[1] | R.A. Casali, H.J.Mussig, R.Baierle, M.J.Caldas, J.Dabrowski, V.G. Zavodinsky. Segregation of Phosphorus to SiO2/Si(001) Interfaces. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, 18, 2160 (2000). |
[2] | V.G. Zavodinsky, A.V.Visikovski, I.A.Kuyanov. Energetics of NP and NB complexes in silicon. Computational Materials Science, 21, 505 (2001). |
[3] | V.G. Zavodinsky, J. Dabrowski, A. Fleszar. Pseudopotential LDA study of cubic PrO2. Microelectronics Reliability, 7 (2001) 1093. |
[4] | V.G. Zavodinsky, J. Dabrowski, H.-J. Mussig, R. Baierle, M.J. Caldas. Mechanism of dopant segregation to SiO2/Si(001) interfaces. Physical Review. B 65, 245305 (2002). |
[5] | V.G. Zavodinsky H.-J. Mussig, J. Dabrowski, K. Ignatovich, J.P. Liu, H. J. Osten. Initial stages of praseodymium oxide film formation on Si(001). Surface Science 504 (2002) 159-166. |
[6] | V.G. Zavodinsky. First principles study of Al-Si nanosized clusters on Si(100)-2x1. Surface Science 516 (2002) 203-206. |
[7] | V.G. Zavodinsky A. Kiejna. Density functional study of alkali metals adsorption on the MgO(111) surface. Surface Science, 538 (2003) 22. |
[8] | V.G. Zavodinsky. The mechanism of ionic conductivity in stabilized cubic zirconia. Physics of Solid States, 46, No 3 (2004) 453. |
[9] | V.G. Zavodinsky A. A. Gnidenko, A. Misiuk, J. Bak-Misiuk. Effects of Pressure and Hydrogen on the Formation of Vacancies and Divacancies in Crystalline Silicon. Semiconductors, Vol. 38, No. 11, 2004, pp. 1241-1244. |
[10] | J. Bak-Misiuk, A. Misiuk, A. Shalimov, V.G. Zavodinsky, A. A. Gnidenko, B. Surma, I.V. Antonova, A. Wnuk, A. Ratajczak, J. Trela, V.P. Popov. Structural and optical properties of high temperature-high pressure treated Si:H. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 382 (2004) 160-164. |
[11] | V.G. Zavodinsky, E.A. Mikhailenko. Computer investigation of carbon nanoclusters and their activities in reactions with molecular oxygen. Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures, Vols. 5/6 (2004) pp.35-48. |
[12] | H. J. Osten, J.Dabrowski, H.-J.Mussig, A. Fissel, V.Zavodinsky. High-K Dielectrics: The Example of Pr2O3. Springers Series in Material Science, Vol 72, pp 259-293, Predictive Simulation of Semiconductor Processing, Editors: J. Dabrowski an E.R. Weber, Springer-Verlag, 2004. |
[13] | J. Dąbrowski, V.Zavodinsky. Ab Initio Study of Pr Oxides for CMOS Technology. NIC Symposium 2004, Proceedings, Dietrich Wolf, Gernot Munster, Manfred Kremer (Editors), John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Julich, Germany, NIC Series, Vol. 20, ISBN 3-00-012372-5, pp. 171-180, 2004. |
[14] | V.G. Zavodinsky, A.A. Gnidenko, A. Misiuk, J. Bak-Misiuk. Ab initio simulation of high pressure influence on He-H interaction in silicon. Vacuum, 2005, Vol 78/2-4 pp 247-249. |
[15] | V. G. Zavodinsky. Stabilization of Diamond-Like Nanoclusters by Metallic Atoms and the Epitaxial Growth of Diamond Films: ab initio Simulation. "Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Ultrananocrystalline Diamond", Proceedings of the NATO ARW on Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Ultrananocrystalline Diamond, St. Petersburg, Russia, 7-10 June 2004. Series: NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 192. Gruen Dieter M.; Shenderova Olga A.; Vul' Alexander Ya. (Eds.) Springer-Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2005, XI, 401p. (pp. 157-168.) |
[16] | Misuk, A. Shalimov, J. Bak-Misiuk, B. Surma, A. Wnuk, I.V. Antonova, V. G. Zavodinsky, A.A. Gnidenko. Porous-like structures prepared by temperature-pressure treatment of heavily hydrogenated silicon. physica status solidi (c), 2005, V 2, No. 9, pp. 3329-3333. |
[17] | V.G. Zavodinsky, M.A. Kuz'menko, A. Kiejna. Ab initio simulation of copper and silver adsorption on the MgO(111) surface. Surface Science, 2005, Vol 589/1-3 pp 114-119. |
[18] | Misiuk, B. Surma, V.G. Zavodinsky, A.A. Gnidenko. Buried nano-layers in silicon co-implanted with H2+/He+ and annealed under high hydrostatic pressure. Review of Advanced Materials Science, 10 (2005) 73-78. |
[19] | V. G. Zavodinsky, A. N. Chibisov. Stability of Cubic Zirconia and of Stoichiometric Zirconia Nanoparticles. Physics of the Solid States, 2006, vol. 48, # 2, 363-368. |
[20] | V. G. Zavodinsky, A. N. Chibisov. Zirconia nanoparticles and nanostructured systems. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 29 (2006) 173-176. |
[21] | V. G. Zavodinsky. Ab initio simulation of diamond epitaxial growth on copper. Computational Materials Science, 36 (2006) 139-142. |
[22] | V. G. Zavodinsky, E.A. Mikhailenko. Quantum-mechanics simulation of carbon nanoclusters and their activities in reactions with molecular oxygen. Computational Materials Science, 36 (2006) 159-165. |
[23] | A.A. Gnidenko, V. G. Zavodinsky, A. Misuk, J. Bak-Misiuk. First-Principle Calculation of He-H Interaction in c-Si. Acta Physica Polonica A, 109 (2006) 353-357. |
[24] | S.A. Pyachin, A.D. Verkhoturov, V.G. Zavodinsky, M.A. Pugachevsky. The influence of low voltage discharges on structure and phase transformations of metallic foils. Journal of Guangdong non-ferrous metals. 15(2-3) 2005. Р. 495-499. |
[25] | V.G. Zavodinsky. Density functional study of diamond epitaxy on the (111) and (100) surfaces of copper. Diamond and Related Materials 15(9) 2006.P. 1201-1205. |
[26] | S.A. Pyachin, M.A. Pugachevsky, V.G. Zavodinsky, D.L. Yagodzinsky. The melting and evaporation of a pointed anode under conditions of low-voltage discharge in air. High Temperature, Volume 44, Number 4, 2006, p. 625-628. |
[27] | S.A. Pyachin, V.G. Zavodinsky, M.A. Pugachevsky. Structure-Phase Transformations of Copper Foil under the Effect of Spark Discharge. The Physics of Metals and Metallography, 102(2) 2006, p. 157-162. |
[28] | V.G. Zavodinsky, E.A. Mikhailenko. Modeling of carbon combustion in molecular and atomic oxygen. Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 42(3) 2006, p. 247-253. |
[29] | A.P. Kuz'menko, V.G. Zavodinsky, M.V. Peterson, N.A. Kuz'menko, M.A. Pugachevsky, M.B. Dobromyslov. Stabilization of cubic ordering of zirconium dioxide nanoclusters on silicon with laser ablation. Rare metals. 26, 2007. P. 10-13. |
[30] | N.F. Karpovich, N.V. Lebukhova, V.G. Zavodinsky, K.S. Makarevich. Mechanism of the Single-Crystal Tungsten Whiskers Growth in the Process of the NiWO4 Reduction by CO. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 2008, P. 18455-18458. |
[31] | V.G. Zavodinsky Quantum-Mechanical Study of Elastic Properties of Nanoparticles and Their Agglomeration Processes. Nanotechnologies in Russia, 3(11-12) 2008, p. 691-696. |
[32] | V.G. Zavodinsky, E.N. Chukurov, I.A. Kuyanov. FIRST PRINCIPLES STUDY OF BORON SEGREGATION ON THE Si(111)(root 3 x root 3)R30 degrees SURFACE. SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS, 16(2) 2009, P. 167-170. |
[33] | V.G. Zavodinsky, A.N. Chibisov. Influence of impurities on the stability and electronic states of titanium dioxide in the form of anatase. Physics of the Solid State, 51(3) 2009, P.507-513. |
[34] | V.G. Zavodinsky, N.V. Lebukhova, N.F. Karpovich, M.A. Pugachevsky. Growth of tungsten whiskers oriented in <111> direction. Crystals Research Technology 45(9), 2010, p. 969-972. |
[35] | V. G. Zavodinsky. Tungsten Carbide on the Subnanoscale Level: Atomic Structure, Electronic States, and Mechanical Properties. Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2010, Vol. 5, Nos. 11-12, pp. 837-843. |
[36] | V.G. Zavodinsky. Small tungsten carbide nanoparticles: Simulation of structure, energetic, and tensile strength. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 28 (2010) 446-450. |
[37] | V.G. Zavodinsky. Ab initio study of the fcc-WC(100) surface and its interaction with cobalt monolayers. Applied Surface Science, 257 (2011) 3581-3585. |
[38] | V.G. Zavodinsky. Mechanical characteristics of nanosized cobalt interlayers in solid WC/Co alloys. Nanomechanics Science and Technology: International Journal 2(1) 2011, p. 1-8. |
[39] | V.G Zavodinsky. Cobalt layers crystallized on the WC(100) surface: spin-polarized ab initio study. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 29 (2011) 184-187. |