[1] | D.T. Nguyen, S. Tungkahotara, and L. Azrar, "A Stand-Alone Nonlinear BFGS Sparse Equation Solver Algorithms and Software With Parallel Domain Decomposition Capability", Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Materials and Adaptive Structures: Mathematical Modeling & Computation, Tangier, Morocco (April 14-16, 2008), pp. 159-161 |
[2] | Swati Chokshi, Chuh Mei, and Duc T. Nguyen, "Nonlinear Random Response of Large-Scale Sparse Finite Element Structural Problems", Conference Proceedings of the 48-th AIAA Structures, Dynamics and Materials (SDM) conference, Hawaii, Honolulu (April 23-26, 2007) |
[3] | Ahmed Mohamed-Ali, Subhash Kadiam, and D.T. Nguyen, "Simulation and Visualization Enhanced Engineering Education: The Stiffness Matrix Method Module for Structural Analysis I Course", Poster Presentation at the MODSIMWorld conference (Educational Track), Virginia Beach, VA (September 12, 2007) |
[4] | O .Baysal, and D.T. Nguyen, "Large-scale Parallel Domain Decomposition: Part 1-Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications," an invited lecture delivered at the 30th IOIT Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam (Dec. 27-28, 2006) |
[5] | D.T. Nguyen and O. Baysal, "Large-scale Parallel Domain Decomposition: Part 2-Computational Solid Mechanics Application," an invited Lecture delivered at the 30th IOIT conference, Hanoi, Vietnam (Dec. 27-28, 2006) |
[6] | O.Baysal, and D.T. Nguyen, "Large-scale Parallel Computing by Domain Decomposition: CFD and CSM Applications," invited tutorial lectures delivered at the Workshop on Parallel and Grid Computing Hanoi University of Science (HUS), Center for High-Performance Computing, Hanoi, Vietnam (December 27, 2006) |
[7] | W.R. Watson, D.M. Nark, D.T. Nguyen and S. Tungkahotara, "On the Development of Efficient Parallel Hybrid Solver with Application to Acoustically Treated Aeroengine Ducts," presented at the "Inter-Noise 2006" conference, Honolulu, Hawaii (December 3-6, 2006) |
[8] | E.N.D. Nguyen, D.N. Nguyen, D.T. Nguyen, and S. Tungkahotara, "Comparing DNA Sequences by Dynamic Programming in Sequential and Parallel Computer Environments," presented at the "2006 WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology" (MABES "06), Miami, Florida (Jan. 18-20, 2006) |
[9] | S.D. Rajan, D.T. Nguyen, Sohui Yu, David Lau, and James St. Ville, "Challenges in the Development of Distributed Processing Design Optimization Software System," Proceedings, Optimization Technology Meeting'2004, May 10-12, 2004, Breckenridge, Colorado |
[10] | D.T. Nguyen^, M.D. Deshpande~, S.D. Rajan", and L. Harrell "Optimal Design of Engineering Systems Using Genetic Algorithms" 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods and Computational Mechanics (July 15-19, 2002, Univ. of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary) |
[11] | S. Tungkahotara, W.R. Watson, D.T. Nguyen and H.B. Runesha "Simple and Efficient Parallel Dense Equation Solvers" 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods and Computational Mechanics (July 15-19, 2002) Univ. of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary Y. Hu, K.E. Gould" and D.T. Nguyen |
[12] | "Linear Programming Domain Decomposition Solutions Using Simplex and Interior Point Methods Under Parallel Computer Environments" 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods and Computational Mechanics (July 15-19, 2002) University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary |
[13] | D.T. Nguyen, W.R. Watson, S. Tungkahotara, and S.D. Rajan, "Domain Decomposition Formulation and Implementation for Finite Element Structural/Accoustic Analysis Under Parallel MPI/FORTRAN Computer Environments" 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods and Computational Mechanics (July 15-19, 2002), University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary |
[14] | Duc T. Nguyen and Siroj Tungkahotara, "Parallel-Vector/Cache Algorithms/Software for Large-Scale Computation," the 2002 Space Radiation Shielding Technology Workshop, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA (April 4, 2002) |
[15] | Y. Hu, D.T. Nguyen and K. Gould, "Large-Scale Linear Programming Problems By Decomposition and Parallel Procedures," the 8th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ASSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Optimization, (Sept. 6-8, 2000) Westin, Long Beach, CA. |
[16] | Nguyen, D.T., Hou, Gene, Runesha, H. and Han, Bangfei, "Alternative approach for solving Sparse INDEFINITE Symmetrical system of Equations," 5th national symposium on Large-Scale Analysis, Design and Intelligent Synthesis Environment (October 12-15, 1999) Williamsburg, VA |
[17] | Nguyen, D.T., Bunting, C., Moeller, K.J., Runesha H.B., and Qin, J., "Subspace and Lanczos Sparse Eigen-Solvers for Finite Element Structural and Electromagnetic Applications," 5th National Symposium on Large-scale Analysis, Design and Intelligent Synthesis Environment, (October 12-15, 1999) Williamsburg, VA |
[18] | Nguyen, D.T., Bai, Yu, Qin, J., and Hu, Yusong, "Computational Aspects of Linear Programming Simplex Method" 5th National Symposium on Large-Scale analysis, Design and Intelligent Synthesis Environment (October 12-15, 1999) Williamsburg, VA |
[19] | Runesha, H.B., and Nguyen, D.T., "Vectorized Sparse Unsymmetrical Equation solver for Computational Mechanics" 5th National Symposium on Large-Scale analysis, Design and Intelligent Synthesis Environment (October 12-15, 1999) Williamsburg, VA |
[20] | Nguyen, D.T., Tang, W.H., Tung, H.K. and Runesha, H.B., "Nonlinear Constrained Optimizer and Parallel Processing for Golden Block Line Search," (August 24-27, 1998), Miskolc, Hungary |
[21] | Nguyen, D.T., Runesha, H.B. and Qin, J., "Parallel Finite Element Analysis on Inexpensive Clusters of Sun Workstations," Numerical Methods, and Computational Mechanics in Science and Engineering, (August 24-27, 1998), Miskolc, Hungary |
[22] | Qin, J. and Nguyen, D.T., "A Tridiagonal Solver for Massively Parallel Computers," Proceedings of the 4th NASA National Symposium on Large-Scale Applications on High-Performance Computers and Workstations, Williamsburg, VA (October 15-17, 1997) |
[23] | Nguyen, D.T., Qamar, R. and Runesha, H. "Automatic Differentiation for Design Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Systems Using Parallel-Vector Processors," Proceedings of the 4th NASA National Symposium on Large-Scale Applications on High-Performance Computers and Workstations, Williamsburg, VA (October 15-17, 1997) |
[24] | Nguyen, D.T., Runesha, H.,Belegundu, A.D., and Chandrupatla, T.R, "Interior Point Method & Indefinite Sparse Solver for Linear Programming Problems," Proceedings of the 4th NASA National Symposium on Large-Scale Applications on High-Performance Computers and Workstations, Williamsburg, VA (October 15-17, 1997) |
[25] | Hu, Y., Qin, J., Nguyen, D.T. and Belvin, W.K., "An Out-of-Core Equation Solver for Computational Mechanics on Supercomputers," Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on FEMCAD-CRASH, IITT-International, 94 Promenade A. Ballu, 93460 Gournay Sur Marnes, France (June 28-29, 1993) Editors: Dr. A.B. Sabir and Dr. A. Niku-Lari |
[26] | Nguyen, D.T., Qin, J., Sancer, M. and McClary, R., "Mixed Sparse-Dense Symmetrical-Unsymmetrical Equation Solvers for Finite Element-Boundary Integral Methods in Electromagnetics," Proceedings of the ICES 1997 Conference, Costa Rica, (May 4-9, 1997) |
[27] | Nguyen, D.T., Qin, J., Chang, T.Y.Paul, and Tong, P., "Efficient Sparse Equation Solver with Unrolling Strategies for Computational Mechanics," Proceedings of the ICES 1997 Conference, Costa Rica (May 4-9, 1997) |
[28] | Runesha, H., Nguyen, D.T., Qin, J., Chang, T.Y. Paul and Tong, P. "Subspace and Lanczos Iterations with Vectorized Sparse Strategies," Proceedings of the ICES 1997 Conference, Costa Rica (May 4-9, 1997) |
[29] | Pu, C., Runesha, H., Nguyen, D.T., Chang, T.Y. Paul and Tong, P., "Sparse Algorithms for INDEFINITE System of Linear Equations," Proceedings of the ICES 1997 Conference, Costa Rica, (May 4-9, 1997) |
[30] | Qin, J. and Nguyen, D.T., "A Parallel-Vector Simplex Algorithm on Distributed Memory Computers," Proceedings of the ICES 1995 (International Conference on Computational Engineering Science), the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Mauna Lani, Big Island of Hawaii (July 30-August 3, 1995) |
[31] | Qin, J., and Nguyen, D.T., "A Tridiagonal Solver for Massively Parallel Computers," Proceedings of the ICES 1995, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Mauna Lani, Big Island of Hawaii (July 30-Aug. 3, 1995) |
[32] | Akan, A.O., Qin, J., Nguyen, D.T., and Basco, D.R., "Parallel Computation for Groundwater Flow," Proceedings of the International Groundwater Management Symposium, San Antonio, TX (August 1995) |
[33] | Pamujula, H., Nguyen, D.T., and Chandler, L.J., "Finite Element Structural Analysis Using Loosely Coupled Processors," proceedings of the Intern. Conference on Computational Methods In Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Hong Kong, (December 12-14, 1994) |
[34] | Qin, J. and Nguyen, D.T., "Generalized Exponential Penalty Function for Nonlinear Programming," presented at the 35th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material Conference, Hilton Head, SC, (April 18-20, 1994) |
[35] | Qin, J. and Nguyen, D.T., "A Vector Out-of-Core Lanczons Eigen-solver for Structural Vibration Problems," presented at the 35th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material Conference, Hilton Head, SC, (April 18-20, 1994) |
[36] | Storaasli, O.O., Nguyen, D.T., Qin, J. and Baddourah, M.A., "Computational Mechanics Analysis Tools for Parallel-Vector Supercomputers," AIAA/ASME/AHS 34th SDM Conference, LaJolla, CA (April 19-22, 1993) |
[37] | Qin, J. and Nguyen, D.T., "A New Parallel-Vector Finite Element Analysis Software on Distributed-Memory Computers," Proceedings of the AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 34th SDM Conference, LaJolla, CA (April 19-22, 1993) |
[38] | Baddourah, M.A. and Nguyen, D.T., "Geometrically Nonlinear Design Sensitivity Analysis on Parallel-Vector High-Performance Computers," Proceedings of the AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 34th SDM Conference, LaJolla, CA (April 19-22, 1993) |
[39] | Qin, J. and Nguyen, D.T., "A Parallel-Vector Equation Solver for Distributed Memory Computers: Proceedings of the 2nd Parallel Computational Methods for Large-Scale Structural Analysis and Design, sponsored by NASA LaRC, Marriott Hotel, Norfolk, VA (February 24-25, 1993) |
[40] | Belvin, W.K., Maghami, P.G. and Nguyen, D.T., "Efficient Use of High Performance Computers for Integrated Controls and Structures Design," Proceedings of the Symposium on High-Performance Computing for Flight Vehicles, Washington, D.C. (Dec. 7-9, 1992) |
[41] | Zhang, Y. and Nguyen, D.T., "Parallel-Vector Sensitivity Calculations in Linear Structure Dynamics," Proceedings of the Symposium on High-Performance Computing for Flight Vehicles, Washington, D.C. (December 7-9, 1992) |
[42] | Qin, J. and Nguyen, D.T., "Structure/Load Dependent Vectors for Linear Struct. Dynamics," Proceedings of the AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 33rd SDM Conference, Dallas, TX (April 13-15, 1992) |
[43] | Qin, J., Nguyen, D.T. and Zhang, Y., "Parallel-Vector Lanczos Eigen-Solver for Structural Vibration Problems," Proceedings of the 4th Intern. Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Univ. of Southampton, Southampton, England (July 15-18, 1991) |
[44] | Baddourah, M.A., Storaasli, O.O., Carmona, E.A., and Nguyen, D.T., "A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Generation and Assembly of Finite Element Stiffness and Mass Matrices," Proceedings of the AIAA/ASME/ASCE AHS 32nd SDM Conference, Baltimore, MD (April 8-10, 1991) |
[45] | Nguyen, D.T., Storaasli, O.O., Carmona, E.A., Al-Nasra, M., Zhang, Y., Baddourah, M.A., and Agarwal, T.K., "Parallel-Vector Computation for Linear Structural Analysis and Nonlinear Unconstrained Optimization Problems," Symposium on Parallel Methods on Large-Scale Structure Analysis and Physics Applications, NASA LaRC, Hampton, VA (February 5-6, 1991) |
[46] | Qin, J., Gray, Jr., C.E., Mei, C. and Nguyen, D.T., "A Parallel-Vector Equation Solver for Unsymmetric Matrices on Supercomputers," Symposium on Parallel Methods on Large-Scale Structural Analysis and Physics Applications, NASA LaRC, Hampton, VA (Feb 5-6, 1991) |
[47] | Agarwal, T.K., Storaasli, O.O., and Nguyen, D.T., "A Parallel-Vector Algorithm for Rapid Structural Analysis on High Performance Computers," Proceedings of the AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 31st SDM Conference, Long Beach, CA (April 2-4, 1990), AIAA paper # 90-1149 |
[48] | Nguyen, D.T. and Razzaq, Z., "Recent Research Activities In Parallel Computational Structure Mechanics," presented at the Sixth Conference on computing in Civil Engineering, sponsored by the ASCE's TCCP, Atlanta, GA (September 11-13, 1989) |
[49] | Nguyen, D.T. and Ninh, V.T., "Parallel Computation for Linear Programming," ASCE Structures Congress, San Francisco, CA, (May 1-5, 1989) pp. 152-157 |
[50] | Nguyen, D.T., Agarwal, T.K., Benten, M.S., and Lin, C., "A Portable Parallel Equation Solver for Finite-Element Based Structural Analysis-Synthesis Codes," ASCE Structures Congress, San Francisco, CA (May 1-5, 1989) pp. 158-167 |
[51] | Storaasli, O.O., Nguyen, D.T., and Agarwal, T.K., "The Parallel Solution of Large-Scale Structural Analysis Problems on Supercomputers," AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 30th SDM Conference, Mobil, AL (April 3-5, 1989) pp. 859-867 |
[52] | Nguyen, D.T., Shim, J.S., and Zhang, Y., "The Component Mode Method in a Parallel Computer Environment," Proceeding of the AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC 29th SDM Conference, Williamsburg, VA (April 18-20, 1988) AIAA Paper #88-2438, pp. 1705-1710 |
[53] | Nguyen, D.T. and Niu, K.T., "Structural Sensitivity Analysis on a Parallel Computer," Proceeding of 6th ASCE Structures Congress, Orlando, FL, August 17-20, 1987, pp. 98-112 |
[54] | Nguyen, D.T., "Practical Implementation of an Accurate Method for Multilevel Design Sensitivity Analysis," Proceeding of the AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 28th SDM Conference, Monterey, CA, (April 6-8, 1987) |
[55] | Nguyen, D.T. and Pollalis, S.N., "Struct. Optimization with Interactive Graphics on IBM Personal Computer," Proceeding of the International Conference on Engineering Software for Microcomputers, Venice, Italy, (April 2-5, 1984) |
[56] | Nguyen, D.T. and Hadley, P.K., "Microcomputers in Structural Optimization," Proceeding of the First National Conference on Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, Orlando, FL (Nov. 1-3, 1983) |
[57] | Nguyen, D.T. and Arora, J.S., "Optimal Geometry Modeling for Minimizing Weight of Plate Bending Structures with Substructures," Proceeding of the 11th IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, Copenhagen, Denmark (July 25-29, 1983). Appeared in lecture notes in control and information sciences. Edited by P. Thoft-Christensen, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, NY, and Tokyo |
[58] | Nguyen, D.T. and Arora, J.S., "Fail-Safe Optimal Design of Complex Structures with Substructures," presented at Design Automation Conference, Hartford, CT (September 20-23, 1981). Appeared in "Progress in Engineering Optimization, 1981" |
[59] | Arora, J.S. and Nguyen, D.T., "Structural Dynamics with Substructures," Proceeding 7th Conference on Electronic Computation, ASCE, St. Louis, MO, August, 1979, pp. 402-417 |