American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences aims to promote communication among clinical researchers worldwide. This journal publishes original works within the area of clinical medicine. It is academically peer-reviewed and designed for all doctors, researchers, and health workers regardless of their medical specialties, or type of employment.

Azizbek Zulunov

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

Associate Professor, Medicine, Uzbekistan

Research Areas

Medicine (Preventive medicine)


2007-2014Bachelor degree, therapeutical facultyAndijan State medical institute (ASMI)
2014-2017Master degree in Medical Radiology Andijan State medical institute
2022-2024Research doctoral degree ,PhDAndijan State medical institute (ASMI)


2012-2014medical assistant
2017-2018X-ray doctor in hospital Andijan region
2018-nowadaysX-ray doctor in private diagnostic centr "Farm Standart Lyuks"
2019-2021Teacher in Oncology and Medical Radiology department of ASMI
2021-2023Senior lecturer in Oncology and Medical Radiology department of ASMI
2023-2024 Senior lecturer in Medical Radiology department of ASMI
2024-nowadaysDocent in Medical Radiology department of ASMI

Academic Achievement

Starting from the 4th year of my bachelor’s degree, I wrote abstracts together with scientific supervisors for conferences and participated in student scientific and practical conferences.
In the 1st year of his master's degree he took 1st place in the student scientific and practical conference of the ASMI.
To date, I have more than 20 publications in Republican and International journals.
I always participate in scientific and practical conferences on Medical Radiology, which are held in cities such as Andijan, Tashkent, Samarkand.
I have publications in scientific journals in Russia, Kazakhstan and America.
Currently, I teach students, residents and masters in the specialty "Medical Radiology". I am also the supervisor of 2 master’s degrees.


Membership in Radiology society of Uzbekistan
Membership in Radiology society of Andijan region

Publications: Journals

[1]  Epidemiology, Risk Factors, clinical-lmaging Features And Priorities For The prevention of Esophageal cancer ln The Fergana Valley Of Uzbekistan. "The American Journal of Medical sciences and Pharmaceutilcal Research"
[2]  Optimization of methods for the prevention of esophageal cancer. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, October 31, 2020, P. 122-132
[3]  Risk factors for the esophageal cancer.Web of Medicine: Journal of Medicine,Practice,Nursing, Volume 1, Issue 9, December 2023 P: 29-31
[4]  The influence of different methods of endoscopy on the result of the investigation. International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science Vo101 08.09.2021 P. 242-248
[5]  Complex medical checkups of the population of Ferghana valley with EC.ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol. 11, Issue 4, April 2021 P. 1291-1295
[6]  The role of smoking and hot drinks in the development of esophageal disorders. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research August 31, 2021 P. 26-36
[7]  Web of medicine Journal of medicine practice and nursing, «Early differential diagnosis of the brain tumors with help of computed tomography», аprel 2024 y, 6-9 b.
[8]  Web of medicine Journal of medicine, practice and nursing «The role of complex ultrasound in focal changes of the thyroid gland», аprel 2024 y, 50-54 b.
[9]  Web of medicine Journal of medicine, practice and nursing, «Comprehensive radiation diagnosis of osteoarthrosis of the knee joint in the early stages», mаrt 2024 y, 132-136 b.
[10]  Web of medicine Journal of medicine, practice and nursing, «Improvement of diagnostic methods for uterine tumors» аprel 2024 y, 106-111 b.
[11]  Web of medicine Journal of medicine, practice and nursing, «Prevalence, echographic features of biliary tract lesions in women of reproductive age and pregnant women with chronic viral hepatitis "B"» аprel 2024 y, 102-106 b.
[12]  Web of medicine Journal of medicine, practice and nursing, «Early prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of ventricular septal defect» аprel 2024 y, 62-66 b.

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  Determination of the epidemiology, risk factors, clinical and visual features of oral cancer in the Fergana valley of the republic of Uzbekistan, and priorities of prophylaxis «A new era of radiology is the prospect of a further path. supermind» May 2-4, 2024 Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[2]  Reduce among the population of Fergana valley detection and mortality by cancer stage statistics. The use of high innovative technologies in preventive medicine 30 april, 2024 Andijan
[3]  Epidemiological analysis of eye cancer disease among the population of Fergana valley. The use of high innovative technologies in preventive medicine 30 april, 2024 Andijan
[4]  Barrett as a risk factor in breast cancer statistical and endoscopic monitoring of the erythema. The use of high innovative technologies in preventive medicine 30 april, 2024 Andijan
[5]  Inter-territorial and inter-gender spread of cylinder cancer in Fergana valley. The use of high innovative technologies in preventive medicine 30 april, 2024 Andijan

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  2024 y- "Modern methods of light diagnosis in the detection of stenosis of the spinal column"