[1] | Seokbin Kang, Jong Wook Kwak and Seong Tae Jhang, "On-Chip Victim Cache for Shared Bus-based Chip Multiprocessors", In the Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Reliable, Embedded, and Scalable Computing (RESCom2010), pp. 7 ~ 12, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 27-30, 2010 |
[2] | Jong Wook Kwak and Ju Hee Choi, "Selective Access to Filter Cache for Low-Power Embedded Systems", In the Proceedings of the Forty-Third Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2010), pp. 1 ~ 8, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, January 5-8, 2010 |
[3] | Ju-Hwan Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Branch Pre-Prediction: A New Pipeline Stage for Increasing Instruction Fetch Bandwidth", In the Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Convergence Technology and Information Convergence (CTIC '09), In Cooperation with ACM SIGAPP, pp. 116~122, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, October 12-14, 2009 |
[4] | Jong Wook Kwak and Ju-Hwan Kim, "Performance Evaluation Model of Branch Input Vectors using Neural Network", In the Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computer Design (CDES '09), The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing, pp. 31~37, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 2009 |
[5] | Gi-Ho Park, Chang-Hoon Oh, Jong Wook Kwak , Hyun-Min Kyung, Jung-Bin Im, Sung Yong Cho, WooKyeong Jeong, Tae-Jin Kim, Sung-Bae Park, "Building Various Levels of SOC Architecture Exploration Environments: System Level Simulator, Emulator and FPGA Prototype Board" The 2nd Workshop on Architectural Research Prototyping (WARP 2007), The 34th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2007), San Diego, CA, USA, June 9-13, 2007 |
[6] | Hyun-min Kyung, Gi-ho Park, Jong Wook Kwak, WooKyeong Jeong, Tae-Jin Kim, Sung-Bae Park, "Performance Monitor Unit Design for an AXI-based Multi-Core SoC Platform", Special Track on System On Chip Design and Software Supports (SODSS), In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC), pp. 1565~1572, Seoul, Korea, March 11 ~ 15, 2007 |
[7] | Gi-Ho Park, Hyun-Min Kyung, Jung-Bin Im, Jong Wook Kwak, Sung Yong Cho, Chang-Hoon Oh, WooKyeong Jeong, Se-Hyun Yang, Kyoung-Soo Kim, Heung-Chul Oh, Tae-Jin Kim, Sung-Bae Park, "Architecture Exploration and Performance Verification Environments of Multi-Core SOC for Mobile Multimedia Embedded Systems", In Proceedings of International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), pp. 195~198, Seoul, Korea, October 26~27, 2006 |
[8] | Jong Wook Kwak and Chu Shik Jhon, "Recovery Logics for Speculative Update Branch History", In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer and Information Science (ISCIS 2006), LNCS, pp. 258~266, Istanbul, Truky, November 1~3 2006 |
[9] | Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Accuracy Enhancement by Selective Use of Branch History in Embedded Processor", Real Time Systems and Adaptive Applications (RTSAA '06), In Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Science(ICCS 2006), LNCS, pp. 979~986, Reading, UK, May 28~31 2006 |
[10] | Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "History Length Adjustable gshare Predictor for High-Performance Embedded Processor", Workshop on Embedded System for Ubiquitous Computing (ESUC '06), In Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2006), LNCS, pp. 631~638, Glasgow, UK, May 8~11 2006 |
[11] | Jong Wook Kwak, Chu Shik Jhon, "Performance Evaluation of Modified Hierarchical Ring by Exploiting Link Utilization and Memory Access Locality", In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology(ISSPIT 2005), pp. 82~87, Athens, Greece, December 18-21, 2005 |
[12] | Sunghoon Shim, Jong Wook Kwak, Cheol Hong Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Power-Aware Branch Logic: A Hardware Based Technique for Filtering Access to Branch Logic", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, MOdeling, and Simulation(SAMOS V), LNCS, pp. 162~171, Samos, Greece, July 18-20, 2005 |
[13] | Cheol Hong Kim, Sunghoon Shim, Jong Wook Kwak, Sung Woo Chung, and Chu Shik Jhon, "First-Level Instruction Cache Design for Reducing Dynamic Energy Consumption", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, MOdeling, and Simulation(SAMOS V), LNCS, pp. 103~111, Samos, Greece, July 18-20, 2005 |
[14] | Cheol Hong Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Adaptive Block Management for Victim Cache by Exploiting L1 Cache History Information", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing(EUC-04), LNCS, pp. 1~11, Aizu, Japan, August 25-27, 2004 |
[15] | Sunghoon Shim, Cheol Hong Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Chu Shik Jhon, "Hybrid Techniques for Reducing Energy Consumption in High Performance Embedded Processor", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing(EUC-04), LNCS, pp. 74~84, Aizu, Japan, August 25-27, 2004 |
[16] | Jong Wook Kwak, Cheol Hong Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Multi-Grain Remote Cache in NUMA System", In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Grid in Asia Pacific Region(HPCAsia 2004), Sponsored by High Performance Computing SIG and Information Processing Society of Japan, Co-sponsored by IEEE CS Japan Chapter, pp. 178~185, Omiya Sonic City, Tokyo Area, Japan, July 20-22, 2004 |
[17] | Jong Wook Kwak, Hyunbae Lee, Cheol Hong Kim, Sung-Hoon Shim, Chu Shik Jhon, "Level 1 & Victim Cache Management with Processor Reuse Information", In the Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '04), The 2004 International MultiConference in Computer Science and Computer Engineering(18th Joint Conferences), Volume 2, pp. 694~698, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 21-24, 2004 |
[18] | Cheol Hong Kim, Sung-Hoon Shim, Jong Wook Kwak, Chu Shik Jhon, "A Novel Approach to Improve Cache Performance in Ring-Based Multiprocessors", In Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '04), Volume 1, pp. 519~524, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 21-24, 2004 |
[19] | Soong Hyun Shin, Jong Wook Kwak, Chu Shik Jhon, "Ownership-lacking Line First Policy of Remote Cache in NUMA", In Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '04), Volume 3, pp. 1319~1323, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 21-24, 2004 |
[20] | [Best Paper Award] Jong Wook Kwak and Ju-Hwan Kim, "The Enhancement of Indirect Branch Prediction Accuracy via Double Return Address Stack", Korea Computer Congress 2011 (KCC2011), KIISE (The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Spring Conference, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 494 ~ 497, June 29 ~ July 1, 2011 |
[21] | [Best Paper Award] Hyo Young Lim, Jeong Gu Lee and Jong Wook Kwak, "Implementation of Location Information System using DSDV Routing Algorithm in Ad-hoc Network Environment", The 35th KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Spring Conference, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 625 ~ 629, May 13~14, 2011 |
[22] | Hyo Young Lim, Jeong Gu Lee and Jong Wook Kwak, "Design and Implementation of User Mapping System using Ad-hoc Network", The 35th KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Spring Conference, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 21 ~ 24, May 13~14, 2011 |
[23] | Jun Pil Park, Min Sung Kang, Chang Yun Lee and Jong Wook Kwak, "Android-based Touch Smart Phone on Soft Keyboard Environment for the Blind", The 2010 KIISE Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Web Information Technology (UCWIT 2010), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 187~192, December 10, 2010 |
[24] | Hyeon Sagong, Jang Won Shin and Jong Wook Kwak, "Implementation of Virtual OS Application using Server Based Computing", The 34nd KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Fall Conference, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 1670 ~ 1673, November 12~13, 2010 |
[25] | Hyo Young Lim, Young Min Park, Sang Ah Lee and Jong Wook Kwak, "End-to-End Real Time Media Transport Technique in Android Platform", The 34th KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Fall Conference, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 1543 ~ 1546, November 12~13, 2010 |
[26] | Jong Wook Kwak and Young Tae Jeon, "Low-Power Partial Tag using Locality Buffer", The 32nd KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Fall Conference, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 3 ~ 4, November 13~14, 2009 |
[27] | Seok-bin Kang, Ju-hwan Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Idle Cache Exploiting Techniques for Shared Bus-based Chip Multi-processors", The 31st KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Spring Conference, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 877 ~ 880, April 23~24, 2009 |
[28] | Jong Wook Kwak, Ju Hee Choi, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Filter Cache Predictor using Mode Selection Bit", The 29th KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Spring Conference, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 493 ~ 495, May 16~17, 2008 |
[29] | Jong Wook Kwak, Ju-Hwan Kim, Chu Shik Jhon, "The Impact of Branch Direction History combined with Global Branch History in Branch Prediction", The 10th Seoul National University and Korea University BK21 IT Joint Workshop, February 2006 |
[30] | Jong Wook Kwak, Ju-Hwan Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Recovery Modules for Speculative Update Branch History", The 32nd Fall Semiannual Conference, KISS(Korea Information Science Society), Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 768776~768, November 11~12, 2005 |
[31] | Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, "A New Branch Prediction Method using Dynamic History Length", The Journal of Suwon Information Technology, Vol. 4, pp. 16~30, October 2005 |
[32] | [Best Paper Award] Jong Wook Kwak, Hyong Jin Ban, Chu Shik Jhon, "Improving System Performance by Modifying Hierarchical Ring", The 31st Fall Semiannual Conference, KISS(Korea Information Science Society), Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 1~3, October 22~23, 2004 |
[33] | Sang Yoon Han, Jong Wook Kwak, Chu Shik Jhon, "Remote Cache Replacement Policy based on Processor Locality", The 31st Fall Semiannual Conference, KISS(Korea Information Science Society), Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 4~6, October 22~23, 2004 |
[34] | Jong Wook Kwak, Ju-Hwan Kim, Chu Shik Jhon, "A Novel Approach to Improve Branch Prediction Accuracy by Neural Network Information", The 21st Spring Semiannual Conference, KIPS(Korea Information Processing Society), pp.1651~1654, May 14~15, 2004 |
[35] | Jong Wook Kwak, Hyunbae Lee, Chu Shik Jhon, "Efficient Management Scheme of Victim Cache with Processor Reuse Information", Fall Semiannual Conference, SIG on Computer Systems, KISS(Korea Information Science Society), pp.44~52, November 8, 2003 |
[36] | Jong Wook Kwak, Chu Shik Jhon, "Efficient Scheme for Reducing Remote Memory Access Time in Dual-Ring based CC-NUMA System", Fall Semiannual Conference, SIG on Parallel Processing Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, KISS(Korea Information Science Society), pp.35~44, October 2002 |
[37] | Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Design and Performance Evaluation of Multi-Grain Remote Cache in CC-NUMA based PANDA II System", The 2nd Seoul National University and Korea University BK21 IT Joint Workshop, August 2001 |
[38] | Adsorption of antifreeze protein and a commercial low dosage hydrate inhibitor on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces, Zeng H., Walker, V.K. and Ripmeester, J.A. in Physics and Chemistry of Ice: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice .659-667(2007) |
[39] | Antifreeze proteins: adsorption to ice, silica and gas hydrates. Zeng, H., Brown, A., Walker, V.K. and Ripmeester, J.A. Proc. 5th International Conference of Gas Hydrates. (2005) |
[40] | Examining the classification of low dosage hydrate inhibitors. Zeng, H., Walker, V.K. and Ripmeester, J.A. Proc. 5th International Conference of Gas Hydrates. (2005) |
[41] | The mysteries of memory effect and its elimination with antifreeze proteins, Walker, V.K., Zeng, H., Gordienko, R.V., Kuiper, M.J., Huva, E.I. and Ripmeester, J.A., Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Gas Hydrate (2008) |
[42] | The search for green inhibitors: perturbing hydrate growth with bugs, Huva, E.I., Gordienko, R.V., Ripmeester, J.A., Zeng, H. and Walker, V.K., Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Gas Hydrate (2008) |
[43] | The particle size effect on Gas Hydrate Formation in powdered silica particles, Kawasaki, T, Lu, H.L., Ripmeester, J. A., Zeng, H., Fujii, T. and Nakamizu, M. in Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS23A-1031 (2007) |
[44] | The Influences of Clay Minerals on Methane Hydrate Formation, Kawasaki, T, Lu, H.L., Ripmeester, J. A., Moudrakovski, I , Zeng, H., Li, J., Fujii, T. and Nakamizu, M. in Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS33B-1696 (2006) |
[45] | Pingying Zeng, Kang Wang, and Jeongmin Ahn, "Non-propulsive Miniature Power Device Based On SOFC And Combustion-driven Thermal Transpiration Pump", The 9th international Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, Washington DC, August 2011. |
[46] | Kang Wang, Pingying Zeng, and Jeongmin Ahn, "Evaluation of methane-based flame fuel cell using anode supported solid oxide fuel cells", The 9th international Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, Washington DC, August 2011. |
[47] | Pingying Zeng, Kang Wang, and Jeongmin Ahn, "Non-propulsive Miniature Power Device Based On SOFC And Combustion-driven Thermal Transpiration Pump", The 9th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference and Exhibit (IECEC), San Diego, CA, July 2011 |
[48] | Kang Wang, Pingying Zeng, and Jeongmin Ahn, "Evaluation of methane-based flame fuel cell using anode supported solid oxide fuel cells", The 9th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference and Exhibit (IECEC), San Diego, CA, July 2011. |
[49] | Pingying Zeng, Kang Wang, Jeongmin Ahn, and Paul D. Ronney, "Combustion-driven Thermal Transpiration based Miniature SOFC Power Device", The 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 2011. |
[50] | Kang Wang, Pingying Zeng, and Jeongmin Ahn, "Evaluation of methane-based flame fuel cell using anode supported solid oxide fuel cells", The 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 2011. |
[51] | Kang Wang, Pingying Zeng, and Jeongmin Ahn, "Evaluation of Methane-Based Flame Fuel Cell Using Anode Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", 1000 Island Energy Research Forum (TIERF), Alexandria Bay, NY, November 2010. |
[52] | Kang Wang, Pingying Zeng, and Jeongmin Ahn, "High Performance Direct Flame Fuel Cell", The 7th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC) 2010, Syracuse, NY, August 2010. |
[53] | Kang Wang, Pingying Zeng, and Jeongmin Ahn, "High Performance Direct Flame Fuel Cell", Joint 65th Northwest/22nd Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (NORM/RMRM 2010), Pullman, WA, June, 2010. |
[54] | Kang Wang, Pingying Zeng, and Jeongmin Ahn, "High Performance Direct Flame Fuel Cell Using Air/Propane Flames", The Western States Section of the Combustion Institute (WSSCI), Boulder, CO, March 2010. |
[55] | Abhimanyu Bhat, Cory Bloomquist, Jeongmin Ahn, and Paul D. Ronney, "Thermal Transpiration Based Pumping and Power Generation Using Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", The Western States Section of the Combustion Institute (WSSCI), Irvine, CA, October 2009. |
[56] | Kang Wang, and Jeongmin Ahn, "A High-Performance Flame Fuel Cell", The Western States Section of the Combustion Institute (WSSCI), Irvine, CA, October 2009. |
[57] | Oscar Marin-Flores, Timothy Turba, Kang Wang, Joe Breit, Jeongmin Ahn, M. Grant Norton, and Su Ha, "A Novel Catalytic Material for the Reforming of Jet Fuel Via Partial Oxidation", The Western States Section of the Combustion Institute (WSSCI), Irvine, CA, October 2009. |
[58] | Abhimanyu Bhat, Cory Bloomquist, Jeongmin Ahn, Yongha Kim, and Dave Kim, "Thermal Transpiration Based Micro-Scale Pumping and Power Generation Devices", The 7th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference and Exhibit (IECEC), Denver, CO, August 2009. |
[59] | Kang Wang, and Jeongmin Ahn, "A High-Performance No-Chamber Fuel Cell", The 6th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, May 2009. |
[60] | Kang Wang, Jeongmin Ahn, and Zongping Shao, "A High-Performance No-Chamber Fuel Cell Operated on Ethanol Flame", The 33rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL, January 2009. |
[61] | Jeong-Hyun Cho, ChienShung Lin, Cecilia D. Richrds, Robert F. Richards, and Jeongmin Ahn, "Demonstration of an External Combustion Micro-Heat Engine", The 8th International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2008) and The 2nd MEMS (Micro Environmental Machine Systems) Symposium, Sendai, Japan, November 2008. |
[62] | Kang Wang, Jeongmin Ahn, and Zongping Shao, "A High-Performance No-Chamber Fuel Cell Operated on Ethanol Flame", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Boston, MA, November 2008. |
[63] | Najmeddin Shafrei Tehrany, Chien Shung Lin, Cory Bloomquist, Konstantin Matveev, and Jeongmin Ahn, "Development of Combustion-Driven Small Thermoacoustic Engine", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Boston, MA, November 2008. |
[64] | Kang Wang, Jeongmin Ahn, and Zongping Shao, "A High-Performance No-Chamber Fuel Cell Operated on Ethanol Flame", The 6th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, Denver, CO, June 2008. |
[65] | Najmeddin Shafrei Tehrany, Chien Shung Lin, Jeongmin Ahn, and Konstantin Matveev, "Development of Combustion-Driven Small Thermoacoustic Engine", The Western States Section of the Combustion Institute (WSSCI), Los Angeles, CA, March 2008. |
[66] | Lindsay Sanford, Shuo-Yu Huang, Chien Shung Lin, Jungmin Lee, Jeongmin Ahn, and Paul D. Ronney, "Plastic Mesoscale Combustors/Heat Exchangers", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Seattle, WA, November 2007. |
[67] | Patrick Hyland, Jungmin Lee, Jeongmin Ahn, and Paul D. Ronney, "Effect of Ammonia Treatment on Pt Catalyst Used for Low-Temperature Reaction", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Seattle, WA, November 2007. |
[68] | Jeongmin Ahn, Paul D. Ronney, Zongping Shao, and Sossina Haile, "A Thermally Self-Sustaining Miniature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Seattle, WA, November 2007. |
[69] | Jeonghyun Cho, Jungmin Lee, Chien Shung Lin, Lindsay Sanford, James Huang, Cecilla D. Richards, Robert F. Richards, and Jeongmin Ahn, "Demonstration of An External Combustion Micro-Heat Engine", The Western States Section of the Combustion Institute (WSSCI), Livermore, CA, October 2007. |
[70] | Jeongmin Ahn, Paul D. Ronney, Zongping Shao, and Sossina M. Haile, "A Thermally Self-Sustaining Miniature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", The 5th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference and Exhibit (IECEC), St. Louis, MO, June 2007. |
[71] | Jeongmin Ahn, and Paul D. Ronney, "Plastic Mesoscale Heat Exchangers", The 5th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference and Exhibit (IECEC), St. Louis, MO, June 2007. |
[72] | Jeongmin Ahn, Paul D. Ronney, Zongping Shao, and Sossina M. Haile, "A Thermally Self-Sustaining Miniature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", The 5th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, Brooklyn, NY, June 2007. |
[73] | Jeongmin Ahn, and Paul D. Ronney, "Effect of Wall Thermal Conductivity and Thickness on the Performance of Heat-Recirculating Reactors", The 5th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2007. |
[74] | Jeongmin Ahn, and Paul D. Ronney, "Effect of Ammonia Treatment on Pt Catalyst Used for Low-Temperature Reaction", The 5th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2007. |
[75] | Younho Kim, Hwanil Huh, Jeongmin Ahn, and Paul D. Ronney, "Effect of Scale and Fuel Type on Heat-Recirculation Combustor Performance", The 5th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2007. |
[76] | Jeongmin Ahn, Paul D. Ronney, Zongping Shao, and Sossina M. Haile, "A Thermally Self-Sustaining Miniature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", The 6th International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2006), Berkeley, CA, November 2006. |
[77] | Hwayoung Oh, Hwanil Huh, Jeongmin Ahn, and Paul D. Ronney, "Effect of Scale on the Performance of Heat-Recirculating Reactors", The 4th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, CA, June 2006. |
[78] | Jeongmin Ahn, and Paul D. Ronney, "Effect of Wall Thermal Conductivity and Thickness on the Performance of Heat-Recirculating Reactors", The Western States Section of the Combustion Institute (WSSCI), Stanford, CA, October 2005. |
[79] | Jeongmin Ahn, Paul D. Ronney, Zongping Shao, and Sossina M. Haile, "A Thermally Self-Sustaining Miniature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", The 4th Joint meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, Philadelphia, PA, March 2005. |
[80] | Jeongmin Ahn, and Paul D. Ronney, "Plastic Mesocombustors", The 4th Joint meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, Philadelphia, PA, March 2005. |
[81] | Jeongmin Ahn, Craig Eastwood, Paul D. Ronney, Zongping Shao, and Sossina M. Haile, "A Thermally Self-Sustaining Miniature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", The Western States Section of the Combustion Institute (WSSCI), Davis, CA, April 2004. |
[82] | Sossina M. Haile, Chan Kwak, Jeongmin Ahn, Craig D. Eastwood, and Paul D. Ronney, "Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Portable Applications", Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, December 2003. |
[83] | Jeongmin Ahn, Craig D. Eastwood, and Paul D. Ronney, "Extinction Limits of Heat-Recirculating Burners", The Western States Section of the Combustion Institute (WSSCI), Los Angeles, CA, October 2003. |
[84] | Jeongmin Ahn, Craig D. Eastwood, Kevin Borer, Lars Sitzki and Paul D. Ronney, "Catalytic and Non-Catalytic Combustion in Heat-Recirculating Burners", The 3rd Joint meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, Chicago, IL, March 2003. |
[85] | Kaoru Maruta, Koichi Takeda, Jeongmin Ahn, Kevin Borer, Lars Sitzki and Paul D. Ronney, Olaf Deutschmann, "Extinction Limits of Catalytic Combustion in Microchannels", Mini-Symposium MS10-Numerical Modeling of Microscale Combustion, Italy, May 2002. |
[86] | Jeongmin Ahn, Kevin Borer, Lars Sitzki and Paul D. Ronney, "Combustion and Power Generation in Microscale Heat-Recirculating Burners", The Western States Section of the Combustion Institute (WSSCI), San Diego, CA, March 2002. |
[87] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2010), "A Fuzzy Intelligent Decision Support System for Typhoon Disaster Management"Proceeding of the IEEE FUZZY 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.(EI) |
[88] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2010), "Predicting the economic loss of typhoon by case base reasoning and fuzzy theory "Proceeding of the ICMLC 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.(EI) |
[89] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2010), "Predicting the Economic Loss of Natural Disaster by Neural Network Simulation-A Case Study of Typhoon in Taiwan" The Cross-Strait Workshop on Typhoon Impacts and Crisis Management (Typhoon 2011)" 27-30 July Guangzhou, China. |
[90] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2010), "Cognitive Computing of Energy Education by Fuzzy Theory with Interactive Response System"Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on International Computer Symposium, Tainan, Taiwan 12-15Decenber, 2010.(EI) |
[91] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2010), "An Approach to Pattern Recognition by Fuzzy Category and Neural Network Simulation"Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Cingdao, 12-15 July, 2010. (EI) |
[92] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2010), "Study of Environmental Risk Management by Multivariable Analysis of Pattern Structure" Proceeding of the fourth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Oct, 2010. (EI) |
[93] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2010), "An expert System for Managing Emergency Response of Air Pollution "Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Cingdao, 12-15 July, 2010. (EI) |
[94] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2009), " Knowledge Based Air Quality Management Study by Fuzzy Logic Principle" Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Baoding, 12-15 July, 2009. (EI) |
[95] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2009), "Courseware Design and Assessment Methodology by Fuzzy Theory-A case Study of Energy Saving Course" Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Baoding, 12-15 July, 2009.(EI) |
[96] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2009), "Study of the Pattern Recognition of Particulate concentration by Fuzzy Time Series and Neural Network Analysis"2009 Cross Strait Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology |
[97] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2009), . "Study of Energy Saving courseware Design and Assessment-A Case Study by Fuzzy Theory", East-Asian Conference for Science Education, Wang-Kun Chen, (2009), . "Study of the Medical cost and Air Quality Concentration Relationship in Taiwan ", 2010 Cross Strait Conference on Environment and Energy |
[98] | Wang-Kun Chen, Chung-Chuan Lin, (2009), "Chemical Reaction and Deposition Assessment of Mercury in the Atmosphere", The 15th International Joint Seminar on the Regional Deposition Processes in the Atmosphere (RDPA) and ClimateChange in 2009, 11/12~11/14, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. |
[99] | Wang-Kun Chen, Chung-Chuan Lin, (2009), "Comparative Study of Three AirQuality Models for Particulate Deposition Assessment", The 15th InternationalJoint Seminar on the Regional Deposition Processes in the Atmosphere (RDPA)and Climate Change in 2009, 11/12~11/14, National Taiwan University, Taipei , Taiwan. |
[100] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2009), "Study of the Indoor Formaldehyde Decay Model in Build Environment", 2009 International Aerosol Conference, Held by TAAR, Taichung, Taiwan. |
[101] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2009), "Evaluating Indoor Air Quality Based on Fuzzy Grade Operations", 2009 International Aerosol Conference, Held by TAAR, Taichung, Taiwan. |
[102] | Wang-Kun Chen, Dong-Liang Cai, (2009), "Study of the Pattern Recognition of Particulate Concentration by Fuzzy Time Series and Neural Network Analysis" 2009 Cross Strait Dust Storm and Environmental Management Conference, Held in Aug, Changchun, Zilin, China. |
[103] | W.K.Chen, S.L.Lin P.H. Chou, (2009), "A Science-based Estimation of Carbon Monoxide Externality in Northern Taiwan Area" The 4th East Asian Symposium on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Held by Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER), Taipei, Taiwan. |
[104] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2008), "Service Delivered Model for Tele-care", 2008 4th Property Management Conference, Held in Jinwen University, Taipei, Taiwan. |
[105] | W.K.Chen, P.H. Chou, K.T. Hsu, C.C. Lin, S.L.Lin, (2008), "Study of the External Environmental Costs of Suspended Particulate Pollution in Taipei Metropolitan Area", 2008 Cross Strait Dust Storm and Environmental Management Conference, Held in Aug, Urumuci, Xinziang, China.. |
[106] | Wang-Kun Chen, Xiang-Yu Sheng, D.J. Carruthers, (2008), "Comparison ofthe Model Performance Evaluation Results of ADMS and ISCST-3 in Taiwan", 2008 Cross Strait Dust Storm and Environmental Management Conference, Held in Aug, Urumuci, Xinziang, China. |
[107] | W.K.Chen, P.H. Chou, K.T. Hsu, C.C. Lin, S.L.Lin, (2008), "Study of the External Environmental Costs of Sulfur Dioxide Pollution Emissions in Taipei", 2008 Conference of Environmental Resource Economics, Management and Analysis, National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan. |
[108] | K.H.Chang, W.K.Chen, L.F.Chang, T.Y.Yu, B.J.Tsuang, W.Y.Lin, S.C.Lai, J.H.Tsai, (2008), "A Review of the Results Report of Air Quality Model Supporting Center (AQMC) of Taiwan EPA", 2008 International Aerosol Conference, Held by TAAR, Taipei, Taiwan. |
[109] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2008), "Study of the Gaussian Model Performance Evaluation with a Standard Air Quality Database", 2008 Cross Strait Aerosol Technology Conference, Held in Aug, Urumuci, Xinziang, China. |
[110] | Wang-Kun Chen, W.Y. Lin, C.C. Lin, (2007), "An Evaluation of the Particulate Exposure from an Incinerator in Hsintein City", 3rd International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health. |
[111] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2007), "Quality Assurance for Property Management", 3rd Property Management Conference, Held by Jinwen University , Taipei. |
[112] | Wang-Kun Chen, T. S. Wang, T. S. Lin, (2007), Development of an Interactive Geographical Informational System for Dust storm Event" 2007 Cross Strait Dust Storm and Environmental Management Conference, Held in Aug, Kaoshiung, Taiwan. |
[113] | Wang-Kun Chen, R. C. Tsao, W. C. Hsu, (2007), ".Field Investigation of the Bioaerosol Concentration of a School Campus in Taipei", 2007 Cross Strait Dust Storm and Environmental Management Conference, Held in Aug, Kaoshiung, Taiwan. |
[114] | Wang-Kun Chen, P. Wang, (2007), "Modeling the Sulfate and Nitrate Aerosol Formation in the Atmospheric Photochemical Reaction", 2007 Asian Aerosol Conference, Held in Aug, Kaoshiung, Taiwan. |
[115] | Wang-Kun Chen, W. C. Hsu, Y.T. Chiu, G.Y. Chen, R.C. Tsao, (2007), "Field Measurement of the Particulate Concentration Variation in the School Campus", 2007 Asian Aerosol Conference, Held in Aug, Kaoshiung, Taiwan. |
[116] | Wang-Kun Chen, P. Wang, (2006), "A Numerical Scheme of Secondary Aerosol Formation from Photochemical Reaction" 2006 Cross Strait Particle TechnologyConference, Held in Sep, Beijing, China. |
[117] | Wang-Kun Chen, T. S. Wang, T. S. Lin, (2007), Development of an Interactive Geographical Informational System for Dust storm Event"2007 Cross Strait Dust Storm and Environmental Management Conference, Held in Aug, Kaoshiung, Taiwan. |
[118] | Wang-Kun Chen, . C. Tsao, W. C. Hsu, (2007), ".Field Investigation of the Bioaerosol Concentration of a School Campus in Taipei", 2007 Cross Strait Dust Storm and Environmental Management Conference, Held in Aug, Kaoshiung, Taiwan. |
[119] | Wang-Kun Chen, (2007), "Quality Assurance for Property Management", 3rd Property Management Conference, Held by Jinwen University , Taipei. |
[120] | Wang-Kun Chen, P. Wang, (2007), "Modeling the Sulfate and Nitrate Aerosol Formation in the Atmospheric Photochemical Reaction", 2007 Asian Aerosol Conference, Held in Aug, Kaoshiung, Taiwan. |
[121] | Wang-Kun Chen, W. C. Hsu, Y.T. Chiu, G.Y. Chen, R.C. Tsao, (2007), „Field Measurement of the Particulate Concentration Variation in the School Campus" 2007 Asian Aerosol Conference, Held in Aug, Kaoshiung, Taiwan. |
[122] | Wang-Kun Chen, P.Wang, (2006), "A Numerical Scheme of Secondary Aerosol Formation from Photochemical Reaction" 2006 Cross Strait Particle Technology Conference, Held in Sep, Beijing, China. |
[123] | Chen, W.K.(2005)"Introduction to the air quality model approving system in Taiwan"2005 Aerosol and air qualityconference. |
[124] | Chen, W.K. , Chia-Chen Wei, Tsung-Sung Lin, Hong-Yang Tseng(2000)" Development of a Data Preprocessing Software (DPS) for Grid Models of Air Pollution in Taiwan" The 2nd international Taiwan-Austraulian environmental modeling conference, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
[125] | Chen, W.K. Chung-Te Lee, Tsung-Sung Lin, Chia-Chen Wei , Hong-Yang Tseng(2000)"Review of Current Knowledge on the Simulation of Secondary Aerosol" the8th aerosol conference, Held in Sep, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R. O.C. |
[126] | Chen, Ming-Jen, Wang-Kun Chen(1998)"Study on the Thermal Stress Influence of Epoxy in Concrete." Presentation at the 6th East-Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Held in January 14-16, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
[127] | Chen , W.K.(1998)"Determination of the Atmospheric Capacity for the Particulate Emissions from Construction Engineering." Presentation at the 3rd Cross-Strait Conference on Public Engineering. Held in July23-24, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
[128] | Chang, Yu-Min, Tien-Chin Chang, Wang-Kun Chen (1998)" Overall Emission Rates for Fugitive Dust Emitted from Construction Activities in Taiwan Area."Presentation at the 15th Air Pollution Control Technology Conference. Held in Nov21-22, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
[129] | Chen, W.K.(1997)"Review of Tracer Experiment Experiences in Taiwan." Presentation at the Air and Waste Management Associatin's 90th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, June8-13, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. |
[130] | Chang, Yu-Min, Wang-Kun Chen, Tien-Chin Chang, Jen-Yang Lin(1997)"A Study on Overall Emission Factor of Fugitive Dust for Road Construction Activity."Presentation at the 14th Air Pollution Control Technology Conference. |
[131] | Chen, W.K.(1995)"Calculating the Environmental Benefit of Electric Motor Vehile by means of Risk Assessment" Presentation at the 2nd International Environmental Issues Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
[132] | Chen, W.K.(1995)"Calculatingthe Environmental Benefit of Electric Motor Vehicle by means of Risk Assessment" Presentation at the 2nd International Environmental Issues Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
[133] | Chen , W.K.(1994)"Introduction to the Applications of Emission Modeling Systems in Taiwan." Presentation at the Annual Meeting of Air and Waste Management Association, 1994 held in San Diago, CA.U.S.A. |
[134] | Chen, W.K.(1993)"A Model for Simulation of Odor Diffusion." 2nd Cross-Strait Environmental Protection Conference, Taipei. |
[135] | Chen, W.K., K.T.Liu(1991)"Applications of Urban Airshed Model (UAM) in Taiwan."Workshop on Air Quality Models, National Taiwan University, Department of Atmospheric Science, Taipei. |
[136] | Chen, W.K., L.F.Tsao(1991)"Determination of the Number of Vechiles in Taipei by Means of Ambient Air Quality Simulation." 8th Air Pollution Control Conference, held in Taiwan . |
[137] | Liang , W.J. , W.K.Chen(1988)"Comparison for the Prediction Models of Maximun Instantaneous Concentration in Plumes."Workshop on the Power and Environmental Protection, Taipei. |
[138] | Chen, W.K., W.J.Liang(1989)"Tracer Study for the Air Pollution Dispersion in Taipei City.", 8th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress and exhibition, 11-15, 1989, DEN HAAG, HOLLAND. |
[139] | Chen, W.K.(1990)"A Summary of the Technology Development on Memory Card Systems.", present on the 2nd world conference on patient card and 6th annual international conference on computerization of medical records. |
[140] | Chen, W.K., M.Y.Wu(1990)"Applications of Laser Optical Memory Card in the Environmental Management.", presented in the 1st international conference on Medical-Optical-Card, Taipei. |