[1] | Can MF, Yagci G, Cetiner S. Sentinel lymph node biopsy for gastric cancer: Where do we stand? World J Gastrointest Surg (Accepted for publication) |
[2] | Can MF, Sevinc MM, Hancerliogullari O, Yilmaz M, Yagci G. Multicenter prospective randomized trial comparing modified Limberg flap transposition and Karydakis flap reconstruction in patients with sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease. American Journal of Surgery 2010; 3: 318-327. |
[3] | Can MF, Yagci G, Dag B, Ozturk E, Gorgulu S, Simsek A, Tufan T. Preoperative administration of oral carbohydrate-rich solutions: comparison of glucometabolic responses and tolerability between patients with or without insulin resistance. Nutrition 2009; 25: 72-77. |
[4] | Can MF, Sevinc MM, Yilmaz M. Comparison of Karydakis flap reconstruction versus primary midline closure in sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease: results of 200 military service members. Surgery Today 2009; 39(7):580-6. |
[5] | Can MF, Yagci G. When will we actually conduct a risk-adjusted surgical audit worldwide? American Journal of Surgery 2009; 197(4): 551. |
[6] | Can MF, Yagci G, Tufan T, Ozturk E, Zeybek N, Cetiner S. Can SAPS II predict operative mortality more accurately than POSSUM and P-POSSUM in patients with colorectal carcinoma undergoing resection? World Journal of Surgery 2008; 32: 589-595. |
[7] | Can MF, Yagci G, Gorenek L, Tozkoparan O, Ozerhan I, Cetiner S. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis after liver transplantation: rapid and complete response to the combined and sequential antifungal therapy. Surgical Infections 2008; 9: 99-104. |
[8] | Can MF, Peker Y. Management of bronchobiliary fistulas caused by liver hydatid disease. Liver International 2008; 28: 1042. |
[9] | Can MF, Yagci G, Cetiner S, Gulsen M, Yigit T, Ozturk E, Gorgulu S, Tufan T. Accurate positioning of the 24-hour pH monitoring catheter: agreement between manometry and pH step-up method in two patient positions. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2007; 13: 6197-6202. |
[10] | Can MF, Kaymakcioglu N, Yagci G, Gorgulu S, Tufan T. An adult choledochocele case presented with gastric outlet obstruction: a rare presentation. Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology 2006; 17: 70-73. |
[11] | Yagci G, Cetiner S, Ersoz N, Ozerhan IH, Can MF, Bilgin F, Cosar A, Bagci S, Ustunsoz B, Karslioglu Y. The effect of gained experience on postoperative complications and mortality in cadaveric liver transplantation: a single-center experience (Article in press) |
[12] | Gorgulu S, Can MF, Hancerliogullari O, Arslan N, Ozturk E, Ozturk E, Balkan M, Tufan T. Can [F-18] fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography replace sentinel lymph node biopsy for the detection of axillary metastases in patients with early-stage breast cancer? Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 2010; 40: 17-23. |
[13] | Can OS, Yilmaz AA, Hasdogan M, Alkaya F, Turhan SC, Can MF, Alanoglu Z. Has the quality of abstracts for randomised controlled trials improved since the release of Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trial guideline for abstract reporting? A survey of four high-profile anaesthesia journals. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2010 [E-pub ahead of print]. |
[14] | Ozturk E, Can MF, Yagci G, Ersoz N, Ozerhan IH, Harlak A, Sahin M, Cetiner S, Tufan T. Management and mid-to long-term results of early referred bile duct injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Hepatogastroenterology 2009; 56: 17-25. |
[15] | Harlak A, Can MF, Mentes O, Ersoz N, Kurt B, Turker T, Yagci G, Tufan T. Does the type of resuscitative fluid affect healing of colonic anastomosis in experimentally induced hemorrhagic shock? Medical Principles and Practice 2009; 18(4):255-60. |
[16] | Yagci G, Can MF, Ozturk E, Dag B, Ozgurtas T, Cosar A, Tufan T. Effects of preoperative carbohydrate loading on glucose metabolism and gastric content in patients undergoing moderate surgery: a randomized controlled trial. Nutrition 2008, 24: 212-216. |
[17] | Peker Y, Can MF, Genc O, Gozubuyuk A, Zeybek N, Tufan T. Appropriate approach to bronchobiliary fistulas: a case series with hydatid disease and algorithm of case-based management. International Surgery 2007 92; 239-246. |
[18] | Gorgulu S, Can MF, Yagci G, Sahin M, Tufan T. Extracapsular extension is associated with increased ratio of metastatic to examined lymph nodes in axillary node-positive breast cancer. Clinical Breast Cancer 2007; 7: 796-800. |
[19] | Ozturk E, Akin M, Can MF, Ozerhan I, Kurt B, Yagci G, Tufan T. Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. Saudi Medical Journal 2009; 30: 45-49. |
[20] | Yagci G, Unlu A, Kurt B, Can MF, Kaymakcioglu N, Cetiner S, Tufan T, Sen D. Detection of micrometastases and skip metastases with ex-vivo sentinel node mapping in carcinoma of the colon and rectum. International Jounal of Colorectal Disease 2007; 22: 167-123. |
[21] | Kaymakcioglu N, Yagci G, Can MF, Unlu A, Bulakbasi N, Cetiner S, Tufan T. An unusual complication of the use of stapler after Hartmann's procedure. West African Journal of Medicine 2006; 25: 289-291. |
[22] | Kaymakcioglu N, Yagci G, Can MF, Demiriz M, Peker Y, Akdeniz A. Role of anorectal myectomy in the treatment of short segment Hirschsprung's disease in young adults. International Surgery 2005; 90: 109-112. |
[23] | Yagci G, Kaymakcioglu N, Can MF, Peker Y, Cetiner S, Tufan T. Comparison of Urografin versus standart therapy in postoperative small bowel obstruction. Journal of Investigative Surgery 2005; 18: 315-320. |
[24] | Simsek A, Yagci G, Ozturk E, Ozer MT, Can MF, Kece C, Peker Y, Gorgulu S, Akdeniz A, Cetiner S, Tufan T. Surgical approaches for treatment of infected acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Balkan Military Medical Review 2007; 10: 114-122. |
[25] | Sahin MA, Can MF, Lapsekili E, Yagci G, Zeybek N, Cingöz F, Peker Y, Tufan T. Primary leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava. Gulhane Medical Journal 2010; 52: 283-286. |
[26] | Simsek A, Can MF. Risk factors, screening methods and surgical treatment modalities for colorectal cancer. Sagligin Baskenti Dergisi 2009; 15: 11-17. |
[27] | Yağci G, Can MF. Evidence-based value of preoperative oral carbohydrate loading. Turkish Journal of Anaesthesia 2008;16: 69-79 |
[28] | Yilmaz M, Can MF, Sevinc MM, Yiğit G, Keskin Ö. Sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease is associated with increased body weight, high body-mass index and skin color in young men. Turkish Journal of Colon and Rectal Disease 2008; 18; 14-20. |
[29] | Can MF, Gorgulu S, Yagci G, Acikel CH, Uzar AI, Peker Y, Kozak O, Gunhan O, Tufan T. Prognostic significance of the number of lymph nodes removed from tumor-free axilla in patients with breast cancer. Firat Medical Journal 2007; 12(2): 102-106 |
[30] | Can MF, Yagci G, Kaymakcioglu N, Gorgulu S, Harlak A, Peker Y, Arslan I, Tufan T. Factors affecting mortality in mechanically ventilated patients in the surgical intensive care unit. Gulhane Medical Journal 2005; 47: 209-213 |
[31] | Kaymakcioglu N, Yakut M, Can MF, Deveci S, Tufan T. Inflamed multiple keratinous nodules in a thyroglossal cyst. Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2004; 2: 71-73 |
[32] | Kaymakcioglu N (Ed), Can MF, Zeybek N, Yagci G, Gorgulu S, Peker Y (Co-authors). Surgical Treatment of Rectal Prolapsus. Gulhane Military Medical Academy Press 2004, ISSN: 1302-9649, Etlik Ankara, Turkey. |
[33] | Can MF. Basic Medical Care in Sport Medicine. Turkish Armed Forces-Center for Education on Military Sports, Educational Publications, 2001, Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey |