. Silling, O. Weckner, E. Askari, and F. Bobaru, “Crack nucleation in a peridynamic solid,” International Journal of Fracture, 162(1-2): 219-227 (2010). DOI: 10.1007/s10704-010-9447-z |
[13] | K. Rattanadit, F. Bobaru, K. Promratana, J.A. Turner, “Force chains and resonant behavior in bending of a granular layer on an elastic support”, Mechanics of Materials, 41(6): 691-706 (2009). |
[14] | F. Bobaru, J.S. Chen, J.A. Turner, “Advances in the Dynamics of Granular Materials”, Editorial in Special Issue on Advances in the Dynamics of Granular Materials, Mechanics of Materials, 41(6): 635-636 (2009). |
[15] | F. Bobaru, M. Yang, L.F. Alves, S.A. Silling, E. Askari, and J. Xu, “Convergence, adaptive refinement, and scaling in 1D peridynamics”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 77: 852-877 (2009). |
[16] | P. Qiao, M. Yang, and F. Bobaru, “Impact mechanics and high-energy absorbing materials: review”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering 21(4): 235-248 (2008). |
[17] | F. Bobaru, “Influence of van der Waals forces on increasing the strength and toughness in dynamic fracture of nanofiber networks: a peridynamic approach”, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 15: 397-417 (2007). |
[18] | F. Bobaru, “Designing optimal volume fractions for functionally graded materials with temperature-dependent material properties”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 74: 861-874 (2007). |
[19] | W. Kang, J.A. Turner, F. Bobaru, L. Yang, and K. Rattanadit, “Granular layers on vibrating plates: Effective bending stiffness and particle-size effects”. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121, 888-896 (2007). |
[20] | F. Bobaru and S. Rachakonda, “E(FG)2: a new fixed-grid shape optimization method based on the element-free Galerkin meshfree analysis”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 32(3): 215-228 (2006). |
[21] | R.K. Lakkaraju, F. Bobaru, and S.L. Rohde, “Optimization of multilayer wear-resistant thin films using finite element analysis on stiff and compliant substrates”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (A) - 24 (1): 146-155 (2006). |
[22] | S.A. Silling and F. Bobaru, “Peridynamic modeling of membranes and fibers”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 40(2-3): 395-409 (2005). |
[23] | F. Bobaru and S. Rachakonda, “Optimal shape profiles for cooling fins of high and low conductivity”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 47(23): 4953-4966 (2004). |
[24] | F. Bobaru and S. Rachakonda, “Boundary layer in shape optimization of convective fins using a meshfree approach”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 60(7): 1215-1236 (2004). |
[25] | F. Bobaru and Subrata Mukherjee, “Meshless approach to shape optimization of linear thermoelastic solids”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 53(4): 765-796 (2002). |
[26] | F. Bobaru and S. Mukherjee, “Shape Sensitivity Analysis and Shape Optimization in Planar Elasticity Using the Element-Free Galerkin Method”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190(32-33) 4319-4337 (2001). |
[27] | F. Bobaru, “Prestressed Elastic Solid Containing a Crack, Subjected to Normal or Tangential Loadings”, Revue Roumaine des Science Technique, Serie de Mecanique Applique, 41(5-6): 421-429 (1996). |