[1] | Rasmy, M., Abdelsalam, H. M., and Gamal, H., 2010, "Particle swarm optimization for solving resource constrained design structure matrix, Proceedings of the 45th Annual conference on statistics, computer sciences and operations research. |
[2] | Rasmy, M., Abdelsalam, H. M., and Gamal, H., 2010, "A Simulation-Based Time Reduction Approach for Resource Constrained Design Structure Matrix," Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2010), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 221-225. |
[3] | Abdelsalam, H., ElKadi, H., and Gamal, S., 2010, "Setback and Remedy of Local e-Government Projects: A Case Study from Egypt," Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, ICEGOV2010, 25-28 October 2010, Beijing, China. Pp. 66-72. |
[4] | Abdelsalam, H., ElKadi, H., and Gamal, S., 2010, "Egypt Local Government Websites Maturity: Current Status," Proceedings of 2nd International ICST Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries (Africomm2010), 25-26 November 2010, Cape Town, South Africa. |
[5] | Abdelsalam, H. M., and ElKadi, H.A., 2010, "e-Service Quality: A case study from Egypt," Proceedings of the OICC's 10th International Scientific Symposium, Doha-State of Qatar-18-20 May 2010. |
[6] | Abdelsalam, H.M., 2008, "Optimal 'standardization and modularization' driven by total design effort," Proceedings of the 43rd Annual conference on statistics, computer sciences and operations research, pp. 143-167. |
[7] | Fahmy, A. A., ElKadi, H.A., and Abdelsalam, H.M., 2008, "A process modeling methodology for e-local government service delivery projects in Egypt," Proceedings of the 1st International conference of LogIn Africa e-Local Governance, Cairo, Egypt, pp.137-146. |
[8] | Rasmy, M.H., Abdelsalam, H.M., and Ragab, R., 2008, "Multi-objective Optimization of Time-Cost Trade-Off Analysis in Critical Chain Project Management Networks Using Pareto Simulated Annealing," accepted for publication in the 6th International Conference on Informatics and Systems (INFOS), 27-29 March 2008, Cairo, Egypt. |
[9] | Abdelsalam, H.M., Akram, S., and Magdy, A., 2008, "A Particle Swarm Optimization Approach for Multi-functional Teams Formation," Proceedings of the 9th Cairo University International Conference on Mechanical Design and Production (MDP-9), Jan. 8-10, 2008, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1665-1678. |
[10] | Abdelsalam, H. M., ElKadi, H., 2007, " ICT to Enhance Administrative Performance: A Case Study from Egypt," Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2007), Macao, China, Dec. 10-13, 2007, pp. 129-132. |
[11] | Rasmy, M. H., Abdelsalam, H. M., and Ragab, R., 2007, "A Simulation Approach for Determining Buffers' Sizes in Critical Chain Project Networks," Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on computers and Industrial Engineering ICC&IE'2007, Alexandria, Egypt. |
[12] | AbouRayah, M. F., and Abdelsalam, H. M., 2007, "Balanced Scorecard as a Lean Supply Chain Implementation Tool," Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on computers and Industrial Engineering ICC&IE'2007, Alexandria, Egypt. |
[13] | El-Kadi, H., Abdelsalam, H. M., and El-Naggar, N., 2007, " A Multi-Perspective Model for e-Government Projects: The Case of e-Alexandria," Proceedings of OICC 9th International Scientific Symposium: ICT Impact on Municipal Service Development, Towards E-Government, Ankara, Turkey, 18-20 June 2007. |
[14] | Sherif, A. O, and Abdelsalam, H. M., 2005, "An Experiment on Project Management in an Organization," Proceedings of the Management Engineering Society Conference, Project Management: Vision for Better Future, Nov. 21-22, 2005, Cairo, Egypt. |
[15] | El-Kayaly, D., and Abdelsalam, H.M., 2005, "A Conceptual Performance Measurement Methodology for Project Management Offices," Proceedings of the Management Engineering Society Conference, Project Management: Vision for Better Future, Nov. 21-22, 2005, Cairo, Egypt. |
[16] | Abdelsalam, H. M., and Bao, H. P., 2003, "The Use of Design Structure Matrix and Simulated Annealing to Reduce Product Development Cycle Time," Proceedings of the 13th International Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM) conference, June 9-11, 2003. |
[17] | Abdelsalam, H. M., and Bao, H. P., 2001, "A Modified Time-Cost Trade-Off Model For Manufacturing Applications," Virginia Academy of Science 79th Annual Meeting. Abstract in Virginia Journal of Science, Vol. 52, No. 2. |
[18] | Abdelsalam, H. M., and Bao, H. P., 2000, "Towards a Collaborative Engineering-Computation Environment: An Application of An Object-Oriented Database To Project Management," Proceedings of DETC'00, ASME 2000 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, September 10-13, 2000, Baltimore, Maryland. |
[19] | Abdelsalam, H. M., and Bao, H. P., 2000, "Object-Oriented Databases, Towards an Integrated Engineering-Computation Environment," Virginia Academy of Science 78th Annual Meeting. Abstract in Virginia Journal of Science, Vol. 51, No. 2. |
[20] | Abdelsalam, H. M., and Bao, H. P., 2000, "Solving the Project Time-Cost Trade-Off Problem Through an Integrated Engineering-Computation Environment," Proceedings, The 11th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, POM-2000, April 1-4, 2000, San Antonio, TX. |