[1] | M.R. Daliri, R.A. Zoroofi, “ Automated Segmentation of 3D MR images”, The 10th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Tabriz, Iran (14-16 May 2002) |
[2] | M.R. Daliri , R.A Zoroofi, “Design and implementation software package for segmentation and 3D visualization of brain MR images ” The Second Iranian Conference on Machine Vision, Image Processing & Application, Tehran, Iran (February 13-14, 2003) |
[3] | R. Ebrahimpour, M.R. Daliri, B. Moshiri, “Feature Fusion Approach for Face Recognition using DCT and SVD Methods” Fifth Irano Armenian Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies in Data Analysis and Control, NorAmberd, Armenia (June 28-July 6, 2003) |
[4] | M.R. Daliri, R. Ebrahimpour, “Face Recognition as a higher cognitive function: a New Approach with Fractal Neural Networks” Fifth Irano Armenian Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies in Data Analysis and Control, NorAmberd, Armenia (June 28-July 6, 2003) |
[5] | M.R. Daliri, E. Delponte, A. Verri, V. Torre, "String Kernel for Shape Recognition", in workshop of Kernel Methods and Structured Domains, Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NIPS), Canada, December 2005. |
[6] | M.R. Daliri, V. Torre, "Shape Recognition and Retrieval using String of Symbols", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 06), USA, 101-108, 2006. |