[1] | Choi, K., Park, H., and Shin, Y. "Moment magnifier method for long-term behavior of flat plates subjected to in-plane compression," ASCE J. Struct. Eng. (SCI), 129(1), Jan. 2003, 87-95, ISBN 0733-9445. |
[2] | Park, H., and Choi, K. "Improved strength model for interior flat plate-column connections subject to unbalanced moment," ASCE J. Struct. Eng. (SCI), 132(5), May 2006, 694-704, ISBN 0733-9445. |
[3] | Park, H., Choi, K., and Wight, J. K. "Strain-based shear strength model for slender beams without web reinforcement," ACI Struct. J. (SCI), 103(6), Nov. 2006, 783-793, ISBN 0889-3241. |
[4] | Choi, K., Park, H., and Wight, J. K. "Shear strength of steel fiber-reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement," ACI Struct. J. (SCI), 104(1), Jan. 2007, 12-21, ISBN 0889-3241. |
[5] | Choi, K., Park, H., and Wight, J. K. "Unified shear strength model for reinforced concrete beams-Part I: Development," ACI Struct. J. (SCI), 104(2), March 2007, 142-152, ISBN 0889-3241. |
[6] | Choi, K., and Park, H. "Unified shear strength model for reinforced concrete beams-Part II: Verification and simplified method," ACI Struct. J. (SCI), 104(2), March 2007, 153-161, ISBN 0889-3241. |
[7] | Reda Taha, M.M., Choi, K., Tait, M. and Lissel, S. L. "Modeling time dependent deformations of a masonry wall post-tensioned with CFRP ", ACI Special Publication, ACI SP-245, Case Histories and Use of FRP for Prestressing Applications, El-Hacha, R. and Rizkalla, S., Eds., American Concrete Institute, MI, USA, April 2007, 37-56. |
[8] | Choi, K., Reda Taha, M. M., Park, H., and Maji, A. K. "Punching shear strength of interior concrete slab-column connections reinforced with steel fibers," Cement and Concrete Composites (SCI Expanded), 29(5), May 2007, 409-420, ISBN 0958-9465. |
[9] | Park, H., Ahn, S., Choi, K., and Chung, L. "Lattice shear reinforcement for slab-column connections," ACI Struct. J. (SCI), 104(3), May 2007, 293-302, ISBN 0889-3241. |
[10] | Choi, K., Meshgin, P., and Reda Taha, M. M. "Shear creep of epoxy at the concrete-FRP interfaces," Composites Part B: Engineering (SCI), 38(5-6), May-June 2007, 772-780, ISBN 1359-8368. |
[11] | Park, H. and Choi, K. "Strength of exterior slab-column connections subjected to unbalanced moments," Engineering Structures (SCI), 29(6), June 2007, 1096-1114, ISBN 0141-0296. |
[12] | Choi, K., Reda Taha, M. M., and Sherif, A. G. "Simplified punching shear design method for slab-column connections using fuzzy learning," ACI Struct. J. (SCI), 104(4), July 2007, 438-447, ISBN 0889-3241. |
[13] | Choi, K., Lissel, S. L. and Reda Taha, M. M. "Rheological modeling of masonry creep," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (SCI), 34(11), Nov. 2007, 1506-1517, ISBN 0315-1468. |
[14] | Choi, K., Urgessa, G., Reda Taha, M. M., and Maji, A. K. "Quasi-balanced failure approach for evaluating moment capacity of FRP under-reinforced concrete beams," ASCE J. Composites for Construction (SCI Expanded), 12(3), March 2008, 236-245, ISBN 1090-0268. |
[15] | Azarbayejani, M., El-Osery, A. I., Choi. K., and Reda Taha, M. M. "A Probabilistic approach for optimal sensor allocation in structural health monitoring," Smart Materials and Structures (SCI), 17, Sep. 2008, 1-11, ISBN 0964-1726. |
[16] | Meshgin, P., Choi, K., and Reda Taha, M. M. "Experimental and analytical investigations of creep of epoxy adhesive at the concrete-FRP interfaces," International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives (SCI Expanded), 29(1), Jan. 2009, 56-66, ISBN 0143-7496. |
[17] | Choi, K., Sherif, A. G., Reda Taha, M. M., and Chung, L. "Shear strength of slender reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement: A model using fuzzy set theory," Engineering Structures (SCI), 31(3), March 2009, 768-777, ISBN 0141-0296. |
[18] | Chung, L., Lee, S., Cho, S., Woo, S., and Choi, K., "Investigations on Flexural Strength and Stiffness of Biaxial Hollow Slabs," Advances in Structural Engineering(SCIE), 13(4), August 2010, 591-601. |
[19] | Choi, K., and Park, H. "Evaluation Of Inelastic Deformation Capacity Of Slender Beams Subjected To Cyclic Loading," ACI Struct. J. (SCI), October-2010, 107(5) 507-515. |
[20] | Choi, K., Taha, M. M., Masia, M. J., Numerical investigation of creep effects on FRP-strengthened RC beams, ASCE J Composite for Constructions(SCI), 14(6), November-December 2010 812-822 |
[21] | Masia, M. J., Taha, M. M., Choi, K., Shrive, P. L., Creep effects in plain and FRP-Strengthened RC beams, ACI Structural J (SCI), 107(6), November-December 2010, 627-635 |
[22] | Park, H., Choi, K., Chung, L., Strain-based strength model for direct punching shear of interior slab-column connections, Engineering Structures (SCI), 33(3), March 2011, 1062-1073, ISBN 0889-3241. |
[23] | Choi, K., Kang, S., Shim, W., "Shear Strength Model for FRP Shear-Reinforced Concrete Beams" Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute (KCI), 23(2), April.2011, 185-193, ISBN 1229-5515 |
[24] | Choi, K., Kim, S., Kim, D., and Park, H., "Direct Punching Shear Strength Model Interior Slab-Column Connections and Column Footings with Shear Reinforcement" Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute (KCI), 23(2), April 2011, 159-168, ISBN 1229-5515 |
[25] | Joh, C., Kim, B., Hwang, H., Choi, K., and Choi, S., " Punching Shear Strength od Deck Slabs Made of Ultra High Performance Concrete" Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance Inspection, 15(4), July. 2011, 221-231, ISBN 1226-6205 |