[1] | Francisco J. R. Prados, Alejandro J. León Salas and Juan Carlos Torres:Interactive Elastic Deformation of 3D Images. V SYMPOSIUM IBERO-AMERICANO DE COMPUTACIÓN GRÁFICA, SIAC'20111. Faro 1-3 Junio 2011. |
[2] | F. Soler; M.V. Luzón, S. Pop, C.J. Hughes, N.W. John, J.C. Torres: A model for flexible tools used in minimally invasive medical virtual environments. MMVR18 (Medicine Meets Virtual Reality). California. 8-12 Febrero 2011 |
[3] | Luis J García-Pulido, Juan Carlos Torres: Combining photogrammetric survey and 3D laser scanner of archaeological remains. First campaign in the Alberca Rota and Pozos Altos of the Cerro del Sol archaeological site. Computer Applications in Archaeology 2010. Granada. 6-9 Abril 2010. |
[4] | J.C. Torres: An Introduction to Open Source GIS GRASS. Computer Applications in Archaeology 2010. Granada. 6-9 Abril 2010. |
[5] | A.A. Zaldivar, J.C. Torres: Fuzzy solid models: Foundations, representations and framework. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2010. Barcelona. 18-23 July 2010 |
[6] | R.Vázquez, C. Pérez, I.Y. Gonzalez, A. Fajardo, J.C. Torres: A new visual data mining tool for GVSIG GIS. International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR 2010). Valencia. Octubre 2010 |
[7] | F.J. Melero, P. Cano, J.C. Torres: Bounding-planes Octree: A new volume-based LOD scheme Computers & Graphics, Volume 32, Issue 4, August 2008, Pages 385-392 |
[8] | Alejandro León, Juan Carlos Torres, Francisco Velasco: Volume octree with an implicitly defined dual grid Computers & Graphics, Volume 32, Issue 4, August 2008, Pages 393-401 |
[9] | S. Martin de las Heras, A. Valenzuela, J. Valverde, J.C. Torres, J.D. Luna: Effectiveness of Comparison Overlays Generated with DentalPrint Software in Bite Mark Analysis. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 52(1). 2007 |
[10] | R.J.Segura, F.R. Feito, J.Ruiz de Miras, J.C. Torres, C. Ogayar: An efficient point classification algorithm for triangle meshes. Journal of Graphics Tools. 10(3). 27/35. 2005. |
[11] | S. Martin de las Heras, A. Valenzuela, C. Ogayar, J. Valverde, J.C. Torres: Computer Based Production of Comparison Overlays from 3D-Scanned Dental Casts for Bite Mark Analysis. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 50(1). 127/133. 2005. |
[12] | F.J. Melero, P. Cano, J.C. Torres: Combining SP-octrees and impostors for the visualisation of multiresolution model. Computer & Graphics. 29(2). 225/233. 2005. |
[13] | F.J. Melero, J.C. Torres , A. León: On the interactive 3D reconstruction of Iberian Vessels. The 4th International Symposium on Virtual Reallity, Archeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage-1st EG Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. Preproceedings. pp. 67-74 Brighton (UK) 5-7/11/2003 |
[14] | F.J. Melero, A. León, F. Contreras, J.C. Torres: A new system for interactive vessel reconstruction and drawing. Computer Applications in Archaeology 2003 Actas. Viena(Austria) 8-12 Abril 2003 |
[15] | D. Martín, J.D. Fekete, J.C. Torres: Flattening 3D objects using silhouettes. Computer Graphics Forum. 21(3) 239/248. 2002. |
[16] | D. Martín, J.C. Torres: Rendering Silhouettes with Virtual Lights. Computer Graphics Forum. 20(4) 271/282. 2001 |
[17] | J.C. Torres, F.A. Conde: A fast algorithm to decide the inclusion of a point in the convex hull of a two-dimensional point set. Journal of Graphics Tools. 5(4) 25/32. 2000. |
[18] | Martín, D.; García, S.; Torres, J.C.: Observer Dependent Deformations In Illustration. First International Symposium on Non Photorealistic Animation and Rendering NPAR'2000. Actas Annecy, France . 2000 |
[19] | D. Martín, J.C. Torres: Alhambra: a system for producing 2D animation. Computer Animation CA'99. IEEE Computer Society. Ginebra (Suiza) 26-29, Mayo, 1999. |
[20] | Feito F.R.; Segura R.J.; Torres J.C.: Representing polyhedral solids by simplicial covering. CSG'98 Set-Theoretical Solid Modelling, techniques and applications CSG'98 Set-Theoretical Solid Modelling, techniques and applications. Jhon Woodwark, . ISBN 84-88942-96-6. pp. 203-219 Inglaterra 1998. |
[21] | F. Feito, J.C. Torres: Boundary representation of polyhedral heterogeneous solids in the context of a graphic object algebra. The Visual Computer. 13(2) 64/77. 1997. |
[22] | F. Feito, J.C. Torres: Inclusion Test for General Polyhedra. Computer & Graphics. 21(1) 23/30. 1997. |
[23] | C. Ureña, X. Pueyo, J.C. Torres: A Formalization and classification of global illumination methods. Computer & Graphics. 21(2) 225/236. 1997. |
[24] | F. Feito, J.C. Torres, A. Ureña: Orientation, Simplicity and Inclusion Test for Planar Polygons. Computer & Graphics. 19(4) 595/600. 1995. |
[25] | J.C. Torres, B. Clares: A formal approach to the specification of graphic object functions. Computer Graphics Forum. 13(4) C-371/C380. 1994. |
[26] | J.C. Torres, B. Clares: Graphics objects: A mathematical abstract model for computer graphics. Computer Graphics Forum. 12(5) 311/327. 1993. |
[27] | A. De Sousa, J.C. Torres (editores): EUROGRAPHICS 2000: Short Presentations. EUROGRAPHICS. 2000. |
[28] | Harrison, M.D.; Torres, J.C. (editores): Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems '97. Springer-Verlag. 1997. |
[29] | A. Prieto; A. LLoris; J.C. Torres: Introducción a la Informática. McGraw-Hill. (4 Edición). ISBN: 84-481-4624-7 2006. |