American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences aims to promote communication among clinical researchers worldwide. This journal publishes original works within the area of clinical medicine. It is academically peer-reviewed and designed for all doctors, researchers, and health workers regardless of their medical specialties, or type of employment.

Nodirbek Yakubov

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

Associate Professor, Medicine, Uzbekistan

Research Areas

Medicine (Preventive medicine)


2009-2016Bachelor degree, therapeutical facultyAndijan State medical institute (ASMI)
2016-2019Master degree in Medical Radiology
2021-2024Research doctoral degree Andijan State medical institute (ASMI)


2019-2021Teacher in Oncology and Medical Radiology department of ASMI
2021-nowadaysSenior teacher in Medical Radiology department of ASMI
2021-nowadaysUltrasound doctor of Republican research Centre of Emergency Medicine, Andijan branch

Academic Achievement

To begin with, from the 3th year of my bachelor’s degree, I took a part in writing articles with scientific supervisors for conferences and participated in student scientific and practical conferences.
Incidentally, I published more than 15 publications in Republican and International journals.
I always participate in scientific and practical conferences on Medical Radiology, which are held in cities such as Andijan, Tashkent, Samarkand.
I have publications in scientific journals abroad e.g. Russia, Kazakhstan and America.
Currently, I teach students, residents and masters in the specialty "Medical Radiology". I am also the supervisor of 1 master’s degrees.


Membership in Radiology society of Uzbekistan
Membership in Radiology society of Andijan region

Publications: Journals

[1]  Pathogenetic aspects of COVID-19 induced pulmonary fibrosis Докторахборотномаси. № 4 (101)—2021, С. 109-115
[2]  Scar on the lung :Pulmonologist on how to prevent fibrosis after Covid pneumonia ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 4, April 2021 P. 1291-1295
[3]  Characteristics of the study group and dynamics of pathogenetic markers on the background of different anti-coagulation modes ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 8, August 2021, P. 378-384
[4]  Optimization Of Methods For The Prevention Of Pulmonary Embolism The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, October 31, 2020, P.122-132
[5]  Сlinical,Radiological and Laborotory Predictors of Postcovid Interstitial Pulmonary Disease The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, August 31, 2021 , P. 26-36
[6]  Risk Of Pulmonary Artery Thrombosis In Type 2 DM Patients Hospitalized With Covid-19. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, August 31, 2021, P. 37-43
[7]  The influence of different therapy metods on the volume of postcovidal pulmonary loss International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science, Vo101 08.09.2021, P. 242-248
[8]  Comprehensive radiation diagnosis of osteoarthrosis of the knee joint in the early stages Web of medicine Journal of medicine, practice and nursing, mаrt 2024 y, 132-136 b.
[9]  The role of complex ultrasound in focal changes of the thyroid gland Web of medicine Journal of medicine, practice and nursing аprel 2024 y, 50-54 b.
[10]  Improvement of diagnostic methods for uterine tumors Web of medicine Journal of medicine practice and nursing, аprel 2024 y, 106-111 b.
[11]  Web of medicine Journal of medicine practice and nursing, «Prevalence, echographic features of reproductive age and pregnant women with chronic viral hepatitis B », аprel 2024 y, 102-105 b.
[12]  Early prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of ventricular septal defect Web of medicine Journal of medicine practice and nursing, «Prevalence, echographic features of reproductive age and pregnant women with chronic viral hepatitis B », аprel 2024 y, 102-105 b. Web of medicine Journal of medicine practice and nursing, аprel 2024 y, 62-66 b.

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  The prevention of pulmonary embolism IMSCIT (International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Innovative Technology) March, 31st-2021, P. 66
[2]  A fundamental approach to the study of post-cystic fibrosis of the lungs by Tibbieting dolzarb muammolari, 23 Apr 2021 Vol 6, 624 b.
[3]  Thromboprophylaxis in Covid 19 Тиббиётнинг долзарб муаммолари, 23 aprel 2021 Vol 6, 624 б.
[4]  Indications and contraindications for the use of anticoagulants in COVID-19 Тиббиётнинг долзарб муаммолари, 23 aprel 2021 Vol 6, 625б.

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  Predicting the risk of developing thrombotic complications of Covid-19 in type 2 diabetes mellitus
[2]  2024 y- "Modern methods of light diagnosis in the detection of stenosis of the spinal column"