[1] | Selvi, S., Sankaran, S.P. and Srivatsavan, R., "Effect of Alloying Elements on Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Hardfacing of valve Seat Ring using SMAW Process", National Welding Seminar"-NWS 2006, organized by Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam and Indian Institute of Welding, pp.24-26, Nov 2006. |
[2] | Selvi, S., Sankaran, S.P. and Srivatsavan, R., "Simulation of SMAW Process Parameters Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)", International Conference on 'Symposium on Joining of Materials-SOJOM 2008, organized by Welding Research Institute (WRI), BHEL and Indian Institute of Welding (IIW),Trichy, pp.11-13, December 2008. |
[3] | Vasudevan,R, Selvi,S. "Selection of Optimal Pipe Size" Journal of Energy Management., VOL.11, No.4, Oct-Dec-1986. |
[4] | Selvi,S. "Selection of Arc Welding parameters using a Rule/Object based Expert system and Optimization of Welding Design", in 35th Annual Convention on " Towards Excellence-IE Interfaces, Hydrabad, 1993. |
[5] | Selvi,S. "Expert System for Arc Welding" in 'The Hindu' dated 15.12.1993 under Science & Technology issue. |
[6] | Selvi,S "Role of Technical Institutions, Industries and Professional Bodies in continuing Education", proceedings of 23rd Annual Convention of Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE), KREC, Karnataka,1993. |
[7] | Selvi,S "Planning and Organisation of Continuing Education Programmes" Proceedings of 23rd ANNUAL Convention of ISTE, KREC, Karnataka,1993. |
[8] | Selvi,S "Expert System and Potential use in Arc Welding and Cost Optimization of Weldments", Proceedings of Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE), Trivandrum,1993. |
[9] | Selvi,S. Rajasekar,E., Makendhiran,M. "Vegetable Oils to Fuel I.C Engines", Invention Intelligence, J., June 1994, pp-294,301,302. |
[10] | Selvi,S. Rajasekar,E., Makendhiran,M. "Forced Air Scavenging System for Fuel Efficient, Low Emission Two Stroke Engine", Proc. of FRONTIER, 1994,pp-88-92. |
[11] | Selvi,S. Rajasekar, E.,Karthikeyan,K. "Design Automation: Parametric Design and Drafting of Jigs and Fixtures for Automotive Components through CADD", Proc. of 2nd National Conference on CAD/CAM, 1994, pp-A15.1-A15.5. |
[12] | S.Selvi, Srivatsavan,R., Aravindan,P. "New Trends in Productive Application of Laser System for Material Processing", Proc. of 2nd National Conference on CAD/CAM, 1994, pp-I-4.1-I-4.6. |
[13] | Selvi,S. "Quality improvement of Technical Education-The Need of the Hour", Proc. of 24th Annual Convention of ISTE, REC, Calicut,1994. |
[14] | Selvi,S. "Implementation of ISO 9000 Standards and Quality Assurance", National Seminar on Quality and Reliability Engg., Annamalai University,1995. |
[15] | Selvi,S. "Performance Improvement of Two Stroke Engine with a Modified Scavenging System", Proc. of XII National Conference on I.C Engines and Combustion, Bangalore,1994. |
[16] | Selvi,S. "Incineration of Agricultural Wastes for Energy Recovery", Proc. of 10th ISME Conference in Mechanical Engineering, New Delhi, 1996, pp-III-175-III180. |
[17] | Selvi,S "Development of Diesel Particulate Trap System", Proc. of 10th ISME Conference in Mechanical Engineering, New Delhi, 1996. |
[18] | Selvi,S., "Application of Solid Modeling in Automotive product Design by using AutoCAD and 3D Studio", Proc. of National Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, coimabatore,1998, pp-D 4.1-D 4.7. |
[19] | Selvi,S., Rajasekar,E., Nedunchezlian,N., "Thermal Modeling and Analysis of Transient Temperature Characteristics of Automotive Brake Pad using FEM", Proc. of International Conference on Intelligent Flexible Autonomous Manufacturing Systems, Coimbatore, 2000, pp-421-428. |
[20] | Selvi,S., "Agile Manufacturing-Implementation in Indian Industries", National Conference at REC, Bhopal, March 2001. |
[21] | Selvi,S., Rajasekar,E., "Safety Features and Under-Run Protection of Passenger Cars", National Seminar on Road Accidents-Causes and Preventive Measures, Dec, 2001. |
[22] | Selvi,S., Sankaran, S.P. & R.Srivatsavan, " Case Study on Hardfacing of Valve Seat Rings Using MMAW Process", International conference on Global Manufacturing and Innovation, to be presented at CIT, Coimbatore, 27-29, July 2006. |
[23] | Selvi,S., Sankaran, S.P. & R.Srivatsavan, " Comparative Study on Hardfacing of Valve Seat Rings Using Different Chromium Rich Electrodes", International conference on Advances in Materials Processing and Characterization to be presented at Anna University, Chennai, 28-30, Aug, 2006. |
[24] | Selvi, S., Sankaran, S.P. and Srivatsavan, R., "Analysis of Electrochemical corrosion Behavior on Ferritic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Hardfaced Valve Seat Ring in H2SO4 and NaCl", National Conference on RAISE '07, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, pp.15-18, March 2007. |
[25] | Selvi, S., Sankaran, S.P. and Srivatsavan, R., "A Performance Study of Hardfacing of Valve Seat Ring using Martensitic and Ferritic Electrodes", International Symposium on "Advances in Stainless Steel", ISAS 2007, Chennai, pp.9-11, April 2007. |
[26] | Selvi, S., Sankaran, S.P. and Srivatsavan, R., "Mathematical Modeling of Wear Behavior of Hard facing Layers on Low Carbon Steel-A New Approach", International Conference-IIW IC 2008, organized by Indian Institute of Welding, Chennai, pp.8-10, January 2008. |