American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences aims to promote communication among clinical researchers worldwide. This journal publishes original works within the area of clinical medicine. It is academically peer-reviewed and designed for all doctors, researchers, and health workers regardless of their medical specialties, or type of employment.

Zarnigor Madumarova

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

Head of Department, Medicine, Uzbekistan

Research Areas

Medicine (Radiology diagnostics of hip joint)


2006-2013 Bachelor degree, therapeutical facultyAndijan State medical institute (ASMI)
2013-2016Master degree in Medical Radiology Andijan State medical institute
2016-2022Research doctoral degree Republican Specialized scientific and practical medical center of oncology and radiology


2013-2015Family doctor in Andijan out-patient department № 4
2016-2021Ultrasound doctor in ASMI clinics
2016-2017Teacher in Oncology and Medical Radiology department of ASMI
2017-2018Teacher in Medical Radiology and clinical laboratory diagnostics department for Advanced training of doctors of ASMI
2019-2023Senior lecturer in Medical Radiology and clinical laboratory diagnostics department for Advanced training of doctors of ASMI
2021-up to dateUltrasound doctor in MK Med private hospital
2023-up to dateHead of Medical Radiology department of ASMI

Academic Achievement

Starting from the 2nd year of my bachelor’s degree, I wrote abstracts together with scientific supervisors for conferences and always participated in student scientific and practical conferences.
In the 1st year of her master's degree she took 1st place in the student scientific and practical conference of the ASMI.
To date, I have more than 100 publications in Republican and international journals.
I always participate in scientific and practical conferences on Medical Radiology, which are held in cities such as Andijan, Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara.
During 2017-2022, she trained more than doctors in the specialty “Ultrasound Diagnostics” and more than 25 doctors in the specialty “Radiology”.
I have publications in scientific journals in Russia, Kazakhstan, Spain and America
Participated in international conferences in India, Russia, China and Kazakhstan.
Currently, I teach students, residents and masters in the specialty "Medical Radiology". I am also the supervisor of 2 master’s degrees.
Currently, I am the scientific supervisor of 2 Research scientist doctors and 1 PhD student.


Membership in Radiology society of Uzbekistan
Membership in Russian utrasound society (RASUDM)
Membership in European Federation for ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB)
Membership in World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology(WFUMB)

Publications: Journals

[1]  “Breast examination for prophylaxis diseases ”, Total International Russian scientific conference for students “Medical spring”, April 25-26, Moscow 2013, page 101.
[2]  “Earle diagnostics Breast cancer with new imaging methods - sonoelastography”, “ O’zbekiston terapevtik axborotnoma”, October 3, 2014, page 156-159.
[3]  “ The feature of splenomegaly at Chronic diseases of liver”, «Biologiya va tibbiyot muammoalari» international scientific journal № 2, 2015
[4]  “Early diagnostics breast cancer with ultrasound elastography”, “ The Fifth International Conference on Eurasian scientific development”, Austria, Vienna 2015
[5]  “Advantages of sonoelastography of tumors in mammary glands of women in Andizhan province”, Russian republic medical university journal “Х International Pirogov medical scientific conference for students and young scientist», Moscow, journal № 2, March 19, 2015, p 492-493.
[6]  “Clinical and sonographic manifestation referable to the pancreas in elderly men with liver cirrhosis” Russian republic medical university journal “Х International Pirogov medical scientific conference for students and young scientist», Moscow, journal № 2, March 19, 2015, p 179.
[7]  “Early diagnosis of cholelithiasis and biliary sludge patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis”, Russian republic medical university journal “Х International Pirogov medical scientific conference for students and young scientist», Moscow, journal № 2, March 19, 2015, p 180-181.
[8]  “Ultrasoud elastography of breast cancer”, “ O’zbekiston terapevtik axborotnoma”, Tashkent, Journal № 3, 2015, p 336-338.
[9]  “Possibilities of radiation examination of the hip joints in children of the first half of life”, journal of the Bukhara Medical Institute “Tibbiyotda yangi kun”, 2019, No. 2 (26), pp. 199-20
[10]  “The role of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the hip joint”, journal of the Bukhara Medical Institute “Tibbiyotda yangi kun”, 2020, No. 1 (29), pp. 247-249
[11]  “Comprehensive ultrasonography of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the hip joint”, journal “Biologiya va tibbiyot muammolari”, Samarkand, 2021, No. 5.1 (131), pp. 54-56
[12]  “Advantages of ultrasonography in inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the hip joint”, scientific journal “Bulletin of the Tashkent Medical Academy”, 2022, special issue, pp. 128-130
[13]  "Advantages of ultrasonography in inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the hip joint", “British medical journal”, 2022, № 1(2), P- 202-206.
[14]  "Advantages of ultrasonography in inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the hip joint", “American journal of medicine and medical science “, 2022, 12 (3). P- 327-329.
[15]  "The role of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the hip joint", Web of medicine Journal of medicine, practice and nursing, Volume 2, Issue 01, January 2024, p 115-118
[16]  "Ultrasound diagnostics of the hip joint diseases", European Scholar Journal, Vol. 5 No. 2, February 2024, P 1-3
[17]  «Improving of ultrasound diagnosis of hip joint diseases» journal Biomedicine and practice, P 121-126
[18]  «Improvement of ultrasound diagnostics of breast benign tumors», NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS Journal, Multidisciplinary, Volume 10, Issue 2, February -2024, P 24-26
[19]  «Ultrasound elastography for early diagnosis of breast tumors» journal Biomedicine and practice, P 28-34
[20]  "Ultrasound Diagnostics of Nephroblastomas in Preschool Children" RE-HEALTH Journal 1-2024 P 101-104
[21]  «The role of complex ultrasound in focal changes of the thyroid gland», Web of medicine Journal of medicine, practice and nursing, Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2024, P 50-54
[22]  «Early differential diagnosis of the brain tumors with help of computed tomography» Web of medicine Journal of medicine, practice and nursing, Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2024
[23]  "Comprehensive radiation diagnosis of osteoarthrosis of the knee joint in the early stages" Web of medicine Journal of medicine, practice and nursing, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2024, P 132-136
[24]  "Improving ultrasound diagnostics of thyroid nodules in teenagers", science journal “Modern education and development”, May 2024 y, № 2 (8), P 179-182
[25]  "Possibilities of ultrasound diagnostics of thyroid diseases in teenagers", science journal “Modern education and development”, May 2024 y, № 2 (8), P 183-185
[26]  "Ultrasound diagnostics of thyroid formations in teenagers", science journal “Modern education and development”, May 2024 y, № 2 (8), P 115-118
[27]  "Ultrasound Doppler in the Formation of Obstetric Tactics after 40 Weeks of Pregnancy", “Journal of New Century Innovations”, May 2024 №53 (1), P 107-111
[28]  "The role of ultrasound Dopplerography after 40 weeks of pregnancy", “Journal of New Century Innovations”, May 2024 №53 (1), P 112-114
[29]  "Advantages of ultrasound Doppler of the fetal middle cerebral artery after 40 weeks of gestation", “Journal of New Century Innovations”, May 2024 №53 (1), P 115-118
[30]  "Features of improving the radiation diagnosis of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head in persons with postcovid syndrome", journal "Pedagogik islohotlar va ularning yechimlari", 2024, P 135-136
[31]  "Improving ultrasound diagnostics of benign breast tumors", RE-HEALTH Journal 4 (24) 2024, P 19-21
[32]  "Improvement of the radiation diagnosis of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head in persons with postcovid syndrome", World bulletin of public health, German journal, volume 39, october, 2024, P 18-21

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  08/2013 – UNFPA training about “Introduction and using Evidence-based medicine in practice reproductive health for learning general practice doctor”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[2]   04/2014 -- Organisation for Postgraduate education doctors university Tashkent about “Modern technology ultrasound diagnostics” conference, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[3]   07/2015 - D.Caramella, C.Sottocornola, G.Imbarlina, I.Creonti, Madumarova (Nazarova) Z.Sh., F.Paolocchi, “PACS-integrated, automatic dose tracking as a quality management tool”, “CARS 2015 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 29-th international Congress and Exhibition”, Barselona, Spain
[4]   05/2016 - Radiology society conference about “Integrated vizualization Head and Neck”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[5]  04/2017 – Conference “Actually questions in fetus echocardiography and neurosonography”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[6]  03/2017 - Radiology society conference about “New technology in neurovizualization”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[7]   06/2017 – Visiting Professorship Programme “Thoracic and Abdominal Imaging”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[8]  11/2017 - Organisation for Postgraduate education doctors university Tashkent about “Ultrasound diagnostics in Pediatric practice” conference, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[9]  03/2018 –Organisation for Postgraduate education doctors university Tashkent—“Innovation technology Ultrasound diagnostics” conference, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[10]  09/2018 –GIZ, Andizhan state Medical institute seminar “Control and vizualization aspects echography imaging with take ultrasound”, Andizhan, Uzbekistan.
[11]  09/2018 – seminar training GIZ – “Training of adult audience”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[12]  11/ 2018 - Radiology society conference about “Actual problems Radiology”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[13]  12/2019 - Advantages of ultrasound diagnostics of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the hip joint, nnovations in Medicine – Proceedings of the II Scientific and Practical Videoconference of Medical Students and Young Scientists with International Participation, Andijan, P 460
[14]  06/2020 - "Prevalence of osteoporosis associated with physical inactivity and increased hypertension among patients undergoing medical examination in Family Clinic No. 3 in Andijan", Proceedings of the republican scientific and practical conference on the application of high innovative technologies in preventive medicine, 104 pages
[15]  11/2022 -"Improvement of ultrasound diagnostics of inflammatory and degenerative Diseases of the hip joint", Russian International Forum of Young Scientists of the CIS Member States “Science Without Borders”, pp. 134-135.
[16]  04/2024 - "Improving ultrasound diagnosis of breast cancer in women in the Andijan region", Kazakhstan, International scientific and practical conference “Women’s health in radiology”.
[17]  05/2024 - “Improvement ultrasound imaging of hip osteoarthritis”, International scientific and practical conference “New era of radiology – prospects for the future path. superintelligence" Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[18]  05/2024 - “Improving ultrasound diagnostics for thyroid nodules”, International scientific and practical conference “New era of radiology – prospects for the future path. superintelligence" Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
[19]  06/2024 - "The Role of Simulation Training in Improving the Qualifications of Family Physicians", «The use of high innovative technologies in preventive medicine» collection of materials international scientific and practical conference on the topic, Andijan, Uzbekistan, P 305-306
[20]  06/2024 - "Tobacco use among physicians as a risk factor for coronary heart disease", «The use of high innovative technologies in preventive medicine» collection of materials international scientific and practical conference on the topic, Andijan, Uzbekistan, P 62-63

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  2021 y. - "Chronic infection and iron deficiency passing of anemia diseases, characteristics of relationship and development"
[2]  2024 y- "Modern methods of light diagnosis in the detection of stenosis of the spinal column"