American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences aims to promote communication among clinical researchers worldwide. This journal publishes original works within the area of clinical medicine. It is academically peer-reviewed and designed for all doctors, researchers, and health workers regardless of their medical specialties, or type of employment.

Anshuman Srivastava

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

Associate Professor, Family HealthCare Network, USA

Research Areas

Healty careļ¼Œpublic health


3 yearsMDLSU - Shreveport USA
5.5 years MBBSAgra University, India


5 + yearsPrimary Care Physician
5+ yearsClinical preceptor

Academic Achievement

STFM Resident Teacher Award 2019
Resident of the year - LSU Monroe 2019


AAFP - American Academy of Family Physicians
APCR - Academy of Physicians in Clinical Research
CAFP - California Academy of Family Physicians

Publications: Journals

[1]  Impact of Appointment Scheduling in Patient Experience
[2]  An uncommon case of thrombosis of ascending aorta diagnosed by transesophageal echocardiography
[3]  Ethical Data Management in Healthcare Industry
[4]  Orange Urine in a Newborn: Could It Be a Surgical Reason
[5]  Delays to Cardiovascular Procedures and Increased Hospitalization Costs Due to Type 2 Diabetes
[6]  Age, Gender and Race/Ethnicity Economic disparities in Hospitalized older Floridians with Type 2 Diabete

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  Trilogy of Syrinx Induced Trigeminal Neuralgia

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  Prehypertension