[1] | "Mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of carbon nanotube reinforced AA4032 nanocomposites", M.S. Senthil Saravanan, K. Sivaprasad, S.P. Kumaresh Babu, EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES, (Accepted for publication) |
[2] | "Microstructure, cold workability and strain hardening behavior of Trimodaled AA 6061-TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by mechanical alloying", S.Sivasankaran, K.Sivaprasad, R.Narayanasamy, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A 528, 2011, 6776-6787. |
[3] | "X-ray peak broadening analysis of AA 6061100-x-x wt.% Al2O3 nanocomposite prepared by mechanical alloying", S.Sivasankaran, K.Sivaprasad, R.Narayanasamy, P.V.Satyanarayana, MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, 62, 2011, 661-672. |
[4] | "Evaluation of compaction equations and prediction using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system on compressibility behavior of AA 6061100-x-x wt.% TiO2 nanocomposites prepared by mechanical alloying", S.Sivasankaran, K.Sivaprasad, R.Narayanasamy, Vijay Kumar Iyer, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 209, 2011, 124-137 |
[5] | "Dispersion and Thermal Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes reinforced AA 4032 alloy produced by High Energy Ball Milling", M.S.Senthil Saravanan, K.Sivaprasad, S.P.Kumaresh Babu, EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES, (Accepted for publication) |
[6] | "Influence of Crystallite Size on Consolidation of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced AA 4032 Composite Powders by Equal Channel Angular Pressing", M.S.Senthil Saravanan, K.Sivaprasad, S.P.Kumaresh Babu, KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS, 471-472, 2011, 127-132. (This paper is presented in ICCST2011, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) |
[7] | "High Temperature Tensile Properties of Cryorolled Al-4wt%Cu-3wt%TiB2 in situ Composites", N.Naga Krishna, K.Sivaprasad, TRANSACTIONS OF INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, 64 (1-2), 2011, 63-66. |
[8] | "Anisotropy models in precise crystallite size determination of mechanically alloyed powders", M.S.Senthil Saravanan, K.Sivaprasad, P.Susila, S.P.Kumaresh Babu, PHYSICA B: CONDENSED MATTER, 406, 2011, 165-168. |
[9] | "Mechanically alloyed Carbon nanotubes (CNT) reinforced Nanocrystalline AA 4032: Synthesis and Characterization", M.S.Senthil Saravanan, S.P.Kumaresh Babu, K.Sivaprasad, JOURNAL OF MINERALS & MATERIALS CHARACTERISATION & ENGINEERING, 9 (11), 2010, 1027-1035. |
[10] | "Consolidation of CNT reinforced AA4032 nanocomposites by ECAP", M.S.Senthil Saravanan, S.P.Kumaresh Babu, K.Sivaprasad, B.Ravisankar, P.Susila, B.S.Murty", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE, 10 (1&2), 2011, 233-236. (This paper is presented in ICANN2009, IIT Guwahati, India). |
[11] | "Effect of strengthening mechanisms on cold workability and instantaneous strain hardening behavior during grain refinement of AA6061-10wt.%TiO2 composite prepared by mechanical alloying", S.Sivasankaran, K.Sivaprasad, R.Narayanasamy, Vijay Kumar Iyer, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 507, 2010, 236-244. |
[12] | Thermal stability of nanostructured fly ash synthesized by high energy ball milling", J. Babu Rao, P. Narayanaswami, K. Siva Prasad, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGy, 2 (5), 2010, 284-299. |
[13] | "Techno-economics of carbon nanotubes produced by open air arc discharge method", M.S.Senthil Saravanan, S.P.Kumaresh Babu, K.Sivaprasad, M.Jagannatham, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2 (5), 2010, 100-108 |
[14] | "An investigation on flowability and compressibility of 6061 AA100-x-x wt. %TiO2 composite powder prepared by blending and mechanical alloying", S.Sivasankaran, K.Sivaprasad, R.Narayanasamy, Vijay Kumar Iyer, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 201 (1), 2010, 70-82. (Cited in TOP25 Hottest Articles in Sciencedirect under materials science category.) |
[15] | "Studies on void coalescence analysis of nanocrystalline cryorolled commercially pure aluminium under different stress conditions", N.Naga Krishna, A.K.Akash, K.Sivaprasad, R.Narayanasamy, MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 31, 2010, 3578-3584 |
[16] | "Synthesis, structure and sinterability of 6061 AA100-x-x wt.%TiO2 composites prepared by high-energy ball milling", S.Sivasankaran, K.Sivaprasad, R.Narayanasamy, Vijay Kumar Iyer, In press, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 491 (1-2), 2010, 712-721. |
[17] | "Influence of short annealing treatment on corrosion behaviour of cryorolled commercially pure aluminium", K.Sivaprasad, V.Swarnalatha, V.V.Ravikumar and V.Muthupandi, ANTI-CORROSION METHODS AND MATERIALS, 57 (1), 2010, 18-20. |
[18] | "Dry sliding wear behaviour of AA 6351-ZrB2 in situ composite at room temperature", G. Naveen Kumar, R.Narayanasamy, S.Natarajan, S.P.Kumaresh Babu, K.Sivaprasad, S.Sivasankaran, MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 31(3), 2010, 1526-1532 |
[19] | "Microstructure and mechanical properties of fly ash particle reinforced AA6061 composites produced by press and extrusion", P.R.S.Kumar, S.Kumaran, T.Srinivasa Rao, K.Sivaprasad, TRANSACTIONS OF INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, 62(6) 2009, 559-566. |
[20] | "High temperature wear behavior of Al-4032-ZrB2 in situ composite", S.Senthil Kumaran, S.P.Kumaresh Babu, K.Sivaprasad, S.Natarajan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 4(3) 2009, 283-298. |
[21] | "Sliding wear behaviour of Al 6063/TiB2 in situ composites at elevated temperatures", S.Natarajan, R.Narayanasamy, S.P.Kumaresh Babu, K.Sivaprasad, G.Dinesh, B.Anil Kumar, MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 30 (7) 2009, 2521-2531 |
[22] | "Study on abrasive and erosive wear behaviour of Al 6063/TiB2 in situ composites", K.Sivaprasad, S.Natarajan, S.P.Kumaresh Babu, B.Anil Kumar, G.Dinesh, R.Narayanasamy, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A 498 (2008) 495-500 |
[23] | "Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultra fine grained Cu-Zn and Cu-Al alloys produced by cryorolling and annealing", V.Subramanya Sarma, K.Sivaprasad, D.Sturm and M.Heilmaier, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A489 (2008) 253-258. |
[24] | "Influence of weld cooling rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of Alloy 718 welds", K.Sivaprasad and S.Ganesh Sundara Raman, METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A 39 (2008) 9, 2115-2127. |
[25] | "A novel method of estimating Laves phase in electron beam welded Alloy 718", K.Sivaprasad, S.Ganesh Sundara Raman and A.Sambasiva Rao, PRACTICAL METALLOGRAPHY 45 (2008) 6, 271-282. |
[26] | "Influence of magnetic arc oscillation and current pulsing on fatigue behavior of Alloy 718 TIG weldments", K.Sivprasad and S.Ganesh Sundara Raman, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A, 448, 2007, 120-127. |
[27] | "Influence of magnetic arc oscillation and current pulsing on microstructure and high temperature tensile strength of alloy 718 TIG weldments", K.Sivaprasad, S.Ganesh Sundara Raman, P.Mastanaiah and G.Madhusudhan Reddy, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A 428, 2006, 327-331. |
[28] | "Coupled effect of heat input and beam oscillation on mechanical properties of alloy 718 electron beam weldments" K.Sivaprasad, S.G.S.Raman, C.V.S.Murthy and G.M.Reddy, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF WELDING AND JOINING, 11, 2006, 127-134. |
[29] | Microwave processing of Functionally Graded Bioactive Materials, Sivaprasad Katakam, D.Sivaramakrishna and T.S.Sampath Kumar, MATERIALS LETTERS, 57, 2003, 2716-2721. |
[30] | "Synthesis and characterization of CNT reinforced Al-based composite powders by high energy ball milling", M.S. Senthil Savaranan, S.P. Kumaresh Babu and K. Sivaprasad, TRANSACTIONS OF PMAI, 35, 2009, 5-8. |
[31] | "Influence of carbon content on workability behavior of powder metallurgy steels", R. Narayanasamy, V. Anandakrishnan, S. Sivasankaran, K. Sivaprasad, K.S. Pandey, TRANSACTIONS OF PMAI, 35, 2009, 26-31. |
[32] | Processing of calcium phosphate based Functionally Graded Bioceramics using Microwaves, Sivaprasad Katakam, D. Sivarama Krishna, R. Murugan and T.S. Sampath Kumar, TRENDS IN BIOMATERIALS AND ARTIFICIAL ORGANS, 17, 2003, 24-27. |