American Journal of Linguistics

American Journal of Linguistics is concerned with all branches of linguistics, with preference given to articles of theoretical interest. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of modern linguistics.

Rita Salvi

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Linguistics

Professor, "Sapienza" University of Rome–Faculty of Economics, Italy

Research Areas

General and Applied Linguistics, Advanced Technologies in Language Teaching, Synchronic and Diachronic Lexicographic Analysis, Discourse and Text Analysis, Intercultural Discourse for Academic and Professional Purposes


presentFull professor at the Faculty of Economics, "Sapienza" University of Rome, Department of Methods and Models for Economics, Territory and Finance (MEMOTEF)


Member of AIA (Italian Association of English Studies) and former secretary and treasurer (2005-2009)
Member of Eurolinguistics Association and AIDEL (Italian Association of Law and Literature)
Member of the Coordinators' Committee of the Seminar "Lionello R. Levi Sandri", a permanent research group on transnational law and legal translation studies
Member of the Committee for teaching and research in the International Business Law Masters (postgraduate course), "Sapienza", Faculty of Economics; member of the Scientific Committee for the PhD course in Economic Geography, "Sapienza", University of Rom
Member of the Council and Scientific Committee of the inter-departmental research Centre for European and International studies "Eurosapienza"
Member of the Department commissions of scientific research and of the Scientific Committee for the Annals of the Department

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  2007, Lingua e intercultura nella comunità aziendale anglofona. In: Multilinguismo e inter-culturalità. Milano, LED, p. 147-165.
[2]  2007, R. Salvi- J. Bamford, "Introduction", Business Discourse: Language at work, J. Bamford-R. Salvi eds., Roma, Aracne, pp. 1-7.
[3]  2007, "The English of Companies on-line: National Identity and Global Culture" in Business Discourse: Language at work, J. Bamford-R. Salvi eds., Roma, Aracne, pp. 9-45.
[4]  2007, "Listening to the writer's voice: the role of narrative interludes in argumentative discourse" in Linguistica, linguaggi specialistici, didattica delle lingue, G. Garzone and R. Salvi eds., Roma, CISU, pp. 215-225.
[5]  2007, "Global English, la carta e la rete" in Esempi di multilinguismo in Europa. Inglese lingua franca e italiano lingua straniera. La contrastività nella codificazione linguistica, Atti del XV Incontro Centro Linguistico Università Bocconi, C. Preite, L.T. Soliman, S. Vecchiato eds., Milano, EGEA, pp. 35-45.
[6]  2008, "The enlargement of the EU in the press: cultural stance in linguistic choices" in Annali del Dipartimento di Studi Geoeconomici, Linguistici, Statistici e Storici, Bologna, Patron, pp. 7-32.
[7]  2008, "Insegnamento delle lingue ed educazione linguistica", in Le lingue per gli studenti non specialisti. Nuove strategie di apprendimento/insegnamento. La contrastività nei linguaggi specialistici, Atti del XVI Incontro Centro Linguistico Università Bocconi, L. Schena, C. Preite, L.T. Soliman eds., Milano, EGEA, pp. 35-46.
[8]  2008, "Literary traces and rhetorical language in legal texts", in Textus, vol. XXI, n. 3, pp. 439-466 (co-author).
[9]  2009, L'insegnamento delle lingue in Italia in relazione alla politica linguistica dell'Unione Europea, R. Salvi ed., Working Paper 59/2009 del Dipartimento di Studi Geoeconomici, Linguistici, Statistici e Storici per l'analisi regionale, code 643BC2009.
[10]  2009, "The Evaluation of Research", in The European English Messenger, vol.18.1, pp. 13-17 (co-author).
[11]  2009, "Insegnamento delle lingue ed educazione linguistica", in Semplificazione, internazionalizzazione, innovazione nella didattica delle lingue europee, A. Castorina and M. Cipri eds., Ed. AES, Roma, pp. 233-261.
[12]  2010, "L'inglese professionale e il curriculum accademico" in Le Lingue-culture straniere: quale impatto professionale?, B. Battel ed., Roma, Aracne, pp. 33-44.
[13]  2010, "Glottodidattica e sfide tecnologiche" in Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, vol. 1, p. 19-32.
[14]  2010, R. Salvi ed., Dall'aula multimediale all'e-learning. AA.VV., ROMA, Bulzoni, vol. 1.
[15]  2010, "Appraisal Theory as a methodological proposal for stylistic analysis", in TEXTUS, vol. 1; p. 103-138.
[16]  2010, "London-Rome: a most exciting journey", in AA.VV. Annali del Dipartimento di Studi geoeconomici, linguistici, statistici e storici per l'analisi regionale. Bologna, Pàtron, pp. 185-209.
[17]  2011, "Il linguaggio legale inglese: dalla parola al testo", in P. Sandulli-M. Faioli, Attività transnazionali: sapere giuridico e scienza della traduzione. vol. 1, Roma, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, pp. 123-143.
[18]  2011, "Reflections on Genres and Rhetorical Choices in the Language of Economics", in B. Di Sabato and P. Mazzotta eds., Linguistica e didattica delle lingue e dell'inglese contemporaneo, Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, pp. 203-212.
[19]  2011, "Changes, chances and challenges in describing intercultural professional interactions" in R. Salvi and H. Tanaka eds., Intercultural Interactions in Business and Management, Bern, Peter Lang, pp. 21-44.
[20]  2011 R. Salvi and H. Tanaka eds., Intercultural Interactions in Business and Management, Bern, Peter Lang, p. 1-306.