[1] | Sagar S, Kaur M, Minneman KP. Antiviral lead compounds from marine sponges. Mar Drugs. 2010 Oct 11; 8(10):2619-38. (IF=2.863). |
[2] | Maqungo M, Kaur M, Kwofie SK, Radovanovic A, Schaefer U, Schmeier S, Oppon E, Christoffels A, Bajic VB. DDPC: Dragon Database of Genes associated with Prostate Cancer. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 Sep 29. (IF=7.479). |
[3] | Sagar S#, Kaur M#, Minneman KP, Bajic VB. Anti-cancer activities of diospyrin, its derivatives and analogues. European journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2010 Sep;45(9):3519-30. (IF=3.26) [ScienceDirect top 25 hottest articles, July-Sept 2010] |
[4] | Arieff Z, Kaur M, Gameeldien H, van der Merwe L, Bajic VB. 5-HTTLPR polymorphism: analysis in South African autistic individuals. Human Biology, Hum Biol. 2010 Jun;82(3):291-300. (IF=0.8) |
[5] | Ravasi T, Suzuki H, Cannistraci CV, Katayama S, Bajic VB, Tan K, Akalin A, Schmeier S, Kanamori-Katayama M, Bertin N, Carninci P, Daub CO, Forrest AR, Gough J, Grimmond S, Han JH, Hashimoto T, Hide W, Hofmann O, Kamburov A, Kaur M, Kawaji H, Kubosaki A, Lassmann T, van Nimwegen E, MacPherson CR, Ogawa C, Radovanovic A, Schwartz A, Teasdale RD, Tegnér J, Lenhard B, Teichmann SA, Arakawa T, Ninomiya N, Murakami K, Tagami M, Fukuda S, Imamura K, Kai C, Ishihara R, Kitazume Y, Kawai J, Hume DA, Ideker T, Hayashizaki Y. An atlas of combinatorial transcriptional regulation in mouse and man. Cell. 2010 Mar 5;140(5):744-52. (IF=31.253). [Faculty of 1000 Biology]. |
[6] | Zhang X, Bocca S, Franchi A, Anderson S, Kaur M, Bajic VB, Oehninger S, Do GnRH analogues directly affect human endometrial epithelial 1 cell gene expression, Molecular Human Reproduction, 2010 May; 16(5):347-60. (IF=2.537). |
[7] | Schmeier S, MacPherson CR, Essack M, Kaur M, Schaefer U, Bajic VB. Deciphering the transcriptional circuitry of the miRNA genes expressed during human monocyte→macrophage differentiation. BMC Genomics. 2009, 10(1):595. (IF=4.18). [Highly accessed]. |
[8] | Heckmann JM, Uwimpuhwe H, Ballo R, Kaur M, Bajic VB, Prince S. A functional SNP in the regulatory region of the decay-accelerating factor gene associates with extraocular muscle pareses in myasthenia gravis. Genes Immun. 2009 Jan;11(1):1-10. (IF=4.006). |
[9] | Essack M, Radovanovic A, Schaefer U, Schmeier S, Seshadri SV, Christoffels A, Kaur M, Bajic VB. DDEC: Dragon database of genes implicated in esophageal cancer. BMC Cancer. 2009 Jul 6;9:219. PubMed PMID: 19580656. (IF=3.08). |
[10] | FANTOM Consortium, Suzuki H, Forrest AR, van Nimwegen E, Daub CO, Balwierz PJ, Irvine KM, Lassmann T, Ravasi T, Hasegawa Y, de Hoon MJ, Katayama S, Schroder K, Carninci P, Tomaru Y, Kanamori-Katayama M, Kubosaki A, Akalin A, Ando Y, Arner E, Asada M, Asahara H, Bailey T, Bajic VB, Bauer D, Beckhouse AG, Bertin N, Björkegren J, Brombacher F, Bulger E, Chalk AM, Chiba J, Cloonan N, Dawe A, Dostie J, Engström PG, Essack M, Faulkner GJ, Fink JL, Fredman D, Fujimori K, Furuno M, Gojobori T, Gough J, Grimmond SM, Gustafsson M, Hashimoto M, Hashimoto T, Hatakeyama M, Heinzel S, Hide W, Hofmann O, Hörnquist M, Huminiecki L, Ikeo K, Imamoto N, Inoue S, Inoue Y, Ishihara R, Iwayanagi T, Jacobsen A, Kaur M, et al. The transcriptional network that controls growth arrest and differentiation in a human myeloid leukemia cell line. Nat Genet. 2009 May;41(5):553-62. Epub 2009 Apr 19. PubMed PMID: 19377474. (IF=26.494). |
[11] | Sagar S, Kaur M, Dawe A, Seshadri SV, Christoffels A, Schaefer U, Radovanovic A, Bajic VB (2008). DDESC: Dragon database for exploration of sodium channels in human. BMC Genomics, Dec 20;9:622 (IF=4.18). |
[12] | Meier S, Gehring C, MacPherson CR, Kaur M, Maqungo M, Reuben S, Muyanga S, Shih MD, Wei FJ, Wanchana S, Mauleon R, Radovanovic A, Bruskiewich R, Tanaka T, Mohanty B, Itoh T, Wing R, Gojobori T, Sasaki T, Swarup S, Hsing YI, Bajic VB (2008), The promoter signatures in rice LEA genes can be used to build a co-expressing LEA gene network. RICE, Vol. 1 (2): 177-187. |
[13] | Kaur M, Schmeier S, MacPherson CR, Hofmann O, Hide WA, Taylor S, Willcox N, Bajic VB. (2008) Prioritizing genes of potential relevance to diseases affected by sex hormones: An example of Myasthenia Gravis, BMC Genomics, Oct 13;9:481 (IF=4.18). |
[14] | Kaur M, Radovanovic A, Essack M, Schaefer U, Maqungo M, Kibler T, Schmeier S, Christoffels A, Narasimhan K, Choolani M, Bajic VB (2009). Database for exploration of functional context of genes implicated in ovarian cancer, Nucleic Acids Research; Vol. 37, Database issue D820-D823. (IF=7.479). |
[15] | Esau L, Kaur M*, Adonis L, Arieff Z (2008). The 5-HTTLPR polymorphism in South African healthy populations: a global comparison. J Neural Transm. Vol. 115 (5). 755-760. 9 (IF=2.672). |
[16] | Kaur M*, Balgir PP (2006) APOE Polymorphism and Susceptibility to Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type in The Indian Population: The Internet Journal of Mental Health. Volume 3, Number 1. (http://www.ispub.com/ostia/index.php?xmlFilePath=journals/ijmh/vol3n1/apoe.xml). |
[17] | Kaur M*, Balgir PP (2005) APOE2 and Consanguinity: A risky combination for Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Vol. 8 (3): 293-297. (IF=5.101). |
[18] | Kaur M* (2005) Genetic Testing and Research-Ethics and Legislations, Eubois Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB), 15; 42-44. |
[19] | Balgir PP, Kaur M. (2003) Restriction Isotyping of Apolipoprotein E among populations of Northwestern India. Human Biology 75(5): 771-776. (IF=1.5). |
[20] | Balgir PP, Kaur M (2002) "Environmental causes of Alzheimer's disease, its prevention and care of affected elders" Vigyan de Nakash 9, 53-56 (in Punjabi). |
[21] | Balgir PP, Kaur M, Bhanwer AJS (2000) Apolipoprotein E isotype distribution amongst Ramgharias of Punjab. Indian Journal of Human Genetics, 6(1&2); 1-5. |