[1] | Levitt, M.H.: Atlas of Pathology, Robbins and Cotran, editors. Contributing author. (2005) |
[2] | Cardesa, A., Bullon Ramirez, A., and Levitt, M.: Tumors of the Pancreas. In: Pathology of Tumors in Laboratory Animals, Vol. II Tumors of the Mouse, Turusov, V. S. (Ed.). IARC Scientific Publications No. 7, Lyon, France, 1978. |
[3] | Levitt, M. H.: Webpath\, The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education. Edward C. Klatt, editor. Contributing Faculty, version 10.0 (2005). |
[4] | Levitt, M.H.: Digital Camera and Image Basics, on College of American Pathologists On-Line Education, Virtual Informatics College (Course 570), at http://www.cap.org/docent/bin/docentisapi.dll/lms, juno.cap.org, 2151/SQN%3D2501 1469/?CMD=GET&FILE;=catalog/activity.jsm&ID;=2238, December, 2003 (password required). |
[5] | Harrison, H.H., Levitt, M.H., and Bedford, K.: Serum Protein Electrophoresis: Basic Principles, Interpretations, Practical Considerations, and New Techniques, In: American Society of Clinical Pathologists Check Sample Series on Continuing Education, Core Analyte No. PTS 93-8 (PTS-74), Core Analyte, Volume 9, Number 8, 1993. |
[6] | Levitt, M. Reardon, B., Pottenger, L., and Newman, B.: Blood Usage in Total Knee Procedures and the Role of Predeposit Autologous Blood. Presented at Spring Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists/College of American Pathologists, Chicago, Illinois, March 11 to 16, 1989, and abstracted in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology. |
[7] | Newman, B., Levitt, M., and Levine, L., et al: Potential Predeposit Autologous Blood Transfusion in Transurethral Resections. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, June 9, 1988, Cincinnati, Ohio. |
[8] | Levitt, M. H., Shaw, S. T., Hussain, S. et al.: The Single Slide Enzymatic Creatinine Method on the Kodak Ektachem Analyzer: A More Discriminating Clinical Indicator. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, June 9, 1988, Cincinnati, Ohio, and abstracted in Clinical Chemistry, June 1988. |
[9] | Levitt, M.H., McCoy, R.C., and Fetter, B.F.,: Glomerulopathy in Medullary Sponge Kidneys: Case Presentation and Review of the Literature. J. Urol. 112: 710 to 713, 1974. |
[10] | Squire, R.A., and Levitt, M.H.: Classification of Specific Hepatocellular Lesions in Rats: Report of Workshop. Cancer Research 35: 3214 to 3223, 1975. |
[11] | Levitt, M., Harris, C.C., Squire, AR, Springer, S., Wenk, M. and Kingsburg, E.: Morphogenesis of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma in the Syrian Golden Hamster. Lab. Invest. 34: 323, 1976. |
[12] | Levitt, M., Harris, C. C., Squire, R., and Wenk, M.: Introduction of Pancreatic Neoplasm in Syrian Golden Hamsters by 2, 2'-Dihydroxy di-N propylinitrosamine. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Research 17: 41, 1976. |
[13] | Levitt, M.H., Harris, C.C., Squire, R., Wenk, M., Mollelo, C., and Springer, S.: Experimental Pancreatic Carcinogenesis. I. Morphogenesis of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma in the Syrian Golden Hamster by N-Nitroso-bis(2 hydroxypropyl) amine. Am. J, Pathol. 88: 5 to 28, 1977. |
[14] | Levitt, M.H., Harris, C. C., Squire, R., Wenk, M., Mollelo, C., and Springer, S.: Experimental Pancreatic Carcinogenesis. II. Lifetime Carcinogenesis Studies in the Outbred Syrian Golden Hamster with N-Nitroso bis(2 hydroxypropyl) amine. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 60: 701 to 705, 1978. |
[15] | Squire, R. A., Goodman, D. G., Valerio, M. G., Fredrickson, T., Strandberg, J. D., Levitt, M. H., Lingeman, C. H., Harshbarger, J. C. and Dawe, C. J.: In: Pathology of Laboratory Animals, Vol. II, Chapter 12, pages 1252 to 1283, Benirschke, K., Garner, F. M., and Jones, T. C. (Eds). Springer-Verlag, New York, 1978. |
[16] | Koziol, J. A., Reid, R. and Levitt, M. H.: A Simple Non Parametric Test for Trend: An Example Based on a Biological Model for Cancer of the Pancreas. Biom. Zeit. Vol. 20: 503 to 509, June 1978. |
[17] | Pour, P. and Levitt, M.H.: Tumors of the Pancreas. In: Handbook: Animal Models of Human Disease. Fasc. 7. Edited by T.C. Jones, D.B. Hackel and G. Migaki-Registry of Comparative Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C., 1979. |
[18] | Levitt, M.: Induction of Pancreatic Tumors in Syrian Golden Hamsters. Lab. Invest. 40: 268-1979. |
[19] | Levitt, M., Reznick, G., Sporn, M., Wenk, M., and Townsend, M.: The Effect of 13 cis-Retinoic Acid on the Pancreatic Carcinogenicity of 2, 6-Dimethylnitroso morpholine in the Syrian Golden Hamster. Presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Pathology, United States Canadian Division, February 25, 1980, New Orleans, Louisiana, and abstracted in Lab. Invest. |
[20] | Levitt, M.H., and Harrison, H.H.: Serum Protein Electrophoresis, In: American Society of Clinical Pathologists Check Sample Series on Continuing Education, Core Chemistry No. PTS 87 7 (PTS-25), Core Chemistry, Volume 3, Number 7, 1987.. |
[21] | Newman, B., Levitt, M., and Levine, L., et al: Potential Predeposit Autologous Blood Transfusion in Transurethral Resections. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, June 9, 1988, Cincinnati, Ohio. |
[22] | Levitt, M. H., Shaw, S. T., Hussain, S. et al.: The Single Slide Enzymatic Creatinine Method on the Kodak Ektachem Analyzer: A More Discriminating Clinical Indicator. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, June 9, 1988, Cincinnati, Ohio, and abstracted in Clinical Chemistry, June 1988. |